Chapter 7 - Boyfriend Material

Chapter 7 - Boyfriend Material

A full month had passed since OT7 returned from Malaysia. Practice schedules once again became insane as they prepared for their fast approaching tour. After days of hard work, the members were finally granted a day off to heal and recoup. As to be expected, nothing between Jungkook and Jimin was resolved. The two slid past each other awkwardly in their day to day interactions while steadfastly refusing to acknowledge each other. As difficult as the situation was for Jimin and Jungkook, it was even more complex for Tae who found himself trapped in the middle of a quarrel between his two best friends. Tae and Jungkook met in the cafeteria to have breakfast. Tae could no longer hold his tongue and he lashed out immediately, "You're stupid you know that?"

"Stay out of this Tae. I've asked you repeatedly to stay out of this. There are things going on here that you don't understand," Jungkook admonished his Hyung.

"You're stupid you know that right?��� Tae repeated as he ignored Jungkook's admonishment. He continued, "Why don't you two just talk? It's not what you think Jungkook." Tae wanted to tell Jungkook what he knew, but he couldn't. "Please talk to him Jungkook. He misses you. Why are you being so stubborn?"

"Just shut up Tae. I told you that I don't want to talk about this with YOU. I also told you that I'm not talking to him. Not after…" Jungkook aborted his sentence, "If he wants to talk to someone, he's got a boyfriend doesn't he? I'm going shopping in the city today, are you coming?"

"Ohh GOD, you're stupid." Tae slapped Jungkook in the back of the head and walked away in frustration all while refusing to acknowledge his invitation to go shopping.


Later that evening, Jimin was enjoying a quiet night alone in his apartment. He was laying in his bed reading one of the novels from his long list of "must reads" before the start of the tour. He wore a pair of thick black rimmed glasses, linen shorts and a plain white t-shirt that belonged to Jungkook. He would periodically lift the shirt to his nose to smell the remnants of Jungkook's scent. He really missed him. Jimin knew that Jungkook had been out shopping most of the day he wondered if he was shopping alone. The Maknae was so difficult and Jimin really understood nothing about how his complicated mind worked. He refocused and returned back to reading his book until he was startled by a sudden knock at this door.

"Jimin-ah!" Jungkook was knocking at Jimin's door with great playfulness. "Jimin-ah, Jimin-ah, Jimin-aaaaah, open up."

Jimin was surprised and confused. After weeks of barely even acknowledging his existence, Jungkook was now at his door demanding to be let in. What the Bangtan was this about?

Jimin responded with, "Jungkook-ah," as he opened the door.

"Hey baby, good evening." Jungkook invited himself into Jimin's apartment. He chose to gently rub up against Jimin as he passed through the doorway.

"Baby? Did you call me baby? You're in a good mood this evening Jungkook," Jimin said suspiciously, crossing his arms in irritation.

"Yes, I said baby and YES, I'm in a very good mood, I'm in the best mood I've been in since…since…since we kissed on the beach." Jungkook was smiling so brightly that it filled the entire room.

This was the first time in five weeks that Jungkook had visited Jimin in his room. It was also the first time in as many weeks that Jungkook bothered to even mention their brief fling in Malaysia. Something was up. Jungkook was behaving as if the rift between he and Jimin never existed. Jimin could see him clutching a fancy shopping bag from one of the designer stores in the plaza where he'd been shopping.

Jungkook walked over to where Jimin was standing and stood close to him. Too close. Too-too close. He was already several inches taller than his Hyung, to further contrast the height difference, he was wearing a pair of Timberlands and Jimin was in his bare feet. Jungkook seemed to enjoy the show of dominance over his elder. He stared down into his face and unleashed the most beautiful smile that Jimin had ever seen. Jimin was mesmerized by him.

"I went shopping in the plaza this morning. I needed more white t-shirts. Seems like mine keep disappearing," Jungkook lifted an eyebrow and paced toward Jimin trapping him against the wall behind them. He ran his hand down the front of Jimin's chest grabbing at his own shirt hanging off of Jimin's body. Jimin felt blood rushing to his groin. His senses were awakened by Jungkook's brief touch. Was Jungkook flirting?

