Chapter 13

"Hi," I said sleepy when I walk into the Kitchen the next morning.

"Morning sweetheart," Louis says.

Harry looks up from a journal he is writing in and says, "morning," before going back to writing in his journal .

I give a questioning look to Louis who simply states, "song writing, he got an idea from a dream he had last night".

"Oh, ok. Freddie up?" I ask.

"Nope," Louis says popping the 'p'.

After Harry seemed to be satisfied with what he had written he closed his book which have me the opportunity to ask, "Ca-can I ask you guys something?"

"Of course," Louis says, both of them looking a little worried.

"It's been almost a year since we met and you guys have been a big role in my life since then. You have become my dads, so um I was thinking maybe I could call Louis dad and Harry Peré from now on," I ask nervously.

"Really?" Harry asks disbelief and happiness written all over his face.

"Yeah," I answer, still nervous even though I can see how happy both Of them are about this. I just don't want to scare them, I mean calling them dad would mean them being the dads, not just spending some time with there long list daughter.

"Of course you can," Louis says at the same time Harry cheers, "yes you can," and relief flies through me.

"Are you sure? I mean this means you take on all the responsibility, you didn't want all those years ago. You can't leave me. You are stuck as my parents forever," I ramble.

"Yes we are sure, we want the responsibility," Harry says reassuringly.

"Ok," I smile happily.

"Why peré, I mean I like it. It's different, but why?" Harry asked.

"Well I don't really like Papa and I thought Peré is elegant and you don't here it from many family's unless you are in france," I explain.

"Well I like it," Harry declared.

"Me too," Louis decided. After that Harry decides to start making breakfast while we all talk and wait for Freddie to wake up. After Freddie woke we ate, after we were done Louis asks, "what shall we do today?"

"Ooh, let's go shopping," Harry offers excitedly.

"Ok, meet back down here in 30 minutes, I will do the dishes" Louis says fonding over how cute Harry looked when he suggested it, I mean how could you say no.

"Where to next?" Louis asks as we walk out of a store that I have never heard of, they don't have out in the states but it seems to be very populate here.

"I'm getting a little hungry, How about lunch?" Harry suggests and we all agreed. Freddie and I seemed to be the most excited for food seeing as we were both starving.

We decided on this cute little sit down sandwich place. Lunch was a lot of fun, we never stopped laughing for one reason or another, well that was until someone who I hate showed up, I think we all hatred him actually.

"The trouble makers of the band, how are you?" He asked, god even his voice was disgusting.

"Simon? What the hell are you doing here?" Louis asked obviously annoyed of his presence.

"Just came to grab some lunch. Ahh this must be Freddie, but who is this young lady?"

"If you don't talk to me you don't need to know my name," I stated in a sickly sweet voice.

"No way you are the kid," he said realizing who I was. I guess from the sass and the way I looked just like them he out out together.

"Yes now please leave us alone," Harry asked as politely as possible but you could still hear the venom in his voice.

Completely ignoring Harry, he pulled up an extra chair from another table and sat at the end of our booth. "Your father's were a pain in the ass back in the day, you know that?"

"Actually, what I know is that all they wanted to do was share their love with the world and you just pushed them right back into the closet because you are a homophobic prick who just cares about himself and money. So it looks to me that you were the pain in the ass" I snap.

"I was doing it for them, they would have lost so many fans if it weren't for me," he argues but you can tell that he is a tiny bit scared.

"Yes I am not going to lie they probably would have lost a few fans but they would also attract fans from other communities and they would have been way happier not having to pretend that they weren't madly in love with each other... which they were trouble at hiding. And don't you dare say you did it for them because we both know you are just in it for the money nothing else. Now why don't you take my dads advice and leave us alone," I finish and take a deep breath.

"You are a lot like your father," he said getting up but leaving the chair, you could tell his ego was definitely bruised

"Wait Simon, move your chair back, you can do it, right? You aren't 100 percent helpless, are you?" I ask in a bitter sweet voice. I look back over to my dads and both of them have proud looks on their faces.