Chapter 5 - What Comes Naturally

Chapter 5 – What Comes Naturally

Jungkook watched as Jimin frolicked at the water's edge. He was burying his cute little feet into the wet sand and then flicking sand particles at Jungkook with his toes. His hair was temporarily died black but the intention was to push it to a lighter shade of blonde within the next few weeks. Derrick, the photographer was very pleased with what Jimin was giving him. Jimin was handsome and he had a natural flair for the camera. It didn't take much effort for him to deliver stunning pictures. But of course, Jungkook was biased.

It had been over a month since Jungkook had his transformative conversation with his mother who helped him to accept that he was in love with Park Jimin. Junkgook had done much soul searching during that time. It was during his time of thoughtful reflection that Jungkook realized that he really didn't care what other people thought. He really didn't give a damn how people labeled him. He only cared about one thing and that was winning Jimin. Jungkook knew that he had to fight for him if he was ever going to convince him to dump Taemin.

As Jungkook watched Jimin strike his poses for Derrick, he began to realize how much he hated Taemin. It wasn't fair that Taemin was getting Jimin's attention. Jungkook felt nauseous at the thought of Taemin touching his Jiminie, kissing him, sucking him, making love to him. Jungkook did a gut check to make sure that he wasn't literally going to throw up. The last time Jungkook had seen Jimin and Taemin together, his visceral reaction was so intense that he became physically ill and ended up sprawled on the bathroom floor. Taehyung and Hoseok ended up carrying him back to his apartment. He didn't want to revisit that feeling ever again.

The ocean scenery behind Jimin was breathtaking. The crystal blue water sparkled against Jimin's pale skin and the entire scene looked surreal. Jungkook couldn't decide which was more beautiful, the ocean scenery with it's distant jagged mountains, or Jimin. He decided upon Jimin. Jimin was definitely the more breathtaking of the two.

Jimin and Jungkook were teamed up to do their summer package photo shoot. Jimin was up first, followed by their "couples" shoot, with Jungkook's set being last. The entire OT7 was in Malaysia for this shoot. Even though this was work, the atmosphere felt very different. Everyone was relaxed. The other members were in different locations all shooting in teams of two or three. Jimin and Jungkook were the lucky ones who actually got beach time. Derrick always liked for Jungkook and Jimin to shoot together. He said they had "great chemistry". Jungkook thought to himself, he and Jimin had enough "chemistry" to build a nuclear bomb.

Jungkook continued to watch as Jimin waded further into the ocean. The water was up to his thighs. A sudden wave came crashing from behind him and soaked his pants all the way through. Jimin was wearing all white, and the wet pants left little to the imagination about what was under his clothes. Jungkook could see the outline of Jimin's cock pressed against his thigh through the wet material around his legs. Blood rushed to Jungkook's groin causing him to adjust himself and try to push his erection out of his mind. He didn't need Derrick or Jimin seeing him in such a state and he definitely didn't need it photographed.

Jimin kept smiling back at the shore where Jungkook was sitting. He really was one of the kindest, most loving people Jungkook had ever met in his life and his beautiful spirit radiated across his face. Jungkook started to feel silly for being jealous of Taemin. He actually laughed at himself because the reality was that it was HIM, Jeon Jungkook who had the unique pleasure of spending every waking minute with the precious Park Jimin. It was HIM, Jeon Jungkook who was hanging out with Park Jimin on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It was HIM, Jeon Jungkook who had a special dinner planned with Jimin later that evening. The reality was blissful causing Jungkook to feel much less threatened by Taemin who only saw Jimin sporadically.

Derrick called for Jungkook to come and join Jimin in the water. The two did various poses that ranged from the very serious, to the very strange to the extremely goofy. Jimin and Jungkook caught each other's glances and for a brief moment, they became lost in each other, with neither able to look away. Unbeknownst to them, the photographer caught their visual exchange on film. He snapped shot after shot, catching tens of stills from the intense moment that only last seconds. He saw something; maybe it was the "chemistry", maybe it was the unique bond between the two, maybe it was LUST. Whatever it was, the photo ended up being chosen as one of the top-rated pictures from the entire shoot.

