Chapter 15

We just got back from L.A. two weeks ago, right now I am laying on my stomach, on my bed and Peré walked in, "Hey Haze, do you want to come to the photoshoot with us today?"

"Um, yeah sure," I answer.

"K, we will be leave in 10 minutes," he says leaving my room. I decided to wear some black mom jeans, a loose bottom-up with my platform converse. I headed downstairs and waited for the boys to come down.

Seconds later the two descended from the stairs holding hands and smiling, "ready sweetheart," Louis asked me.

"Yep," I said and we left.

Once we arrived at the studio we hopped out the black SUV and walked into the crowded studio. After looking around the studio for a few minutes we finally spotted two brunettes, a blonde, and a guy with black hair. When walked over to the boys, my dads were immediately thrown into chairs so they could start getting their hair done.

After Louis and Harry were dressed with hair and make-up did they started the photoshoot. They did about an hour of group shots and 30 minutes each for personal shots, except my dads, they did like a couple of thing.

While I was waiting for the door my dads so we could leave, this lady came up to me, "hi, excuse me?"

"Um, yes?" I ask confused.

"Well I work for the magazine the boys are doing this shoot for and we are looking for some new models, and well you are incredibly beautiful. So I was maybe wondering if you would like to model for an upcoming shoot?" She finishes just as Louis and Harry come out.

"What's going on here?" Louis asks proactively.

"This lady works for the magazine and she asked me if I want to model for an upcoming shoot," I explain shock apparent in my voice.

"Really that's incredible sweetheart," Harry says proudly.

"Thanks peré," I say still in shock, I have been told I am pretty before but I never really believe it so being called "incredibly beautiful" and getting asked to model is VERY shocking.

"When's the shoot?" Louis asks.

"Next Thursday," she answers hopefully.

"When do you have to know by?" Louis questions.

"Saturday," today is Wednesday.

"She will think about it and we will let you know then," Louis says sternly.

"Great here is my card," she says handing me her card.

"Thank you," I say politely.

"Shall we," Harry says walking towards the exit, both of us following.

The whole modelling this was not mentioned until dinner that night, Harry decided to make some mac and cheese with bacon and broccoli. "Do you want to do it?" Louis asked.

"Do what?" I ask totally forgetting about what has happened earl use that day.

"Do you want to model?" Harry clarified.

"Oh, well I have never thought about it really," I answer honestly.

"Well you could try it out and if you absolutely hate it then you never have to do it again," Harry suggested.

"Ok," I say getting kind of excited.

"I will call tomorrow," Louis says and we get back to regular conversations.


"What do I wear?" I ask frantically, today is the day of the shoot and I am getting really really nervous.

"Whatever you want, they will give you your wardrobe and they will do your hair and makeup," my dad informs, both he and Peré are standing at my doorway eating me freak out.

"Ok, but I want to make a good impression so I can't show up looking like a slob, but I also don't want to look to fancy because then they will think I am a snob".

"Just wear some jeans and a nice t-shirt," Harry suggests.

"Ok," I cheer. "You may leave now I am done freaking out", they rolled their eyes and left me to get dressed.

When we got to the studio I was met with a girl who looked like she was just out of college, "Hi I am Mrs. Young's assistant, I am going to show you do your makeup artist and let you know how today is going to go down, you are a first time model, yes?"

"Yep," I answer quickly and start following her through the large studio.

"Great, ok so basically everyone a group of four, there are four groups. Everyone in the groups has a one-hour time slot than at the end of the day, there will be a group slot. Today you are in slot number three, at the moment girl two is about 30 minutes into her slot so you will go on in about 30," she stopped walking at one of the vanities and introduced me to my stylist person, to my surprised I already knew her. "You already know Lou and she knows what to do so I will let you know when you need to be in front of the camera" and she left.

"Lou?" I question excitedly.

"Well Louis asked me if I wanted to do it and seeing as it is you first and possible last modelling gig, how could I resist," she says pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks, Dad," I say turning to Louis before jumping in the chair and letting her be ready.

Three hours later we were jumping in the car, I had a few things from the brand I modelled and a check in my hands. "That was so much fun."

" Yeah, so you want to do it again? " Harry asked.

"Yes I loved it, all I had to do was have fun while people took picture of me, then I got paid for it," I say happily.

"Well I guess we should probably get you a manager then," Louis announced.


"Yeah it will make it easier on finding more jobs," Louis explains.

"Ok, I guess. Do you think people will hire me again?" I ask fear clear in my voice.

"Haze, you did incredibly and you are beautiful. I have no doubt in me that if you want it you will have a very successful modelling career," Harry says.

"Your Bias," is all I say, but his words did calm me quite a bit so I am very thankful for them.