Chapter 31 – Fall Everything Fall Everything Fall

Chapter 31 – Fall Everything Fall Everything Fall

While all hell was breaking loose at the practice studio, Jimin was sleeping peacefully back at Jungkook's apartment. He had his phone turned off to keep from being disturbed while he tried to recover from his hang over. No less than twenty-five people tried calling Jimin and texting to warn him of the blow up at the practice studio.

Hoseok sped to Jungkook's apartment. He banged on the door as if the building were on fire. Jimim jumped up startled, "Coming, hold on, coming."

Hoseok rushed in, "You heard from Jungkook? I know he's not here. His car isn't in the garage."

No he isn't here. He should be at practice with you," Jimin said.

"Jimin, why haven't you answered your phone?" Hoseok looked at Jimin with great urgency.

Jimin moved closer to Hoseok, "Because I was sleeping. Hobi, what's wrong. You're scaring me."

Hoseok put a comforting arm on Jimin's shoulder and said, "Jungkook attacked Jae at the practice studio earlier today."

Jimin began to tremble, "Is he okay? Did he get hurt? Was Jae hurt badly?"

Hoseok ran his fingers through his hair in agitation, "Jimin we don't know where he is. That's why I'm here. I was hoping against hope that he called you or contacted you. He's not anwering his phone either."

"Why would he hit Jae? He such a Neanderthal. Some stupid jealous tantrum no doubt? What was he jealous about this time? I wasn't even there for Christ's sake! I really thought he was over this," Jimin was getting angry at Jungkook.

Hoseok could sense Jimin's anger and felt that he needed to set Jimin straight immediately, "You really don't remember?"

"Remember what?" Jimin snarked.

Hoseok breathed like he was irritated, "Jae came on to you last night. It would have gotten ugly if Namjoon and Yoongi hadn't intervened and kicked him out the club. Everyone was drunk, including you. They decided not to come down too hard on him. I was passed out in the limo, so I wouldn't have known anything about it if Namjoon hadn't filled me in."

Jimin lifted his hand to his mouth, "This is becauase of me?"

"Jimin, please don't play stupid, it's always because of you. Everything he does is because of you. This pattern of Jungkook always getting the short end of the stick in his quest to protect you is getting kind of old." Hoseok didn't mean to speak with such vitriol. He immediately apologized. "Ohh Jimin, I'm sorry. This isn't on you. Jae went way over the line. He was bragging last night and stretching the truth about what happened. The dancers who were at the practice explained to us that Jungkook overheard Jae talking, no one knew he was there."

"Hobi what did he say? What horribibe things did Jungkook hear him say?" Jimin braced.

"Jimin, Jae is at the hospital with a broken jaw, and shards of mirror in his neck and scalp," Hoseok cringed as he said it.

"Jungkookie NO!" Jimin started to tremble again.

"Jungkookie, YES. Jimin we've never seen him like this before. He's been angry but this was another level. But Jimin, this wasn't his fault. I understand exactly why he was pushed over the edge. If I were in his shoes, I would have done the same thing." Hoseok sat down on the couch and motioned for Jimin to sit next to him.

Jimin followed Hoseok's instruction and sat next to him. "Hobi what? What could Jae have said to make Jungkook react this way?"

"Jimin it was awful. He made a very crass joke about raping you." Hoseok put his head in hands.

Jimin gasped, "A rape joke? Where did that come from? Is he insane? He's damn lucky that all he has is a broken jaw. I'm honestly surprised Kookie didn't do even more damage."

"He tried, it took five of us to pull him off of him. He was going to kill him Jimin. But wait, there's more. You need to know everything. I think Jae may have misread some of the signals that he got from you last night. Things got a little flirty between you two and I think that's where all of this started." Hoseok crossed his legs and look squarely at Jimin.

"I was drunk Hobi. I swear, I don't remember a thing. But I do know that I would never lead him on. I have no interest in that guy what so ever." Jimin said.

Namjoon knocked on the door, "Hey guys it's me, you in there?"

Jimin opened the door, "JK here? We need to talk," Namjoon said as he entered the apartment.

"No, we don't know where he is at the moment," Hosoek answered.

"We have to find him. The police want to talk to him," Namjoon said.

"The Police?" Jimin's eyes widened.

"Don't worry, it's just a formality. They need a statement and they have to make it appear that they questioned him. Yoongi and his girlfriend the DA have already handled things. He won't be charged or arrested. I've also just came from the hospital. Jae is doing fine. In pain, embarrassed, angry, but fine. We took care of him too. He won't be causing us any trouble. In fact, I think he will live quite comfortably for the rest of his life. Three months ago you got shot, now I'm paying off assault victims. What else do you have up your sleeves?" Namjoon said sarcastically.

"Namjoon, I'm sorry," Jimin said.

"Save it Jimin, we all had a hand in this one. We got you so drunk that you could barely walk. That was irresponsible on us. We shouldn't have invited Jae either. Hoseok tried to tell us."

Namjoon looked over at Hoseok whose face was still full of dread. "Ok you guys stay here, I need to try to find Jungkook and talk to him. We need to get him to the Police. We don't want to make it seem as if he is hiding or trying to run."

