The Nest

After marching for about 2 hours they had nearly arrived at the cave, suddenly he heard a screeching noise. When he turned around to look at where it had come from he saw that one of his men had his spear in a bush. The man lifted it and a small green creature came out of the bush, the other men also pierced and silenced the squirming creature.

They removed the body from their spears and all the Unsullied immediately became alert, lifting their shields. Felix jumped out of the front of the carriage and looked at the limp body of the human-like creature. It was a little smaller than him and it was a little less than the waist of the Unsullied.

It was green and had a pointy nose and ears, in hand it had a small, rusty, and chipped sword. The bubble appeared and extended once again scanning the body, when it had finished another list was formed.


+1 AG coins


Name: Swordsman Goblin

Cost Per Person: 0.5 AG

Weapons: Rusty sword

Background: One of the weakest creatures in this world. It uses its overwhelming numbers to win their fights.

He looked at the price and wasn't quite sure what the number was 'Sis that 0.5 price, how many of these creatures could I get for 100 points? Also, you said that you didn't know much about this world so how do you know it's one of the weakest creatures ?'

{{You could get 200 goblins, and for your other question that's a little bit of knowledge that I gained when the troop was unlocked, would you like to purchase them}}

"No, but they sound like a good troop to use as bait, even if they are weak they could provide us with good cover if we ever need it."

He took the rusty sword and kicked the creature back into the bush and walked to the carriage. He opened the door and greeted the slaves "Hey, could any of you tell me what you know about goblins?"

Instantly the faces of the slaves changed and the woman that hugged him earlier began talking "They are small, green, and ugly. They raid small villages and kidnap women and do vile things to them. Where there is one, there's a whole nest."

The rest nodded and one of the men jumped in on the topic "I hear that they are one of the weakest creatures. It's rare but some goblins can also use Magic. They only think about killing and breeding and develop extremely quickly."

Felix was surprised when he heard that they could use magic and became even more interested. He thanked them and went back outside to check the map.

'Hmm that cave would be a pretty good place to make a nest could it be that they have taken refuge in it? They are supposed to be the weakest creatures and I'm really tempted to test the unsullied against them. If they can't beat these creatures then that will be a warning that we will have to be extremely careful in this world.'

'Sis there's something that I forgot to ask, the butcher earlier said that 1 in 6 people have magical abilities. Then there is also the fact that a monster can use it to, do you know if I could also use magic?'

{{The body you currently possess has an unknown energy flowing through it so it is possible that you can control an element that we still haven't unlocked or come across.}}

Felix couldn't help but smile as he imagined himself using strong sorcery.

He looked around at the Unsullied and grabbed a spare shield and sat back at the front of the carriage."Remain vigilant it is more than likely that we will come across more of these creatures."

As they continued marching they faced more goblins, one of them managed to injure an unsullied with an arrow but the wound was taken care of by the Healer. When they arrived at the entrance he saw 2 goblins that were guarding the cave quickly entering it.

He raised his hand and everyone stopped "We will go in there and exterminate all the monsters. If we don't take that cave then we will have to make camp out in the open where we might attract the attention of creatures that are even worse."

The Unsullied immediately placed themselves in 3 formations for 4 men wide and 6 men long and began entering the cave. He left 16 of them guarding the carriages and took four of them to be his guards as he followed the men that were fighting in front.

As they followed the bodies of the goblins began to litter the ground, he could also see that some of the unsullied had dropped their spears. Now that he looked around he noticed that it would be hard to maneuver the spear in this tight of space.

Felix hated the fact that he wasn't tall enough to see over the shoulders of the unsullied. With their 6 men long formation it was hard to see what was going on. He felt tempted to ask one of the men to try to lift him up but his pride didn't let him.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a fork in the cave that had 2 different sides. He made the men split into two equal groups. He accompanied the men on the right and continued to move forward. After about 15 minutes of fighting, they arrived at what seemed to look like a room. He heard some more screeching but it sounded to be quieter and higher pitched. When the fighting stopped the group from the front opened their formation to allow him to go through.

As he went in he noticed that the bodies that were in the ground were actually baby goblins. "Let's go and help the other group"

While they were walking back a group of 6 men met up with them "Master, we have killed all of the creatures. We also reached a dead end and came upon some women."

