Having solved all the issues in with my mother would magically solve everything right? Well with my tack history with luck I had none and probably never would. The moment that my mother left, that very moment that I drove her to the airport and she hugged me to near death and said goodbye I see the last person I would ever want to see in my life. Jay. Immediately I saw her I knew it was bad news. Jay usually was not as aggressive when it came to anything but seeing her facial expression I knew nothing good was coming my way.

She walked up to me acting in her usual way and pretended to be 'the friend you have not seen in a long time.' going to the extent of hugging me and she whispered in my ear.

"The Executive has ordered you to stay under house arrest."

I really wanted to resist there and then but I knew if they saw me resisting more than usual then they would know that something is seriously up. I knew I had to play along with the act that Jay was putting up and we casually went outside to the car parking. I looked outside and I saw another man standing by the car.

"Is this really unnecessary?"

"We will explain everything soon enough ."

Once we entered the car Jay put on the sensing devices on my leg, neck and hand. I knew their devices well enough. each of them was used to detect my movement and it I moved further than the assigned area of stay it would sense it and react accordingly. Depending on my speed at which i am moving away from the area a different response will be given. If it sensed extremely fast movement it could even kill me by injecting poison directly into my system. If I tried removing them then it would self-destruct and once again I would probably die without a second thought.

In short, if I was not going to be obedient I would die immediately. It was just like school but in this situation, it was looming death over my head. The last time I was under house arrest was when Miranda had not left for Gendwall. We were both transported to a base which they made as call our home as they were deciding what they would do with us who were then considered a danger to society. Going through that again felt like there was really some extra-large suspicion they had on me.

Jay ordered me to drive over to my house as we both kept quiet in awkward silence. there was something else about driving in a car with two government was not your casual road trip if messing up the lyrics of your favorite song. It was two emotionless boulders looking at you as you drive to your new area of seclusion.

Once we reached the other agent without even speaking to us took a box and ordered me to open my hime. With The Executive, i knew obedience to any request was required. After opening the door he proceeded to enter my home and start installing cameras to every corner of the house.with a small microphone in each camera. And when I say any corner I mean every corner, they even installed some in the bathroom. I knew to them a complete invasion of privacy was required to ensure full security and control.

Looking back at Jay she still looked stone-faced as usual but that time around i could see that she was more tired than usual. She looked even more trouble than me, the guy who could literally die if I make a slip.


"How could you do that?"

"do what?"

"when we told you to never interfere with the executive's activities what was not clear in that statement?"

"What the hell are you even talking about right now?!"

"don't act stupid Cyrus. you have been using the government's drones and other machinery to spy on Gendwall ."

I looked at her and i could feel the sweat creeping from behind my back.i was poor when handling situations like these but this was on another level.if they were already setting up cameras in my house the already had enough evidence to keep me locked up as the investigated the situation.all i wanted to know is how they found out after years of not knowing. it seemed all to peculiar of a situation for them to suddenly know especillay at a time like was a possibility that they could have realized it when Miranda made her grand entrance and something might have gone astray.But Miranda was not that careless when she approached situations like that.

"how did you find out?"i asked

"just because you smarter than your peers does not mean that you are better than the employees who have spent years in the organization. there was a flaw and it was detected as simple as that,"

i did not believer her explanation , if a flaw was there and it was detected then it should have happened years ago.there must been someone spying on us or someone who entered my laboratory that was the only reason. Maybe it was even XR who was ochestrating all of that disaster that happened . there was no mention of XR agreeing to be our ally. Maybe he was already working with The Executive and noticed that we were causing trouble.

even with all those disturbing thoughts running through my mind i knew that i was stuck and i had to just to wait it out. I never even knew how long they suspect that i was spying on Gendwall, In their minds it might have been something i did recently or noticed the activity that happened long ago. either way i never wanted to ask just in case they thought it was the latter, i did not need them know that i have never kept the end of my deal for that long.

i kept quiet and just watched the cameras being installed in my home wondering what the executive could find if they had all the time and space needed to look in my workplace.if they knew the existence of X-floor it would be a whole other problem.I had to approach the matter carefully and know how much the executive knew before i jumped into numerous conclusions.

taking some deep breathes helped me out to relax my nerves and actually think clearer. I knew if i messed this up more lives than my own were on the line.Jay stood there as silent as ever.I wondered if she was the one who found out. she was intelligent and had kept a close eye on me for a long time so that could be a huge possibility , especially recently with her constantly hovering over me like a mosquito which just won't quit.

"what are you guys planning to do?"

"you will stay here for just a week whereby you will be reported to have caught a highly contagious disease that requires self-quarantining until healthy to leave outside. that is all you are required to do, relax in your mansion alone."

"what about the people who were around me ,won't they believe that they also caught the disease if that is the case,like my mother and sister?"

"the disease only affects males."


"because the general population will believe anything that is written by a reliable source."

"what about the males that i have spent time with?"

"we will admisniter fake tests to them which will come out negative ."

"but why will i be the only one who caught it."

"we will say that you ordered to be prepared for a rare breed of fish that caused it.your rich they will believe it."

"so the basis of your lie is that people are too naive and ignorant to research further on the topic?"


for such a famous and well maintained organisation i would expect them to put more effort in their cover up contained so many plot holes and miscalculations that the more curious fellows would want to know the truth.Or they just knew that they did not want to overthink my situation and start taking unnecessary measures to cover all of it up just for some few people could be satisfied. But considering the social climate today people would not care if a rich man in the technology industry was going to die or has death looming over their heads as long as it was a good and entertaining story that they could debate about it on social media and forums.

I did get some answers but not necessarily what i wanted to know about what the executive knew.

"while i am here pretending to be sick what will you guys be doing?"

"that information is confidential."

"what why?"

"we are not friends Cyrus, i am only doing a job, your not even supposed to be under house arrest for what you have done. for all we know you could have committed genocide using the executive's weapons just hacking into them to get a live feed of a state in which we were ordered to protect shows signs of distrust."

"if you never sent Miranda there than i would not even bothered with it in the first place."

"do not drag her in your problems, i told you it would be better if you moved on,she is not here for you to blame it on her, now you slipped up and your the only one who is going to be affected."

i wanted to smile to myself, just her confirmation of not knowing that Miranda was here gave me a vague imagination of what they knew about the information.I kept quiet and looked down trying to not express my emotions.

"now, we have a warrant to search your place of work, we already covered your house. we are being kind on you here, stay here like a good little boy and act according to the script. we are watching you. Depending on what we find out we will decide what to do with you."

I liked at here and did not say anything. I knew now i was stuck and just to act the part and pray that Glenn and Miranda had things covered. they both would realize that i was being ordered by The Executive.I could depend on them.