"I'm sure this is my shirt," Jimin giggled slightly as the unbelievable lie escaped his mouth.

"I don't mind sharing with you Jiminie. You can have anything you want." The way Jungkook said that last sentence left no doubt in Jimin's mind that the Maknae was definitely flirting. Jimin was still pinned up against the wall. Jungkook had one arm outstretched leaning on the wall next to Jimin's head.

"I got you something," Jungkook's seductive demeaner continued, "open it." He handed the boutique bag to Jimin and beamed as hard as he could. His beautiful teeth were one of Jimin's favorite things in the world.

"Aw Jungkookie," Jimin opened the bag and pulled out a white t-shirt with black lettering. Jimin read the front of the shirt aloud, "BOYFRIEND MATERIAL."

Jimin was slightly overwhelmed. Jungkook's behavior was a mind bending puzzle and he struggled to understand the motives behind it. He felt a thrill of excitement yet he was very suspicious. Jungkook had never given Jimin any indication of considering him a "boyfriend" and he was very honored but very confused.

He looked up at Jungkook, "Oh you think I'm boyfriend material do you? I LOVE it Kookie, but I'm very confused. What's this about? How can you just waltz in here like nothing's happened? You've barely said two words to me in weeks."

"To answer your first question, YES. I definitely think you're boyfriend material. You ooooze boyfriend material. And to answer your second question…guess who I ran into today at the plaza?" Jungkook said matter-of-factly.

"Who?" Jimin said with mild interest.

"Taemin." Jungkook made a fist with his right hand and punched his left palm.

"What? Kookie no!" The color completely drained from Jimin's face. He was terrified about what Jungkook was going to say next.

"Oh Jiminie yes." Jungkook mocked Jimin's surprised expression.

"What did you do? What happened?" Jimin hit Jungkook's arm and knocked it down from where it was perched on the wall.

"Well, for starters, I was about to kick his ass," Jungkook laughed.

"Kookie NO," Jimin had his finger in Jungkook's face, "Why must you act like a Neanderthal every time Taemin is around? He's done nothing. Why would you do that? Why couldn't you just leave him alone?" Jimin scolded.

Jungkook stepped up to Jimin again, still showing his dominance over the smaller man, "Chill, I said I ALMOST kicked his ass. I confronted him because I thought he was cheating on you again Jiminie. I saw him hugging and kissing another guy. I believe his name was Chen." Jungkook paused to take in Jimin's full expression.

Jimin looked down in embarrassment.

"Are we going to pretend we don't know about Chen?" Jungkook was smiling broadly once again. He knew Jimin was uncomfortable.

"According to Chen and Taemin, they're engaged. Been dating for almost two years. Oh! And you helped pick out the engagement ring. Does any of that ring a bell Jimin-aaaah?" Jungkook stepped too close to Jimin again. He was enjoying this way too much. Jimin continued to look down. "You know if I had hit him, it would have been your fault?" Jungkook laughed.

"How would that be my fault?" Jimin defended.

"Because you should have told me the full truth; that you and Taemin were just friends. That you were…single." Jungkook moved closer to Jimin again. He was much, much too close. Jimin's hormones were raging.

"I'm sorry Kookie, I admit it. I used him to get under your skin," Jimin explained, "and he was more than happy to oblige because he hates you."

"Mutual. Definitely mutual. I absolutely hate him too," Jungkook added, "You've been playing this little cat and mouse game with me for months. Letting me think that you and Taemin were dating. That's not nice Jiminie." Jungkook's voice was suddenly low and deep. He was scolding Jimin and seducing him at the same time, "I should be very angry with you," Jungkook finished.

"Look, I'm sorry Kookie. I didn't exactly lie. I just didn't tell you the full truth," Jimin tried to explain himself.

