Chapter 10

The next day Harry and Louis were at my house around 8:30 to pick me up, so we could leave for the airport. The plane ride was around 11 hours and 30 minutes so it wasn't the best but I lived. We slept most of the flight since it would be around 6 am once landed and we didn't want to sleep all day. If I am being honest I pulled an all-nighter the night before so I could sleep on the plane, that's how I would get my sleep schedule back on track after summer brake because I would be so tired the next night I would go to sleep really early then it would just fall back into place.

Once we landed we made our way to baggage claim then left the airport to head to their house. At the House, they showed me my room and said I could get settled before we go into Central London and they show me around town. I didn't do much, all I did was unpacked my stuff, then I headed downstairs to see Harry placing pancakes on a plate while Louis sat on the counter and founded over'm. "Hi," I said jumping on the counter next to Louis.

"Hey Haze, pancakes?" Harry greeted.

"Yes please," I answered.

"Good because they are almost done, " he announced.

After about five more minutes all the batter from the pancakes was out and the delicious breakfast food was done. We all sat at the table in the kitchen and are till the plate barely had a crumb on it. After we headed out on the town.

"So we were thinking we could get you some things to make your room feel more like you, while we are out today. Does that sound good?"

"I don't want you spending money on me," is all I say.

Harry turns to Louis and says, "she gets her stubbornness from you, you deal with it".

"Haze, chances are, you will spend quite a bit of time in London with us during breaks so you might as well make it feel more like home," Louis argues.

"I still don't like it," I fight.

"Ok fine but we are getting stuff for that room today anyway so you might as well pick it out seeing as it is YOUR room," Louis says emphasizing "your".

"Fine but not to much stuff" .

How do you think that went? By the end of the day we couldn't even fit all the stuff in the car and that's not including the love seat they got me. I have never been good with people spending money on me, I mean don't get me wrongly am externally grateful but I just feel like I am wasting their money.

We got home around two and spent the rest of the day setting up my room. The love seat comes tomorrow but other then that we are done. When picking out the stuff I wanted I went for a kinda artsy grunge thing, cause that is my style so it makes sense I guess. That might before we went to bed we decided that the next day we would go drive down to Holmes Chapel and stay there for a day or then drive to Doncaster and stay there for a day or two then come home.

So we woke up bright and early to get into the car and drive the distance between the two places. We finally arrived in one of my dads birth town around 8:30. Harry had talked to Gemma a few days ago and she said she was in town visiting Anne this week so we knew she would be here. See nobody knows we are coming, actually nobody in either family's know we are in the country so we have the element of surprise.

When we arrived at the house Louis decided parked a few house down because he had a plan.

I walked up to the door of my grandma's house alone and rang the doorbell, soon after Anne came and opened it up. "Can I help you young lady?" She asked sweetly which made me feel kinda bad for what I was about to do.

"OMG," I shouted. " you are Harry Styles mom? ".

"Look sweaty, my son and I both very much appreciate the support but I can't really talk right now," she said so nicely.

I called down a little and said, " I completely understand, but may I just ask one question? "

She hesitated but eventually said, "sure, what is it?"

"Is it true 16 years ago Louis got Harry pregnant and they have a kid?" I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Um sweaty that is quite impossible, where did you here such a thing?" She asked curiously.

"Oh my dads told me," I said and paused. " actually they would love to hear you would you mind? "

"Um I guess so," I could tell she was just being nice.

In front of the house there are these hedges that cover the house so Lou and Haz were hidden behind there. I walk to the end of the sidewalk and motion for them to come. When they turned the corner Anne made a gasp and ran down the cement. "Your Haze," she questioned to which I nodded.

"I'm sorry it was Louis' idea not mine," I defend.

"Oh it's ok sweetheart," she pulling me into a bone crushing hug which I gladly reciprocated. "I should have known, you look just like them," she said pulling me into the house, ignoring her son and his husband. " Gemma get down here, " she yelled.

"What's up," Gemma said walking down the stairs. When she caught eight of me she asked, "Who is this?"

"Hi I'm Haze or your niece I guess," I answered for Anne.

"Oh wow you do look just like them" she said looking from me to two things behind me. I turn around to see my dads standing there looking a little neglected.

Eventually Anne greated them too and we decided to go into the Kitchen and hand out while Anne and Gemma are their breakfast. "Ooh," Louis said jumping up a little. " I have an idea for when we visit my family, " he cheered.

"What is that?" Harry and I asked at the same time.

"If we get there late or early enough, then we can go in when everyone is still asleep and you can wake one of them up acting like a crazy fan, who broke into the house".

" I feel like that is going to end badly, " I answered.

The rest of the day we walked around town, I got to see the bakery that Harry used to work in and where he went to school, it was a really fun little trip.