Chapter 12

We came home from Doncaster two days ago, it was a lot of fun up there. I really enjoyed meeting my family. It's quite odd having a whole big family out there that you didn't even know about. It's so weird that I went from one mom, one set of grandparents, and no aunts or uncles to one mom, two dads, a grandma, a grandpa, 5 aunts, and 1 uncle.

Freddie got here around midnight; apparently, his flight got changed at the last minute and nobody told Louis or Harry until this morning, Louis texted me not to be alarmed if I saw him. Since he got here so late nobody told him about me yet, so I could definitely have some fun with this.

I just woke up, it's around 10, I woke up to a text about Freddie and one saying they had a last-minute meeting with management, so they wouldn't be home till around two. They have to talk to them about me and this whole situation since their new management does not know. I headed downstairs to make some breakfast for Freddie and I, seeing as he is not up yet.

Once the bacon was sizzling, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. A couple of seconds later I see Freddie turning the corner into the kitchen looking down at his phone. "watcha making Haz?'" he questions.

This is kinda funny because he does not even know I exist let alone that there is a women in the house. "Louis and Harry are at a meeting, and I am making some breakfast," I say laughing at how fast his head shot up and he jumped out of his chair.

"Who are you? Are you going to murder me?"

"Yes," I say as seriously as I can.

"How the hell did you get in?" he questions shaking a bit.

"Well I am a psychotic stalker waiting here to meet my idols and kidnap them so we can live happily ever after but now that you are here, you have ruined my plan... So, I will just have to kill you," I say keeping a straight face.

"What?" he asks shocked, at that moment the front door of the huge house opens and Niall walks into the kitchen seconds later.

"Hey Haze, Freddie. what are you making?" Niall asks.

"You know her?" Freddie asks before I can answer Niall.

"Yeah, shes your sister," Niall laughs.

"I don't have a sister," Freddie says.

"Oh they haven't told him yet?" Niall asks me.

"Tell me what?" Freddie asks.

"No he got here late last night and they were gone before we woke up for a meeting," I explain.

"Tell me what?" Freddie repeats as Niall gives an understanding nod.

"I am Harry and Louis' daughter," I say slowly.

"When did they adopt you?" he questions.

"Really? look at this girl! she is a spitting image of you father and Harry," Niall exclaims,

"What do you mean," I understand why he does not get it because it is sorta impossible or we thought it was.

"Your dad can explain," Niall said and walked back out of the house. Why was he here anyways?

I look away from a confused Freddie and down at my bacon,"Shit, I burned the bacon."

"How about we just go out and get something?" I ask throwing away the burned food.

"How do I know your not trying to kidnap me? Plus how? We don't have a car?"

"Niall told you himself that I am your sister, why would be like and let me kill you? and they said I could call a driver anytime I wanted," I explain.

"They never let me do that "

"That is cause I'm 16 almost 17 and your 12," I answered . "Now go get dressed, and meet me down here in 20 minutes".

"Ok," he said heading upstairs. I called my driver and asked him to be here in 20 then finished the dishes and headed upstairs. I decided to go comfy to day with an Adidas sweatshirt and leggings with slip on white vans. I headed down stairs to see Freddie on his phone again, "let's go". We walked out the front door and while I locked the house up Freddie ran and got in the back seat. Once I was in the car I asked the driver for a good breakfast place since both Freddie and I don't live here.

Once at the restaurant he suggested, we were seated and started to talk a little. "So, how come I never knew about you?" Freddie asks.

"Nobody knew about me, I mean a very close friends and our grandparents knew but that is it. Plus I only found out in november," I explain.

"How?... How did you find out I mean".

"Well I went to the last concert of their tour, I had gotten front row seats and when Niall saw me he immediately figured out who I was. After the concert they got a security guard to take my best friend and I back, then they told me everything".

"I don't know if I believe you, so I am going to ask them about it," he says. I just laugh because honestly I wouldn't believe me either. After that we talked a bit more, getting to know each other and such.

Once we were done eating, we decided to just head home seeing as the parents would be home in about an hour or so.

When we got home he headed back to his room, while I just chilled downstairs and watched some T.V.. Lately I have been thinking about actually calling them dad, I mean they been in my life for almost a year. I guess I'll talk to them about it the next time it it's just us three.

They got home about a half an hour after we did. "Hey," I said turning off the t.v. and following them into the large modern kitchen.

"Hey, have you met freddie?" Louis asks.

"Yep I told him I am a psycho stalker here to kidnap you guy but Since he for in the way I would have to kill him," I laugh at the memories from this morning.

Louis laughed and high gives me, "that's my girl" .

"what happened next?" Harry asked.

"Niall came in and said hi to me then asked what I was making. Freddie was confused so he told him who I am which he did not believe him. Since I got caught up talking to Niall and Freddie I burned the bacon so we went out to eat," I explain.

" Freddie we are home, get down here, " Louis yelled in his parent voice, he doesn't use that voice on me very often.

"He is going to think he is in trouble," I laugh.

"What's so bad about that?" Louis laughed. A few seconds later Freddie came scrambling down the stairs and into the Kitchen looking a little scared. "You met your sister," Louis stated.

"Um I guess but I am still very confused," Freddie said calming down a bit from the scare of thinking he was in trouble.

"16 years ago I got Harry here Pregnant, then we put her up for adoption, since neither of us were ready to be dads," Louis explained simply.

"How?" Freddie asked.

"Well when two people love each other..." Louis starts but Freddie stops him.

" I know how baby's are made, I just thought it was impossible for me to get pregnant, " he says sounding panicked, I guess he did not want to have the sex talk.

"We thought so too but I guess I was the exception," Harry laughed .

"How'd that work," Freddie asks.

"Well it's just like hetero sex but-" I start but Freddie cuts me off.

"I know how gay sex works, I meant how did you give birth to her?"

While Louis and I are still during from the Gay sex thing Harry started to explain. "I basically pooped her out".

I stopped laughing, "I was Shit into this world" I ask be for laughing harder.