Jimin stood up to Namjoon, "No Joon. Let me handle this please. This is the man I want to marry. If I can't talk sense into him and get him home, then we're in trouble. I think I know where he is."

Namjoon wished Jimin luck and made him promise to call as soon as they had news of Jungkook. He left.

Jimin sat on the floor and started to put on his shoes. Hoseok was still sitting on the couch looking dreadful.

"Jimin, please wait before you go. There's more bad news I need to give you," Hoseok said somberly.

"Hobi, I can't take anymore," Jimin didn't look at him.

"Please sit," he shifted on the couch to entice Jimin to sit next to him, "this can't wait. Derrick put a rush on your photos from this morning. Since you had already picked the final shots, he was able to get them processed and sent them out to all of the vendors on your list. Jimin the Justice of the Peace has backed out and cancelled. He is refusing to marry a gay couple. He returned your refund by carrier.

Jimin ran his hand through his hair, "So we have no one to performe the ceremony?"

"I'm afraid not, but there's more, please allow me to finish. The Intercontinental has also refused to allow you to use their roof top for the reception. The bakery also called and backed out. They refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding. They didn't realize you were a gay couple until they saw the pictures." Hoseok felt horrible. Such discrimination against two beautiful people was heart breaking.

Jimin exhaled in frustration, "So I have no reception hall, no clergy, no cake and possibly, no groom?" ***

Jungkook sat in his car staring at the spot where he and Jimin lay bleeding a few months earlier. He could still see the faded dark spot on the ground where he and Jimin's blood had pooled together staining the concrete below. He didn't know what drew him back to the old rail yard where the shooting took place, but he felt that he could think clearly here.

Jungkook went into deep reflection. He thought to himself, loving Jimin was the greatest joy of his life. So why, if the love was so great, did bad things continue to happen as a result of it? Jungkook shuddered as he reflected on the inexcusable behavior he had displayed in front of the employees and back up dancers.

Love. Love for Jimin. Was this love dangerous? Was it healthy? Was it demented? Was it so engulfing that it was causing Jungkook to lose himself?

Jungkook's text notification buzzed on his phone. This was a special vibration that belonged only to Jimin. He picked up his phone, the banner across the front said 32 missed messages. He ignored it and clicked into Jimin's text message.

Groom to Groomzila: I know all about it. I'm coming to get you. I love you.

As soon as he read Jimin's text, he rested his head against the steering wheel.

Out of no where, like a pale ethereal angel, Jimin appeared tapping on Jungkook's window. He smiled a smile so bright, that it lit the dark night like a full moon. Jimin walked around the front of the truck and sat in the passenger's seat.

"How did you know where I was?" Jungkook continued staring out the window where he had just seen Jimin's image.

"Bone of my bone remember?" Jimin smiled again "It's cold in here. Turn on the heat. You'll freeze."

Jungkook didn't move. Jimin cranked up the car and turned on the heat. Jungkook refused to look at him, so Jimin spoke to the back of his head.

"You know I'm a higher degree black belt than you?" Jimin teased.

"Yes. I know everything about you Jimin," Jungkook responded coldly still looking out of his window.

"I'm very capable of taking care of myself. Nothing was ever going to happen to me." Jimin teased again.

"Please don't go there with me. I have never, ever not once insinuated that you were some helpless flower who couldn't survive without protection. This was never about that. I know who you are and I know exactly what you're capable of." Jungkook's inflection was biting and accusatory.

Jimin tried to lighten the mood, "Jae is doing fi...,"

"I don't give a damn about how Jae is doing. Don't even finish that sentence." Jungkook said.

"Jae was lying Kookie. Almost everything he said was a lie," Jimin said

"How the hell do you know? You were drunk off your ass last night. You don't know what the hell you did or didn't do." Jungkook was still cold.

"OK, so yes, we did a little flirty dancing. It was innocent fun. I would never get so drunk that I would do anything to hurt you. The video that he showed you was fake. I never danced with him like that." Jimin was pushing hard to make sure that Jungkook understood his side of the story.

"Oh GOD JIMIN, stop, just stop. I'm a filmmaker. I think I can recognize when a clip has been looped. Of course it was fake. I know that. But you know what wasn't fake or a lie? The fact that yet again, you got caught flirting with anything that had a pulse. That's just who you are. I knew it when I met you. I knew it when I fell in love with you. And I am painfully aware of it now." Jungkook's voice was raised.

Jimin withdrew from combat. There was silence between the two as Jimin pulled back to mentally reload. He stared through the passenger side window. The vibe he was getting from Jungkook was different from anything he had ever experienced before. He quickly tried to calculate his next move. He needed to get through to Jungkook, but his approach wasn't working. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

Too often, when he and Jungkook had disagreements, there was someone there to help put the pieces back together: Tae, Namjoon, Taemin, Jungkook's mom. This time, however, it was just the two of them. Jimin knew that his ability, or lack there of, to bridge this gap could mean the difference between happily ever after or never happy again.

