Chapter 30 – Mirrors

Chapter 30 – Mirrors

By the time the tour ended, Jimin and Jungkook were almost back to pre-injury condition.

Jimin met with Karen every morning to go through his PT. He still experienced pain after the concerts, but over time it became much more manageable. He stayed true to his routine and never missed a session. Even if Karen weren't there, he would swallow his pride and go through his exercises with Jungkook. Jimin was dedicated to making sure that he was pain free and fully healthy by his wedding day. It was the least he could do for the man he loved, the man who saved his life.

It was February 2 on the day that the guys landed home from their Asian tour. With only twelve days to go before their wedding, Hoseok was in rare form and demanding much of Jimin and Jungkook.

As they exited the plane, Hoseok walked behind them barking reminders of things they needed to do.

"Ok kids, listen up, this is what I need from you today:

• "The dude from accounting wants to bring his wife and her sister, that's a plus two, make sure you tell him NO. He can bring one or the other"

• "Both of you have your final suit fittings tomorrow on the 3rd at 3pm."

• "I have to give the caterer the final menu today. So far we have: Guksu, Rice, Ramen, Galbi Tang, Yuk Hui, Braised pork belly, Steak, Shrimp, Steamed squid, and spicy Kimchi. That's everything. Jungkook, pay the caterer. Please call him today and pay him."

• "The Justice who will be performing the ceremony needs you to email your vows over to him today. He's preparing the order of the ceremony and he needs that."

• "Jungkook, call your brother to make sure that Ki has been fitted for her dress. If anything is too big, then we need to get it fixed now."

• "Tae. Where's Tae? Hoseok looked around, I've got Yeontan's bow tie. It's black with white polka dots to match the hankercheifs. But we really need to practice. The last thing we need is for him to swallow those rings."

• "Speaking of rings, did you get them? Oh, yes, you did. Nevermind, I forgot. So much to cover."

• "The flowers ended up being $150,000, I know that's more than we discussed, but Jungkook's orchid fetish is not a cheap. Jimin, please make sure to call the florist today and pay him."

• "Derrick has decided to do all of the photography for free. He's flying in on Friday. He wants to take a few engagement shots, so you'll need something to wear for that photo shoot. As soon as you get those photos, you MUST send them to the vendors. They need to have them before next week."

Whew, that's all. You got that boys? You know what you need to do?" Hoseok slapped closed his binder and looked at both Jimin and Jungkook. The rest of the members laughed as they walked quickly past the three of them.

Jungkook's eyes were glassy, "I-I think we have it?" He looked and Jimin for reassurance.

"We got every bit of it Hobi," Jimin hit 'STOP' on the voice recorder on his phone. He had recorded Hoseok's entire litany of to do items.

"My baby," Jungkook gushed, "always playing chess when the rest of us are playing checkers."

Jimin blushed and blew a kiss at Jungkook.

Hoseok intercepted the airborne kiss and caught it, threw it to the ground and stepped on it and said angrily, "No fucking. And that was too close to a fuck, I can't allow it."

"OH now you're just being an ass!" Jimin yelled.

Jungkook pouted and looked sadly at the ground where his stolen kiss was buried. Jimin walked back and put his arms around him, "You know I can give you a real one when we get home right?"

Jungkook smiled and recovered his happy mood.


The week flew by quickly. Jimin and Jungkoook spent the majority of the day Wednesday and Thursday making phone calls, paying for services and working through Hobi's endless lists. By the time Friday came along, it was time for the engagement photo section with Derrick. Jimin and Jungkook looked to their stylists for help with putting together their "engagement look" for the photo shoot. It was the first time that the two put forth their own personal style as a couple. The result was a hip, fresh new look that really spoke to who they were.

Derrick booked a ferris wheel for the photos. It was 34 degrees outside. They could see their breath puff in clouds around their heads as they talked. Jimin and Jungkook were bundled in heavy stylish winter apparel as they stepped inside the first ferris wheel car. Jungkook stepped in first and then Jimin. They settled as Derrick prepared the filter for his camara. Jimin leaned into Jungkook and whispered so Derrick could not hear,

"Bunny, it's really cramp in here isn't it?" Jimin looked directly into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook could tell by the way that Jimin was shifting that he was developing an erection.

"Baby, I think we need to get you some help," Jungkook laughed. "How can you even think about sex as cold as it is? If we opened you up, your balls would freeze off and fall to the ground below hitting people in the head. That's how cold it is out here."

Jimin laughed and doubled over, hitting Jungkook in the shoulder, "Yes, you're probably right. But is this something we can maybe consider coming back to this summer?"

"Anything for you," Jungkook kissed Jimin. Derrick snapped the picture.

"That's a great way to get started. I always knew there was something special between you two. I had no idea it was THIS, but I'm not surprised either. It's a pleasure to be here with you two for this special occasion. Let's get started, shall we?"

Jimin and Jungkook held on as the ferris wheel rotated with the city of Seoul behind them as a back drop. The photo shoot lasted for two hours. The first half hour was spent on the ferris wheel. The remainder of the time was spent inside in the indoor portion of the botanical gardens. Jimin and Jungkook as always, loved taking pictures together, but this time it was especially enjoyable because they were celebrating their love. They were openly and honestly a couple in the truest sense. They kissed for a photo. The held hands for a photo. They hugged for a photo. Jungkook kissed Jimin's ring for a photo. They laid in each other's laps for a photo. They crossed all of the boundaries they had been forbidden to cross before.

The engagement shoot wrapped. Jimin and Jungkook took a quick look at the pictures and selected about ten of their favorites to send to their wedding vendors.

"A Ferris wheel in the snow may be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," said Jimin, "What an amazing concept Derrick. Thank you."

"No problem guys. Ok, I need to send these photos to all of the vendors on this list correct?" Derrick wanted to confirm.

"Yes, all of our vendors require photos to help them get to "know the couple". We are super late getting these out because of the tour, so the quicker you can send them, the better," Jungkook said.

"No problem, I should be able to get them out by the end of the day tomorrow. Bye guys, I guess I'll see you next Sunday." Derrick waived goodbye as he packed up the last of his equipment.

Jimin was still riled up over being trapped on the tight Ferris wheel with Jungkook. Jungkook drove them home quickly and they spent the next several hours making love.**

Namjoon ran to Tae's apartment knocking hard on the door. Tae opened it.

"We have a BIG problem. Yoongi and Seokjin are on their way. I can't find Hoseok, but I left him a message." Namjoon was slightly out of breath.

"What's wrong Joon?" Tae was confused.

"Fucking Bachelor party!" Namjoon yelled.

"Whaaa? Uh Oh." Tae's mouth dropped open and he looked very worried.

Namjoon began pacing the floor, "Uh ohh is right. I got a call from Zico and Chris. They're coming tonight to give Kookie a surprise Bachelor's party. They wanted to make sure that his schedule was clear. Until they mentioned it, I never even THOUGHT about. We have nothing planned for Jimin! I mean thank goodness they have Jungkook covered, otherwise we'd have nothing for either of them. This is horrible? How could we overlook this?"

