WebNovelEsa Rey44.44%


This is Mr. Dahlbecker's penthouse. It...looks SO much better, Esa's sure, with the curtains open, and the lights on...

In the liquor cabinet, many bottles of wine stand. They're expensive. Many are of white wine; the kind that costs a fortune to acquire, and at least five lifetimes to age.

Deviously, Esa has teleported into one. In a pink bikini, she closes her eyes, and meditates, while surrounded by the sacred liquid...the kind that she sure as hell can't get at any cheap liquor store in her mother's neighborhood.

Like a grouper, she opens her mouth every now and then, taking in a huge gulp of wine. It's SO good... If Esa were a yeast cell, she'd guzzle a lot of sugar, come in here, and urinate alcohol all in here... Alas, she's not. And she's rather glad to not be a yeast cell. She sees herself as a porker, at times...but otherwise, she's always appreciated how the boys always somehow come flocking to her...even if they are a bit hesitant, at first...

Now, alas, she's got a couple of "small girl" problems. First, most guys probably can't see her at this size. She'd owe her new master, as she hopes he'll become, a gold star, if he can...if only she could afford it. Second, for the first part of her pubescence, guys avoided her...initially because they themselves were not yet pubescent at that age, and subsequently because she was so hot, she made them nervous. They never approached her. They always assumed she had an uptown boyfriend who they'd piss off, if they got too close to her at the wrong time...

But on the upside, at least Esa can't see herself as a porker anymore. It's...hard to compare yourself to pigs, when you're like a flea on a pig's back.

Surrounded in a rich man's wine, Esa loses herself. Ah, to be cast into a rich man's hoard, like something precious... And to guzzle his wine, without the fear of getting censured...

Esa's too young to drink wine...or leastways, by New Yorker standards... She can't imagine why. This stuff is hardly potent...or revolting...

And yet, a darkness seems to creep over her, as she's guzzling this. A bit ironic, considering that one would think that darkness in a white wine would stick out like a sore thumb...

Alas, the darkness isn't dark in color. On the contrary...it's light evil. In the realm it hails from, light devils rule, and light demons do their bidding. In a way, they're all very much like wolves...in sheep's clothing.

All around her, her surroundings change. From above, golden light shines. She's still surrounded by clear liquid. Above and below, light demons chant. They sound so angelic... It's hard to believe that the diaphragms pumping out that harmony is malevolent...

Still, Esa hovers. She barely moves. Her lips barely move. They are very big lips. It's almost as if, for a very brief moment, she's in bliss...

Alas, her surroundings soon change...yet again. Below, polka-dotted stingrays swim...and stick to the bottom. Just above them, a few piranhas swim past.

Gradually, Esa rises towards the blue-glowing surface. She realizes, mere moments before she comes up, that she can't hold her breath anymore...

She surfaces, gasps, and treads water. Once surfaced, she looks around her.

She's surrounded by a wetland. Around her, there are lilies, as big as islands. Above, there are dragonflies, damselflies, and mosquitoes. They're as big as aircraft.

She's still less than a thousandth her normal size. She's still clad in that pink bikini, from before. And she's surrounded by a wetland. Never has she ever felt so helpless...and yet, so alive, at the same time...

From below, a great behemoth of green-tainted fur approaches the surface. Esa doesn't even get a chance to look down...

Her world changes, as she's suddenly joined by a whole forest of strange creatures. Most of them are bugs. She's pretty sure they're all bugs. Alas...some of them could be the larvae of fish and amphibians...

There are nests, with eggs. The unborn fish/amphibians writhe around inside, resting, and waiting for the membranes that encase them to become weak enough for them to break through...

Esa's in a humid forest...within a humid forest. The trees are like a mammal's fur...mega-size. The leaves are like algae...also mega-size.

In here, creatures hop around. Some crawl. Some slither. Some scurry. Either way, they're mostly alien, to Esa. Most of them are SO not light demons... At least light demons have a sense of propriety...and refinement...

Esa shouldn't criticize about that. She's been told by many...including, sometimes, her mother...that she can be a bitch. A real perra mala…

Now, in her present state, alas, she's more of a pulga mala... Which, in a way, makes her the bitch that sucks other bitches' blood... If only she thought she could survive on blood any better than they could...her size or not...

Speaking of what, there are actual fleas in this forest. And to Esa, they're bigger than kangaroos. They hop here and there, with great bodies, small arms, and creepy eyes. Esa has to straighten her bikini top, just to handle their overwhelming sight...

From a motmots-eye view, meanwhile, it's apparent that a three-toed sloth has just surfaced from the water. With long arms, appended with great claws at all ends, he swims through the Orinoco Delta. He's blissfully unaware that he's just picked up a Latina witch from New York, via the nano-forest on his back...

Onward, he swims. Soon, he's surrounded by an actual forest. It's flooded. But then, MOST forests in this part of South America are...as they are much farther southeast, where one gets to the Amazon delta, at some point, if they follow the coast. If they CAN follow the coast...

Esa probably could. And right now, that sounds SO much better than spending too long in this larvae-infested forest...

Her mount finds a tree trunk. Once he does, he returns to his normal pace: too slow for most women, save a female sloth.

Around him, here and there, a few river turtles swim. A few of them penetrate the surface, briefly, with their snorkel-like probosces...before diving, and vanishing. As slow as they are, even in the water, even THEY make sloths look like sculptures in trees.

Few should blame the sloth, though. The trees of these jungles can be dangerous...at their altitudes. One slight misstep could result in a dangerous fall. Sadly, alas, this sloth is no stranger to spontaneous crash-landings. At least one of his hasn't yet triggered a caiman- or crocodile-loaded booby-trap...or a boa constrictor-loaded one...

For Esa, the fur-forest tilts, as her host climbs the tree nearby. She slips, and starts sliding back towards the water. All around her, the natives stay anchored. She has no idea how...

Upward, the sloth climbs. At least he gives Esa plenty of time to learn how to anchor herself, as he climbs to a safe height...preferably one that's eagle-proof...