Felix sighed and nodded as he remembered what the woman slave had said earlier. "Go to the carriage and get some of the clothing from the adventures and bring it along with the healer. Make sure you're careful who knows, these creatures might have some hiding spots."

He walked to the other dead-end and found 8 women laying on the ground along with what seemed to be some equipment and coins. They were completely naked and covered in fluids, their eyes seemed to be dead. Two of the women had swollen bellies, he had his men help them stand up and lead them out of the cave.

Felix opened the carriage door and looked at the slave women "We have taken care of the goblin nest, however, there is a problem and I might need your help."

Their faces quickly turned into a sad expression and nodded. The man who knew one of the women was about to try to disagree but the woman looked at him and shook her head. When they were out Felix quickly looked "I need you guys to stay here. I will return the two of them back with you safe and sound. I give you my word."

He then closed the door and took the slaves to the women. When they saw the state of the 8 victims the women seemed to be tearing up. He had 10 guards accompany them to the river that was almost right next to the cave.

Felix took a deep breath and looked at the sky, suddenly the blue bubble appeared again.


8 Unsullied have reached level 4

6 Unsullied have reached level 3

4 Unsullied have been killed

11 Unsullied are injured

+54 AG coins

He looked outside where all the Injured unsullied were being taken care of. They seemed to only have a few minor stabs and slashes. He had asked around to see if any of the goblin's they faced had magic but apparently there wasn't any.

He wanted to have them go inside the cave but it stank of blood, it's as if something had died years ago.

Felix looked at the men who were fine and pointed at the cave, "get the bodies of those goblins out of the cave. Lay our four fallen comrades over here and start digging four holes there."

The Unsullied nodded and began doing as they were told. Meanwhile, he sat down on a rock with two guards thinking. 'At the trail, I lost 8 men and now another 4, At the moment I have 88 men with this attack at the cave even if I lost 4 men I gained the ability to get a larger batch so I guess I shouldn't whine but if I think about it this way then I'll be no different than the emperor who saw us as simple numbers and not as people.'

As he was thinking he was approached by the healer "Sir, there is something that I want to talk to you about."

Felix looked at the healer and smiled "Oh how is it going, Ray? Have all the men been healed?"

The light magician nodded and sighed "What I want to say is actually about that, I was barely able to treat the wounded. Most of my magical energy is nearly all gone and I'm facing fatigue. What I'm trying to say is that it's too much for me and we should try finding some more light magicians. If we don't get some more and the men get even worse injuries then I'm afraid I will have to let you down."

He nodded and looked at the 11 men that had gotten healed and then back at Ray. He stood up and gave the healer a pat on the shoulder "Thanks for letting me know I will get it taken care of for now take some rest. After we finish removing the goblin corpse and bury our dead we will start cooking something."

Ray nodded and went back to the carriage where the men were. After the corpses were taken outside they were moved far from the cave and set aflame. This was so that the blood didn't attract any unwanted predators.

They buried their dead and started 3 small fires where they began cooking the Needle Tailed Tigers.

The two slave women decided that they would stay with the 8 victims. Luckily the adventures had enough change of clothes for the women to wear even if some of them wore the men's clothing he thought that it was better than nothing.

While they were all eating he looked at one of the four men that were next to him "Do the unsullied have a Decanous?"

The man seemed to think about it "Master, I don't know what that is but the Unsullied don't have anything or anyone by that name."

Felix nodded "A Decanous is a person in charge of small groups of soldiers. They manage the groups and make sure that their group receives orders from the Army Leader."

The Unsullied warrior listened carefully and waited till Felix was done speaking, "Master, we do have a position like that, however, we call them Officers and not Decanous."

"Good then let them know to come meet me when they finish eating."

The guard gave a short nod and began walking towards a group of men. Not much longer 4 men showed up and stood in front of him as they watched him eat.

Felix felt a bit uncomfortable "Have you all eaten? You should all eat, there is still about 3 hours until the sun begins to set so you can all take your time."

They all shook their heads and the guard he had sent responded "Master, they have all eaten."

He nodded and put down the meat that he was eating and stood up "Okay then let's go into the forest there are a few things that we have to talk about."