"We've been touring, it's a lot to remember. But if anyone's to blame, it's me. I'm his best friend. I should have been on top of this. UGGGGHH! I can't believe I missed it. And you would think Hobi would have said something. He has covered every single detail of this wedding so far." Tae was absolutely panicked.

Yoongi barged into Tae's apartment yelling, "How the hell did we miss the Bachelor party? Strippers, alcohol, that should have been the first item on my list!"

Hoseok and Soekjin came barreling into the room, "Bachelor party! How did we miss that?" Hoseok yelled.

"WE KNOW!" They all said in unison.

Hoseok spoke loudly, "We have to do something for Jimin. Jimin isn't going to sit idly by and watch Jungkook go out for a night on the town with his friends without making a big fuss. This could be a disaster. I think we need to keep him busy and show him a good time of his own to avoid any trouble."

"Hey, no need to worry. If there is anything that OT7 knows how to do, it's party. I can get a limosine bus here within the hour or so," Yoongi said, "We'll hit up a couple of the clubs in Itaewon.

"Let's invite the background dancing crew too. He's pretty close to all of them," Tae said.

"Even Jae? You know Jungkook's not to fond of him, says he's creepy around Jimin," Hoseok questioned.

Tae thought about it, "Yeah, but if we invite everyone else, but exclude him, that would be kind of awkward right? Let's include him"

"We want to show him a good time, but we also need to keep his mind off of what he thinks Jungkook will be doing," Yoongi laughed.

All five men jumped on their phones, each with a different assigned task. After about 15 minutes, they all came back together.

"Alright, we're all set. Let's have some fun tonight fellas. We'll go get Jimin as soon as Jungkook is safely away." Namjoon said.

It was around 7:30pm when Jungkook's first text came in.

Zico to Jungkook: Guess who's in town boy?

Jungkook to Zico: What? Now?

Zico to Jungkook: Ya. We're on our way to pick you up

Jungkook to Zico: Pick me up?

Zico to Jungkook: Me and Chris, we'll be there in about 30 minutes

Jungkook to Zico: Do we have plans that I forgot about?

Zico to Jungkook: Nope, this is a surprise. We already checked with Joon, your schedule is free

Jungkook to Zico: What kind of surprise?

Zico to Jungkook: Stop asking so many questions. Just get dressed, slacks, suit jacket

Jungkook to Zico: Ok, I'll tell Jimin

Zico to Jungkook: Sorry boy, this is a solo event, we love Jimin, but he's not invited ;0>

Jungkook to Zico: I can't just leave him

Zico to Jungkook: NO BALL AND CHAIN, I'm sure he'll find something to occupy himself

Jungkook to Zico: _

Zico to Jungkook: You still there?

Jungkook to Zico: I don't know how to explain this to Jimin

Zico to Jungkook: We'll do all the explaining when we get there, YOU just get dressed. 30 min

Jungkook to Zico: Got it

Jimin was laying on the couch taking a nap. Jungkook looked at him lovingly. He was majorly uncomfortable with this plan of going out on some mysterious venture with Zico. At the same time, the idea of a boys' night out with his friends was extremely exciting. There was no doubt in his mind, he was going. Yet, he worried how Jimin would feel about being left alone. He decided to cross that bridge when he came to it. He slipped into the shower, dressed and styled his hair. Jungkook decided on all black for his night out with his boys. He wore a long sleeve black button-down shirt, black slacks, black shoes and a thick black leather coat. He looked very much, he thought, like Kwang.

Jungkook was still in the bathroom when the knock on the door came. He wanted to be there to open the door, but Jimin beat him to it. Jungkook could hear the surprise in his voice when he saw Chris and Zico standing there.

"Well this is a nice surprise, come in," Jimin welcomed them graciously giving them both passive hugs.

Jungkook walked into the living area where Zico and Chris were standing. Jimin was flabbergasted to see Jungkook dressed for going out. He was also taken aback by Jungkook's sheek and stylish look. "Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going? Why didn't you tell me you were going someplace?" Jimin asked a bundle of questions all at once.

Zico and Chris ran past Jimin and grabbed Jungkook. They embraced in a three-way hug.

"Jimin," Chris turned to Jimin to speak, "we are stealing your fiancé for the night. He is attending his surprise Bachelor's party."

"What?" Jungkook smiled broadly, completely surprised by the news. "Aw guys, this is so thoughtful. I never even thought about this."

"We know. We love you Jiminie, but this night belongs to JK only. I hope you understand," Chris continued.

Zico and Jungkook were in the front of the room punching each other. They were already reminiscing about old times and talking about how drunk they planned to get.

"Sure, sure, I understand. We wouldn't Jungkook to miss his night out with the boys would we?" The chill in Jimin's voice was enough to make Jungkook stop dead in his tracks.

Jungkook looked at Jimin, "Babe, are you cool with this? I won't go if you –

"Don't be ridiculous Jimin said coldly, of course you're going," Jimin turned to Zico and continued to speak, "so what do you have planned for the evening?"

"You know the rule Jiminie, what happens at the Bachelor's party, stays at the Bachelor's party," Zico and Chris both burst into laughter.

Jimin's blood boiled and Jungkook knew it. He tried to approach Jimin to smooth things over but Chris yanked him towards the front door before he could speak to him.

"Come on man, the limo is out front, the night is young and we're about to tear up Seoul."

"Don't wait up Jiminie, he probably won't see you until tomorrow some time," Zico laughed as he pulled Jungkook away and shut the door.

Jungkook yelled over his shoulder while being forced away, "I love you, I won't be too late, I promise."

Chris, Zico and Jungkook jumped into their limo. Zico reached into Jungkook's pocket and immediately took his phone.

"No phones tonight boy. I don't want Jimin calling every five minutes making you feel guilty about having a good time. Plus, no pictures. Because what happens at the Bachelor's party -

Chris joined in unison, "Stays at the Bachelor's party!"

Zico pulled out a bottle of champagne from the limo's ice chest and Chris pulled out a bottle of Vodka. Zico mixed the two together and gave it to Jungkook to drink.

"This is NOT a good combination," Jungkook laughed, but he took the entire glass down in one swallow.

"DAMNNNNN!" Zico and Chris exclaimed.

"You don't grow up in the shadows of OT7 without learning how to handle your liquor boys," Jungkook laughed again, his laugh fostered by slight inebriation.**

Jimin was enraged. How dare Jungkook just leave with his friends without giving the courtesy of even telling him he was going. Bachelor's party? What the fuck? What were they going to do? Strippers? So Jungkook was going to be drunk with a bunch of strippers? And he was so smug and excited.

Jimin was pacing and breathing heavy. His temper was raging. His jealousy was raging. His insecurity was raging. Jimin sat down for a few minutes. His knee was bouncing uncontrollably. He stood up and paced around Jungkook's apartment.