Jimin thought. He thought hard. How could someone who prided themselves on being a great communicator, not know how to communicate with a man he knew inside out? He listed all of the possibilities. Jungkook wasn't jealous. He was angry, but only mildly so. There was no sadness. There was no remorse for what he did to Jae. So what was it? What was this mood? Jimin watched Jungkook, searching for the answer. Think Jimin. Think. Think...Fear? FEAR! The answer hit Jimin like a ton of bricks. Jungkook was overwhelmed by fear. Fear of everything. Fear of losing control, fear of losing Jimin, fear of the unknown. Jimin had his ammunition. It was time to re-engage.

"Baby, I know you're scared." Jimin laid his hand on top of Jungkook's.

"You have no idea how scared. I'm starting to doubt and question everything. I don't want to be this person that I was today Jimin. I can't let my love for you drive me to become "HIM". Jungkook paused and swallowed hard, "I don't think I should marry you. In fact, I wonder if we should even be together at all."

Jimin remained calm. Jungkook had a flair for the dramatic when he was under pressure. Jimin knew not to take anything he said too seriously. "You're being a bit dramatic, don't you think?"

"Am I?" Jungkook said. He continued, "I came back from the dead for you. I almost killed someone for you. That's not love, that's obession, it can't be healthy for either of us. I'm scared Jimin. I've never felt this out of control. The thought of someone hurting you was too much for me. Am I gonna' to turn into the Incredible Hulk everytime someone threatens you? This kind of love can't be healthy." He banged his head repeatedly against the steering wheel.

Jimin felt his heart spasm. Jungkook wasn't being dramatic. These were his pure, genuine and honest thoughts. Jimin spoke quite deliberately to make sure that Jungook was giving him his full attention, "Jungkook-ah, I came back from the dead for you too. This love, this maddening love, it goes both ways. You don't have some patent on it."

You're being too hard on yourself for what happened today. You actually controlled yourself quite well. I can't even imagine the restraint that it took for you to remain calm while you heard all of those lies he said about me. But you sat there and you listened and you remained in control.

It wasn't until he went over the top, way over the top, that you reacted. He was talking about hurting me in a very violent, very profound way. No one, no one, could have remained calm in that situation. Unfortunately for you, you just don't know your own strength," Jimin laughed and continued making his point, "Let me ask you something. What if Jae had been talking about Hoseok instead of me? Or what if he had made that comment about Yoongi? How would you have reacted?"

Jungkook squinted his eyes and thought carefully, "I think, the same. I think I would have reacted the same way. He was talking about raping someone. I couldn't let him get away with that. It was just so disguisting."

Jimin jumped at his chance to score, "Correct. It wasn't just me you were protecting. You weren't just raging aginst Jae on my behalf. You were raging against that violent, sadistic, mentality that he brought forward. There's nothing wrong with you Jungkookie. There's no harm in us loving each other the way we do. You're a beautiful, honest, caring, loving and protective person. Your outrage today just proved that even further." Jimin celebrated inside of his head.

Jungkook turned away from Jimin and stared out of his window again. He reflected on Jimin's words. How could he fall victim to Jimin's superpower? He always considered himself immune. But every word that Jimin said was true. Every word made sense. Every word spoke to exactly how he felt. Maybe Jimin was right and this was just a rare fleeting moment where the stars aligned to push the boundaries of his tolerance. Maybe this was just a learning experience to give him a warning that under the right circumstances, this part of him existed. Jungkook refused to speak.

Jimin's internal celebration turned into internal panic. He knew he hit his target, but Jungkook was not responding the way he expected.

"The police want to see you," Jimin put his hand up to Jungkook's cheek.

For the first time that evening, Jungkook looked at Jimin.

"Nothing to worry about. They need a statement, that's all. Yoongi and his DA girlfriend have this all swept under the rug. Namjoon is paying off Jae to keep him quiet. Another Jikook scandal averted," Jimin laughed nervously.

Jungkook looked away from him again. He placed the car in drive and took off towards the police station. He and Jimin rode in silence. Jimin was at a loss for what to do. He didn't think more talking was the answer. But the creepy silence wasn't good either. He bit his bottom lip and rocked nervously. He reached to turn on the music. Jungkook promptly turned it back off. Jimin wasn't even sure where they were going and he was too afraid to ask. Jungkook would not speak to him.

The ringing of Jimin's telephone broke the silence like a ship hitting an iceberg. Both of them jumped unexpectantly. Jimin looked down at the caller ID and saw, "Sgt. Kwang" flash across the screen. He answered hurriedly.

"Hello Sergeant, is everything ok? What's going on?" Jimin was nervous.

"Hi Jimin. Uhhh, I received your wedding invitation today.

Jimin breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, oh good. That's very good. Will you come?"

"Jimin, I don't know how Hoseok will feel about this. I don't think it's a good idea. Our last meeting didn't go so well." Kwang said sadly.

"My wedding. You're a friend. A friend that we owe a great deal of gratitude. We want you there. Done." Jimin was quite definitive.

