Questions Pt: 1

When the 4 officers, 4 guards, and himself had entered the forest he stopped and so did the rest. He turned around and looked at them, "Do any of you remember your lives before you were brought to me?"

They all seemed to think about what he had said and they shook their heads "Only our training master."

He nodded and looked at the closest officer "Do you remember where you came from? How you arrive at where we met?"

The officer shook his head and answered "No master, the only thing I remember is a voice telling us to kill all of the men that were outside the carriages and wait for our master who was named Felix. The moment I saw you we knew that you were the one."

Felix gave a small nod and looked around at the others "Is it the same for all of you?"

They all nodded and stayed standing still as they stared at him, "Very well then, there's something that I want to show you."

He turned around and looked at the empty space in front of him 'Sis, I want to buy 12 Unsullied, 4 light magicians, 2 tank adventurers, a swordsman adventurer, 1 wind/water magician, and 2 Needle Tailed Tigers.'

Out of nowhere, the new troops appeared, when they did the 8 Unsullied quickly pointed their weapons at them and began walking forward walking in front of him and forming a defensive wall. Although they reacted quickly he could tell that they were a bit scared of the 6 ft tall tigers that were in front of them.

Felix raised his hand and looked at all of them, "Everyone stay still, we are all on the same team."

'Hey, Sis I should have probably asked this before but are you sure that the Tigers will listen to me like the men?"

{{Yes they will do whatever you ask of them.}}

He nodded and pointed at the two Needle Tailed Tigers, "You two come to me."

The magnificent beats instantly began walking towards him, the Unsullied slowly moved and formed a gap for them to go through. They were willing to fight until their last breath for their master but they themselves heard him say that they were all allies."

The tigers stopped 2 feet in front of Felix and lowered their heads as they looked into his eyes. After hesitating for a bit he slowly brought his hands to their heads and began to pet them. He couldn't help but start to laugh from excitement, 'Haha this is awesome, to think that not even the emperor could have such beasts."

Felix smiled as a crazy idea appeared in his head, before he was embarrassed of doing such a thing but now that he has such beautiful creatures he stopped caring. He looked at one of the guards and smiled "Hey do you think that you could help me mount him?"

The Unsullied warrior stood still as he looked at his young master and then at the giant Tiger, after a short pause he nodded and did as he was told.

Once he was mounted on the tiger he felt that he was able to do anything. He looked at the men who were still watching him and listening to what was going on. He pointed at everyone and asked them two the two most important questions that he could "Who am I to you?"

The new and old unsullied hit the bottom of there wooden spears into the ground and answered in unison "Our Master"

The group of adventurers kneeled and lowered their heads "Our Lord"

Felix nearly jumped off the tiger when both of them roared with all their might. Once his heart recuperated he smiled and nodded. "What would you do for me?"

"Bleed till the last drop"

"Fight against anything that gets in your way"

This time Felix began to prepare for tremendous roars but what the tigers did was stab the air with their three tails. He batted the back of the one he was on and sighed 'Looks like sis wasn't lying, they all seem to be extremely loyal. I have to make sure that I don't do something stupid and waste such loyalty.'

"Listen up, I have the ability to bring troops to our aid. Just know that this power has its limits so I won't be able to do it often so for now we are all we have. If we ever reach trouble don't be expecting me to have more men since that won't be a common occurrence."

The men nodded and continued listening, "We should head back, after those huge roars our camp should be worried. Unsullied all of you go first to let the others know that everything is fine, I'll follow with the tigers and the adventures will take the rear.

When they arrived at camp as he had expected the unsullied were in a phalanx formation, they lowered their shields and weapons when they saw fellow warriors arrive from the forest. They immediately raised them once again when they saw the giant tigers but lowered them once more when they saw that their young master was riding one of the tigers.

From far away they could see that there were men and women that had equipment similar to the people they killed when they arrived however it seemed they weren't enemies.

When the new group arrived Felix dismounted and patted both Tigers "How about you two go and catch yourselves some dinner. As soon as the beasts heard him they gave him a lick and ran back to the forest. They had meat however he wasn't sure how they would feel if he made them eat their own kind.

He looked at one of his guards and pointed at the 12 Unsullied "Get them some food and make sure you prepare some for the adventurers. I'll talk to them for a few seconds, Oh, and tell the officers to split the 12 men into their groups. I also want the officers to choose someone to represent the Unsullied. In the future, we might have multiple types of men and the unsullied that they choose well manage them as he follows my orders."

The guard nodded and set off, while Felix turned around and looked at the adventurers. One of the light magicians this time turned out to be a woman which surprised him but after thinking of the woman that the Unsullied killed he returned to normal. He had seen barbarian women fight before so he knew that their gender didn't matter. It's just he never thought about commanding women before.

They all sat on the ground and he began speaking "Hi it's a pleasure to meet you all, as I said before I can bring you all here yet I don't actually know much about you, or the world. I would like to know if any of you remember anything that could be helpful to me."

The adventurers seemed to think and they slightly shook their heads. The swordsman was the first one to talk "My Lord, all I remember is the hours of training that I spent mastering the sword. I also remember an extensive list of monsters I have fought against, however, everything else is a blur. I don't remember the places where I was in or their names no matter how hard I try."

