Chapter 11

We spent about two days in Holmes Chapel before heading to Doncaster. Just as Harry had done Louis talked to his step dad and knew that the family would all be there when we get there, but like I said earlier nobody even knows we are in the country.

When we were almost there Louis asked me about the plan he had devised two days ago, but I refused. I already felt bad for what happened with Anne, and pretending to be a crazed fan that broke into the house in the middle of the the night was just to much. Plus I was scared I was going to get hit with a bat or something.

It was about six I'm the morning when we finally arrived at the family house. Since Louis had a key we just let our selves in and Harry and I started to make everyone breakfast, while Louis watched us fondly.

Around seven Mark came down and jumped when he saw us standing in the kitchen, "Oh my, Louis Harry what are you doing here? And who is this lovely young lady?"

"We figured we would introduce our daughter," Louis said gesturing to me.

"This is her," he asks shocked. Before they could answer he answered himself, "Well of course she is look at her".

He walks over and gives me a big bear hug, when he pulls away I say, "Hi I'm Haze".

"Hi I'm Mark but you can call me whatever you like," he says. I am about ready to say something sarcastic when he backtracked , "Wait never mind you are Louis' daughter. I am sure you would come up with some smartass thing to say".

"Yeah you are right I would have, what would you like me to call you?"

"How on earth are you both their personalities?" He asks rhetorically. "Well you can call me grandpa if you want but if you are not comfortable with that just call me Mark".

"Grandpa it is," I cheer.

Lottie comes down about a half an hour after grandpa. When she arrives in the kitchen I out of sight, I had to grab a pan from the back of one of the cabinets. I had grabbed it when I heard Lottie's voice in the kitchen but Louis gave me a signal to stay down here till he told me to get up. "Louis, Harry what the hell are you guys doing here? I thought you were in the states," she asks confused.

"We got here about a week ago and thought we would visit," Harry explains.

"I thought you wanted to spend time with your daughter," she says and Louis let's me up.

"They are, hi, my name is Hazel but you can call me Haze," I say walking around the counter to greet her, she has shock written all over her feature.

After she processed it she jumped into my arms and squealed, "Ahh my niece".

I smiled and hug her her back, after she let go she dragged me to the living room so we could "girl talk".

"So tell me what is your life like?" She asked.

"Um well I go to school. I have friends but I only really hang out with one of them though, her name is Rose. She comes over mostly everyday after school and before I started spending the weekends with my dads we would spend all weekend together," I explain.

She nods then thinks for a second and asks, "love life?"

"I uh had a girlfriend but she cheated on me a few months ago" .

"Oh I am so sorry that sucks, how long were you too dating?"

"Almost a year but I don't know I didn't even trust her with telling her that I was adopted and my biological parents were Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, so I think deep down I was not really surprised when I caught her" .

"How'd you catch her".

"I went into the school bathroom and saw her on a counter making out with her 'best friend'".

"Oof that sucks, what'd you do?"

"I beat her 'best friend's up, I got suspended for three days but my mom didn't punish me. In the end missing a few days of school was definitely worth it," I laugh.

"Yeah," she said laughing as well. Lottie and we talked until we heard to female voices in the kitchen signalling Phoebe and Daisy were up. We headed into the Kitchen and were met with 2 new faces.

"Is this our niece?" Phoebe asks.

"Yeah, hi I'm Haze," I introduce myself.

Then both squeal and run over to give me hugs. "Ooh I have an idea ," Lottie cheers.

"What, " Phoebe, Daisy and I said simultaneously then we all burst out laughing.

After we pulled ourselves back together Lottie told us her idea, "us four should have a girl's day, we could shop, get our nails done, ect."

"Yes, " I cheer.

"We should," Phoebe say excitement clear.

"I would love that but what about Doris?" Daisy asks.

"We will keep her company and she has her brother. You girls go have fun" Louis says.

"Haze come over here real quick before you leave," Harry says.

"Ok," I say walking over to him.

"Here," he says handing me his credit card.

"No," I say turning around from him. When I turn he just slips it in my back pocket, I grab it out of my back pocket, turn around and give it back to him. "No," I say again.

He is about to argue back when Louis steps in, "how about we send you money on your phone so that you can use it today or save it".

"No I don't want you wasting money on me," I fight.

"How many times do we have to tell you? It's not wasting and you are not going to get out of the spoiling," Harry exclaims to which Louis nods his head in agreement.

"Fine but only like 50 ok?"

"Yes, now go have fun," Louis says.

Then girls and I make our way out to the car and jump in. Lottie is driving, I am in the passenger seat and the twins are in the back. "I don't think I have ever seen someone fight so hard to not be giving money," Lottie comments as she drives off.

"Yeah? Well that is a very regular thing for us" I say as my phone beeps telling me I got a notification. I open my phone and see a number much bigger then 50. "They are unbelievable" .

"How much?"

"A thousand pounds," I say as I'm texting Harry back. I send it all back except for about a 100 because I also don't want the girls paying for my stuff. I get a text back saying "why are you like this".

To which I respond with "I don't want you spending money on me". shortly after I send the message all the money is sent back, when I went to send it back again the message won't go through he blocked me I thought. I then tried to send it to Louis and he had blocked me as well. "They are so stubborn," I complain.

That day ended up being a blast. I only ended up spending like 100 pounds of the money, when we got back to the house Harry and I got in a right about it but in the end he finally took the money that was left back, so I would say that was a win on my part. After we were done fighting though it ended up being a pretty good trip.

Now I have met the rest of my family, well except my brother, and I really love them.