"I would love to celebrate your day with you. I am very honored to be included in such a special event. I know this wedding means everything to Hoseok. It's probably something he always dreamed of for himself." Kwang was suddenly quiet.

"There's still hope you know," Jimin looked at Jungkook as he spoke his next words, "There's always hope."

"See you next week Jimin." Kwang disconnected.

By the time Jimin ended his call, Jungkook was parking at the front of the police station. "Oh, I didn't realize we were coming straight here. I'm coming with – "

Jungkook slammed the car door and waived Jimin off as a clear sign to stay in the car. Jimin didn't know what was happening. He wondered aloud if there would even be a wedding for Kwang to attend. He laid his head back and fell asleep. He was, after all, still nursing the hangover that got him into all of this trouble in the first place.

Jungkook walked up to the front desk, "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm here to make a statement about an assault that happened today."

Jungkook had a seat in the waiting room. It was about ten minutes before a Lietenant came to sign him in.

"OK, I pulled your case number. Looks like you assaulted a victim today at the property of HB studios? Is that correct? Relax kid, you don't need an attorney. The DA's handling this one personally." The officer said as he led him to interrogation.

Jungkook looked up and Kim Huwana, the District Attorney and girlfriend of Yoongi was walking into the room.

"Thanks for calling me. I'll take it from here." Huwana dismissed the officer and sat down in front of Jungkook. She was beautiful. At least one foot taller than Yoongi, with straight black hair, brown eyes and fair skin. Her body was heavily enhanced with plastic surgery, but it was exactly the type that Yoongi liked. Jungkook stood and bowed politely.

"Hello Huwana. We meet again," Jungkook said shyly.

"He's not pressing charges. I don't know why or how, but he isn't. I've already dropped the case. I wanted to put you in jail for the night just to teach you a lesson but Yoongi said you would get cold and hungry and he wouldn't allow it. He loves you by the way. But you better believe I'm fining your ass, $100,000. Pay the chubby officer at the front before you leave."

Huwana seemed agitated. She spoke very sternly now, "Jungkook, you're a good kid. Jimin too. But we can't have anymore of this. I've already risked enough. I covered up the shooting, I dropped the charges against Soujin, and now this. I'm not willing to risk anymore for you. I love Yoongi, but not that much." Huwana blushed. Jungkook knew at that moment, she was in love with Yoongi.

"Now what happened?" Huwana leaned in, ready to listen.

Jungkook could tell she was speaking more as a friend, than the DA.

Jungkook ran his hands down his tired face, "Bachelor's party, got out of control, Jimin got drunk and started flirting at King's nightclub, and it all ended this afaternoon with Jae threatening to rape him. That's about the time I got involved. It was a mistake. I was angry, but I immediately regretted going after him like that. I should have just fired him and ruined his career. But it wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying," Jungkook smiled a little.

Huwana laughed back, "No, I don't think it would have. You know Jungkook, I think I may need to show you something."

"What?" Jungkook was intrigued.

Huwana pulled up a video on the ipad that was sitting on the table, "Before I got involved, my officers were investigating to make a case against you for assault. They wanted footage of Jae and Jimin to show as motive. They were hoping that you would be seen somewhere on the video threatening the victim."

"No, I didn't threaten him until after I kicked his ass," Jungkook said innocently.

"Right, you probably shouldn't tell the DA that though, right?" She laughed again. "Anyway, they pulled all of the video from King's from that night. You should see it for yourself."

She hit play on the video. Jungkook watched the entire thing from the moment they entered up until the time when Jae and Jimin began to dance together. Jae started a conga line. Jimin joined in close behind him. They conga'ed the entire dance floor with the other eleven dancers behind them. Jimin was so drunk that he kept bumping into Jae's butt with his groin. Every five steps he would yell, "Conga!"

The next clip showed Jimin grinding quite hard, with himself. He was singing, 'I���m every women' at the top of his lungs, Jae came behind him and attempted to dance on him. Jimin jumped on Jae's back and began riding him like a pony.

The last clip was probably the most incriminatiang, Jimin was dancing with the other dancers when Jae came and picked him up. Jimin yelled, "Weeeeeee" Jae put him down and pulled him into a hug. Jimin hit him and broke loose. Jimin was still dancing when Jae closed in behind him. They did a few body roles towards each other. Within five seconds, Namjoon and Tae could be seen pulling Jae away and diverting his attention.

Huwana stopped the video. She tried not to laugh. Jungkook, however, looked angry and upset. Huwana decided to let Jungkook go. She could see clearly that Jungkook still had some things he needed to work out.

"Goodbye Jungkook, I'll see you at the wedding?" She smiled and nodded. Jungkook didn't reply. "Pay the chubby fellow or else I'm arresting you later," She yelled behind him.

Jungkook paid the chubby fellow and headed back out to his car. Jimin was knocked out. Jungkook shook his head at him disappointedly and drove them home.

Jimin awoke as they were pulling into the parking garage. They rode up the elevator to Jungkook's apartment in silence.

"Jungkookie, are you going to talk to me?" Jimin asked as he watched Jungkook walk away.

"Yes," Jungkook disappeared down the hallway toward the back closet. He returned a few minutes later.

