Being dragged out of our own home by cartoonishly large buff men was something i never imagined happening to me.Like never ever but even The Executive can manage to make extremely fictional situations come to life. They were extremely efficient when it came to do the impossible.

Sitting on a cold metallic chair with one of the worst back rests i have ever sat on, I started thinking more about the interrogation and the various questions they were planning to ask me. Considering everything we had going on in the background of all of that I was extremely guilty of a lot of things. I knew lying is not my speciality especially considering that by now my inability to lie has been a running gag my entire life, it would require me to constantly bend the truth a little. I could bend the truth but it was never with ease.

Glenn was the one who taught me how to bend the truth and always told me that hiding some details technically is not considered as lying. It was a form of psychology to help me deal with situations better. The only problem that came with that was internally whenever i was thinking about something and trying to evade the truth i could always feel blood rushing through my body at a higher speed than usual.Most of the times i keep that feeling under wraps, and continue with the conversation.

Unfortunatley my current situation could not allow that slight bending of truth as they already connected me to a lie detector device. Looking down at my hands chest and even legs they had securely hooked me up. In the corner of the the large room they had kept me in i could see the cameras , on the table there were two microphones and another camera. On the ground next to me there were two cameras, one aimed to frame my feet in cases of fidgeting or any movement and the other seemed to be framed at my torso, probably to check if i would slip my arm under tha table and attempt to hide my fidgeting.

I could feel several eyes on me at that very moment.I could feel the tiny aggressiveness in the room.I was their enemy and i would always be treated as their enemy ,no moment of 'freedom' would ever make them see me in a different life and we all knew that. I had a thousand things on my mind and i could feel my head start aching, I was slowly reaching my limit of tolerance. After having such an anxious driven morning and then being taken into interrogation with no sign of Jay around actually tired me out. I never knew how much more i could handle it before I lose my cool and go absolutely crazy. I would be a liar if i said that i never thought of just sitting in my bathroom and writing nonsense on it until i died.

My body felt like it was burning, not with passion but with anxiety.The whole situation was ridiculously stressful. As much as i expected an interrogation I always thought it would be like going on a date with Jay. Jay calls me and tells me to get out of my house, she drives me to the site and she asks me some questions to a bunch of cameras and then we call it a day then she would go back to stalking me without affecting my current life and situations. Instead it felt like i was dragged to an exam that i was supposed to study for but i procrasitinated to the point that i never got anything done.

"Mr.Mayday, we will begin now."The voice that had initially ordered my forced removal from my home said.

As you could tell i despised that man,he just could not wait. He had zero chills and i took that personally.

"Can I get some water please I feel a little bit dehydrated?"I said. I was trying to prolong the wait time before the questioning to at least let my heart slow down a little.

"Do we look like room service to you?"

"Well i can't actually see any of you I don't even know how you look! so you tell me."I said snapping back at his remark.

I knew i would regret that later but i was totally off the rails.Having my heart race with little rest and staying inside for an entire week slowly going crazy could make anyone be in bad mood.

"Sit i am going to ask you to calm down this facility does not tolerate noise."He said with such an annoying tone that made me want to throw him out of a window of a very tall building.

"I am in a sound-proof room how i am making noise?"

"You're making noise for me."

My blood was boiling by now i never knew a single human could be able to make so angry in such little time. I was even shocked myself at how easily he could irk me and make me almost shatter every single glass in the area. I could not even tell if he was doing this on purpose or he was just a douche to everyone he met. I wish he had an easily punchable face so that i would not feel guilty for wanting to hit him.

"okay i apologize for my rude behaviour and once again i request your respectable establishment for a glass of water so that i can answer my questions without choking."I said trying to be as respectable as i could for those pyschopaths.

after about two minutes or so of dead pan silence a lady in the uniform entered holding a glass with what i hoped was normal water in it. I would not be surprised if they added something to it or had made a truth serum to make sure i am completely honest. I know it was an exaggeration but all the respect that i had barely had for them had completely disappeared and might never be obtained ever again.

she walked over with a smirk on her face.

"It would be easy on everyone if you just would be respectful to him."she said handing the water over to me.

"well if he also made it easy on me we would have saved that minute of bitterness."I said taking a sip.

She looked at me and just laughed to herself.It had been rare to see actual personality apart from Jay who worked in The Executive.But seeing someone openly look happy or show any hint of joy in this organization was a rare sight to behold.Just that or they always made sure to give me all the serious agents to handle me.

After taking my little drink and getting my heart rate to a usual anxious pace which would not kill me i felt like i was at most ten percent prepared to answer the questions.It was not a lot but that would be enough to answer something and get me out of the situation as soon as possible.

"Now are in a place to answer the questions Mr.Mayday."The guy who i chose to name douche said.

"yeah let's get over it already."

"okay now i would request you to speak clearly to the microphone located on the table. Avoid any sort of mumbling while you speak."

"sure will sir."

'any sarcastic remarks will not be tolerated when answering we are not characters in a light novel that is published on an online platform."

"yes can we please get over with it already."

"Full names ."

"Cyrus Marcus Mayday."





"do you intend to commit treason in the near future."

Douche must have been a comedian prior to becoming an agent because the escalation on the questions was absolutely ridiculous. It even caught me by surprise.

"Define treason."I said trying to see if i could twist his question in my mind so that i could answer no in a comfortable situation without lying.

"I will not explain the meaning of a common term to a man of your age."he said snapping back at me.

"fine fine, gosh you made my heart jump there but no , no i don't plan on betraying my own nation."

"If you knew the definition in the first place why did you bother asking.'

"It's called clarification of the meaning of a term have you never participated in a spelling bee."

"I see you want to be rude again."

"No sorry that was a mistake i apologize."I said smiling a bit , as obnoxious as the guy was it was extremely satisfying to get on his nerves once and a while.

"good now we proceed, why did you hack into government cameras that were located in Gendwall?"

"I was trying to make sure that Miranda was doing well."

"What is your relationship with the Miranda person."

"well it's complicated."I said being completely honest.


"okay okay, we were friends who started dating and we were extremely close with one another."

"How close?"

"Exremely close. As close as loving someone as much if not more than yourself.That's how close we were."

"so you loved her?"

"yes of course I did."

"i am informed that one of our agents passed to you the message that her body was found when she was in the line of duty."

"Yes that's true."

"considering how close you two claim to be, do you now hold over a grudge over the organization."

"You took her away for me years ago, to be honest, she was dead for a longer time in my eyes. Do I hold a grudge? Yes, any rational man who has loved someone else and received that same energy would be angry at anyone who would take that feeling away from them."

"So a grudge to the point of sabotage?"He asked inching towards the truth i was trying to hide.

"well it has crossed my mind but considering your size as an organization i knew that might be impossible.In reality it would not end well so i gave up.I know how much power you hold and i would never want to lose as much as i did last time. So to answer your question yes i did but would it have become reality is just an impossibility."I said as honest as i could.

I already knew that they knew i hated them to the bottom of my core and i knew the only way was to acknowledge that hatred but also putting myself in a position of disadvantage. They liked feeling higher than normal humans so I was just entertaining them at that moment.

after that answer was another deadpan silence which translated to them discussing my situation.

"well Mr.Mayday as dreadful as it may have seemed we are done with the questions.Together with all the information we got from the investigation and from yourself we will give you a final verdict an agent will guide you to a resting area."He said.