Jungkook was probably grinding on some stripper right now. What would Zico offer? A male stripper or a woman? Jimin knew that Jungkook always had a curiosity about women. He probably wanted a female stripper. What if he had sex with her? What if he decided that he liked women?

Jimin's mind was all over the place. He wasn't thinking rationally at all. In a moment of panic, he picked up his phone and called Jungkook. No texting, he needed to hear his voice. He dialed Jungkook.

Meanwhile and Jungkook's Party:

"Hey guys, my phone is ringing. Chris, Zico, I need my phone back. It's probably Jimin and it could be an emergency," Jungkook looked around the limo trying to determine where Zico hid his phone.

"No phones. Trust me, it's not an emergency. We've been gone less than two hours, there is no way that he is in an emergency. So let it roll to voicemail and we'll check it tomorrow," Zico said.

Jungkook was uncomfortable with this idea. But he knew deep inside that Zico was right. He knew Jimin well enough to know that this was a strategic call. Jimin's attempt to make sure he kept an eye on the situation, even from afar. Jungkook knew that not answering was going to make Jimin even angrier. But again, he decided to cross that bridge when he came to it. He took another shot of Vodka.

Meanwhile at Jimin's Party:

Jimin looked at his phone as if it had insulted him, "How dare you not answer MY call." Jimin went into a profanity laced tyrade against Jungkook. He was about to redial him again when there was a knock at the door. He knew by the level of aggression that it was Hobi.

He ran to the door and slammed it open, "I am not in the fucking mood," Jimin cursed. The words flew before he realized that it was his five bandmates standing at his door, plus another twelve background dancers behind them.

"I told you he'd be a bit grumpy," Tae laughed.

"What are all of you doing here?" Jimin's anger was quickly replaced with intrigue.

The gang all yelled together, "SURPRISE!"

"This is your official Bachelor's party," Tae yelled, "Get dressed, we're hitting the town so hard that it might hit us back."

Jimin broke into a warm hearty smile. He was truly surprised.

"You guys knew that Jungkook was having his party tonight, so you planned mine too?" Jimin asked.

"YEP, something like that," Yoongi said, "Now goooo, get dressed. You got fifteen minutes to dress and be ready to go."

Jimin slipped into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. In the meantime, Tae found Jungkook's blue tooth speaker and began blasting music as loudly as the speaker would go. He and most of the dancers broke into random routines to the music that was queued up. Namjoon and Yoongi found Jungkook's stash of hard liquor and began pouring drinks.

After three shots of Whiskey, Soekjin began break dancing on Jungkook's kitchen floor. He waxed poetic about how he longed to be a break dancer when he was in Kindergarden. By the time Jimin emerged from the bathroom, the party was in full swing.

Jimin wore a heavy thick cream-colored turtleneck with brown suede patches on each elbow. He had a matching cream trenchcoat, all thrown over ripped blue jeans. The look was chic and very clean. He was definitely ready for the town. As Jimin walked out, Yoongi starting yelling, "Shot, Shot, Shot, Shot," the rest of the gang joined in, "Shot, Shot shot." Seokjin poured Jimin a shot of whiskey and passed it to him. Jimin took it down in one gulp. Namjoon started again, "Shot, shot, shot, shot," the entire gang joined in again, "Shot, shot, shot, shot!" Seokjin poured another one and handed it to Jimin. Jimin grinned and took it down with one gulp.

This time it was Tae's turn, "Shot, shot, shot," the gang joined in again, this time Seokjin fixed Jimin a shot of Tequilia.

"You guys, I'm gonna be fucked up before I even leave the house," Jimin laughed as he took the shot of Tequilia and downed it even faster than he did the Whiskey.

"The Hummer limo is here. Everybody out. First stop, 'Trance Bar' in Itaewon," Yoongi yelled.

Jimin was surprised to know that they were going to start the party at a gay strip club. Only he and five of the background dancers were openly gay. And none of the other members except Hoseok. It was an odd choice to start the party. But Jimin was happy. He knew they were going to have a good time.

He tried to block it, but Jimin's mind returned to Jungkook. He couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. Who he was with. Was he kissing someone else? Jimin was still furious with Jungkook because of the way he abruptly left. He was determined to use this opportunity to get even. To make Jungkook realize that he wasn't going to just sit home and wait for him.

Jimin and all seventeen of his posse piled into the limo headed for the club. Jae, one of Jimin's friends on the dance line sat closest to him. Jae, turned to Jimin, "Hey, where are you? Looks like you're miles away?"

"No, I am very present. Jungkook is having his Bachelor's party tonight too and I was just wondering if he's ok." Jimin had an idea. He decided to turn on Jungkook's phone locator. That way, he would at least know where Jungkook was at all times.

"Jungkook!" Jae exclaimed, "Honey this is YOUR Bachelor's party. Kookie should be the last thing on your mind. Trust me, he's probably grinding on some chick not thinking about you at all," Jae broke into laugher.

Hoseok overheard Jae's comment, "One thing I can guarantee, Jungkook is not grinding on some chick, Jae. Now stop trying to get under Jimin's skin. Shot, shot, shot, shot," Hoseok and the others yelled. Seokjin, keeper of the shots, passed another shot glass to Jimin, this time full of Vodka. Jimin gulped it down fast.

"There, that ought to take your mind off of Jungkook," Jae said.

"Sure as shit did," Jimin lied. Even in his growing haze, his every thought was on Jungkook. He looked down at the location tracker. Jungkook was at the Casino. He took some comfort in knowing that at least, he wasn't with strippers.

Meanwhile at Jungkook's Party:

Jungkook blew on the dice and threw them down again on the table.

"Seven, winner again," the dealer yelled.

Zico and Chris went crazy. Jungkook was up $8000.00 and showed no sign of slowing down.

"You going again, Sir?" The dealer asked Jungkook.

Jungkook thought carefully. Being up $8k was a pretty nice haul. But he was hot, he didn't want to stop while luck was still on his side.

"Yes, again," Jungkook put his chips in and rolled again.

"Eleven, winner again," the dealer yelled.

Zico grabbed his heart. Chris slid down to the floor. Jungkook was now up $12,000.00

"Would you like to go again, Sir?" The dealer asked Jungkook.

"Yes, again," Jungkook put his chips in and rolled again.

"Eleven, winner again," the dealer yelled. Jungkook was now up $16,000.00

"Again, sir?" The dealer asked.

Jungkook, thought for a moment… "YES, all of it,"

"Whoa, are you crazy, all of it?" Chris grabbed Jungkook's arm to try to stop him.

"Go big or go home," Jungkook smiled.

Jungkook rolled.

"Eleven, winner again," the dealer yelled. Jungkook had quadrupled his money and was now up $64,000.00. Chris took off running in circles around the craps table. Zico hugged Jungkook's back and screamed "This is SPARTA!" loudly in his ear.

Jungkook was all smiles. He took a sip of his Rum and Coke and pondered what to do next.