"I think you should move back to your place and the wedding is off. Here's a few of your things. You can come get the rest when I'm not here." Jungkook dropped a hastily packed bag at Jimin's feet.

"Jungkook, you're being ridiculous. Let's talk about this please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't remember what happened last night, but I would never do anything to hurt you. Please, let's just talk." Jimin implored Jungkook to reconsider.

Jungkook walked over to his front door and opened it, "Goodbye," He looked at Jimin and waited.

All words escaped him. Jimin didn't know what to say. Jungkook was resolute. He picked up his bag and walked towards the door.

Jimin stepped beyond the threshold of Jungkook's apartment, "Jimin," Jungkook called.

Jimin's heart lept for joy, he looked back hopeful that Jungkook was having a change of heart.

"Give me back my ring please," Jungkook reached for Jimin's hand and removed his ring. He slammed the door in Jimin's face.

As soon as the door was closed, Jungkook burst into laughter. "Oh so you want to flirt and get all dirty in public? FINE, it's time you learn a lesson Park Jimin. There's consequences to your actions." Jungkook rubbed his hands together like an evil scientist and did a pretend evil laugh. He stuck Jimin's ring on his pinky finger, then he went to sit on the couch to play video games. He passed out bout 20 minutes into playing.

Jimin walked back to he and Hoseok's apartment. It had been so long since he'd been there that he couldn't even remember which key to use to get in. After three or four attempts, he finally found the right key. Jimin walked in like a ghost. The color had all drained from his face. His eyes were unfocused and cloudy, his face was sunken. He was in shock.

Hoseok came out of his bedroom, "Jimin, what are you doing here? Did you find Jungkook? Is he ok?"

"The wedding is off. We're off. He broke up with me." Jimin was still in shock. He laid on the couch unmoving. Hoseok sat next to him.

"Jimin. He's just upset. This was probably very traumatic. He'll get over it," Hoseok comforted.

"Hobi, he took my ring," Jimin laid in Hoseok's lap. "Hobi, I don't know how to read him. I don't know what's going on in his mind. I was sure that I had gotten through to him. I was sure of it. But he was so odd. Merose. It was just weird. Hobi I think I broke him." Jimin was sullen and still in shock.

"Jiminie, it's ok. It's going to be ok. Get some sleep. We'll deal with all of this in the morning. I'm sure Jungkook just needs some time to think," Hobi pulled Jimin off the couch and walked him to his bedroom. It's been a long time, but it's just as you left it. I'm happy to have you here." Hobi kissed Jimin on the forehead and left him in his room.

Jimin was too numb to cry. He was too numb to feel anything. He knew that Jungkook was still in love with him. Love doesn't just fade away over night. The question was, how to get him over his anger.**

The next morning Jimin arose from a sleepless night. He went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He still couldn't believe the worldwind of the previous day. It felt like a dream or better yet, a nightmare.

Hoseok too had a sleepless night. He was worried about Jimin and Jungkook. Worried about how they would resolve this. The wedding was less than six days away and everything, it seemed, had fallen apart. That wasn't Hoseok's only worry. Out of the blue Kwang was entering his mind almost daily. In his most quiet and private moments, he would think of him or imagine seeing his face. He was a constant fixture in Hobi's mind. Hoseok heard Jimin stirring in the kitchen and decided to get up and join him.

"EEEEEHHHHHHH, Put some clothes on you filthy exhibitionist!" Hoseok screamed in horror as he saw Jimin naked in the kitchen making coffee.

"Ohh right, sorry. I'm used to being with Jungkookie and we don't really wear clothes much," Jimin smiled, then immediately frowned. He ran to his room to get a robe.

Hoseok made dry heaving noises as he tried to get the image of Jimin's naked body out of his mind.

Jimin returned, "Sorry Hobi."


Tae knocked quietly on Jungkook's door.

Jungkook was still sleeping. He woke up slowly and reached for Jimin, only Jimin wasn't there. He got up and pulled on some pajama pants.

"Who is it?" He whispered.

"It's me," Tae responded.

"Me who?," Jungkook teased.

"Get on with it will you?" Tae got angry.

Jungkook laughed and answered the door. Tae immediately grabbed Jungkook's neck and gave him the tightest hug.

Tae took a deep breath and began, "Thank God, you're ok. I heard what happened. Jimin found you? I can't believe he found you. Well I can actually, he used your phone tracker to figure out where you were. Why were you at the old abandoned railroad by the way? Is going back to the scene where you almost died some type of a turn on for you two? Jeez. So what happened? Tell me how you beat the hell at that jerk Jae. I'm sorry he was with us. It was my idea. I should have never allowed him to come. I should have known better."

"Tae-Tae, slow down. It's too early in the morning for all of this. Come, sit, play Overwatch. Wait a minute. Did you say that Jimin used my phone tracker to find me?" Jungkook invited Tae in.

"Yes, that's what he said in his text when he told me he found you," Tae said honestly.

"Bone of my bone my ass. He cheated." Jungkook murmured to himself.