Felix looked at the other adventurers that were nodding and smiled "Don't worry it seems to be the same for everyone, your knowledge of the monsters is already more than enough. Go ahead and get something to eat from them, It's going to be great working with all of you."

They stood up and gave him a slight bow and began walking towards the crowd of Unsullied that seemed to be telling jokes to one another. He laid down on the ground and looked at the sky. He took a deep breath and smiled "You three can take a break and go enjoy the meal with the others. We have lookouts so if anything happens I'll just run towards you."

The three guards remained unmoving, Felix just smiled and closed his eyes. 'Sis why is it that the troops don't remember their past like I do?'

{{ According to the knowledge I was given the existence of the men that you summon didn't actually exist before. They are created using only the same training that they would face if they joined their armies. The moment they are summoned you take the place of whoever they would be loyal to if they were to actually exist. This way they would follow your command and attack anything and anyone that you want.}}

A shiver ran up his spine as he began wondering something 'Hey you wouldn't have messed around with any of my memories right? Everything I remember living is true, right?'

{{ That is correct, your memories have in no way been tampered with. The only change that was made was to give you and your troops the knowledge of reading and writing in the language of this world. The summoned troops have also been granted the ability to speak and read in Latin.}}

'That's good since it means that we will be able to communicate with each other without the need to worry about being understood. Now the thing that I have to figure out is what exactly I'm going to do with the men.'

He stood up and began walking towards the cave to find the slave trader and begin to start searching for some answers. One of the guards made a makeshift torch and they made their way through the cave.

They found another two guards with torches that were guarding the room where they had found the women. When Felix and his 4 guards walked in the skinny man quickly moved away for them his gaze glued to him.

He smiled at the slave trader and waved at him "Hey, have you eaten already?"

The quivering man quickly kneeled and nodded several times "I have, I'm grateful for the young master for being so kind."

Felix looked at the slave trader in surprise 'Young Master? Doesn't that basically mean he just called me Dominus? Never thought that I would actually dislike it. The Unsullied and Adventurers also called me master but that's because of the magic so it didn't feel so weird. This is the first time that someone is actually calling me that on their own.'

"What is your name trader?"

The skinny man lifted his head and looked into his eyes, "My name is Amir, I'm at your service even though I might not look like it, I can be of great service to you. I can ….."

He was silenced when he saw Felix's raised hand, "Before you start giving me your uses, why don't you answer me a few questions. I want you to refresh my memory, now tell me everything about where and when you found me."

Amir looked at the young boy with confusion but he quickly nodded and began telling the boy everything he had seen. "About 3/4ths of the way to our destination the Rose Thorn Village the carriage stopped. When I got out I found the body of a black-haired boy laying on the ground, the adventures said that the reason that he had fainted was due to hunger and dehydration. At the time I thought that the boy would be free pocket money so I put him with the other slaves. I'm sure that I don't need to say the rest since you should know it well."

Felix nodded and looked at the Slave trader who was in deep regret "Was there anyone near me? You found me alone without anyone?"

Amir shook his head several times and remained kneeling.

"Then thanks for saving me, even if you did intend to sell me, it gave my men enough time to appear. Now my last question, based on what you have seen, would you have a guess at who my men and I are?"

The slave trader took a few seconds in deep thought and finally began to nod "The only identity that comes to mind is that you are someone important from another county. As for why you are here I assume it's because you've come to raid small villages from the Dragon Fire Kingdom.

Felix nodded and began to scratch his chin since that's a habit he had developed during his past life. "Oh, and what makes you think that?"

Amir hesitated and took a deep breath, "Well first of all is the fact that I have never heard of a force that was being commanded by someone of such a young age. Though I'm not saying that I'm someone who knows much about the kingdom, something like that would spread like wildfire. The other thing is that your men have no crest on their shields, this is probably done so that the KIngdom wouldn't know anything about you."

Felix nodded as he heard the slave trader 'Hey that's not a bad cover, it could hide the fact that my troops are created by me. The last thing that I want is to be hunted by everyone that's interested in my power. If the others knew that the more time passes the stronger I can become then they would want to kill me off earlier. The enemy will also spend some time trying to investigate our background before trying anything, now how exactly should I spin this.'

After a few seconds, he pretended to slightly laugh,"Not bad trader, to tell you the truth my people have been hiding for a long time. If I were to bet then I would be willing to say that your kingdom has totally forgotten about us. Anyway, the higher-ups have decided that there has been enough hiding and well here I am with a few of my men."

Amir looked at the kid and slowly his body became colder as he had one thought in mind, 'Is he revealing all this to me because he's going to end up killing me?'

Felix noticed the slave trader and quickly understood what the man was thinking. "Don't worry Amir, I won't kill you. To me, you are more useful alive than dead, as long as you give me all the information that you know then you will remain alive. The thing is if you lie, then you will wish you were dead. After a while, I will release you and offer you a choice to walk away or join me."

He noticed that the trader was about to speak but he quickly shook his head "Before you speak your next words let me tell you this. I will only ask this of you after you have seen what I'm capable of doing, if you speak now then you will prove that your loyalty is worthless. Now tell me more about the world, it has been a while since my people were here after all."