The completion of the couples shoot meant that Jimin was done for the day. It was time for Jungkook to do his solo set. He was sad to see Jimin go, but it was hot and stuffy and he was content knowing that Jimin could go inside where it was safe and cool. He waved a faint goodbye, his eyes following Jimin as he walked away. There was so much pleasure in watching him walk away. To Jungkook's surprise, Jimin didn't leave. He walked the few steps back to the tent, sat in the canvas folding chair and then turned around to continue watching Jungkook's portion of the photo shoot. Jungkook's heart leaped for joy. With Jimin by his side, this was definitely going to be one of Jungkook's best shoots. *****

There was no way that Jimin was going to leave and miss the opportunity to watch Jungkook run scantily clad along the shores of the white sandy beach, so he decided to climb under the make shift triage tent and watch his young band mate do his thing. Jungkook was amazing in front of the camara. The intensity in his eyes and his ability to draw you in was uncanny; there was nothing like it. Jimin grabbed a bottle of Gatorade from the ice chest that had been set up nearby before moving his chair a few feet closer to where Jungkook was filming - well as close as possible without exposing himself to the sun.

"Oh shit Kookie," Jimin said under his breath. His emoting was in response to Jungkook pursing his lips and making a kissing motion. Derrick thought the motion was directed at the camera. Jimin knew by the familiar look in Jungkook's eyes, that the kiss was directed at him. Jimin smiled and pretended not to be impressed. Kookie's boldness and flirting was becoming epic. Jimin didn't quite understand why there was such a change Jungkook's attitude. Was it simply a matter of maturity? Jimin didn't know what to think, but he was enjoying every minute of this new and improved Jungkook who seemed very free and confident these days. It felt as if Jungkook was trying to win him. Could it be possible that Kookie wanted to be boyfriends? Jimin shook the thought from his mind. He couldn't risk thinking that way and he certainly didn't want to be hurt again. The truth was that although they had started to grow close again, their relationship was still not back to the way it used to be. Jimin was still guarded with Jungkook because the hurt was still there - still fresh - still burning. He knew that Jungkook was under the false impression that he and Taemin were dating and he very much enjoyed seeing Jungkook fight for his affection. But, in the back of his mind, he knew that at some point he was going to have to tell him that he and Taemin were just friends and that Taemin was marrying his boyfriend. Today, however, just wasn't that day.

Jimin came out of his thoughts when he noticed Jungkook strike a quirky new pose for Derrick. He was completely bent over with his head between his knees, giving Jimin an upside-down wave and laughing intensely at his position. No doubt, Jungkook was trying to make him laugh. Jimin's eyes bulged slightly. He could see all of the fine intricacies of Jungkook's ass and both of his plump round cheeks. Jimin suddenly had a vision of bending Jungkook over in that same position and fucking him from the back…very very hard. The vulgarity of Jimin's thoughts were so intense, that he choked a little on his Gatorade. Sweet, sweet Jungkookie was too naïve to appreciate the raunchiness he was projecting with his seemingly innocent pose.

Jungkook was so fucking gorgeous. His fluffy deep brown hair perfectly complimented his huge round eyes. He had deep dimples on either side of his face that imposed upon his cheeks whenever he licked his luscious pink lips. His body was something from a Greek novel and he towered over Jimin with the strength of ten men. His soft pale skin was speckled with various moles in all of the cutest places. In summary, Jeon Jungkook was perfect, at least in Jimin's eyes anyway. Jimin tried to keep sexual thoughts out of his mind when he was with Jungkook, but it was growing increasingly impossible not to be aroused by the physical specimen. Sex was all he thought about and sex with Jungkook was all he could fantasize about.

Jimin watched as Jungkook walked toward him. Smiles radiated between the two. Jungkook's photo shoot was over. As Jungkook got closer, he broke into a jog until finally he man-handled Jimin by grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder.

"Let's go, it's hot out here," Jungkook quipped as he headed back towards the hotel.

Jimin was surprised by the sudden attack and clutched Jungkook firmly as he went for the ride over his shoulder. He laughed hysterically at Jungkook's sudden playfulness. He didn't even bother fighting to make Jungkook put him down. With a sweet high pitched giggle, he settled in to enjoy the free ride back to his hotel room, waving goodbye to Derrick as he went.

The entrance to their hotel was only about 1000 feet from the water's edge. Jungkook carefully lowered Jimin to the ground once they arrived at their beach front entrance.

"Video games?" Kookie asked.

