WebNovelEsa Rey33.33%


Downstairs, Mr. Dahlbecker and Ms. Losada are getting cozy. Alas, only one of them seems to be aware of it.

Ms. Losada watches, with repressed passion, as Mr. Dahlbecker drinks the tea she's brewed for him. It's spiked with a weak love potion, of course.

He soon sets the tea down, and reaches for a cigar. Ms. Losada scurries over to him, offering to light it.

She holds her thumb up, just beneath the cigar tip, and chants to herself. Her thumb lights. With it, she lights a cigar. Poor Mr. Dahlbecker; he's too dim to realize that a witch just lit his cigar with a spell.

About this time, Esa, still under a thousandth her size, and still in lingerie, teleports into view. Alas, she's too small to see. Funny; she teleports right within Mr. Dahlbecker's line of sight. Alas, his eyes are closed. It seems the love potion is doing some magic to him after all.

Esa flails, and lands on the cigar, as it's being smoked. A man's giant fingers threaten to pancake her, as they handle the ever-heating cigar. And now Esa's sprawled out over it...like some whore advertising cigars. Not a bad idea, actually...

"It must get loco up there, where you work," Ms. Losada says, putting a hand on the man's thigh. "Sure you would not rather come down here more often?"

He looks around, still unaware of the tiny girl on his cigar. "This place could use some major renovations," he admits. "My company might have a few ideas..."

"You know," Ms. Losada reminds him, "just because something is dirt cheap doesn't mean it doesn't have a purpose. Look around you, Senor Dahlbecker. Can you seriously not look me in the chest, and tell me, to my chest, that you wouldn't miss this place if someone tore it down and replaced it with an office block they could erect anywhere?"

Speaking of erecting, Ms. Losada giggles, when she can detect Mr. Dahlbecker erecting. It's working...even if not to excess.

Upon the cigar, Esa chokes from the smoke. Esa sure hopes he uses his company more than he's using his cigar. But then, Esa can't help but feel sorry for the cigar.

As the cigar heats, so does Esa's body. She's hot...and not just because of the cigar's temperature. She'd never tell her mother this, but she, too, has a crush on Mr. Dahlbecker. But then, who could blame her? She's a meager Latina on the backstreets, and he's a white man who runs a company. Even her own mother can't deny that that's a love story worth starring in...if not reading.

Meanwhile, the burned part of the cigar is making its way towards where she's lying. Esa tries to avoid it...but risks becoming a victim of Mr. Dahlbecker's tongue if she tries to evade too far.

He nods, and looks around. "You might have a point," he says. "This place is something. Not sure if I'll ever be able to explain it to the board, but..."

Ms. Losada smiles, and fixes her hair. Thank dios, her tricks are yielding some good...if not what she expects.

"I'll send my son down here sometime," he offers. "He tends to know these places better than me. Not sure how. When I was his age, I wanted to live in a penthouse."

"And now you do," Ms. Losada adds. "So inspirational, how sometimes men make it from birth to maturity without tripping..."

He chuckles. "My biography only LOOKS monotonous." He studies his cigar. It's almost out of weed. "Believe me."

Little Esa's in an ever-tightening spot. She panics...and inadvertently teleports yet again.

This time, she turns up in Mr. Dahlbecker's penthouse. She falls from a height, and lands on one of his ties.

All around her, the tie is like a runway at an airport. It's sprawled out across an ironing board. It's being ironed. Like a moving building, the maid inadvertently hums a soft tune, while moving the hot iron in tiny Esa's direction...

Esa screams, and teleports again. This time, she lands on a stray gold coin. It seems that Mr. Dahlbecker keeps this on his nightstand. Esa's got no idea how it avoids getting burglarized here. She'd wonder most. If the coin wasn't like the floor of a building to her, she'd want it for herself.

Alas, her golden panties are too small to fit anything valuable in...unless Mr. Dahlbecker had some new microbots prowling around. But then, Esa would hate to think what those microbots would be for, if an enemy intelligence agency didn't send them to spy on her new host...

That stimulates Esa, of course. Except that would also mean that her host's days are numbered, and she doesn't want that for him. With the possible exception of Q in the James Bond movies, the rich characters NEVER survive the end of the spy movie...

Esa really likes Ben Whishaw, the new actor who plays Q... Alas, she much rather prefers a local corporate CEO who sees Latinas as potential slave girls...and sex slaves, in the longer-term. And no offense, but Whishaw is no father to her, and still a long way from becoming the acting legend that Whishaw's predecessor, Desmond Llewelyn, probably did in his time.

At long last, Esa's right where she needs to be. And to think that, for all this time, she only needed to become a witch to get it...