Chapter 3

Rose was quiet the whole way to the car, when we finally got in she screamed "what the hell?"

"Um ok so after you left they kept asking me about my life, which I thought was really weird, so I was confused and I asked if the usually did this then they told me... Somehow 16 years and nine months ago Louis got Harry pregnant and I saw the records, it's true. But anyway they put the baby up for adoption and I mean it makes sense, that's the scariest part."

"Wait so you are their daughter?" she asked and I nodded. "Actually does make sense you ARE Larry, you are literally a mixture of the two". After a long pause that consisted of me pulling out of the parking lot and starting to drive home, she asked "so what are you going to do?"

" I really don't know, I do want to talk to my mom about it though, but after that, I guess I'll just play it by ear. Can you not tell anyone? I have a feeling that if this got out my life will change drastically, also I don't think they will want people to know".

"Yeah of course. Are you going to tell Kristen?"

"I love her. "


"I don't know," I say, right now I am really confused about a lot of things.

When we arrived back at my house we headed to my room and went straight to sleep since it was around one in the morning and we both exhausted from the night's events.

The next morning I woke up around 9 and just let Rose sleep. I headed downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, how was the concert?"

"Great, it was a tone of fun, actually we got to meet the band" as I said it I remembered.

"Really, were they nice?"

"I'm adopted" I state.

"What? Who told you?"

"You should have, but it was biological dads we met last night at the concert" I explain.

"I know i should have told you and i was planing to when you were old enough" she fought. "

"I'm 16 I can handle it" I fight back.

"Yeah I should have told you I'm sorry. How do you know they weren't lieing to you?"

"I look just like them and they would not lie about that kinda thing" I reason.

"I don't know, I mean you barley know these men" she says not knowing i have loved them my whole life and know almost everything about them.

"How about I invite them over for dinner tonight and you can see if you trust this" I ask, I still don't know I what I want to do and honestly I am hoping this will help me.

"Yeah, ok" she agrees and I head upstairs to grab my phone and call them.

"Hello?" I heard Harry ask.

"Hi Harry, its Haze" I say awkardly.

"Hi Haze, whats up?" he says I could hear his voice getting a little more excited.

"Um so I talked to my mom and she wants to have you guys over for dinner tonight, if thats ok?"

"Yeah we would love too, what time?" he asks as Rose wakes up and slowly sits up mouthing "who are you talking to?"

"Harry" I mouth back and she gets really exctied. I go back to the conversation and say "6:30 and also I do want to let you Know I still dont know what I am doing with this situation yet, I mean I want to get to know you guys but I want to make sure thats cause I'm your daughter not fan" I clarify.

"We totally understand, so I guess we will see you tonight?"

"yeah, bye".

"Bye" he says and I hang up.

"You talked to your mom?" Rose asks.

"Yeah but I did not tell her that she adopted a popstars kid, I figure it will be more funny when she finds out tonight" I say mischiesvously.

"You are tarouble" she laughs laying back down.

Rose left around noon, now it is 6 and I'm sitting in my room waiting for my biological parents/Idols to come for dinner. I decided to wear a black cropped Adidas sweatshirt and some light wash skinny jeans. I scrolled through Tik Tok until I heard a car pull up and doors closeing. I got up from my bed and headed down stairs, there was a knock so i started to walk to it when i heard my mom yell "Hazel can you answer the door?"

"I'm already here mom" I yelled back and opened the door. "Hey guys, come in?"

"Hey Haze" they said simultaneously, then my mom came running through the door of to kichen.

"Hi," then she paused. "I'm sorry but you two look really familiar".

"You haven't told her who we are?" Harry asked like a disapproving parent, which I guess he is.

"No I thought it would be funny" I say with a small smirk.

"She is just like you" he says facing Louis who just smile happily.

"Um mom, this it Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from One Direction" I say shyly.

"Oh ok, wait so the band you have been obsessed with for most of your life just happens to be the band both you biological dads are in?"


"Ok, so how about you guys go in the living room while i finish getting everything ready for dinner?"

"Ok sounds good," I answered and led them into the living room which the main hall way is connected to.

"Hey Haze, we are twinning," Louis noticed. I looked over at him and he was right we were both wearing a black Adidas sweatshirts and skinnys.

"Um yeah we are," I laugh, when I through on the sweatshirt I didn't even think about Louis having an obsession with Adidas.