"Seeing you two together - it almost killed me Jimin. The first time I saw you two together, I had an emotional break down that turned into this uncontrollable anxiety attack. If Tae and Hobi hadn't been there to save me, I don't know if I would still be here today. That's how much your little games hurt me," Jungkook was now speaking in a low whisper.

"I never knew that. I'm so sorry Kookie. I never knew. You suffered in silence and I never knew," Jimin said with the utmost compassion, fighting back tears.

"I was embarrassed. I asked them not to say anything. I told them the anxiety attack was because I missed my parents. But Jiminie…I'm not mad at you. In fact, you and Taemin not being together is the best news I've heard in months. You want to know why I've been distancing myself from you? It's because I thought you two were dating and that you were in love with him. I didn't want to get hurt. I didn't want to keep chasing something that I couldn't have." Jungkook continued to invade Jimin's personal space. He leaned his forehead forward and rested it upon Jimin's forehead, "Besides, how can I be mad at you when I have my own sins." Jungkook smiled, his nose almost touching Jimin's.

"Yes, the whole Soujin debacle. I remember." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, not my finest moment." Jungkook's expression turned serious. "I didn't feel anything for her Jimin. When I kissed her, I thought I would feel something. I knew I wouldn't enjoy it but I thought I would feel SOMETHING," Jungkook reflected.

"You're so gay," Jimin said casually. The two continued to speak softly to each other with their foreheads glued together.

"Yeah, so I've been told," Jungkook said passively.

"Really! By Whom?" Jungkook's remark caught Jimin completely off guard. He lifted his forehead away from Jungkook and looked pensively at him.

"Mom." Jungkook smiled just slightly as he spoke her name.

"What?" Jimin didn't realize that Jungkook had ever discussed the topic of sexuality with anyone. This was a side of him that was a complete mystery to the entire world, "I didn't know that you had spoken to her. I'm impressed Kookie." Jimin reached out and held Jungkook's hand. He pulled him over to the bed and they sat down adjacent to a pile of books laying on Jimin's comforter. The two sat in silence for a couple of minutes. There was so much information that Jimin needed to absorb that he couldn't speak right away. This was a ground-breaking revelation that they had never addressed and Jimin understood the importance of the moment.

"So your mother knows? Does she know…everything?" Jimin prodded gently.

"Well she knew more than I did. She helped me understand that YOU were the one I really wanted. She helped me realize that I didn't give a damn what other people thought. She also helped me accept and understand who I was and that I didn't need to be ashamed or confused. I have to be happy because happiness is the most important thing. You make me happy Jiminie," Jungkook eloquently retraced his mother's words.

Jimin's feelings for Jungkook were growing exponentially as each word passed his lips, "Oh, Jungkookie. That's so beautiful. You make me happy too. So happy." Jimin gave Jungkook a soft kiss on the lips. He stood up from the bed and pulled his shirt over his head, standing there topless just inches away from Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook said innocently.

"I'm trying on my new shirt," Jimin said full of excitement. Jungkook couldn't help but notice though that Jimin's new shirt seemed to be the last thing on his mind.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll fit. It's a toddler's size small," Jungkook slapped his leg and roared with laughter.

"Ha-ha-ha. Not a very nice way to speak to me if you want me to be your boyfriend," Jimin snapped back.

Jimin walked towards the mirror. His shorts were riding low so that his pelvis was showing. Jimin had a small frame but it was all muscle with tight chiseled abs centered at the core of his body. He watched Jungkook's reflection in the mirror to make sure he had his full attention. Seductively, he waxed poetic about meaningless things, "I think I need to lose a little weight. I look chubby," Jimin teased as he examined himself in the mirror.

"You look fine Jiminie-hyung," Jungkook said casually, barely acknowledging him.

