Chapter 17

After the whole incident with Kristen, my day was pretty good I got quite a few texts from friends and family about the shoot. My teachers are ok but I still have one class left so I am not celebrating yet. I walked into the class room and found my seat just as the bell rang. "Good afternoon class," the teacher says closing the door behind her. "Today is going to be a pretty simple day, I am going to tell you about myself and you guys can ask questions then we will talk about you guys ," she explains.

The class let out a course of ok 's and she started a power point that was shining on the white board. "My name is Ms. Bennett, I just graduated from Manchester university with an English and teachers degree. I have a dog named Kevin, and my two favourite colors are blue and green," she said , why is it that kevin, blue, and green all made me think of my dads. Oh right I was a Larrie before I knew I was there daughter. "Questions?"

"Why did you name you dog Kevin? " a girl asked.

"I am glad you asked, this is something you would have learned eventually so why not just tell you now I guess, " she paused. I had a guess where this was going so I pulled out my phone and drastically started filming "In 2010 a band formed, and this band became the biggest boy band of my and you time. They stole the hearts of millions, me being one of those millions. They had this thing called the video diaries and in the video one of the members took a plastic pigeon and named him Kevin, so that became a thing in the fandom, " she explains.

I raise my hand and she calls on me, "we're you an anti or a larrie?"

" Larrie, duh. Come on do I look dumb enough to be an anti, " she says, I laugh.

"What the hell are they talking about," a girl in the back whispered but the whole class could here her.

" I had to make sure, I don't know if I could trust you too teach me well if you were an anti, " I say to which she laughs at. After that we moved on and she finished telling the class about her self.

"Ok now we are going too go around the room and say your name, what you did over the summer, the craziest thing that has happened to you this summer and what your plan i for after high school ".

Almost the whole class went and then it was my turn, "my name is Hazel but you can call me haze. I spent the summer in London with my birth parents. This year has been very crazy... Um I met my birth parents, and my idols. I am not sure what I want to do after high school. "

"I am happy for you about your birth parents," she said sweetly.

"Thank you".

" how'd you meet them? "

"At my Idols concert," I say hopping nobody would put the prices together.

" Wow that is one crazy night. Who are your idols? "

"Larry, ziam, and Neil," I say knowing she would know who I meant.

"You met them lucky, " she says. Right after the last person finished the bell rang, "you guys are dismissed, except Haze, I want to talk to you" .

After the class room cleared out I walked up to her desk, "what's up" .

"What were they like?" She asks just as my phone rings.

I pull it out and look at the screen, "sorry this is my dad can I take it really quick?"

" of course ".

I walk into the already empty hallway and answer "Hey dad" .

"Hey sweetie, we are outside where are you? We have a surprise" .

"The bell just rang, and the boys are here?"

" How 'd you know? "

"What other surprise would it be?"

" good point, yes they are".

"All five of you?"

"Yes why? "

"Well One of my new teachers is a huge fan and I was thinking you could surprise her," I ask hopefully.

"Yeah, we love the fans. Meet us at the doors? "

"Yeah sounds good" , I say and hang up the phone.

I walk back into the room and say, "Hey so my dad has a meeting and needs to drop something off for me, but I really want to talk to you about this, so can you I go grab it really quick, then I'll be back" .

"Sure," she says looking very confused.

We walked in with no trouble because the security guards recognised the boys so they were ok with it. When I walk back into the room Ms. Bennett was looking down at her phone and didn't notice me or the five popstars behind me. "I want you to meet Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall," I introduce and she looks up from her phone.

"What? How?"

"Well Niall is the one who recognised me at the concert," I explain.

"Oh ok... So who's your birth father?"

"We are," Louis says as they both take a step forward.

"That's impossible," is all she says.

"Actually it's not, I have seen the records, Harry have birth to me in 2013," I say like it's just everyday Stuff we are talking about.

"Wait when you guys disappeared for like eight months back in 2012 into 2013, that's why?"

"Yep," Harry says. After she got over the initial shock of finding out who my parents are they got a picture with her and all gave her autographs, then we were about to leave when Harry remembered, "oh and please don't tell anybody".

"Of course," she responds with.

"Also no special treatment stores this one, if anything give her more detentions and for very stupid things," Louis jokes .

"Hey, " I protest. "Don't listen to them, well actually please don't give me any special treatment".

"I won't treat you differently about this but you were already my favourite student before I knew this so..." She trails off.

" How'd she do that? " Niall asks.

"She made a Larry joke the first conversation we had, plus she knew why I named my dog Kevin" .

"Kevin is a pigeon name not a dog name," Louis scoffed. After that we left the school and headed to my house where all the boys stayed for dinner.