Chapter 4

Harry, Louis, and I talked for a bit about there music and tour before there was a knock at the door. "Sorry one sec," I said and got up to open the door, as soon as it was open Kristen leaped in and pressed her lips to mine. We kissed for a second before remembered the boys and I pulled away. "Hey babe, what are you doing here," I asked.

"I missed you" she pouts.

"Ahh baby I missed you too".

She looked over and saw the boys "Um baby why is Larry sitting in your living room?"

"They are old friends with my mom and having dinner with us tonight," I lie.

"Oh ok so your mom is friends Larry and you just forgot to mention that every time we talked about how cute they were," she said and I turned red. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis looking smug and Harry looking proud.

"Um actually I just found out," that was technically true, I did just find out they are my dads.

"Oh sorry, ok well hey call me later, I love you" she said backing away a little.

"Of course, I love you more. Bye babe" I said and she left. "I'm so sorry" I said walking back over and sitting down.

"That's you girlfriend?" Harry asked.

"Yeah her name is Kristen".

"How often do you guys talk about us?" Louis teased.

"We are both really big fans, ok?"

"Why did you lie, I mean it's your choice but," he trailed off.

"I have a feeling that it will change thing between us and I don't want that," I explain.

Before anyone could say anything more my mom called "dinners ready". As we walked into the dining room she asked, "who was at the door?"

"Kris but she left" I answer sitting down next to her.

"Ok, well let's dig in" she cheered. After every one was served and started eating she asked, "so boys tell me about your selves?"

"We've been together for about 20 years, we both love music, and football, right now we are touring, I don't really know. Louis?"

"I think you've summed it up, we have to work a lot so it's really just us and the music" Louis said.

"Sound like an exciting and busy life," my mom voiced.

"Yeah, if you don't mind me asking, are you married?" Harry asked curiously.

"Um no I am not married, I'm actually asexual so it's just Haze and I. Always has been," my mom explains.

"Oh got it" Harry said.

We ate and we talked until we were all full and decided to move to the living room where my mom asked, "what are you intentions with Haze? like do you want to be in her life full time now or part time or is this just something you will forget that happened in a month?"

"Mom," I scolded.

"No Haze its fine, well it was the hardest thing we ever had to do, when we gave her up our relationship was at its worst point and that's saying a lot. We had to go through a lot just to be together, but I am getting off track. We both would love to be in her life, like I said giving her up was really really hard and we don't intend to do it again. As long as that is of with you Haze," Harry ranted.

"Don't take this wrong but are you guys doing this just for the sake of your relationship?" she asked.

"No, no. Our relationship has been hard but we have been good for a long time now, we just want a relationship with her now as well," Louis clarified.

"Well as long as its ok with you Haze I would love you in her life," my mom complemented.

"Yes," is all i said, to which both boys beamed at.

"If you don't mind me asking, earlier you said about the many thing you have had to do to be together, what have you two faced?" my mom asks carfily.

They both got a little sad and Louis started to explain their relationship, "well to understand that you would need to know our story..."

"ok" my mom said.

"It started when we met at this band competition when I was 16 and hazza over here was 14" he said fondly. "we had a little fling there then did not see each other till a little while later at a concert, where he peed on my shoe and after that, we became really good friends. we both ended up auditioning for the X Factor in 2010 which is where we were put in the band together and started our relationship together. After X Factor we started our bands career and that's when it started to get bad because of Simon Cowell. He is a very homophobic person which is big reason he would not let us come out, another reason is because the world was not as expecting as it is now. When the rumors of us being together started to spread he immediately made us do PR stunts, get girlfriends and make Harry look like a womanizer. As time past he got worse and worse. When Haz got pregnant at first Simon was bad but as the pregnancy went on he actually became nicer well to Harry at least. Over 20 years Harry and I broke up twice, it was never for very long though, after the second time we broke up I saw how much I loved him and how much I could not live without him so I proposed and on September 28, 2013 we tied the knot which Simon was not very happy about. After that it was still hard but we knew we would make it. During the Hiatus nobody was aloud to see us together so that made it just a little bit harder. And then we came out and it just got better and better from there." Louis explained, by the end tears were slipping out of my eyes.

"I am so sorry you had to go through a that" my mom sighed.

Harry looked over to me and realized I was crying a bit, "Hey Haze it's ok, we are fine. We escaped a lot of the bad stuff a long time ago".

"I know and I already knew most of that it's just a little harder to hear it from you guys," I choke then pull myself together.

Harry's POV

After we talked about Lou and I's past we talked about a lot of lighter stuff, which was mostly Haze and her childhood.

We ended up leaving around nine. "Hey, Lou?" I asked when we got into the car.

"yes, sun" he answered.

"Isn't it ironic that our daughter has been a fan of us most her life and it turns out that we are her dads?"

"Yeah, Yeah it Is," he laughed, started the car, and drive off in the direction of our hotel.