Jungkook knew exactly where this was going. His attention seeking heartthrob was trying to play dirty. In Jungkook's mind, Jimin looked much more than fine, he looked breath taking. But Jungkook wasn't going to acknowledge it because he knew that's exactly what Jimin wanted. He shifted on the bed and tugged at his jeans to try to release some of the pressure from his growing erection. Jungkook decided to concentrate on his phone. He was being stubborn and didn't want to give Jimin the satisfaction of knowing that he was drooling over his hot body. The battery in his phone was dead, yet he still distracted himself by staring at the blank screen.

"We start touring in less than a month. I think it would be good for me to drop a few pounds. Do you think I need to lose weight Jungkook-ah?" Jungkook ignored him. Jimin walked over to the bed where Jungkook was nervously fidgeting with his dead phone.

"Do I need to lose weight baby?" Jimin flexed gently while using his left index finger to rub his nipple hard.

Jungkook, now hiding a smirk, refused to look up from his phone. Jimin placed his small firm hand under Jungkook's chin to force his chin up so that he could see his naked upper body. Jungkook's mouth dropped open just slightly. Jimin licked his finger and stuck it into his boyfriend's open mouth. Jungkook, lusting for a taste, closed his lips around Jimin's finger and sucked delicately. The phone that was once securely gripped in Jungkook's hand, haplessly fell to the floor.

Jimin repeated his question and removed his finger from Jungkook's mouth, "Do I need to lose weight – my Bunny?" Bunny was a trigger word. They hadn't been intimate for long, but Jimin had already established a few well-defined patterns when he was horny. One of the most obvious was his use of the word "Bunny". Whenever Jimin referred to Jungkook as Bunny, it was usually within the context of sex.

Jungkook didn't speak. He just shook his head slowly from side to side and gulped hard. Jungkook was still sitting on the edge of the bed when Jimin stepped closer to him. He guided Jungkook's hand over his left chest muscle and continued to drag it south until it landed on the top button of Jimin's linen shorts. With one quick swipe, Jungkook flicked open the button of Jimin's shorts causing them to drop even lower and reveal more of his tight abdomen. Jungkook surveyed the landscape and could see the start of a trail of black hair leading to Jimin's genitals. Jimin placed his hand gently behind Jungkook's head and pulled it forward into his stomach until Jungkook's lips were pressed up against the peaks and valleys of his abdominal region. He used his sweet lips to gently caress Jimin's skin while merging the caresses into kisses, and the kisses into sucks and the sucks, into bites.

With every bite that Jungkook put on him, Jimin shuddered. He watched his young lover leave a small trail of bruises across the entire mid-section of his body. With a lustful sigh of pleasure, Jimin whispered,

"Can I trust you with my heart, Jeon Jungkook?"

"It depends," Jungkook mumbled with Jimin's flesh firmly grasped between his teeth, "can I trust you to stop stealing my white t-shirts, Park Jimin?"

"Yes," Jimin giggled./p>

"Then it's a yes for me too," Jungkook agreed. /p>

"I want you," Jimin said, still whispering.

"I need you," Jungkook whispered back.

Jimin pushed Jungkook down onto the bed and climbed on top of him. He leaned over and met Jungkook's lips with his own. Jimin hit him immediately with three short kisses to the lips and then bit Jungkook's bottom lip to force his mouth open. He inserted his tongue into Jungkook's mouth and continued his enticing kiss. The two instinctively began grinding against each other as their lips locked. Jimin lifted slightly and stared lovingly down at Jungkook as he rode him through his jeans. He wouldn't allow Jungkook to break their gaze.

It had only been a few seconds, but Jungkook could already feel that his orgasm was near. Jimin felt so good to him. He closed his eyes and began to moan quietly.

"Look at me," Jimin demanded, "you can't...not yet." Jimin stopped moving and repeated himself, "Look - at - me."

The sudden halt in Jimin's grinding caught Jungkook's attention and forced him to open his eyes. He stared obediently at Jimin. The pattern repeated itself; everytime Jungkook would get close to releasing, Jimin would deny him. It was like Jimin was playing an odd game of torture. Jungkook wasn't sure if he hated it or loved it.

Without warning, Jimin stopped again. Jungkook pleaded, "Please baby, I can't take this anymore, please."

