Ch 2: Unseen lineage

I had no idea, how long was I, in my father's study room but my conscious awakened when I felt water on my chin, I was crying. My eyes couldn't control the tears that was falling from my eyes. I never saw my own mother. Then who was she that I was calling mother for my entire life. I am feeling very sad and lonely at the same time. This sudden unexpected affairs of my father from the past who was claiming to be my mother, seems very cruel. My loving father could be so cruel to my unknown mother, mother who died after ensuring my safety and security when he was neglecting her to his arrogant stupid beliefs. Moreover, he left her out of jealousy, made her pregnant then gone to his philanthropic life. She was all alone when I was in her womb, I couldn't control the anger that I was feeling for him and his cruel act. How did he do such things? I never saw him that cruel but what is this? I wished, he could be with me right now. I couldn't see, what is happening with me, I was feeling my veins are bursting out, feeling thirsty that could kill me, sudden thirst is too much to handle, I needed water, where was it? I had to run to kitchen fast or else thirst can clogged my throat. There it was, I drank cold water from my fridge but it tasted bitter, oh, god, what I drank, I couldn't swallow. I spitted it out. No, it wasn't normal, it's not the thirst of water then what it was?

It was my first thirst of blood. I fainted that night when I awakened, I saw my father, making me drink blood in my unconscious state. In my weak stage, I saw my mother Samantha lying on my bedside sofa, looking pale like dead, why? What happened to her? Again, I probably would have fainted because I woke up that morning at my mother's concerned voice. She was worried about my weak health and my father was confirming that I would be fine, my health was regaining the health and strength. Though my mother was looking thinner than usual but her presence made me calm and my father, was gorgeous handsome as usual. Then again, I fell on sleep in relaxed mind.

Hmmm, ah, what was this sound? I couldn't sleep that night, this time some kind of agony within a melody, probably I was listening to. With my full will, I pushed myself to open my eyes, I saw a young teenage beautiful girl, standing? no, dancing, slow dancing with on melodious music with someone, at the dark corner of my room. I knew that man, that hair due, that leather shoes he like to wear in rural areas, graceful timid looks that seemed embracing anyone from face to finger nails, yeah, I knew him, it's none other than my own father. What was he doing? I never saw him with any girl or woman than my mother Samantha, I was feeling absurdly wrong now, to claim her as my own mother but still she was the one who brought me to my present self. I was becoming newly aware then what was my father really, my heart was beating so fast of knowing my father's extravagant affairs that I could bare the secrecy within me but why was I feeling so tempting and relieved. While I was thinking all those things, he slow took her to the bedside sofa, she was unconscious for some reason, what was he doing? He took a blood bag? But why? To take the blood from her, he pushed the needle of the blood bag to her arm, then the blood flows automatically from her young fleshed body to the bag like an obedient child, the young energy that pressures the blood stream to fill the bag very fast, within few minutes the bag fulled with blood, he took two bags of blood from her then gave me one by needle and he drank the another. My father was watching me during the whole process with a slightly smiling face. I didn't realised when I fell asleep again but when I woke up, I felt like, it was a nightmare I saw last night, I totally removed the thought of my bad dream. I dressed up for my breakfast, came downstairs for eating my breakfast but what I saw, made me believe that it wasn't a dream. My father was sitting there, looking sad in his black suit with my mother, as if someone just died and they came from the funeral.

It seemed yesterday that I knew my father like my favourite book now I had no clue. They were actually been to a funeral of our neighbours relative. She was a young girl from a city, came here alone to take a fresh breath but nature had another plan for her, she died in her bedroom last night. They said, she went to party that was in local club, she supposed to come late as she notified them then when they tried to wake her for a early breakfast, they found her dead. I was looking at my father the whole time when he was sharing the incident, not for a second he hesitated or showed any sort of guilt but feeling bad that's for sure. Everyone said it was an heart attack or stroke because in this place there was not a single crime happened in a decade. But mother was saying that she seemed to lose lots of blood, so pale and white. Father just said no, she looked like that after her death but she died on her sleep, heart attack or stroke. When they were talking, I was suffering in my own nightmare. Was that a dream or real? Last night what I dreamt about was that the same girl? I had to find out the truth. When I was thinking of her then my father said not to go outside the house in my weak health but still I had to disobey him. I needed for myself that the man I knew for so long, what was he, a kind man or a monster in disguise, I saw he made me take human blood then how I was different from him because I didn't lose any blood or had any injuries that I needed other fresh human blood. Oh, my goodness, what was I going to do if it's all real. I couldn't think more of my situation but father was kind a suspicious about my calmness. He was making sure that I couldn't leave the house. It seemed to me a decades ago when I talked with my father. Knowing from my point of view, he was a man with taming pride that could be ignited by only trying to empower him. He never undergoes by anything. Worked silently, lived seamlessly, never yelled at anyone or anyone had any disputes against him then thinking him as a psychotic serial killer was too much extravagant for me. I had no intention to make him angry for any reason especially when he nurtured to me good health by giving me his costly precious time. This was the era of modern life, I didn't have to leave the house, I could manage it without going outside. Should I cope in with my oldies friends for doing undoing work for me? Let me be the table turner for a murder case though it's from my own endeavour. I was really surprised to feel that way. What caused me to do such things against my father or should I clear out my doubts?

Few calls to my friends made it possible to see that girl's picture. She was quite a remarkable girl, intern of journalism, had online business, completed her studies, just broke up before she came here. When I saw her picture in her online website, I couldn't held back my tears, it wasn't her, then it might be a dream. I was feeling great at that moment. It wasn't her, it wasn't her, it was someone else or just a nightmare, my father was not a killer after all. I went to take a nap to relax my nerves when father called me to his study room.

He was sitting behind his desk, white gold framed round reading glass on his eyes, shimmering chill running through my spine when I saw his serious face, I never saw him like that. He never disregarded or disrespected my privacy, always treated me like a man not as a boy, now what made him be like that. The suspense and thrill in the past of his secret life was not the reason I guessed but reality had another plans for me.

My father, Adam Davis, was not only a regular rich businessman but also a count, not any count, Dracula, the strongest vampire from all. The direct descendant of that family and only carriers of that legacy which was now bestowed upon me as an only child of my father. He shared his acceptance and sacrifices of life that leads to current state. He also shared the reason of leaving my real mother alone when she was a pregnant with me.