Chapter 9

Early May 2029

Over the past few months Harry, Louis and I have become really close, they usually pick me up from school, sometimes they stay for dinner, at least once a week they take me to lunch, and I spend most weekends at there house in L.A.. My mom really likes them and is very happy they came into my life.

Today is Saturday, Louis, Harry and I are at the pool just doing a little swimming and sunbathing. We were sunbathing when Louis said, "Haze can we ask you a question?"

"You just did," I say like the smartass I am.

"You can shut it," Louis sassses back.

"Haze do you want to spend the summer with us in London, I mean not just London we do have to do a little traveling. We will be in New York for a few days, a week here, and then the rest of the time in London," Harry asks shutting us both up.


"Yeah, we would love to spend more time with our amazing daughter," Harry responds with.

"Yeah I'll ask my mom tomorrow when I go home" .

"Ok," Harry and Louis say happily and we go back to tanning.

The next day when I get home I throw my bag in my room then went to the kitchen to make tea and talk to my adoptive mom. "Hey mama," I said as I walk into the Kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, how was Lou and haz house?"

"It was good, but they um asked me something," I say.

"Yeah? What was that?"

"They asked if I wanted to spend the summer with them. We would be doing a little traveling but we will mostly be in London and whenever we are in L.A. I will come visit... So can I? Please? Please? Please?" I beg.

"Sure," she says like I am not leaving her for almost three months.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, Haze I trust you and them. Plus you have a whole family that you have never met, I will miss you but I think it will be good for you," she explains.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you," I cheer and run and hug her. I grab my phone and text the boys the good news.

"How about we watch a movie before we go to bed," she suggests.

"Yeah," I said before we made our way into the living room. We decided on The Notebook since it is my favourite movie coincidentally. After the movie we headed to bed since I have school tomorrow and she has work.

The next day at lunch Louis and Harry picked me up for lunch. About half way through Louis says, "so this summer..."

" Yes? " I respond.

"So a while back you expressed interest in meeting Freddie-" he starts.

"I did," I confirm .

"Well his school runs one more week then yours does soon figured he could fly down after that and then maybe spend a week or two with us, if that's ok with you?"

"Yeah I would love that," I said excitedly .

"Great," Harry cheers.

"So I did tell Briana about you but I wanted to tell Freddie my self so he doesn't know yet," he warns.

"Cool," I say, it is a little weird being related to someone who does not know I exist.

"So Louis talked to me a while back and said that if we wanted to announce that you are our daughter that would be ok. We have been talking a lot about it and we both would love to. There is one thing that is holding us back though-" he pauses.

"Ok and what is that?"

"You aren't legally our daughter, so out would not make much sense," Louis says butting in.

"Cool so we are keeping it under raps," I say calmly, honestly I don't care what they want to do.

"Are you sure you were ok with that?" They check.

"Yes 100 percent," I say honestly.

Late May

School ends tomorrow but I am not going since Louis, Harry and I are leaving for London around 10. Plus I already finished all my finals so I probably wouldn't have gone tomorrow anyway. Right now I am just finishing up packing while Rose is sitting on my bed singing along to What Makes You Beautiful, which is playing through the speakers in my room. "Ok so I have casual clothes, comfy clothes, a few fancy outfits just in case, a little bit of makeup, my platform convers, two pairs of vans, a pair of heels, both my Gucci tennis shoes, toiletries, electronic stuff and underwear. Anything else I need?"

"Haze you have packed almost half your room," she scoffs.

"Fuck off, I am leaving for two months."

" I know, " she says sadly.

"Hey I'm sorry, I will miss you so much. I will try to see you when we come back here and we will FaceTime when we can and text all the time," I reassure her.

"I am going to miss you so fucking much," she whines.

"Me too babes, me to," I laugh a little when she throws herself into my arms.