"Oh my sweet Bun, you'll get your prize. Come with me." Jimin pulled Jungkook from the bed and led him to the bathroom. He started the shower to let it warm while he turned his attention back to Jungkook. He continued to stare into Jungkook's eyes, never releasing eye contact.

"Do you know why I make you look at me? Jimin asked.

"No." Jungkook answered curtly.

"Because souls unite and become one - through the eyes," Jimin said as he unzipped Jungkook's jeans and pushed them to the floor. He still didn't break eye contact.

"Don't you think we've done enough soul merging for one night?" Jungkook laughed. He reciprocated Jimin's actions by grabbing Jimin's shorts and pushing them to the floor. He reached around his own body and lifted his t-shirt over his head.

The undressing was complete. Both men stood there unabashedly naked. They stepped into the shower and emersed themselves under the down pour of water. Their open mouths collided within the hot stream as they gasped to breathe onto each other's lips. The desire and lust they felt towards each other was uncontainable. Jimin wasted no time getting to work. He grabbed Jungkook's swollen engorged dick and began stroking him against his leg. Jungkook with great trepidation, allowed his climax to build again. He wasn't sure if this was another one of Jimin's torturous tricks or if Jimin was actually going to let him cum this time. He breathed heavily with his eyes closed and his heart beating fast.

Jimin let out a low whisper, "Cum for me baby Bunny, cum all over me."

This was the permission that Jungkook so desperately needed. Jimin's hands were small but they were strong and powerful and fit perfectly around Jungkook's cock. Jimin knew how to touch his young lover's body in exactly the right way to bring out his most extreme pleasure.

Jungkook's breathing became deep and heavy. His voice echoed through the bathroom while uttering a string of profanities. He held his head back and moaned loudly as he released a stream of semen against Jimin's thigh. His orgasm was so intense that he had to hang on to the towel rack to keep from falling when his knees buckled under him. He grabbed Jimin in a tight hug and began kissing his neck. He then spun Jimin around into a back hug forcing his dick into Jimin's back so he that he could feel the final throbbing of his orgasm. With a tremendous sense of relief, he began a coordinated series of movements where he kissed Jimin's neck and massaged his nuts simultaneously.

A voice called out from the bedroom. It was Taehyung. With all of the preoccupation with their shower show, neither Jimin nor Jungkook realized that Taehyung had entered the apartment.

"Jiminie-hyung, are you in the shower? Why are you taking a shower so early?" Taehyung called out to Jimin.

"Ohh Shit, Tae's back," Jimin's eyes were wide with panic. You have to be quiet. He can't know that you're here," Jimin seemed legitimately worried.

"You should probably answer him," Jungkook stated calmly.

"Uhh, yeah Tae, I'm in the shower, I – I felt dirty? Decided to wash?" Jimin was unsure of the right words to deliver.

Jungkook, began lathering Jimin's back with soap then gave Jimin a thumbs up of approval, "Good answer," Jungkook teased, "so where were we? Ah, yes, your turn to cum for me." Jungkook couldn't help but take this opportunity to get a little revenge on Jimin for all of the teasing he'd put him through earlier.

Tae's voice grew closer, "Hyung, guess what?"

"Oh NO, I think he's coming in here," Jimin's panic continued.

"You should stop him," Jungkook whispered casually. He was still holding Jimin in a tight back hug. He began nibbling on the back of Jimin's neck while sliding his hands from his waist to his dick. Jimin attempted to wiggle away, but Jungkook's grip around his body was immovable. Both of Jungkook's hands were covered in a thick layer of soapy lather that he used as lubricant to rub Jimin's dick from behind while kissing the nape of his neck.

Jimin let out a breathy plead for Jungook to behave, "Ahh-Ohh-Oh, Kookie nooo. Tae's coming."

"And so will you," Jungkook whispered very softly into Jimin's ear.

