Chapter 2

Hazel's POV

"See Haze I told you it was worth a try" Rose gloated.

"I am almost 100% sure we did not get invited backstage so Niall could fuck you" I laugh.

"I know but I am excited to meet them and to know why they asked us back here".

" I know me too," I said as we stopped at a door and the guard knocked and we heard a come in, so we did. They all just sat there and looked at us, actually me. They just stared at me. "Um hi" I said awkwardly which seemed to snap them back into reality.

"Oh hi," Niall said jumping up and making his way over to us. "I'm Niall".

"I'm Hazel but you can call me Haze, and this is Rose" I introduce.

Slowly they all made there way over "hi I'm Liam".

"I'm Zayn".

"I'm Louis"

"And I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you Haze... And Rose".

"So tell us about your self Haze?" Louis asked.

"Um ok... I'm 16, I was born in London but only lived there till I was two so I don't remember it, I am a huge fan of you guys, and I write a lot" I finish.

"Wait your eyes I just noticed they are different colors" Niall announced.

"Yeah one green, one blue, apparently I was born with just blue eye but after a few weeks one eye changed to green".

"Zayn, Niall why don't we give Rose a tour of backstage and get to know her better while haz and Lou talk to Haze," Liam said.

"Um I guess I'll see you later," Rose said as she followed after her crush and his friends.

"How do you do at school?" Harry asked.

"Um I guess ok, I have two B's and six A's," I said confused why they would want to know something like that.

"That's better than ok that is great" Louis laughed.

"I guess," I said humbly.

"Do you know what you want to do after high school?" Louis asked.

"I want to go to school for Criminology".

"Why criminology? Like what are you planning on doing with that degree?" Harry asked sweetly.

"It's hard to explain, have you guys ever seen Criminal Minds?"

"Yeah, one or two episodes of it" Louis answered while Harry nodded.

"Well that's what I want to do, I want to work for the FBI to study and find serial killers."

"Wow that's awesome" Louis cheered.

"Isn't that a little dangerous" Harry asked looking really worked which I don't know why he would be the just met me.

"Yeah, but I will go through lots of training and will know how to protect myself" I answered.

"I-" Harry started but Louis interrupted.


" I'm sorry but you guys are acting weird or do you usually invite someone backstage and ask them about there life" I questioned back sassily.

"It's just... You might want to sit down for this" Louis said so I did.

"About 16 years ago something happened that has never happened before but it happened to us, I got pregnant. We will show you a proof in just a minute so don't interrupt me. We both were not ready to be fathers so we decided to put her up for a closed adoption, so nobody would know and she could have a normal life. It was really really hard but we knew it was what was best for our little girl. Then tonight Niall saw you in the audience and saw that you looked exactly like us so he told us and we brought you back here."

"You're telling me that I'm adopted and two of the people I look up to the most in the entry fucking world are my dads?" I asked more as a rhetorical question. "Can you smoke back here?" I asked only Louis.

"Yeah bu-" before he could finish I already had a cig and lighter out.

"Look no disrespect but you have no right to tell me not to smoke, I just found out you might be my dads and my whole life my mom has been lying to me." After a pause, I asked, "can I see the proof or whatever?"

"Oh yeah," Harry said shooting up off the couch and walking to the table. "When we saw you I had my mum send them over just in case" he handed me the few sheets of paper. One being his hospital records for that trip and the other being a copy of my birth certificate, my dads are Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. I handed back the papers and just started taking drags after drags of the killing stick.

"So you're by biological fathers?" I question once again rhetorical.

"How about we give you our numbers and whenever you are ready and you want to talk you can or you don't have to. Also, this was our last concert but I think we are staying I town a little longer, so if you want to meet up just give us a call" Harry offered.

"Yeah ok and I won't leak it, I promise" I assured.

"Thank you, I'll text Liam to come back so you can head home before it gets too late" Louis said.

After Harry entered their numbers into my phone Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Rose came in laughing a little. When the walked in us three stood up, my dads (that's still incredibly new) were behind me on either side of me. "Wow Haze I never realized how much you look like them, I mean I always saw the resemblance but now... I swear they could be your parents".

Still being in a little bit of shock I said "they are, I guess. Harry, Louis I will get in touch but right now I just need time to process and talk to my mom" and then pulled a very confused Rose with me out the door.