Chapter 16

School starts today, I have been back in L.A. for about a week and honestly I miss London. Louis and Harry also came back because they wanted to be in my life and I am not complaining, I love both of them so much and am so happy about how my life has been with them in it.

After the first modelling gig they got me a manager that could get me jobs in L.A. and London. Since the first gig I have had two others plus I have on tonight but it should only take an hour. Harry was right about the fact thank could easily get jobs seeing as I have gotten three more jobs in only a few weeks.

The first magazine I modelled for is releasing it today at ten, they also informed me that they were using a few of my picture for their instagram. I am kinda curious if this will affect my school life at all, like the social aspect of it. Will people start treating me different or will it be the exact same, will anyone even know. I mean we live in California so I doubt anyone will care.

Today is the first day of my junior year and it's really crazy for so many reasons. For starters I only have two years left of high school then I might be off to college - I haven't decided if I am going yet. The biggest reason is how much everything has changed in the past year. Last year I had what I thought to be a trust worthy girlfriend, I was completely fangirling of five boys who I thought didn't even now I existed and I was broke with no job. Now I am happily single and over that bitch, the five people I used to fangirl over are now my family, and I have quite a bit of money plus I have a really fun job.

I was a little early today so I decided to have a smoke in the tunnels and wait for Rose. As I was taking a long drag from my cig my bleach blonde best friend entered the tunnel. "Rose," I cheer running into her arms.

"Haze, god I missed you" .

"I missed you too," I say into her hair.

"How have you been, we hadn't really talked since you came and visited".

" I know I am sorry, I have just been really busy, " I say apologetically.

"Hey, it's ok, I understand. What have you been busy with?" She asks curiously.

"I will tell you later, now let's head up," I say which makes Rose very confused.

Rose and my off period was at the same time the photos are released so right after second hour ended we headed down to the tunnels. We both out a cig as I got a text from my manager telling me that the photos were up. I opened instagram and found the magazine's account to see myself in the first box. I clicked on the pictures and started to talk, "So do you remember when you asked why was so busy this past month and I said I would tell you at ten?"

"Um yes," she said confused.

"Well One Direction has a photo shoot a while back and so I decided to tag along, it was a ton of fun but not the point. After while they were getting changed a last came up to me and asked to model for the magazine this shoot was for," I trailed off handing her my phone with the pictures on them.

"These are amazing, so your like a model now?"

"Yeah, I guess".

"How many gigs have you had since? "

"Two. I have one tonight, you can come if you want? Just to hang out," I asked.

"Of course I would. And that is pretty incredible, you have gotten that many in a short amount of time," she says.

"I am a natural," I say in a cocky voice.

"Yeah whatever, I hungry let's head up" .

"Ok," I say and we head back up to hell. Once back up at the school we hop I the snack line and wait. I look around the cafeteria and then I see a familiar head of long hair. "No she has this off," I complain.

"Who?" Rose asks looking around the cafeteria.

"Kristen," I say lazily.

"She is so dumb to have cheated on you, I mean you are Larry Stylinson's daughter and a model".

"Yeah but she doesn't know any of that, " I say right before the person inform of us gets their food and leaves. Rose gets her food and we start to do a lap around the school, walking past the table Kristen is sitting at just as she looks up from her phone.

"Haze," she calls getting up and running after me.

"What do you want?" I ask turning around to look at her.

"I want you back," she says like that's all she had to say and I will be jumping until her arms again.

"Why should I take a cheater like you back?"

"I made a mistake, " she pleads.

"That is staying a fact not a reason for me to take you back," I say the bitch in me coming out.

"I am really really sorry for what did and I saw the pictures from Elle magazine and you looked so beautiful , I'm just really sorry."

"Oh I get it now, you're using me," I say before spinning around and walking away from a pouting Kristen, Rose following short behind me.