Meanwhile at Jimin's Party:

Namjoon pulled Jimin out of the limo. After taking an additional six shots during the limo ride, Jimin was certifiably drunk. He stumbled a bit, but still had decent control over his faculties. Hoseok and Seokjin were plastered. They both were red faced and confused and loudly talking nonsense. Namjoon and Yoongi, the most seasoned drinkers, were barely phased. Tae was a moderate drinker and was fully sober at this point in the party.

Namjoon got the group a seat up front. He ordered a few pitchers of beers for the table. The stripper on center stage was a tall buff male. He was wearing a black leather speedo that exposed both butt cheeks. Jimin's eyes grew large as he began to growl in the stripper's direction.

Namjoon and Yoongi roared with laughter. "Like that do ya Jiminie?"

The stripper noticed Jimin's reaction and began dancing in his direction. He grinded the floor looking directly at Jimin and thrusts his hips towards Jimin's face. Jimin covered his mouth and went beet red. He turned away, burying his head in Hoseok's shoulder.

Jae found another stripper on the floor and paid him to come and give Jimin a lap dance. The stripper spun Jimin around in his seat. He climbed on his lap and began shaking his butt convulsively in Jimin's lap. Jimin was too embarrassed to enjoy it. He stared dumbfounded as the stripper began to grind on his lap trying to stimulate an erection. Jimin was speechless.

Najoon, Yoongi ,Tae and Hoseok all non-verbally came to the same conclusion. The lap dance was taking things a little too far. They all knew that this was something Jungkook wouldn't approve of. Tae slyly wandered over to where the stripper was clapping his butt cheeks in Jimin's face and offered him another $300, to just go away. The stripper was confused, but he stopped his act immediately and wandered off. Jimin broke into a round of applause.

"That's not really my style guys, no more of that." Jimin sputtered loudly over the music.

Namjoon turned to the rest of the group and said hey, "We don't want to do anything that's too crazy, so no more lap dances ok?" The group yelled in agreement.

They stayed for another thirty members before they left to head to their next stop, 'King' bar and nightclub. As soon as they got back to the limo, the group made Jimin take two more shots.

All eighteen of them were admitted through the VIP entrance. Jimin immediately began dancing as soon as the beat him. All eighteen of them hit the dance floor together. They circled around Jimin and started screaming his name, "Jimin, Jimin, Jimin." Jimin danced in the center, smiling as hard as he could.

Meanwhile and Jungkook's Party:

Jungkook, threw his $138,000 worth of winnings all over the Limo. He, Zico and Chris laughed hysterically.

"Listen, we're spending every penny of this money tonight. We aren't going home until every penny is gone," Jungkook stuttered.

"How the hell are we going to spend $138k in one night?" Zico asked as he handed Jungkook another shot of Vodka.

"Oh I have an idea," Jungkook reached for his phone, "Hey, where's my phone? Oh right, no phone tonight. Ok one of you let me borrow your phone."

Chris gave Jungkook his phone. Jungkook dialed a number from memory, "How are you? This is Jeon Jungkook, I need a favor. Can I stop by tonight? Yes, I know you're closed, but we'll make it worth your time. Thank you. We're about ten minutes away. Meet you there." Jungkook threw Chris' phone back to him. He gave the limo driver the address.

"Where are we going?" Chris asked.

"It's a surprise. You will NOT be disappointed," Jungkook laughed again and took another shot.

Once they arrived at the mystery location, Jungkook, Zico and Chris piled out of the limo.

"Boys, let's shop shall we?" Jungkook said.

"Shop? What do you mean shop?" Chris said.

"Follow me," Jungkook let out a drunk giggle.

Meanwhile and Jimin's Party:

Hoseok and Seokjin were both so intoxicated, they could barely stand. By the time the group reached King bar, Hoseok an Seokjin were completely passed out drunk. The rest of the group decided to leave them in the limo.

Tae who was a moderate drinker, was tipsy, but still fully in control of his faculties. Namjoon and Yoongi despite drinking the most of everyone in the group, were still relatively sober. They kept a close eye on Jimin as he continued to enjoy himself out on the dance floor.

All of the backup dancers were surrounding Jimin. The party was in full swing. Jimin, the charismatic fellow that he was, engaged all of the dancers and showed each one special attention. But it was Jae who seemed to be trying to monopolize the majority of Jimin's attention.

Meanwhile and Jungkook's Party:

"I'll take all three please," Jungkook laughed. Zico laughed, and Chris said, "I cannot believe you did this. Thanks Jungkook."

"We're all drunk off our asses, so we should probably have these delivered," Jungkook giggled. Jungkook gave the addresses and times to have their purchases delivered. All of them hige-fived each other as they rushed out of the cold and back into the warmth of the limosine.

"I'm hungry. Did we eat?" Jungkook asked.

"No, but we should. Twenty-four hour all you can eat buffet!" Chris yelled.

"Perfect, Jungkook slurred. Let's make a toast. To Jimin and weddings and stuff," Jungkook spoke sloppily.

The limo took them to the 24 hour all you can eat buffet, then dropped them off at a dive bar in Itwaeon.

"Can we get a couple pitchers of beer here please?" Chris ordered.

The food that the trio consumed during their late-night supper soaked up a great bit of their alcohol. The three guys were a bit more sober now and a little less eratic.

Jungkook looked at both Chris and Zico, "Guys, I can't tell you how much this night has meant to me. I meant it when I said we needed to spend more time together and this is exactly the type of thing I was talking about. This has been one of the best nights of my life.

And thank you for avoiding the whole stereotypical stripper Bachelor party crap.

"Come on now, we know you better than that. We know that's not your style. We just want a night to hang out as boys one last time before you become Jimin's bitch." Zico laughed and hit Jungkook in his shoulder.

"News flash, he's my bitch," Jungkook said cockily.

"I'll give you $100,000 to say that shit to his face," Chris exploded with laughter.

Jungkook recoiled a bit, "Yeah, that's not gonna happen. But seriously guys, when you first proposed this idea, I didn't know what to expect. I was worried this might be a little more than just a night drinking with the boys. You completely freaked Jimin out. In fact, I'm sure that he's probably pacing the floor as we speak, tracking my location through my cell phone."

"Nah, we're all Idols now JK. It's best for everyone if we just stay out of those situations you know? Nothing good ever comes from them. We were busting Jimin's balls earlier. We never ever intended to put you in harms way." Chris ruffled Jungkook's hair.

Meanwhile at Jimin's Party:

Jimin was a caricature of himself. He was so drunk that his entire personality was changed. To be more accurate, the most charismatic parts of Jimin's personality were magnified under the influence of alcohol. He was now very interested in Jae. The two were dancing seductively on the dance floor. It was clear to Tae, Namjoon and Yoongi that while Jimin was just drunk and having a good time, Jae was reading more into the situation. All of them agreed that it seemed Jae had ulterior motives from the very beginning.

Tae turned towards Yoongi and Namjoon, "I don't want to rain on his parade, I know he's having fun and this is all innocent to him, but if video of this or word of this ever got back to Jungkook, there would be a problem. I think we need to keep a closer eye on this.

