
Arriving in my mindscape, I could see the familiar energy sphere floating in the air, with two green and blue orbs revolving around it.

Moving to the centre of the room, I sit down cross legged and summon the Sceptre.

Holding on to it and observing the design and construction, I was intrigued.

The runic inscription system for suppressing and channelling the power of the mind stone according to the user was very different from the ones that I had seen before.

The system was quite a bit advanced than the ones used by the Masters of the Mystic Arts on Earth, making the efficiency of the intended effects higher.

One thing to note was that while the Sceptre was similar to artifacts used on Earth, the Sceptre did not channel interdimensional energy for certain effects.

It solely focused and redirected the meagre amount of energy radiating from the mind stone at its core through the tip of the blade.

Moving over to the casing for the mind stone, it was quite similar to the one for the Tesseract. Probably whoever made this got inspiration from the container for the Space stone, though it was a tad bit weaker than the tesseract.

Well, enough info dump, lets eat.

Slowly, the core of the spectre turned to particles of golden lights and revolved around me before they started to move through my skin and assimilate with myself.

Staying in the position for half an hour, I got through the casing without damaging it, and extracted the mind stone.

But this is where things took a turn.

As soon as my ability targeted the extracted mind stone, my mindscape started shaking like a 9.0 earthquake.

The energy core floating in the room started fluctuating, while the ground and space in my mindscape started cracking.

Looking around, I tried to remove the mind stone out of my body but to no avail.

Trying to calm myself down, I start looking around at my surroundings, when suddenly, a crack in space started spreading from its previous hair width to a giant gash 5 metres long and around 30 cm wide.

A pair of fair, slender hands held either side of the crack, and started pushing it open, wider and wider until a gorgeous lady of 5'7'', midnight black hair, revealing clothes with a black cape flowing behind and outstanding features walked through.

As soon as she cleared the crack in space, the shaking came to a halt, and the cracks started to mend themselves.

Armed with twin long blades in my hands, I point at her and question "who are you, and what are you doing here?"

"Little boy, put down those pointy things, before you poke someone's eyes out." Came a sweet and melodious voice of the intruder.

Still holding on to the blades warily, I move forward, trying to appear as intimidating as possible, but the slight quiver of the blades gave my nervousness away.

I was nervous because I could not get a read on her. There was no presence, it was empty, like I was looking into a huge void.

Though somehow, the feeling when being in her presence seemed familiar but I don't remember where I felt it.

Another thing that caused me nervousness was that great sage wasn't responding. It felt like part of my mind was sealed off.

Meanwhile, the intruder calmly walked around the place, and with a wave of her hand, a large comfortable sofa appeared. Sitting down, she continued, "I do apologise for this unprompted visit, but there's been some issue regarding your reincarnation."

That sent alarm bells ringing in my mind. No mortal was supposed to know about that, only the higher ups in the multiverse kinda knew about my situation.

My thoughts started racing at the speed of light, thinking about all the people who could know about this, from both my lives, until a figure came in my mind.

"Lady Death?" I ask hesitantly.

"Oh, where are my manners. Let me introduce myself, yes, I am Death. A far-off cousin of the guy who sent you to this reality." She introduced.

"And I'm here to remind you of a few things and update you on some things that you might not have thought about." She continued

"You know, you can put your swords down, right? I mean no harm." She said.

I slowly lower the swords but don't let my guard down. "What are the updates about.?" I ask.

"Well, you remember Johnathan Dibny. He reincarnated as well, but in a distant universe of this reality. Turns out, he didn't take it as well as you. Went down quite a dark path. And now he's kinda destroying everything as he goes."

"Who's Johnathan Dibny. Why do I care if he destroys his universe." I ask, confused by the new information.

"Oh, right you died right after the stab. Johnathan Dibny if the man that killed you. Turns out, the acts of evil he tried to do in the name of some random evil god, were after all not so random.

The thing that he worshiped and hoped to get the blessing of was quite real. Very dangerous as well.

When you killed him before you died, the anomaly created by your actions, not only enraged Johnathan, but also the thing behind it.

And that's why you should care that Johnathan's reincarnated as well, cause he's out for blood, and so is his master." Explained Death

"Oh is that it. That should be quite easy then right. I mean I killed him once and that was before I had these powers. Secondly, I'm quite indestructible, capable of handling all 6 infinity stones, unaided on my body (theoretically at least), I can tap into almost all of the different dimensions and leech off their energies. I am very overpowered if I say so myself." I retort as I list out my abilities.

"Pfft, do you think you're the only one with a cheat. While I don't know what the guy asked for, but I do know that he can easily channel up to 10% of his master's power. And considering all the powers you have right now, you could barely go against him for 5 minutes. And if he gets help from all his allies at the moment, you would be outmatched in just a minute." I chuckled and broke all my confidence.

"How is that guy so strong. When did he get reincarnated?"

"About 2 years ago. Before that, I don't know where he was. Maybe in his master's realm. Who knows?" responded Death.

"He got so powerful in just 2 years." I exclaim in surprise.

'What sort of ability did he get'

"Yeah. His growth rate is stupidly fast, so I suggest that you try to improve as fast as you can, before that guys comes along to this universe and fucks it up beyond measure.

And also, I got permission from above that you can mess around with the universe as long as you don't royally screw it over like ending all life off the universe. As long as major events happen its fine. If they happen a bit earlier, its fine as long as it helps stuff move along."

"So, I can now do some larger changes in this universe, like strengthen my allies and stuff." I ask.

"Sure, but only within certain boundaries.

The orders that I got mentioned something about your particular ability getting a minor upgrade, so that should help with powering up your allies.

It's going to be a spectacular battle between you two." She replied with a small smile.

"Ok, thanks, I guess. Could you pass my thanks along to the higher ups?" I ask with a smile.

"Of course. Now do you have any other questions before I leave." She asked.

Contemplating for a while, I stay silent.

"You better hurry along, you might want to get out of here early after absorbing the mind stone. We already wasted quite a bit of time here."

I finally ask the question that has been weighing on my mind since the explanation began.

"Who is Johnathan Dibny's master?"

"One below All" she replied with a wry smile.


