WebNovelEsa Rey22.22%


Come morning, Sra. Losada breaks the surface of her magic pool, with her brunette Latina hair. She's had some soothing and exotic fun, down there...

She's busty. Her ass is thick. Her thigh gap trickles, as she surfaces. She stands ankle-deep in water, stretches, and lets the waterfall trickle from her.

She spins her arm in a circle, and summons a towel. It levitates to her. With a vanishing spell, her bikini vanishes, moments before the towel wraps around her rack.

She casts another spell, and levitates her hair. Another towel comes, levitating, and wraps her hair into a turban...

She hasn't seen her daughter since yesterday. She doesn't yet know that her daughter's witch powers have activated...

There's a knock at the door. It resonates throughout the house. Sra. Losada sighs, and casts a spell, which fixes her hair, and changes her attire to a yellow mini-dress with a chest window and an open back. With another spell, she endows her own nails with nude nail polish; Latina nude, that is...

He keeps knocking. Sra. Losada checks herself in a mirror, and teleports to the visitor's aid.

Thankfully, he can't see her appear out of thin air from outside the door. If he could, he'd panic...and Sra. Losada would stand no chance of seducing him. Either way, she unlocks the door, and lets him in.

She takes him by the arm, and leads him in. He's in a nice suit. She tugs at it, as she leads him in.

His name is Dahlbecker. He's the CFO of Edvardsen Enterprises. Its HQ is right here in Manhattan. Sra. Losada has no idea what he's doing here, in such a low-ranking spot of Manhattan...but she's VERY glad he's here.

He keeps saying that he likes how her space looks. She keeps scoffing. Seriously; he's a CFO. He can't truly mean that. She's just a cheap Latina with a rogue pubescent daughter to raise; he's a fucking billionaire, trusted with all a major company's assets.

For him, she brews some coffee. She deviously adds something extra to it...

It's a mild love potion, of her own brewing. As vain as this seems, Ms. Losada's mother always used to tell her that if the man is truly in love with her, then he only requires a simple temptation to realize it. Otherwise, if she tries something stronger, or too strong, she's just breaking the laws of nature and setting herself up for an epic scandal, if the love potion is truly stronger than his actual love for her.

Ah, how Sra. Losada often wishes she could teach this to her daughter. Alas, she knows very well that both as a girl and as a witch, Esa's got to learn things for herself.

Upstairs, Esa's bed seems empty. The bedding's in it, and messed up. But she isn't. Alas, a closer look reveals that she is. MUCH closer...

Somehow, she's had an accident in the night. Or rather, she's gone through a transformation. It seems that her witch powers prefer a small vessel. In fact, they prefer an infinitesimal vessel...

Clad in loose pink lingerie, Esa grumbles, as she probes around in her bed's threads. She's looking for the bedside. It's not there...

Impulsively, she wings her bare legs over herself, squeals, and ends up with her face in her thigh gap. Now, she can see through her own thighs. Alas, the world can now see her ass. Or rather, they COULD see her ass, if...

She looks around. She doesn't know these white hills. And...why does the ground feel like her bedding? How is she even...?!

She struggles to stand, but she does. She falls over, spontaneously, when she does.

She looks up. The sky looks like the ceiling of her bedroom. There's still a Justin Bieber poster up there, just as there is in...

She sits up, and feels all over herself. She looks around. She stands again...and spontaneously falls again. This ground sure is hard to stand on...

Esa's a thousandth the size she was when she went to bed last night. It's only a matter of time before she finds out...

She tries to call for her mother. Her mother doesn't answer. But of course, she's so small, nobody can hear her. It seems she's on her own...

A bird lands outside her bedroom window. She screams, and falls over. Between her legs, she gapes and watches. That bird is just a sparrow...and yet, to Esa, it's like a fucking T-Rex!

She feels all over her body. She thinks her boobs have inflated some. If she were normal-sized, she'd like this. At least she could rest assured that her boobs could attract boys...if only boys could see her at this size...

Somehow, the window glass vanishes. The sparrow looks up, and sees her.

Esa gapes. The sparrow leaps towards her. Esa screams, and tries to crawl away.

Alas, the sparrow grabs her by the inflated ass, and shakes her around. If the sparrow were a guy, she'd appreciate this more. Alas, sparrows aren't known for their humanity...

Somehow, she vanishes from the bird's beak. The sparrow blinks, stops thrashing his head around, and looks around. He seems confused...