Yoongi hiccupped, "Let's go a step further, we need to break this up." By the time Yoongi had uttered the word "up" Tae and Namjoon were already on the dance floor dancing between Jae and Jimin. With the utmost slyness, Tae and Namjoon had completely seprated the two. Tae had Jae in a pop locking battle and Namjoon and Jimin were flossing. Yoongi was very impressed with the expedience of his bandmates.

A few of the other back up dancers got up again to dance with Jimin. Namjoon, Yoongi and Tae relaxed a bit because at least for the time being, Jimin was not interested in any particular one of them. He just wanted to dance. Namjoon and Yoongi sat back down and resumed their eagle-eyed observations of Jimin. They ordered another pitcher of beer and wondered aloud if Seokjin and Hoseok were still passed out in the limo.

Jae noticed Jimin dancing with a group of back up dancers. He pushed his way to the front so he was closest to him. Jae took out his cell phone camara and began taking a selfie video. He came up behind Jimin and held him close so their waists were touching and then danced in unison grinding Jimin to the music. Even fully inebriated, Jimin wasn't comfortable with Jae's actions. He didn't want to make a scene, so instead, he excused himself to the restroom to try to get away from him.

Tae found a girl who he recognized from his acting set and decided to remain on the floor dancing with her. The floor was overcrowded with people dancing to "Mic Drop" an oldie but goodie from OT7. Somehow, in the midst of so many people on the floor, Namjoon, Yoongi and Tae, all lost sight of Jimin and Jae.

Jimin stepped up to the urinal in the restroom. Before he could unzip his pants, Jae appeared. Jae, who was clearly drunk, walked up behind Jimin and put his arms around him. He spoke to Jimin, "You know it's tradition to get in one last frivolous fuck before you walk down the aisle."

Jimin let out a burst of laughter, "It would never be you baby. NEVER. Now kindly get your hands off of me."

Jae grew agitated, "Now you want to act like a tease? You can't tell me that there isn't something between us Jimin. I can feel it."

"You're about to feel my fist punch through your face if you don't get away from me," Jimin slurred.

Before Jae could react, Yoongi and Namjoon had him by the collar and were removing him from Jimin's presence. Jimin let out a drunken giggle, "Poor delusional thing."

Yoongi and Namjoon dragged Jae through the club. They gave him a stern warning before releasing him, "We're going to let this slide because you're drunk. You're a good employee and a great team mate and we believe this was an anomonly, but take this warning very seriously. If you ever come at another team mate, especially Jimin, like that again, your ass is out of here. Do you understand?" Yoongi called a taxi to take Jae home.

Jimin shook his head in amusement as he watched Jae being pulled away. Jimin peed, washed his hands and then looked at his phone to track Jungkook's location. Jungkook was at an address that Jimin didn't recognize. This worried him. He couldn't tell if it was a private address or commercial location.

Tae came into the bathroom to check on Jimin. "What happened? I just saw Yoon and Joon drag Jae out of here and put him in a taxi. Everything ok?"

Jimin was unsteady on his feet. He laughed and spoke somewhat incoherently, "I'm fine. Our buddy Jae made a very ill-advised pass at me. Offered to be my last frivolous fuck before I walk down the aisle." Jimin laughed again.

"That's completely over the line," Tae frowned. Jae's behavior rose to the level of harassment. Considering Jimin was his boss, this was a pretty serious offense. This was definitely going to require more discussion once the members were sober and able to discuss it rationally, "how did you handle it?"

"Tae-Tae, I'm a black belt. If he had touched me, I would have broken every bone in his body," Jimin said drunkenly, "he knows how much I love Jungkook. I should have kicked his ass just for being disrespectful. Dancing does not equal flirting. Am I right? Am I right?" Jimin leaned into Tae and pushed him back to the club area.

Yoongi and Namjoon returned from ejecting Jae and sat back down at the VIP table. Tae and Jimin joined them. All of the other dancers were still on the floor having a good time.

"You ok Mochi?" Namjoon looked concerned.

"I'm fine. Let's not make a big deal of it. He didn't hurt me or anything. This is my fault. I was dancing, got a little carried away. I should have pulled away from him sooner. He's a good dancer and I was having fun. He dances like Jungkook and…" Jimin stopped talking.

"It always comes back to Jungkook doesn't it?" Yoongi said, shaking his head.

"THAT'S WHY I'M MARRYING HIM!" Jimin screamed drunkenly at the top of his lungs throwing his arms straight into air. He pulled Tae to the dance floor and began dancing again.

Namjoon and Yoongi hadn't looked away for two minutes before another scene broke out involving Jimin. With Tae's assistance, Jimin had climbed all the way to the top of the DJ stand and was now dancing on top of the DJ's speakers. He was doing his old familiar RUN choreography. The DJ followed his lead and actually played RUN. Tae, Namjoon and Yoongi all ran to the front right below Jimin and began re-enacting the choreography from the entire video.

Meanwhile at Jungkook's Party:

Jungkook, Zico and Chris all began to reminisce about the good old days growing up in Busan. They spoke fondly of their adventures as children, teens. The conversation was light until the topic of Jackson.

"I still can't believe he's gone?" Zico sighed

Chris echoed Zico's sentiment, "It's unreal. We still don't even know what happened. We know Soujin is out of jail so obviously the Police didn't feel she didn't anything wrong. But what would cause her to kill her own brother? A brother she loved more than herself? I feel like we never got closure."

A perfectly sober Jungkook would have remained silent. But an inebriated Jungkook felt that his two best friends deserved to know the truth.

"Soujin killed Jackson because of me and Jimin." He blurted out the words that he knew would cause a firestorm of hurt and confusion.

"Jungkook, what are you talking about," Zico said seriously.

"Jackson was blackmailing Jimin and I over a tape that he and his aunt stole from us. Jackson was on drugs and desperately wanted money to feed his drug habit. He had changed guys. He wasn't himself anymore. The old Jackson would have never done this. Anyway, we arranged a sting with the police. No one was supposed to get hurt. Things went bad almost immediately. Jackson had a gun. He killed a police officer and shot me and Jimin. He would have killed us if Soujin hadn't shown up and killed him first. She shot him to protect us." Jungkook in his drunken state revealed much too much information.

"How is it that we never heard about this?" Chris said.

"We have many people in high places looking out for us to make sure this stays under wraps. I am only telling you now because I trust you. You two loved Jackson as much as I did. You deserve to know the truth about what happened." Jungkook said sadly. "He never accepted me being gay. He cut me out of his life immediately when he found out and he never looked back. I wish things could have been different."

Zico put his arms around Jungkook, "Jungkook, everyone knows Jackson had problems. I'm sorry to hear that it led to this, but I'm not surprised. The drugs were bad. His situation was bad. Sources back in Busan say he had turned to crime and police had warrants out for him. But did he really shoot you and Jimin? Was he really that far gone to shoot one his best friends? I'm so sorry, how are you now? Was it serious?" Zico tried to comfort Jungkook.