"I can keep you company, but I really want to shower and dive into my book." Jimin lightly tapped Jungkook's nose with his finger. Free time was at a premium these days and Jimin had six books on his list that he still hadn't read. He cherished the quiet time to transport himself into a good story.

"Can we eat first?" Jungkook objected.

"You and food!" Jimin said

"It's my second love," Jungkook nodded.

"Second? What's the first?" Jimin was very curious about how Jungkook would answer.

Jungkook looked down at his feet for a moment and said, "Army."

"Oh that's nice Kookie," Jimin agreed with a knowing smile, "I love ARMY too."

Jungkook had every intention of playing video games once he and Jimin returned to his room after dinner, but somehow a nap snuck it's way into his life. What seemed like a lifetime later, he awoke on his bed to the scene of Jimin head down engrossed in reading a thick book. Jungkook was laying on his side in a relaxed fetal position. Jimin was close behind him laying on his side behind Jungkook spooning him. He was using Jungkook's shoulder to support his book. It was a nice feeling for both of them.

"How long have I been asleep?" Jungkook asked.

"Uuum, how long have I been reading?" Jimin countered

"I don't know, I've been asleep," Jungkook replied. The two smiled at their silliness.

Jimin looked at his phone, "I think you've been out of it for about 3 hours. You won't be able to sleep tonight."

"Yeah, you're right. Will you stay to keep me company?" Jungkook asked of Jimin with sweet bunny eyes.

While flattered, Jimin didn't know if staying in Jungkook's room for the entire night was a good idea. So much had changed between them. His feelings for Jungkook were very strong lately and Jimin honestly didn't trust himself. Jungkook really was his favorite person. They undoubtedly would enjoy their time together. Still, there was too much that could happen when Jimin was feeling this attracted and this vulnerable. There was a knock at the door.

"That's Hoseok," Jimin offered, "I know his knock, it's a tad aggressive."

Jimin opened the door, "Good both of you are here," he yelled. "Guess what time it issssssss?" Hoseok was a bit annoying when he was this excited.

"Time for you to go away?" Jungkook yelled from his bed.

"TIME FOR HOPE ON THE STREET! Remember that choreo we've been working on? Let's go film it on the beach." Jimin and Jungkook both loved the idea and despite his earlier irritation, Jungkook was fully on board with the plan. He jumped up immediately.

"But it's dark isn't it?" Jungkook said worriedly

"Yes, but we have flood lights that Derrick left out for us," Hoseok answered. "It'll be a totally cool vibe on the beach in the dark with the lights. LUTZ GO BOYS!!"

The three left the room and headed out to the beach front.

The moon was so full and bright that it rained a rich highlight down onto their dark faces. It lit the beach so completely that the threesome almost didn't need the flood lights. They spent the next couple of hours goofing around and filming themselves in various stages of the choreography. Taehyung and Namjoon came to join them a few minutes later with Yoongi and Soekjin bringing up the rear. They gathered around excitedly while Seokjin lit the fire pit.

After a while, they all tired of dancing. The septuplet sat around the fire talking and reminiscing about their day, debating over who took the best shots and produced the best images. With the exception of Jimin and Jungkook, the members were exhausted. One by one they left the fire pit and headed back to their rooms for bed. When the dust settled, Jimin and Junkgook were the only two remaining on the quiet beach. They sat silently for a moment; studying each others shadows by the light of the moon and the glow of fire pit. The loud, but calming, ocean waves crashed against the break as the tide was pulled out to sea.

"The full moon really is incredible." Jimin was a lover of the stars and fancied himself an amateur Astrologist.

"It���s nice, but I like the FIYYYAAAAAAAAAA-AAA!" Jungkook sang his fondness for their fire pit.

Jimin smacked Jungkook in the shoulder and giggled loudly. "You're such a dork, why do you say those things?"

Jungkook smiled even harder. It seemed like his entire purpose these days was to hear Jimin laugh. Jimin went back to studying the stars,

"That's Orion's belt, and that small dot there is actually Saturn. We can see it from earth during the…blah, blah, blahblah." Jimin was talking but Jungkook had stopped listening. He watched his lips move but he heard nothing that was coming out of his mouth. Jimin pushed his hair back with his hand and Jungkook watched as each of the strands wrapped themselves obediently around his stout muscular fingers. He watched the earrings dangle from Jimin's ear as he pointed towards some star that Jungkook could care less about. Jimin was so smart.

