Chapter 6 – Brevity of the Solar Eclipse

Chapter 6 – Brevity of the Solar Eclipse

Jimin and Jungkook were full of smiles and giggles the next morning at breakfast. They were openly flirting with each other which caused quite the stir amongst the other members.

Yoongi leaned over to Namjoon and whispered, "Well, well, well look who seems to have found their way back to each other. Aren't they cute?"

Namjoon answered, "I don't see cute. I only see annoying."

"Don't be too hard on them," Yoongi replied, "this is 1000 times better than that other weird shit that's been going on the last few months."

"Agreed." Namjoon nodded his head aggressively. "I respect them though Yoon. No matter what they go through personally, they never let it affect us professionally. I don't know how they do it really."

"You think they're fuckin?" Yoongi tilted his head in curiosity as he surveyed the two of them at the other table.

"Not yet." Taehyung came from out of nowhere and answered Yoongi's question before Namjoon had a chance to respond.

"They're like family to me, so none of that is my business. As long as it doesn't affect performance, I don't care what they do." Namjoon said diplomatically.

"Who the fuck is going to be on top?" Yoongi said as he scratched his chin curiously and crinkled his eyebrows.

"Bets on Jimin." Taehyung casually surmised.

"Hmph. I'm sure you'll know before the rest of us, let us know what you find out." Yoongi tapped Taehyung on the shoulder as he got up from the table.

"Will do. Let me know if you want to take bets." Taehyung responded accordingly.

Namjoon hid his face in his hands. He really was uncomfortable with this particular breakfast conversation. He spoke again,

"You know Tae, they still don't know that we know, right?"

"Nope. They have no idea. I hope we can keep it that way. Seems like they still have a lot to figure out. I think it's still pretty volatile at this point." Taehyung said knowingly.

Namjoon and Tae watched as Jimin and Jungkook played with a soccer ball around the hotel lobby. Jimin hit Jungkook in the head with the ball. He took off running with Jungkook in hot pursuit. They disappeared into the open air of the beach.

"They are annoying." Namjoon repeated.

"But cute. I'm really pulling for them Joon." Taehyung said.

Jimin and Jungkook ran playfully down the beach passing the soccer ball to each other. Jimin kneed the ball and kicked it into Jungkook's head again. He put his hand over his mouth and mouthed SORRY before running for his life. Jungkook was a patient soul, but Jimin knew that hitting him in the head a second time, was going too far. Of course his speed was no match for Jungkook and with barely anyl, he caught up with Jimin and scooped him up over his shoulder. These days, it seemed like carrying Jimin like a sack of potatoes had become Jungkook's favorite new thing. He carried him out to the sea and threatened to throw him into the deepest part of the blue surf. Jimin began to squirm in an effort to get down but Jungkook continued to march far out into the ocean until he was waist deep in the fluffy white foam of the warm waves. He lowered Jimin slowly into the clear sea water and stood with his back against the shore, towering over Jimin and blocking his view. Anyone looking at them from the shore wouldn't even realize that Jimin was there with him because Jungkook toward over him so significantly that he completely swallowed Jimin's petite body. After taking a couple fo quick glances around to make sure the coast was clear, he reached down and gave Jimin a deep tongue filled passionate kiss.

Jimin tried to resist but it was no use, r trying to resist Jungkook's soft lips was futile. Their fleeting moment of bliss was broken up when they heard Namjoon calling from the shore, "Guys, let's go!! We've got filming in 20 minutes on the other side of the island." Namjoon gestured toward the waiting golf cart.

"Jungkook, you've got us all wet! The Noonas are going to kill us." Jimin scolded Jungkook through a masked giggle.

"It's hotter than Africa out here, we'll be dry by the time we get there," The young one had very little concern over their wet clothes.


Even though they were all filming, Jimin's schedule was very light. It was Jungkook who actually had the most scenes to film that day and the heaviest work load. Jimin sat as a casual observer watching as Jungkook went through each of his scenes. With Jimins' schedule being lighter than usual, he was left plenty of time to sit and reflect as he listened to the waves crash against the shore with his beautiful Jungkookie as the backdrop.