"We almost died. Both of us. The bullet hit me first and I lost a lot of blood. But that was three months ago. I've been through a lot of therapy and I'm almost back to normal. Jimin is the same. It was very scary though for a minute," Jungkook smiled at both Zico and Chris

"Why didn't you tell us sooner? Why didn't you let us know you were in the hospital? I know we travel a lot, but we would have come home to be by your side. Now I understand why Soujin was released. I guess we all owe her. Jackson was on a fast path to death, but if he had taken you and Jimin, I don't know if that's a loss we could have recovered from. I'm glad you made it buddy," Chris said.

"What was he blackmailing you with, out of curiosity?" Zico asked naughtily.

"I would rather not say. Let's just conclude that it would have been very bad for my career if this particular item had ever seen the light of day," Jungkook shuddered.

"I think we all know what that means. Somebody got caught gettin' busy with their fiancé," Chris teased Jungkook.

"This is not an appropriate conversation," Jungkook blushed.

"We love you man. We're just happy you're still here. We're leaving the past in the past. Your secrets are safe with us. Let's make a toast shall we?" Zico said. He grabbed his glass of beer and lifted it towards the middle of the table.

"To Jimin and Jungkook. May you have a lifetime of peace and happiness. Congratulations my friend."

Jungkook stumbled into his apartment around 2am. He made a promise to Jimin not to stay out all night. He wanted to make sure to keep his promise by coming home at a decent hour. When he entered, he was surprised to find that Jimin wasn't there. He saw the remnants of glasses with traces of liquor strewn throughout the apartment.

Did he have friends over? Jungkook thought as he looked around. There was a shot glass with RJ's image on the front. Jungkook knew immediately that wherever Jimin was, he was in good hands. He smiled. His instincts were to call Jimin to see where he was and let him know he was home. But instead, he chose to allow Jimin some freedom. He took a quick shower and passed out drunk on the couch.

Jimin didn't land home until almost 7:30am KST Saturday morning. Tae, his constant faithful escort, commandeered Jimin's keys to open the door. He pushed Jimin in, threw the keys at him and then closed the door again. Jimin fell to the floor giggling wildly.

"Thank you Tae-Tae," Jimin rolled over on to his stomach and decided to partake in a quick nap.

The noise of Jimin's arrival, woke up Jungkook. Jungkook sat up looking around trying to find the origin of the commotion. He saw Jimin asleep on his stomach inches away from the front door.

"Baby, are you drunk?" Jungkook tried to get up, but there was pounding in his head that felt like someone were holding a jackhammer to his skull. He grabbed his head with both hands. His stomach was burning, his mouth was burning. He could barely lift his body because he was so fatigued and tired. His mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton and he had a strong feeling of nautiousness. He decided it would be easier just to crawl over to Jimin to see about him." He crawled slowly, only moving about an inch every few seconds. He called out to him,

"Baby, Jiminie, you ok?" Jungkook called out.

Jimin let out a moan that was half giggle, half distress. "Dhhaoo- siyia-ooooooo," Jimin said.

"I don't know what language that is babe. I think you may be fucked up babe. Did the members take you someplace last night?" Jungkook said. He was crawling towards Jimin as quickly as he could but he didn't seem to be covering much ground. In fact, Jungkook wasn't moving at all. He made it all of six inches towards Jimin before his body stalled and ceased forward progress.

"Dashi Run Run Run," Jimin giggled. No doubt recounting his favorite part of the previous evening.

"I'm coming babe. I think you need some help," Jungkook said as he rolled over onto his back. He fell asleep. Jimin threw out an extended arm towards Jungkook, then fell asleep also. They slept in position, snoring loudly for the next several hours.

Although Tae was a moderate drinker, he admittedly had too much the previous evening and wasn't feeling his best. He took a shower and a couple of Tylenol and was able to press on with his day. Around 11:00am KST, he received a phone call from the concierge downstairs. His name had been given as a secondary contact on a delivery for Jungkook.

"What now?" Tae mumbled. He headed downstairs to the concierge who directed him to the garage. There was a salesman standing there next to a 2022 BMW customized K1600 GT motorcycle.

"Hello, Kim Taehyung? I'm from the BMW dealership. I'm trying to reach Jeon Jungkook, but he doesn't seem to be answering his phone. He has you listed as his secondary contact. Could you sign for this please?" The salesman shoved the clipboard in Tae's face.

"When was this purchased?" Tae asked.

"Last evening Sir. It appears that he purchased three of them," the salesman gestered towards the truck to reveal two more of the exact same motorcycle waiting to be delivered.

Tae laughed and shook his head. "I'll sign, but I have a feeling that once his soon to be husband sobers up, this is a purchase that will be returned."

Tae requested the concierge park the motorcycle next to Jungkook's truck. He ran upstairs immediately to Jungkook's apartment. He knocked on the door. He heard nothing but silence from the other side. The opened the unlocked door. Jimin lay snoring on the ground in the same spot where Tae had left him about three hours earlier. Jungkook lay about seven feet away, also peacefully slumbering.

"OHH GOOD LORD," Tae yelled. He began walking towards Jungkook but tripped when Jimin stuck his leg out. He fell over the top of Jimin's head. He slammed his elbow into the ground and grabbed it writing in pain. Jimin began to struggle, unable to breathe because Tae's entire body was smothering his face. Tae tried to untangle himself from Jimin. He hoisted himself from the ground and continued walking towards Jungkook.

"Damnit you two!" he swore at both of them. "Jungkook, wake up you dumbass. Wake up. Did you buy a motorcycle?" Tae grabbed both of Jungkook's arms and pulled him into sitting position. "Hey, listen to me. There's a $40,000 motorocycle downstairs that I just took possession of that supposedly belongs to you."

"What? No." Jungkook said as he grabbed at his head again.

Tae helped Jungkook to his feet, then helped him to the couch. He then went over to Jimin to get him off of the floor. He helped Jimin walk over to the couch and pushed him down next to Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah, pay attention to me. Did. You. Buy. A. Motorcycle. Last. Night?" Tae spoke slowly and clearly. He wasn't in the best mood and dealing with Jungkook's shenanighans wasn't making him feel any better.

Jimin was asleep again. His upper body slowly slid over into Jungkook's lap so that he ended up face down in Jungkook's crotch.

Jungkook seemed to wake up again. He noticed Jimin in his crotch, "Sweetie, not now, Tae's here."

"I am being as patient as I can, but I am at the end of my rope here," Tae simultaneously pulled both of them up from the couch. He did an assisted lift and walked both of them into the bathroom. Jungkook on his left and Jimin on his right. He turned on the shower to make sure the water was as cold as possible and pushed them both in.

Both Jungkook and Jimin screamed in discomfort. They opened their eyes wide and pushed each other out of the shower stall.

"What the fuck Tae?" Jimin yelled, soaking wet. Jimin laid down and rested his head on one side of the toilet seat. Jungkook laid down and rested his head on the other side.