The full truth was that Jimin was brilliant. He was top of his class in both math and science. He also was one of the top dancers in Korea. But the casual passerby would never know the depths of exceptionalism that existed within this humble soul. To truly understand Park Jimin, you had to know him. Study him. Live with him. Love him. Jungkook felt that he indeed knew Jimin better than anyone else.

"Jungkookie, you're staring again. Why do you do that?" Jimin paused his star exploration to address Jungkook's staring.

"I didn't realize I was staring, I mean, I don't think I am. I'm just listening as you talk about O'Charley's star," Jungkook said

"Yep, don't know what O'Charley's star is, but I was speaking about Orion," Jimin corrected and kicked his head back in laughter again at Jungkook's innocent silliness.

"Oh, sorry, Orion," Jungkook snickered.

"Honestly, tell me why you do that. What is going on in your head when you…get lost in me?" One could always count on Jimin to get straight to the point and not mince words. The old Jungkook would have felt uncomfortable by this conversation but the new Jungkook was perfectly comfortable talking to his Jiminie about anything.

"I don't think I'm staring, but I can tell you what goes through my mind sometimes when I look at you. It's hard to explain and I'm not sure you'll understand," Jungkook stumbled.

Jimin moved his chair closer so that he and Jungkook were face to face and their knees were touching. He looked directly into the fiery shadows that danced against Jungkook's face. "I will understand, if you tell me." There was an air of seduction in Jimin's voice but also tender understanding as he attempted to coax the complicated thoughts from Jungkook's mind. He sensed Jungkook's trepidation in sharing such intimate details and was careful to reassure him that he took the matter seriously.

Jungkook continued, "Your face is fascinating. I feel like I see something new every time I look at you. Your eyes are so pretty. It's like each section of your face is more beautiful than the last. I like to look at every feature individually to fully appreciate the beauty.

When I'm scared, I look at you because if you're not scared, then I don't need to be. When I'm nervous, I look at you because you calm me. When I'm sad, I look at you because happiness lives in your eyes. No one else, no one, has ever given me such comfort simply by existing. I sound stupid. I'll stop now," Jungkook couldn't believe all of the stupid crap he'd just said. He buried his hands in his face to cover the warm blush in his cheeks.

Jimin moved even closer to Jungkook and spread his legs so that he could put his knees between Jungkook's.

"Jungkookie, that's beautiful. You really see all of that when you look at me?" Jimin didn't know what to say. He was flattered beyond belief. "I never knew you felt this."

"I didn't either," Jungkook admitted, "It's something that I just realized."

Jimin moved in even closer, "You're so sweet Kookie."

Jungkook lifted his hand and rubbed Jimin's arm and looked down into his own lap, "I don't want you to be with Taemin," Jungkook admitted suddenly.

"I don't think we need to talk about that. Given your history, I think that is a subject we should leave alone," Jimin didn't let Jungkook continue.

"Tell me more about my face," Jimin grinned. He was even closer now causing both men to lean into each other. They pushed closer and closer and closer until only whispers separated them. They had come close to kissing before, but something or someone had always stopped them. But this time, against the romantic back drop of the sea, their lips met in the neutral zone between their two faces.

Jungkook was the aggressor. He met Jimin's lips softly and reached behind Jimin's head to pull him closer. The pressure on his lips increased ever so slightly as Jungkook inserted his tongue into Jimin's mouth. He retracted his tongue and reinserted it in short slow intervals as he worked his way back deeply into the warm moist mouth that awaited him. He pulled out completely and mixed in two short kisses directly on the lips. His heart raced and violently assaulted him from within his chest, threatening to beat itself free of it's enclosure. He felt that he could stay there kissing Jimin forever. Why did this feel so right? He questioned. Why did this feel so good? Why did it feel so natural? It was one of the best moments of his life. Why had they waited so long to do this?

At the exact moment of the kiss' release, Jungkook began to panic. Was kissing Jimin really a good idea? After all, they were in a group together. Jimin was his Hyung. Jimin was his band mate and supposed to be a brother, not a lover. Oh and the whole gay relationship thing was definitely problematic. These two had to see each other every day. What if this made things so awkward that it affected the rest of the band mates? Plus, Jimin was still dating Taemin. Would Jimin resent him for making him cheat on his boyfriend? There was so much going through Jungkook's mind. This was all that "other stuff" his mom told him to worry about later. Seemed like later was coming faster than he anticipated. He waited silently for Jimin to say something. He carefully lined up a series of plausible excuses to explain his behavior. It was silent and Jimin said nothing, so Jungkook attempted to mitigate the damage, "I'm so sorry. I hope it was ok that I did that. Of course it wasn't ok, that was not ok. I am so sorry hyung."