Things would forever be different between them and Jimin was suddenly having second thoughts about everything. The passionate kissing between them opened the sensual floodgates of desire and once they became comfortable with this new level of intimacy, they would continue to want more and more and more. They would continue to push each other's boundaries by experimenting with their sexual proclivities. Jimin knew that entering into a physical relationship with Jungkook could be problematic. He tried to contain his lust where's bandmate was concerned was concerned, but the fact was, he was falling in love with him and he wanted to be with him in every way. Repressing his organic feelings was impossible. He hought to himself, why does this have to be so complicated? Why can't this just be your standard boy on boy love affair? His laughter cause Jungkook to turn to him and give him a wink. Jimin winked back as he watched Jungkook repeat his lines with perfection while filming his third scene.

Thought tossed themselves through his head, "Should I take the risk and jump in with both feet? Or should I slow things down?" Jimin questioned himself. He continued to watch Jungkook with love in his heart as he goofed around shadow boxing with Yoongi. "What happens if this doesn't work? Will I ever recover? Will it break my heart forever? Can I trust him?" He continued questioning himself, asking questions that were impossible to answer.

Jungkook waited until no one was watching and blew a kiss towards Jimn as he sat at the water's edge. Jimin cautiously blew a kiss back, making sure no one saw their exchange. He continued to pour over his thoughts, "This train is moving too fast. I can't trust him. I need to slow things down," He finally concluded.


OT7 had dinner together that evening. Once again, they all ended up on singing and dancing in from of the warm fire pit on the beach. And once again, Jimin and Jungkook were the only two who remained after everyone else retired.

"I'm cold," Jimin began, "I better head in for the evening."

"Don't – don't leave Jiminie, I have a blanket." Jungkook reached into his bag and pulled out a fluffy yellow blanket. He stood up and walked over to Jimin and then sat down behind him to straddle Jimin's body so that Jimin could sit between his legs. He wrapped the blanket around both of them and settled in comfortably.

Jimin closed his eyes tightly because this was exactly what he DIDN'T need. Jungkook's strong warm body felt incredible as if it was made to cradle Jimin and only Jimin for eternity. Jimin looked up at the full moon of the sky, tilting his head back so that the top of his fluffed hair brushed against Jungkook's lips. The moon was hanging so low that he felt he could touch it.

"Jungkookie, the moon!" Jimin gasped.

"I know, it's beautiful. But not as beautiful as you," Jungkook giggled, but he meant every word. "Ok, that may have been a bit corny, but I hope you know it's true?"

Jimin turned and punched Jungkook in the shoulder, "Ohh that was awful, stop. Stop now," Jimin implored.

Jungkook began to kiss the back of Jimin's neck making him shudder under the soft tickle of his warm breath. As much as Jimin had loved Taemin in the past, nothing he experienced with him was even close to what he was feeling now with Jungkook. It was as if his entire existence was meant for this one man.

Jimin and Jungkook sat motionless for over an hour staring at the sky; with the only exception to their immobility being the occasional kiss or nibble that Jungkook placed on Jimin's neck.

"Jiminie – it's cold out here." The temperature had dropped considerably and Jungkook all of a sudden realized how uncomfortable it was sitting on the wet sand in the middle of the night.

"Yes, Kookie, I believe I tried to tell you that an hour ago," Jimin was a little flustered. He was doing his best not to let Jungkook's constant sensual neck kisses affect him. But it was a losing battle and he was growing more turned on with each passing moment.

They put out the fire in the pit and quickly ran inside. Once they got to the corridor where their rooms were located, Jimin tried to quickly excuse himself for the evening and retreat to the safety of his room.

"Ok, goodnight Kookie, another early photo shoot tomorrow and then we head home. We better get to bed." Jimin turned and headed for the door to his hotel room. Not trusting himself to keep his hands off of Jungkook, he shoved them into his pockets and trapped them there for safe keeping. He wanted Jungkook in the worst way but he knew he couldn't have him and it took every bit of discipline possible to contain his instincts and just walk away.

A single delicate word was uttered from Jungkooks mouth, ""Jiminie." Jimin turned to face him.

Jungkook met eyes with Jimin. He innocently, or possibly not so innocently, removed his jacket and bit his bottom lip while sweeping his hand through his soft chocolate hair. Very non-chalantly, he flipped open the first three buttons of his shirt revealing the upper most portion of his heaving chest. His hand crept underneath his shirt as he lifted it just enough to reveal the lower most cluster of his taught tan abs. He began rubbing his stomach, his shirt flapping up and down with each circular pass.

"Oh, you're going? That's ok. I understand you're tired. I'm starving. I guess I'll order some room service and invite Tae over to play video games. Goodnight – Hyung." Jungkook uttered the last phrase in Satoori.