Tae left them to their ridiculousness and went to sit on the couch. He searched through his phone trying to find Zico's phone number. He knew he once had it, but he couldn't seem to find it now that he really needed to contact him. Finally, he located it under Jungkook's contact information. He quickly composed a text.

Taehyung to Zico: Hi Zico, this is Taehyung, Jungkook's friend. Crazy question, but by any chance did he buy three motorcycles last night?

Zico to Taehyung: Hey Taehyung, of course I know who you are. And yes. He hit it big at the craps table. Decided to spend it all in one night. Motorcycles. Three of em'

Taehyung to Zico: Who are the other two for?

Zico to Taehyung: Me and Chris

Taehyung to Zico: Ok, just making sure these purchases are legit

Zico to Taehyung: My memory is kind of fuzzy, but apparently, we took video

Zico sent Tae a video of Jungkook paying $130,000 in cash for three motorcycles. Chris can be seen in the background pretending to ride his, but falling to the ground every few seconds, even though the motorcycle wasn't moving. Jungkook was drunk out of his mind and not in full control of his faculties. Zico was rapping and the salesman was caught in the middle of the chaos just happy to get the money.

Taehyung to Zico: Thanks man. This is exactly what I needed.

Zico to Taehyung: Mine was just delivered a few minutes ago. Tell JK I said THANKS!

Taehyung to Zico: Will do

Tae walked into the bathroom to check on the two pathetic souls. Both of them were now asleep with their cheeks resting on either side of the toilet seat.

"Do I help or do I leave now for my own self preservation?" Tae laughed to himself. Jungkook had to be at the studio to practice for his solo stage at 3pm KST. That gave Tae only about three hours to get them sobered up and situated. He picked up Jungkook, who smelled freshly of stale Whiskey and walked him to the bed. He pushed him across the bed and allowed him to doze off. Jungkook had a Keurig coffee maker in the kitchen. Tae dropped a k-cup in and made Jungkook a cup of black coffee. He circled back to care for Jimin. Jimin was still dozing happily with his face pressed up against the toilet seat.

"Namjoon is the one who kept pumping you full of shots, why am I the one stuck with recon?" Tae fussed as he turned the still running shower to hot. He shook Jimin awake and helped him stand up.

"Jimin, I don't think Jungkook would appreciate me undressing you. So you're going to have to do it yourself ok? Do you understand? You need to take a shower. I'm going to make you some coffee," Tae said gently.

"I hear you," Jimin began to move slowly. He started with his shoes. Tae took that as a good sign and returned to Jungkook.

"Ok Kookie. You have to be at practice in less than three hours. We have to get you sober my friend. You can't get through your routine in this condition,"

Tae walked to the kitchen and retrieved Jugkook's hot coffee from the Keurig machine. He also grabbed several bottles of water and Jungkook's vitamins. He went back to the bed where Jungkook was laying and helped him prop up on the pillow.

"Drink your water first, take your vitamins, then drink your coffee," Tae was so kind. Jungkook did as he was told. Tae took this as another good sign and left Jungkook to go back and check on Jimin.

Jimin had managed to undress…mostly. He was naked in the shower with the shower door open, but he was still wearing one of his boots. His head was leaning against the wall.

"Jiminie, how did you get your pants off with your boot still - I can't. I just can't," Tae decided that the situation was under control enough. He closed the shower door and left Jimin to continue his booted shower.

Tae returned to Jungkook. Jungkook was doing markedly better. He was in the kitchen flooding his black coffee with cream and sugar.

"Oh thank God. At least you're standing. How are you? You have practice soon you know." Tae walked up to Jungkook.

"I'm better. The coffee and the water helped. Thanks Tae. Yeah, I sorta forgot about practice. But this is the only time we could schedule it because of the wedding," Jungkook said as he sipped his sugary coffee.

"Looks like you had a great time last night, and what's this about the craps table?" Tae laughed and he prodded Jungkook to learn more about his exciting evening.

"Hell if I know. I don't remember a damn thing," Jungkook responded.

Tae pulled out his phone, "Well it looks like we have video of at least part of your evening." He showed the video to Jungkook who looked completely lost.

"Motorcycles? I brought motorcycles?" Jungkook shook his head. We needed more supervision.

"Yes, you did. Your new BMW motorcycle is downstairs in the garage, parked next to your Mercedes," Tae made sure to emphasis the exquisite brand names.

Jungkook spoke again, "So what's up with JImin? Looks like he had some sort of "Party" last night too."

"His Bachelor's party. We knew that Zico and Chris were coming to get you so we decided to throw Jimin's at the same time. That way we avoided any awkwardness." Tae fixed a cup of coffee in anticipation of Jimin emerging from the shower soon.

Jungkook scratched at his neck gently, "Good plan. I felt kind of bad leaving him here, but I really needed the time with the guys, you know?"

"I understand completely. He was in good hands. He had a great time as you can see. All of us went including all of the back up dancers." Tae informed.

"The back up dancers? Hmph." Jungkook said nothing further on the subject. He stared into the bottom of his coffee cup in deep thought. There seemed to be the smallest hint of concern on his face. "Where did you go. What did you do? I didn't know you even had something planned for him."

Tae did not want to inadvertanly ignite Jungkook's jealous streak. He looked at Jungkook and chose his words wisely, "It was very spur of the moment. We didn't plan it out in advance. We just knew we wanted to do it. We invited the back up dancers because Jimin is close to most of them and we wanted it to be a big party. I'll let Jimin tell you the details about where we went. But it was all very innocent and we had a great time. Ok Jungkookie, relax." Tae knew that Jungkook was growing anxious. He wasn't sure of all of the reaons why, but he knew his best friend well enough to recognize the signs.

"My shoe is wet," Jimin whined from the bathroom.

"I think you should handle that," Tae advised Jungkook.

"Oh, poor baby, I'm coming," Jungkook disappeared down the hall into the bathroom to care for Jimin.**

Jungkook jumped in his truck and drove the fifteen minutes from his apartment to the dance studio.

Jungkook walked into his practice room and saw Hoseok laying on the floor against the corner with a large bag of ice over his head. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh.

"So I take it you too were an attendee at my fiance's bachelor party?" Jungkook leaned over Hoseok as he laid on the floor.

"Yes, I was there. I tapped out about five hours in and passed out in the limo," Hoseok moved his ice bag just slightly in order to see Jungkook's face.

"There was a limo? How was it? Where did you go? What did you do?" Jungkook probed.

"Shouldn't you be talking about this with your soon to be husband?" Hoseok eyed him suspiciously.

"Well after I rescued him from his wet boot, he fell asleep again. He was still sleeping when I left and I didn't want to wake him," Jungkook sat on the floor next to Hoseok and began his stretches. "Look, if you aren't up to this, I'm sure I can practice on my own. You look kinda rough," Jungkook said.