Jungkook filled Tae in on the entire K-Drama involving Jae. He told him about the police station and the fact that he had to pay a hefty fine but no trial or jail. And then he got to the part about Jimin.

"I know Jimin was flirting last night," Jungkook admitted.

"It was mild, but nothing we couldn't handle," Tae said in agreement.

"If you were getting married in less than a week, would you be out in public flirting with another man? Even if you were drunk?" Jungkook looked seriously at Tae waiting for an answer.

"No, I wouldn't. But Jimin is…Jimin. It's part of who he is." Tae dismissed Jungkook's concern.

"But don't you think it's time for him to change "who he is"? I've been dealing with this for years. I'm not putting up with it anymore." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it? You have more control over Jimin than anyone and if you can't stop it, then it can't be stopped," Tae said.

"Who says I can't stop it?" Jungkook said suspiciously. He gave Tae a partial grin and said, "I called off the wedding. And I kicked him out. It's time for him to understand that he can't do these things and expect that I'll be ok with it."

"What what what? You did what? And this is some type of joke? Do you want to die?" Because when Jimin figures this out, he's going to stab you in the heart with a spoon, a dull spoon so that it hurts more," Tae explained.

"Well I had to do something to get his attention. Otherwise, he'll never learn," Jungkook said.

"You are so dumb. You are so so so dumb. This is going to backfire like you won't believe. Plus Jungkook, it's so cruel." Tae was truly concerned at this point.

"It's not cruel to repeatedly flirt with other men in front of my face? Even when I begged him to stop over and over again?" Jungkook said.

"You are less than a week from your wedding. How are you going to pull this off and still expect him to walk down the aisle with you?" Tae said.

"Don't worry, I have a plan. In the meantime, guess what? I have a brand new motorcycle downstairs with two helmets. What do you say we give her a spin?" Jungkook left to go and get dressed. **

Jimin was fully dressed now and back in the kitchen. Hoseok was much more agreeable to talking to him since he had clothes on. Even the robe Jimin had on prior wasn't enough for Hoseok's comfort.

Tae knocked at the door rather aggressively.

"Jiminie, open up," Tae said as he stood in the hallway.

"Why is Tae using your aggresssive knock, Hoseok?" Jimin said lightly.

Jimin answered the door. A frazzled and slightly disheveled Tae entered their apartment. His hair in a tangled knot across his head.

Hoseok frowned, "Tae-Tae what happened to your hair?"

"Jungkook took me for a ride," Hoseok still frowned. "A ride?"

"Tell you about in a minute. I need to talk to you Jimin." Tae seemed rushed to talk but hesitant and conflicted at the same time.

Tae looked at Jimin, "Jungkook is my best friend."

"Yes, I know. I'm quite fond of him as well." Jimin said sadly.

Hoseok's curiosity was peeked. Tae was acting stranger than normal. Something was up. He moved a little closer to Tae as he spoke to Jimin.

"But you're my best friend too. And I don't like being stuck in the middle. I'm torn about this, but I have to do what's right. Plus I've known you longer so technically, I have to be most loyal to you. You're not the only one who was drunk last night." Tae covered his mouth, almost as if he were ashamed of what he was about to say.

"Yeah, I know he was a mess too, but it's not the same." Jimin was sad again

"Yeah it may be worse. Sit down Jimin. I don't usually get involved with this crap between you two but I think you need to know this. I should have told you yesterday." Tae showed Jimin the video of Jungkook making his inebriated purchase of the three motorcycles.

"So when you said you went for a ride, is that what you meant? You rode on this new motorcycle?" Hoseok laughed hysterically. He knew as well as Tae that Jungkook owning a motorcycle would NEVER be tolerated by Jimin.

"Jungkook got drunk and bought a fucking motorcycle?" Jimin squinted at the video, not at all happy with what he was seeing.

"Yeah but that's not why I'm here," Tae said as he put his hand on Jimin's shoulder. I don't know how to say this." Tae was trying to be sensitive.

"Ohh just fucking say it already," Hoseok chimed in uninvited.

"Jimin, You're being taught a lesson," Tae tattled.

"I don't follow," Jimin was still staring at Tae's video watching Jungkook. He was seething about the motorcycle. He and Jungkook had discussed this 100 times. It was too dangerous for him to own a motorcycle. The smallest accident could ruin his career. Yet Jungkook had gone behind his back and purchased it anyway. How could he?

Tae shook Jimin slightly, "Jimin pay attention. The wedding isn't off. The relationship isn't off. Nothing is off. Did you even look at what he packed in your bag when he threw you out?"

Hoseok, now completely invested, went over and opened the overnight bag that Jimin dropped on the floor the previous night. It was filled with toilet paper. Hoseok laughed so hard that he fell to the ground.

Jimin still seemed confused. "But Jungkook was so angry last night, he couldn't have faked it."

"Ohh he's angry, but not enough to leave you. While he was at the police station he saw the video of you dancing with Jae. Even he agreed it was mostly harmless but he still didn't like the fact that you were flirting. Especially a week before you're supposed to get married. So he decided in the worst most immature, infantile way ever, to teach you a lesson. He told me all about it this morning. It just felt cruel and I knew I couldn't keep it from you," Tae seemed relieved to have this off his chest.