Jimin's gaze abandoned Jungkook's face and redirected toward everything going on with his luscious body. He knew he was being seduced. He didn't care. He didn't care about anything except jumping Jungkook immediately.

"FUCK IT!" Jimin spat as he pounced upon Jungkook pushing him gently against the wall of the hotel hallway. He let his hand drop to Jungkook's cock and he rubbed it firmly while he took his tongue into his mouth. Their lips met again while their tongues wildly encircled each other. Jungkook broke away from the kiss and lifted his head exposing his neck. Jimin went directly for his jugular vein with his teeth biting an impression into his skin. Jungkook moaned lightly and Jimin caught himself. They had another photo shoot tomorrow and neither of them could have marks. Jimin stopped immediately. Jungkook didn't want to stop. As soon as Jimin pulled away, he closed the gap and was back on Jimin's lips again. They passionately went at it in the hallway, neither of them acknowledging that they were on public display for the world to see. Jungkook was responding to Jimin and Jimin to Jungkook. Even in the throws of passion, Jimin was surprised by how much Jungkook wanted him.

"Come to my room," Jimin whispered.

Jungkook froze. "What?" He said.

Jimin's brain was fuzzy because all he could think of was pounding away at Jungkook's ass, but he pulled himself together enough to realize that he was being too forward. Kookie wasn't ready for this. He could tell by his startled response.

Jimin apologized, "I'm sorry, Uh-shit, I don't know what I'm saying. I didn't mean that. I should go."

For almost 2 full seconds, Jimin thought he was free. The minute he turned his head, he felt Jungkook's forceful strong hand grab his wrist. He pulled Jimin and pushed him back against the wall. Jimin's body made a dull thud as it slammed up against the sheet rock shaking the light fixtures. Jungkook flinched sorrowfully because he didn't mean to push Jimin that hard. Coincidently, the wall where Jimin was lodged just so happened to be the wall outside of Namjoon's room.

"Shit Jungkook, you're going to wake Joon." Jimin laughed and pushed Jungkook quickly down the hallway. "My room, my room. We can't get caught out here." Jimin swiped his hotel card lighting fast and stepped into the foyer of his room pulling Jungkook inside with him. They disappeared just in time to avoid being seen by Namjoon as he poked his head out the door to investigate the source of the noise outside of his wall.

"Why does this wreak of Jimin and Jungkook?" Namjoon said and he surveyed the empty hallway looking for the mysterious source of the disturbance. "My God they are annoying.�� He retreated back into his room and slammed the door.

Jimin and Jungkook stood inside the door of Jimin's hotel room. Less than a second passed before they mutually embraced and embarked upon another round of deep kissing. Jimin could feel Jungkook's erection against his leg. He pulled Jungkook to the bed and lay on top of him. Jungkook's shirt mysteriously went flying across the room. Jimin's jacket and sweater were swept up in a fury of passion and thrown to the floor. They lay topless on the bed kissing so deeply that their lips were swelling under their aggression. Jimin began to grind slowly against Jungkook's hard dick. Jungkook instinctively began grinding against him in reciprocation. They were both wearing pants, but the sensation of having each other's cocks smashing against each other under the tremendous pressure of their hip movements was enough to send them both into orgasm simultaneously. Jimin remained silent throughout his release, allowing only a quiet moan of "oh bunny" to escape his lips.

Jungkook, however, woke the neighboring guests.

"Oh GOD, OH GOD, FUCK ME, OH GOD, FUCK, FUCK, WHOA, OH GOD!" Jungkook yelled in short staccato intervals until his climax subsided. Jimin had never heard his sweet innocent Kookie string together that many obscenities at one time. He was very loud, and Jimin winced a bit hoping that Yoongi next door didn't hear it.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh, "Oh Jungkookie. Have you ever," Jimin muffled his smile, "cum before?"

"Of course, everyday," Jungkook spoke breathlessly as he continued to recover.

"No baby, I mean – without jacking off," Jimin expounded as gingerly as possible.

"Well, yeah but it's different when you care about someone right? When you really really like them and you're really attracted to them and you think that you may want to – spend the rest of your life with them." Jungkook was so clear and innocent in his response. Jimin was almost drawn to tears. He kissed Jungkook with the softness of a whisper on the tip of his nose.