"Jimin-hyung, why do you have clothes all over the floor?" Taehyung was now in the bathroom only feet away from where Jimin stood naked with a naked Jungkook all over him. The shower door was completely opaque which kept Taehyung from being able to see the bodies inside.

Jimin leaned his head backwards and rested it on Jungkook's shoulder. Jimin, the one who was always in control, had become powerless under Jungkook's touch.

"Jiminie, did you hear me?" Tae repeated himself.

Jungkook whispered in Jimin's ear, "You should answer him before he decides to open the door to check on you."

Jimin cleared his throat and found some words, any words to give to Tae, "Yeah, Tae, I-I'm list..."

"I have an audition for an acting role. It's a new syndicated drama and I would be one of the leading characters. I'm nervous, but excited. The audition is next Thursday. I'm up against six other seasoned actors, so it's not going to be easy, but I'm ready. Namjoon-hyung was with me when I got the call. He suggested that I double my acting lessons to make sure I'm really prepared," Tae said excitedly.

Jimin didn't respond. He lifted both arms over his head and clasped his hands behind Jungkook's neck in an effort to hold on.

Jungkook, never missing a stroke, gently placed his tongue in Jimin's ear to whisper again, "You should answer him. Tell him good job."

"Good JOB," Jimin blurted out unevenly. He fought desperately against an orgasm that was determined to take him.

"Thanks, Hyung. I'm on my way to see my acting coach," Taehyung recounted his exciting news to his two best friends who were otherwise preoccupied.

With no regard for Tae's presence, Jungkook continued to mercilessly beat Jimin's dick with every intention of making him lose control. He locked his long muscular arm tightly across Jimin's chest, supporting all of his weight as Jimin began to collapse under the ecstasy of his orgasm. Jimin's chest rose and fell rapidly as he panted silently through his release. Jungkook's stroke, ever steady, persisted until every ounce of orgasmic fluid had been ejected from Jimin's body. He continued to hold him up until he was recovered enough to regain his composure.

Tae's voice, only an echo a few moments ago, was suddenly now loud, clear and in focus. Jimin managed to say a few cogent words to try to salvage the conversation,

"Ok, Tae-Tae, good luck. I'm really proud of you," Jimin's voice was shaky as he tried to recover.

"Gotta go. I'll be late coming home tonight, so don't worry about me. Bye." Tae smirked as he left the bathroom.

Jimin turned to Jungkook and punched him in the chest, "You're a fucking brat you know that?" Jimin's small wet hand made a loud smacking noise against Jungkook's thundering bosom.

Tae grabbed his bag and jetted out of the front door of their apartment. As he walked towards the elevator, he ran into Hoseok.

"Hey Tae, you seen Jungkook? He's not answering my texts and he's not in his apartment."

"Yep, he's in the shower with Jimin," Tae stared unblinkingly at Hosoek with the slightest smirk just below the surface.

Hoseok turned a slight shade of pink and looked as if he might throw up, "Ewww. So they're back on again?"

"Hell if I know," Tae sighed. "no one can really know for sure with those two, but I'm going to guess YES based on the fact that they were naked in my shower."

Hosoek made his barf face again, "Ewww. So, do they know you know?" He said squinting as if he were trying to avoid seeing something displeasing.

"Nope, they're stupid," Tae rolled his eyes.

"I'm sick of this charade. When are we just going to tell them that we know so they can stop all of the sneaking around?" Hosoek raised his voice slightly. Jimin and Jungkook were like brothers to him. The thought of them doing anything sexual was uncomfortable for him and something he felt was not his business.

Tae didn't respond to Hoseok's question. Instead, he turned the conversation to his great news, "Hey, I'm on my way to see my acting coach. I got an interview for a TV drama next Thursday. There's a good chance that I may get the part. Only six other actors up against me."

"Yeah, I heard from Joon. That's really, really great news Tae. You're going to kill it. Let me know if you need help rehearsing your lines. I'll do anything to help." Hosoek smiled at Tae and gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks, man. Gotta go, I'm late." Tae waived a quick goodbye and scurried towards the elevator.