Hosoek spoke because Jimin wouldn't, "You did the right thing Tae," both of them stared at Jimin with great concern. They could literally see his temper rise like the sun, like a hot burning fire. The unmatched king of the constellations.

Jimin's chest was rising and falling heavily, almost to the point of hyperventilation.

"This was a joke?" Jimin questioned. "He's teaching me a lesson?"

Jimin didn't say anything else. He took a step towards the door. Tae jumped behind Hoseok to stay clear of Jimin's path.

"So this is why you have helmet hair? You went for a ride on the new motorcyle? But you made sure to wait until after your little ride to tell me, even though you knew since yesterday?" Jimin looked past Tae as if he weren't there, yet his voice was directed right at him.

"I-I-I didn't. Well I did. I mean he asked me to go and I couldn't say n-no." Tae stepped back from Jimin again.

"Where's the motorecycle Tae?" Jimin paced slowly.

"The garage next to his car? You didn't see it?" Tae felt like he had betrayed Jungkoook, but he really was in a no win situation.

Jimin went to the closet near the front door. He found an old bat that belonged to Hoseok. He picked it up. He swung the front door open so hard that it nearly flew off its hinges. Jimin was petite but he was very strong and muscular. His strength seemed to triple when he was angry. He marched out leaving the door open behind him.

"Jimin, Jimin where are you going?" Tae whispered to Hoseok, I think you better get Jungkook.

Tae ran behind Jimin trying to slow him down.

"Jimin, Jimin stop. Jimin you don't want to do this," Tae grabbed Jimin's arm.

Jimin turned, "Don't touch me please."

Tae released him quickly. He continued following behind him. He followed him all the way down to the garage where the sparkling dark blue 2022 BMW K1600 GT sat glistening in the light of the freshly risen sun. "Jimin stop please. You're angry and this is ridiculous. This is vandalism."

Jimin took a good look at the motorcycle. He twirled the bat in his hands one good time and then:

WHAM, he cracked the left tail light.

WHAM, he cracked the right tail light completely open.

With each strike Tae recoiled in terror and covered his head. Debris had already begun to fly everywhere.

WHAM, he broke open the speedometer.

WHAM, he cracked the windshield plate.

WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM, he cracked the tailpipe and then disengaged the kick stand.

The motorcycle fell over.

Jungkook and Hoseok came running down. Jungkook stopped.

"Jimin, no," Jungkook said to himself. He relaxed and stood there with his arms crossed.

"Aren't you going to stop him?" Hosoek said.

"I'm not going anywhere near an angry Jimin while he's swinging a bat," Jungkook smiled. Jimin was very sexy when he was angry.

WHAM!! Jimin smacked the bat against the engine panel. The fiberglass dislodged and went flying through the garage, missing Jungkook by inches.

The engine was exposed and Jimin began whacking away at it. WHACK! WHAM! WHACK!

"What's he so angry about by the way?" Jungkook asked Hoseok.

"You and your stupid games. I really hate you two. I really do," Hoseok crossed his arms to match Jungkook.

Tae was still begging Jimin to stop, "Jimin that's a $40,000 motorcycle!"

"Let me guess, Tae told him that I was just playing a joke on him? " Jungkook said with an attitude.

"Of course he told him, you dick! It was a horrible joke. That's not something that Tae could ever keep from him in good conscious. And now look wht you did. Look at him! I think he's gone mad." Hoseok leaned a little further behind Jungkook to avoid flying debris.

"I know what I'm doing," Jungkook said calmly as Jimin now standing on top of the fallen motorcycle was continuing to bang at the hubcaps.

"Do you? Do you? You and that nut over there are the worst. Is the wedding on or off? That's all I need to know!" Hoseok held his arms out questioning Jungkook.

"It was never off," Jungkook smiled at Jimin lovingly as he kicked a tire.

"I've got to go figure how to find a last-minute replacement for the Intercontinental. I don't have time for your games. Please don't let him hurt himself…or Tae," Hosoek was about to leave when Jungkoook stopped him.

"What do you mean a replacement for the Intercontinenal?" Jungkook turned and looked at Hoseok quizzically.

A tire spike flew between the two of them as Jimin continued to beat and yell profanities at the motorcycle.

Hoseok looked at Jungkook, "You've got to stop this, someone could get hurt."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Hoseok, "Trust me. His shoulder's not that strong yet. He's getting tired. He'll give up soon. Now what about the reception?"

They cancelled, the cake cancelled and the clergy backed out," Hosoek said.

A piece of fiberglass from the back panel landed at Hoseok feet. He stood even further behind Jungkook for additional cover.

"Jimin, this is ridiculous. Someone's going to call the police if you don't stop. Please." Tae was growing tired at this point. But he felt it was up to him to try to stop this, since Hoseok and Jungkook seemed unbothered.

"Why did they cancel Hobi?," For the first time since this entire scene started, Jungkook actually looked concerned. He asked Hobi the question, but he already knew the answer.