"It's ok," Jimin explained, "but uh, we better get back in, we have a long day tomorrow." Jimin felt his knees go weak. It was lucky he was sitting down. All of these years of dreaming about kissing Jungkook had finally come true but he NEVER imagined it would be like this. He never imagined it would be this good. Jungkook was a fantastic kisser; likely the best kisser Jimin had ever experienced. Jimin was someone who didn't get rattled easily but this kiss with Jungkook had his head swimming. He had never been happier in his life. The odds of him and Jungkook finally figuring this out and getting on the same page were slim to none, yet it was happening. Taemin was right all along - Jungkook was the one. He was the one. He was the only one. Jimin's heart was beating so fast and so hard that he physically had to put his hand against his chest to calm himself down. Was this euphoria?

"Let's go Kookie." Jimin poured water on the firepit to douse the flames. Jungkook was still sitting. Jimin held out his hand, waiting for Jungkook to grab it, "Let me help you up." Jungkook accepted Jimin's hand and allowed Jimin to pull him up. They walked back to the hotel room in silence. They were almost at the entrance before Jungkook realized that he had accepted Jimin's hand, but never let it go. They held hands throughout the entire walk from the beach to the hotel. Once at the entrance, they stood in fearful silence, terrified to accept this defining moment.

"Jiminie, are we ok?" Jungkook asked nervously.

Jimin didn't answer. He studied Jungkook curiously.

"Let me kiss you again, then I'll let you know." With a sudden headiness, Jimin launched himself at Jungkook and engulfed him in another passionate kiss. After several moments, Jimin pulled away from him and rested his forehead on Jungkook's chest, breathing slowly and deeply, "Oh yeah, we're ok." He giggled obnoxiously and kissed Jungkook's chin. Jungkook pulled Jimin into a soft hug and rested his cheek on the top of Jimin's head.

"I think we should say goodnight, Kookie," Jimin said quietly, his head still buried in Jungkook's chest.

"What? But I don't want to leave you. I thought you were going to stay with me and hang out tonight." Jungkook was whining a little.

"We can do it some other time. I think, we should be careful. Take things slowly," Jimin muttered with his face still pressed in Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook transitioned into the lowest register of his voice and spoke to Jimin slowly with his Satoori dialect, "But I don't want to let you go."

Jimin was stunned. All these years knowing Jungkook, he had never realized that he possessed this power of seduction. Jimin was so turned on that he almost lost control. He reached his lips up to Jungkook's neck and began making small circles with his tongue, kissing gently up and down. He closed his eyes tightly as he tasted the salty texture of the maknae's skin.

Jungkook let out a soft moan and whispered in Jimin's ear again using Satoori, "Say you'll stay with me tonight." It was a firm statement, not a request.

The sound of a door slamming reverberated through the hallway causing both men to jump away from each other. They heard voices coming towards them. For a few moments, they had completely forgotten that they were in public. Both of them gathered themselves and snapped back to reality, holding their breath until the sound of the voices faded. They erupted into laughter again and smiled their biggest smiles. Jimin cleared his throat and said very formally,

"Jungkook-ah, upon further consideration, I think it is time for us to say goodnight." He held out his hand in a request for a handshake.

Jungkook completely understood the point Jimin was trying to make. He held out his hand and shook Jimin's quite formally.

"Jiminie-Hyung, I agree, we shall retire for the evening and prepare for our long day ahead tomorrow. Good night." Jungkook tried not to laugh.

"Good night," Jimin responded, also trying not to laugh.

Their rooms were right across the hall from each other so they parted slowly and backed away. Each watched the other as they swiped their door keys and disappeared into their individual rooms.

Jimin immediately picked up his phone to send Jungkook a text.

Jiminie to Kookie: Soon.

Kookie to Jiminie: Not soon enough.

Jiminie to Kookie: Think of me tonight

Kookie to Jimine: I always do, Goodnight ;0)

Jiminie to Kookie: Goodnight Kookie =0)
