
A few weeks went by since the world erupted in chaos from seeing multiple people randomly burst into flames.

The world leaders sent out a memo explaining their sides, trying to calm the masses down. But as expected, humans are really idiotic.

Conspiracy theorists, nut cases, and all kinds of people flooded the streets, demanding a proper explanation, something which the remaining higher-ups did not have.

However, since Hydra was so kind enough to infiltrate most of the organizations in the world, all Lucifer had to do was order his clones to step in and basically continue doing what the Hydra members were doing when alive.

Distract the masses.

Want to mess with conspiracy theorists and nutcases, accidentally leak some documents or photos to the right people, who then weave a giant net of theories, distracting the target audience enough for them to move on.

Want to mess with the extreme liberal and humanitarian people, make some big accident happen, making them focus on the new 'victims.'

Want to mess with businesspeople, inject a new product in the market.

Warmongers, start a new fight between friendly or neighboring countries.

"Man, HYDRA was the worst." I sighed, seeing the weird and borderline psychotic stuff that my clones were doing to control the world.

"I guess this is why controlling the world from the shadows is boring and cumbersome. It's so much work." I say, calmly sipping on a sangria, enjoying the beautiful view of my wife's backside, and frolicking around the infinity-style swimming pool with my daughter.

"LUCIFER, Care to explain why I just got my PERIOD!!!!!!" Suddenly, a loud, banshee-like scream pierced the halls of my house, making me splash myself with the red liquid, and getting the attention of my wife and child.

"Hey Nat, what's up?" I calmly ask as I look towards the source of the scream, seeing a pissed-off redhead, fuming mad, her face matching her hair.

"Don't 'what's up' me. Explain. A month ago, I physically couldn't have my period. Now, suddenly, after getting healed by you and your machines, I have my period back. Also, my uterus back. Explain!!" She walked up to my face, steam rising off her head.

"Woah, what? What the hell are you talking about? All I did was heal you back into shape after taking that blast to your stomach. And my machines aren't advanced enough to grow back organs in less than a day." I explain, kind of confused at what happened.

"Well, when you healed me with that weird magic ability of yours, did you know that I had my uterus forcibly removed when I was a teen?" She asked, her voice quivering.

"Hey, honey, what's going on?" Lily asked as she carefully walked towards me with Emily glaring daggers at Natasha.

"Lily, this is Natasha, the one I teamed up with to fight the aliens. Natasha, meet my wife, Lily, and my daughter, Emily." I introduce the three ladies to each other but seeing the unfriendly faces of each woman, my voice lowers awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you. Darling, I'll be inside with Em, call if you need anything." Giving a curt nod, Lily dragged Emily inside, while Nat stood there, glaring at me.

"Sorry about that. But to answer your question, no, I did not know you had a hysterectomy done. When I healed you, I kickstarted your own stem cells and gave them a big boost to heal you. All I added to you was some of my blood to replace all that you lost." I explain carefully, remembering the incident.

"So, what you're saying is that my own body recreated my uterus after you gave my stem cells a boost??" She asked as confusion sets in.

"Yeah. Basically. That blast from the chitauri blaster also damaged a lot of your intestines. The stem cells also regrew them. I just thought that your uterus was blasted away or just too damaged to be seen inside you."

"So, you're weird machine didn't make a non-functioning uterus in my body, but it's a genuine uterus inside me??" she asked, her voice losing its intensity, slowly turning more vulnerable, before tears lined her eyes.

"Yeah. I'll have to do some tests to confirm that it's functioning before I can say for sure, but, it's most likely a functioning uterus. If you want, I can have it removed, it's a very easy procedure, and you can heal back in less than a day." I offer.

"no, no. Let me have it. I want to keep it. Can you confirm if it's fully functioning?" She asked, no longer looking like the assassin that she was, but more like a young woman getting her hope back.

"Sure, come downstairs."

A few minutes later, Nat exited the examination capsule, a grave look on my face, which made Nat feel afraid.

"What's wrong? Why do you look like that? Is the organ not functional?" She asked worriedly.

"That's not it. You have a perfectly normal uterus. The surrounding structure looks fine as well. You also have the same number of eggs as an 11-year-old who hasn't had her first period." I explain.

"Really. That's so great. Does this mean that I can have kids of my own??? Can I have a normal life???" She interrupted, with hope in her eyes, begging me to confirm her thoughts.

"Well, yes. You can have kids, but I don't know about normal life?" I add.

"What? Why not, what's wrong?"

"When I just did a scan of you, I did a full-body exam. From the results, I noticed that you had an inefficient superhuman serum, a knockoff of the one the captain has. It used to give you high levels of strength, power, endurance, intelligence, and toxin and disease immunity.

But, after I healed you, it seems there was a change to your whole genetic makeup.


