Sudden Visit

Amir quickly began explaining more about the world with a relaxed expression since the boy in front of him had assured him that he wouldn't be killed. All he had to do was give them information and get in their good graces.

"Well as I'm sure you know we are on the Ozas Continent inside the Dragon Fire Kingdom. At the moment there are another 8 kingdoms on this continent. There are a total of 11 contents with many kingdoms in them. It's needless to say that there are many times where there are conflicts between kingdoms, for example ...."

Felix nodded as he carefully listened to the slave trader, when the trader had finished he stood up, thanked him, and walked back outside. He glanced at the screen that had popped on his side while he was listening.


+3 AG coins


He smiled as he remembered about the giant tigers under his control, 'Seems like they were able to catch a meal.'

Suddenly when he was about to sit down near a campfire he heard the sound of what seemed to be a carriage. Felix quickly pointed at both sides of the small dirt trail and some of the unsullied immediately ran into the forest to prepare for an ambush.

Once the carriage showed up his men quickly ran and knocked out the coachman. They hurried and put their spears on the people that were inside the carriage. In front of Felix stood 3 men and 4 young women.

Now that the sun had gone down he had to use the campfire to see who they were. Some of the women seemed to be bruised so he had the healers heal them. The women seemed to be afraid of men so the one who healed them was the female. He then looked at the men and was just about to ask who they were when he heard screams from behind

He turned around and found the 8 women he had found in the cave with surprised expressions. All 8 women were pointing at the three men with total anger as they cried heavily.

Felix turned back to look at the men who quickly put their heads down. He already had a rough idea of what was going on, but he decided to keep it under control and went down the line pointing at the women.

"What's your relationship with these men."

After he had asked all four of the women his suspicions were proven correct, the men had indeed kidnaped them from various villages.

He had one of the Unsullied put a dagger to the coachman's throat. "Why are you here and what are you going to do with these women?"

After a few seconds with no answer, he sighed and asked another unsullied for his dagger. He took it and placed it on the spot that many, if not all, treasured. The man began sweating and quivering but he kept his mouth closed.

Felix laughed and shook his head, "I don't see the point of you going through all this, I mean I'm not stupid enough to not be able to put the pieces together. This was just a chance to make you confess but oh well."

He slowly began to bring the dagger closer and added more pressure. Not long after the man began crying out his sins. "Alright I'll tell you, I'll tell you. These two were going to sell the women to the goblins. I don't know how but they were able to make deals with those creatures, in exchange for women the goblins would give them whatever they had collected like weapons, armor, or coins. But you have to believe me I didn't want to, they said that if I didn't they would kill my family."

All 12 of the women yelled and tried to jump at the coachman but they were stopped by the surrounding Unsullied.

"So that's how the nest was able to get so big without getting exterminated. Since the goblins were not kidnapping the women themselves everyone was oblivious to the fact that there was such a large nest."

He turned around and found that the slave men had gotten out of the carriage and were led by some Unsullied to see what was going on."

Felix sighed and returned the dagger then he pointed at the three men "Tie them down by their arms and legs."

The 3 men began trying to fight but to no avail soon all of them were stretched using the rope. Felix then picked up a small stone and handed it to one of the women with a big belly. "Unsullied give each of these women a stone"

The rest of the women were soon equipped and he then pointed at the 3 men, "Now ladies there are 12 of you so I need you to split into groups of three. Use these stones to hit the men that are laying in front of you, just don't hit their heads so that they have a higher chance of staying conscious and suffering more."

The 12 women quickly gave him a thankful look and got to their stations. A half-hour later the last of the 3 men died. He looked at them and sighed "Just waisted 3 points equaling an unsullied but these women have suffered so I guess it's not such a bad investment.'

He pointed at the corner of the cave "Drag those bodies over there, our two giant friends can have a snack when they come back.

Meanwhile, the male slaves were looking at the young kid in terror as they all thought the same thing, 'It's true that these men deserve it but for a kid to treat dead bodies so casually, he's a monster. Whatever I do, I must not anger him.'

Felix then walked towards the new carriage and began petting the white horse that was pulling it. "Those men were bastards, but at least they provided us with some pretty good things, take the carriage and put it with the other two.

He walked towards the women and gave them a gentle smile "Revenge is the only thing that I can offer at the moment. We'll move soon after I make up my mind on what to do next, anyway my point is that you will all be able to make a new life for yourself. The only thing that I ask in return is that you never speak about me and my men, if you do then I'll have no other choice than to provide you a one-way ticket to meet Orcus. Is that understood?"

The women quickly nodded, they had no idea who Orcus was but they understood the context of what he was saying. Felix nodded and looked at the female slaves "Umm sorry to put this on you but could you also take care of the 4 new women?"

Before they could respond he turned around and headed near one of the campfires and laid down.