"Yes, you're right Kookie. I know exactly what you mean. It's like with me and Taemin. I mean the first time that I did it with him, it was pretty special and I reacted the same way," Jimin said reassuringly. Jimin's intention was to set Jungkook's mind at ease by letting him know that he had a similar experience and that he needn't be ashamed of his feelings, but somehow, all that Jungkook heard was Taemin's name being uttered at his most vulnerable moment.

"I should go back to my room. I need to shower. I'm a mess and I need to wash this off of me." Jungkook surprised Jimin with his desire to leave.

"Is something wrong, Jungkook? I mean why do you want to leave so suddenly? You don't have – regrets do you?" Jimin as always, refusing to mince words, put forth the tough question to Jungkook.

Jungkook had already wiggled free and was up looking around the room for his shirt. He slipped it on and buttoned it fully. He grabbed his bag and jacket and headed for the door without looking at Jimin.

"Jungkook-ah, Kookie – what's wrong? Why are you suddenly acting like this?" Jimin's voice had a tone of desperation. He couldn't understand how Jungkook's entire mood had shifted so quickly.

"I think this was a mistake. I'm so sorry Jimin-hyung." And just like that, Jungkook walked out of Jimin's room without saying another word.

Jimin called after him, but it was too late. Jungkook was gone. Jimin was speechless, "What the fuck just happened?" He yelled to no one. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. What the fuck have I done? He's fuckin all over the place. Why did I do this? Why did I let him back in?" He yelled into his empty hotel room. With both of his hands, he swiped his hair away from his face, allowing a single tear to fall from each of his eyes.

Jungkook entered his hotel room. He slammed the door behind him and leaned against it. He slid down the door all the way to the bottom until he crumpled into a heap on the floor. The sobbing began. The past few days with Jimin had been magical, like a dream come true. But the following day would mark their return home and returning home meant returning Jimin to Taemin. Jungkook thought he could handle it. He thought he had the strength to fight for Jimin but it was clear that Taemin had a hold on Jimin that Jungkook was powerless to overcome. In the midst of their most intimate moment to date, all Jimin could talk about was Taemin. Jungkook's mind raced. "Is Jimin just using me? Does Jimin really care about me at all? Or am I just a convenient distraction until he can get back to his real love? I can't believe I thought I had a chance with someone as remarkable as Park Jimin. I'm so stupid," Jungkook asked the painful questions of himself. He cried for most of the night until he eventually fell asleep.

What began as a promising relationship had suddenly blown up without warning. Once again the two entered into a Solar Eclipse of sorts in which their red moon was glowing brightly but the two were still very far apart.

Jimin and Jungkook didn't speak the following day during the photo shoot nor during the flight home. They were forced to sit next to each other because none of the other members would agree to switch seats so they sat in awkward silence, both blasting sad break up songs on their headphones. Two hours into the flight, Jungkook fell asleep. His heavy head inadvertently landed on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin should have made him move, but he didn't have the heart to wake him. The truth is, he wanted Jungkook to stay like this forever. He loved being close to him, smelling his hair, running his lips along his forehead while he peacefully slept. Jimin's deepest desire was to wake up next to his sleeping Kookie every morning. But he knew this was impossible because a relationship with Jungkook was just not meant to be.

They landed in Seoul about 10pm KST. The landing was smooth but the crash of the tires hitting the runway was enough to awaken Jungkook with a start. He jerked suddenly once he realized that he had been sleeping on Jimin's shoulder. The next several weeks constituted another awkward cycle of interaction between Jimin and Jungkook. They weren't hostile, in fact Jungkook was pretty much indifferent to Jimin's presence. They treated each other as polite acquaintances; each claiming to have been wronged by the other. Jimin missed Jungkook so much. It was the rarest anomaly to come across two people who were with each daily, eating together daily, working together daily but emotionally miles apart. Jimin still didn't even know what he'd done to make Jungkook so upset. And Jungkook was refusing to speak to Jimin at all.

Jimin had a key to Jungkook's apartment because the Maknae was notorious for oversleeping so management volunteered one of the members, Jimin, to be on standby in case someone ever needed to wake him. On several occasions, when he knew Jungkook wasn't there, Jimin would sneak into his room to steal some of his oversized white t-shirts. Jimin loved wearing them. He loved the way they smelled. He loved the way they felt. He loved that they reminded him of Jungkook and made him feel close to him. Jimin was suffocating without his Kookie but he had to accept the possibility of this being their new normal. Jungkook was resolutely refusing to even acknowledge the time they had spent together in Malaysia. So, Jimin was left to mourn the remnants of a love affair that ended before it began.
