Chapter 22

Narrators POV

Harry and Louis sat in silence in the waiting room of a hospital, waiting to see if their daughter was alive.

"She wrote us a note," Harry states.

"What?" Louis asked confused.

"When you were carrying her out of the room I saw an envelope sitting on he side table with our names on it," he said pulling a white envelope out of his pocket. "So I grabbed it".

"Oh, should we read it?"

"I want to know why she did it," Harry announced .

"Ok, I guess we should read it then," Louis said, his voice shaking.

Dear Harry and Louis

I don't know if you will ever be reading this, I honestly doubt you will but I had to make sure you know... I don't want to die. I really don't but I can't take it anymore. Well if you are reading this it means I am dead, that I successfully killed myself so I should be saying... I didn't want to die.

Before I tell you why I did this, I want you to know, it was not your fault in anyway. I should have stayed stronger, I should have been strong but I couldn't take it any longer.

I don't know what rose told you but here is my why. I might as well start from the beginning, when my mom died. When I first got that call I was broken, my heart felt like it had been frozen then crushed but a thousand pounds weight or something. When I woke up the next morning I knew I would not be able to survive this, so I decided not to feel and it worked. The emotionless part of me knew I would have to let them back in eventually and thought it would be easier if you guys weren't there. I thought that it would be like you guys were replacing her, I know now that you could be we do that even if you wanted to. I chose to live with my grandparents and I cut everyone that I loved most in my life off, you guys and Rose. At first it was great, I had no emotions getting in the way, my grandparents were like they always were, nice and caring. But then I let everything back in and it sucked but I knew one day I could hopefully get you guys back. After my emotions came back in my grandparents got bad well I thought it was really bad but it turns out I was wrong. They started locking me in my room at night and sometimes not letting me eat, I slowly became anorexic. When summer brake started I was locked in my room most days. One day though the door wasn't locked. I decided it was finally time to call you and Rose. So I went on a walk down the beach and I talked to Rose, it was amazing talking to her. But before I could call you I got an angry text from my grandma telling me to get home, so I listened. I wanted to call and ask for help to get out of there but I figured it could wait, I should have called then. I went back to the house and she said I was grounded for a month, which ment barely any food, no leaving my room and no phone. I decided to run instead so I could talk to you first but I knew she would catch up fast so I sent you a text, then threw my phone under a car so she would not see the text. For not asking to leave twice and crushing my phone I got three months of being grounded: food once a week (which was just a slice of bread), no leaving my room ever, and "something special". It turns out that every night once a week when my grandpa brought me my bread I would get a beating as a side dish.

After a month of that I could not take it anymore, so hear I am crying at my desk writing my suicide letter, that I don't want to be writing and will probably never be read. I love you guys and I am so sorry.

Just a reminder THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT !!!!!!


Hazel Green Tomlinson Styles❤

The two sat there and read and re-read the letter. "We should have come earlier," Harry says sniffling.

"Why did we go to our lawyers? we could have been here sooner if we just ignored laws," Louis states sniffling as well.

The doctor walked up, "here for Hazel Green? Correct?"

"Yes we are her dads," Louis says as they both jump to their feat, Harry still clinging to the letter like his life depended on it.

"She is stable, her cuts were very deep but now she is all stitched up. She is still asleep but you can go see her as soon as you can answer a few questions for me?" He asks mentioning towards the chairs.

" Ok, " they say at the same time, both eager to see their daughter.

"She has bruise all over her do you happen to know where they can from?"

"Her mom died a few months ago and she decided to go with her grandparents. In this letter it say that they have been neglecting her for months and her grandfather has been physically abusing her for about a month now," Louis says mentioning towards the letter still in Harry's right grasp.

"May I read it?" The doctor asks and Harry reluctantly hands it over. "I see, ok, the cops are already here, just standard procedure, do mind if I give this to them?"

"If it help get both their asses in prison go right ahead," Louis says and the doctor let's out a small chuckle.

"You may go see her now, she is in room 418," he says and walks off.

Haze POV

Did it work?

Why is it so dark?

It's to cold to be Hell. Unless is this my own personal Hell? I hate the cold.

Wait, are my eyes closed?... Yes they are. Ok then open them. Ok.

I open my eyes to see a bright room, there is a door confront of my bed. I look to either side of me, machines. I'm in a hospital? It didn't work, I'm alive.


It didn't work, I have to go back.

It's going to be ten times worse after this. They are going to be pissed about the sheets.

My breathing started to get heavier and the monitor beside me beeped faster... I am having a panic attack.

I closed my eyes, focused on my breathing.



I could hear the door open. No I can't see them. I can't.

"Please just leave me alone," I cry.

"Haze, you're awake," a man with a thick English accent said. I'm dreaming, this isn't real.

"No, no. This isn't real. You're not here," I tell the hallucination, not daring to open my eyes, knowing when I did they wouldn't be there.

"Haze, Haze. We are right here," a different voice said, yet it was still very English. The bed shifted on either side of me and I felt two hands on each arm.

I slowly open my eyes, they were there. They were really there. "I can't go back," I sobbed.

"No, you don't have to. We read your letter and gave it to the police they are on there way to arrest them at this very moment," Peré said in a comforting tone.


"Yeah, how are you doin?" my dad asks.

"Well my arms and thighs hurt like hell but other then that I am doing peachy," I laugh.

"We should have come earlier," Peré says looking down.

"No, I told you in the letter it is not your fault," I fight.

"Yes it is, if we would have come earlier you would not be in this bed," Dad fights back.

"If I would have chose to stay with you I would not be here. If I chose not to leave the house that day to call Rose, I would not be here. If I didn't stay with you guys over fall break my mom might still be alive and I would not be here. There are a million different 'what ifs' but we can't dwell on them, now we just focus on my recovery, yeah?"

"Yeah," they both say.

"So we were thinking after you are clear to fly we are going to move to London full time, if that's ok with you?" Louis asks.

"I mean it would suck having to leave Rose again but I loved London the last time we were there and it might be nice to get away from all the bad memories. So yeah, if that's what you guys want, sounds good to me," I answer.

"We are moving to London!" Harry cheers.

"You basically already live there," I point out.

"Fine, Haze is moving to London," he re-cheers.

" I'm moving to London, " I cheer back.