"You don't look like peaches and cream yourself there Mister. I'll be ok. And what wet boot? Nevermind, I don't want to know. We only have two hours booked today. I can make it through." Hoseok pulled himself up from the ground, lowered his ice pack and began stretching with Jungkook.

The practice didn't have it's usual 'pop' because neither participant was in a 'popping' mood. But they both powered through the first hour as professionally as possible given the circumstances. The second half of their practice was a dress rehearsal. They needed their jackets as props since they were part of the choreography for the routine.

"Hobi, do you know where the stylist, put our jackets?" Jungkook looked around the practice room.

"They're in the room next door, where the background dancers practice. There's a closet in the back of the room. She keeps them hanging in there.

Jungkook walked next door to the adjacent room. The room was empty. He walked into the closet and flipped the light switch. Nothing. He flipped it again. Still nothing. The bulb was blown.

"Great, I have to try to find these two jackets in this sea of clothes with no light," he fussed loudly. He opened the door as widely as possible to gather the light from the practice room into the large walk in closet.

The background dancers led by Jae arrived within moments of Jungkook disappearing into the deep closet. Two of the dancers who missed the party were biting at Jae's heels to get all of the details of what occurred.

"Well are you going to tell us what happened at the Bachelor party of the year? Was Jimin surprised?" The first dancer asked.

"Yeah, I hate we missed it. We had a performance last night," the second dancer said.

Jae, with a bit of bravado began to recount the experience with his own personal spin on things,

"First of all, Jimin was flirting with me all night. He claims to be all in love with Jungkook, but I can tell he's finally tired of that dick. I'm surprised they're going ahead with that fake marriage anyway, considering how Jimin flirts with everything that moves.

The dancers who were listening were all suddenly disheartened by Jae's attitude. He continued talking,

"Anyway, our first stop was Trance strip club. The scene was totally dead. I mean only a few of us were gay. The rest of the gang just sat there completely bored. So, I bought Jimin a lap dance to liven things up. The dude got up there and practically dry fucked him. Jimin pretended he wasn't turned on, but I could tell he was hard as fuck when dude got up. Fucking cock blocker Tae actually paid the stripper to leave and not complete the dance. That's probably cause Jimin was so fucking turned on, he was about to cum everywhere in public. Then Namjoon forbids any of us from getting lap dances. I mean if you want to fucking protect OT7's image, why the fuck are you taking Jimin to a gay nightclub? Shit made no sense. ANYWAY…" Jae paused for a moment that was much too brief.

Jungkook could clearly hear their voices from his position in the closet. He paid no attention to their conversation, that is, until he heard Jimin's name. He stopped his search, stood in place and listened.

"We left there and went to King, now that scene was LIVE. It was roaring. There was a live DJ, the dance floor was packed. Jimin was drunk as fuck. He flirted with me the entire way in the limo, then when we got there, he started taking even more shots which meant he flirted even more. He was all over me dude. Like WTF, you're supposed be getting married and shit yet you're all over me. It was mad dude." Jae laughed.

"Wait Jae, wait. Jimin was all over you? Jungkook's Jimin? I always thought he wasn't really fond you, this seems like a stretch," the first dancer said as he stopped Jae and challenged his story.

"I have fucking video to prove it," Jae took out his cell phone camara. He'd edited the video into a loop to make it seem as if Jimin remained dancing with him for an extended length of time. The truth was that Jimin had excused himself immediately as soon as Jae approached him. But none of the dances saw the truth. Jae held the video up high above his head so all of the dancers behind him could see it. The entrance to the closet was behind them. They never knew Jungkook was there because the light was off.

Jungkook stepped toward the entrance to the closet and partially hid himself so that he could view the video. The distance was too great for him to be able to see details. He could make out Jimin and Jae in what appeared to be some sort of grinding motion as they danced. Jimin looked drunk.

"So anyway, here's the good part. He goes to the bathroom right. We were vibin', I thought we were on the same page, so I followed him. He's about to pull out his dick and I step up behind him like, "You know it's customary to get one last frivolous fuck in before you get married' some shit like that. And he fucking rejects me! After coming on to me and flirting with me all night, suddenly, he's not interested? Come on! So I tell him he's a fucking tease. I step up to him and try to push the issue. And suddenly Namjoon and Yoon come from out of no fucking where and kick me out of the place."

"Wait a minute," the second dancer says, "you said THAT to Jimin? And you lived to talk about it? You know he's your boss right? You're a dumbass. They're just waiting to fire you."

"That shit goes both ways," Jae said, "he didn't act like my boss when he was grinding all over me on the dance floor. He's a fucking tease and I know he wants me. Next time I get him alone, trust me, he will get fucked, whether he likes it or not." Those were the last words Jae spoke.

He saw nothing but a flash and a blur. Before he knew it, he was flying three feet across the room. Jae hit the practice mirror with a thunderous crash.

The entire room shook with the force of the impact. The mirror behind his body trembled violently and smashed against the floor behind him. Jay slid to the floor, his back, neck and head bloodied from the cuts from the mirror. Hoseok and all of the other staff in the building came running to investigate the sound of the noise. Jungkook had picked up Jae in one mighty heap and thrown him with all of his strength. It was the truest show of force and power that Jungkook had ever exhibited. He ran up to Jae and kicked him in the face breaking his jaw. He reached down to pick him up but Hoseok was hanging on to his arm for dear life. It took four grown men to hold Jungkook back and keep him from killing Jae. Even under the restriction of four people, Jungkook was still inching closer to Jae. Hoseok finally jumped on his back to try to stop him from moving further.

Jae picked up and ran. One of the staff members escorted him out and took him to the hospital. Jungkook seethed. He wanted to pound his fists ointo Jae's face. He wanted to beat him until he stopped moving. He wanted to kill him.

Jungkook yelled after him, "You think it's funny to threaten to rape my husband? You think anybody believes your bullshit about him wanting you? He doesn't want shit from you, you pathetic groupie. I've hated you from the beginning. I told all of them you were a pathetic loser. I don't' ever want to see you within 100 feet of Jimin or I swear to God, I'll kill you."

By this time, the five grown men had tackled Jungkook to the ground. It was the only way to control him. Hoseok was literally sitting on his back. They all spoke to him, trying to calm him down. But Jungkook, slightly hungover, feeling the threat for Jimin's safety, just couldn't calm down; even after Jae had been removed from the building.

It took a few minutes. But Jungkook finally stopped struggling.

"Get the fuck off of me," he yelled. Everyone including Hoseok, fearing for their own personal safety, got the fuck off of him.

No one knew how to handle this Jungkook. They had known this boy since he was fifteen years old, but never had they seen this side of him; nor did they know he had this side of him. This mild mannered sweet man who never hurt so much as a fly was suddenly unrecognizable. The rage itself was not foreign. Anyone who'd ever been in love or had children recognized it. This was the kind of rage that only came out when protecting something that you loved very much. This was fight or flight reflex. This wasn't about Jungkook. This was about Jimin.

Jungkook kicked the doors open of the practice studio, jumped in his car and left.