Hosoek gave his answer a bit more tenderly, "Because they found out you were a gay couple."

"That's not right. How can they do that?" Jungkook said sadly.

"Are you kidding? This is SK, they can do what ever they want. Homosexuals have no protections under the law here," Hoseok patted Jungkook on the back as a bit of consolation.

"Does Jimin know?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes. I'd imagine that's contributing to at least a small part of his rage." Hosoek looked over at Jimin again.

The pace of the whacks seemed to slow. Tae was still at Jimin's side, trying to avoid flying debris.

"Don't worry Hoseok. We're not giving up without a fight. And we're not going to let all of your hard work go to waste. We'll figure this out. I'll start making calls today. And Jimin, once he takes a nice nap and cools off will help. We've been through too much to give up now," Jungkook gave Hobi a smile.

"I'm going back upstairs. I have a few vendors in mind who may be able to bail us out on the cake. You two work on the reception hall and then we'll go from there." Hoseok stepped over the pile of debris on the ground and headed back to the elevator.

Jimin was still swatting at the motorcycle with his one good arm. He was holding his injured arm close to his body.

Tae looked back at Jungkook unsure of what to do. Jungkook beckoned Tae closer, "Well thank you for this. Last time I tell YOU a secret," Jungkook said.

Tae opened is mouth to argue, but Jungkook stopped him.

"It's ok. I'm not mad. Go upstairs. I can handle this." Jungkook reassured Tae that he had Jimin under control.

Tae gladly left.

Jungkook walked over to Jimin. He was barely able to lift the bat at this point.

"Are you about done?" Jungkook said with a small smirk.

Jimin was so exhausted that he couldn't even properly sware at Jungkook. He dropped the bat and leaned against Jungkook's car in exhaustion.

"I hope you didn't scratch my car with your shenanigans" Jungkook warned Jimin. "Well since that bat is down, I guess it's safe to approach." Jungkook didn't smile but there was happiness in his voice.

Jimin was still too spent to speak.

"Just kidding about the wedding being off. Ha-ha." Jungkook said with an over exaggerated Bunny smile.

The look Jimin gave Jungkook actually made him slide away from him about six inches, "I thought once you saw all the toilet paper packed in your bag, you'd know it was a joke."

"A joke? You don't play with peoples hearts Jungkook." Jimin said angrily.

"Exactly." Jungkook said simply.

Jimin looked down. He had a good understanding of what Jungkook meant. This was about the flirting.

"This stunt was over the top I know. But I had to get your attention. Pouting has not worked for the last six years. I had to take action. The flirting has to stop please Jimin. Drunk or not drunk, it's disrespectful. It hurts me. It brings out the worst in me. You know all of this, yet you've continued to do it. We're supposed to bring out the best in each other, not the worse. This…," Jungkook motioned at the motorcycle parts all over the ground, "stops today. No more violent outbursts from either of us. Can you agree?" Jungkook said

Jimin looked a little bit ashamed of himself. "You scared me. I thought you were seriously not going to marry me."

"I heard everything you said last night. You were right about everything. But I couldn't let you off that easily because you still caused a mess. Completely separate from Jae's ignorant comments, you gave an employee ammunition to use against you in our place of business. He could have filed a harassment suit, or claimed you touched him inappropriately. Whatever. You gave him too much power," Jungkook lectured Jimin.

"We're just going to ignore the fact that you broke his jaw and threw him into a 30 foot mirror? Cause that's completely ok to do with employees." Jimin said bitterly.

"I was wrong too. I was probably more wrong because I was dead sober when I went after Jae," Jungkook laughed.

"Are we also going to ignore this fucking motorcycle?" Jimin changed the subject. "You were NOT dead sober when this happened. I could give you the same lecture you know."

"I'm Sorry. I was actually going to return it today. But for some reason, I don't think they would want it now. I called someone to come pick up the pieces. Maybe I can junk it and sell it for parts. Jungkook poked out his bottom lip to look like he was pouting.

"I don't forgive you," Jimin said.


"How about now?" Jungkook asked for forgiveness.

"No," Jimin refused to relent.


"What about now?" Jungkook tried again.

"Absolutely not," Jimin tilted his head forward.

"Now?" Jungkook ran his lips along Jimin's ear.

"I'm still just so upset," Jimin said as he forced Jungkook to kiss his neck.

"What if you pull me into that tight little Janitor's closet over there and punish me? Then will all be forgiven?" Jungkook pulled Jimin close to him. He used his teeth to remove Jimin's ring from his own pinky finger. Jungkook slid the ring to the tip of his tongue and kissed it into Jimin's mouth. Jimin pushed it onto the tip of his tongue. Jungkook took Jimin's entire finger and sucked it wet, then watched as Jimin dropped the ring from his tongue back onto his finger.

"That was just gross and unnecessary," Hosoek had witnessed the entire exchange. He was once again disguisted. "Jungkook, you really couldn't have just taken the ring off your finger and given it back to him? Like, you really couldn't have just done that? I came down here to tell you that Yoongi's mom is going to take care of the cake. Just kill me now." Hoseok left.