Chapter 24

I live in London now. The cuts in my arms and legs are now prominent scars, I will probably always be able to see them. They will always remind me of a very bad time in my life but I think it's a good thing. I was abused, and I couldn't take it, so I attempted to take my own life, thankfully my dad's saved me in time. What I said in the letter is true about not wanting to us true I don't, and I didn't but it was just to much to handle. Those scars remind me that even when things get the hardest they might ever be, there will be an end to it.

Other then my clothes I didn't take anything from my old life and even then when we arrived in London I got rid of most of them. I kept everything Harry and Louis got me but other then that I gave the rest away.

The whole modelling thing has kinda been on a pause lately but I want to get back into it. I miss it, it was always so much fun just messing around all day. I mean it was hard work but it was also so much fun. I think that that's one of the only things I can keep from my old life, besides Rose of course.

That was the only thing I was sad about leaving in California, she is my best friend and I just got her back in my life, and I had to leave her all over again only this time I had emotions.

I started at a new school, South Hampstead High School. It's an all-girls school, not that I am complaining because well I am a lesbian. Yes, it's great all girls but most of the girls a quite annoying, they're all so preppy and obnoxious. Also, the school is very strict so I can never sneak away to have a smoke which oddly enough makes the girls there ten times more annoying.

I haven't made any new friends, right now I am just the loner girl freak, and honestly, I am 100 percent ok with that. Nobody knows who my parents are because I still go by Green not Styles or Tomlinson. It was our plan before all of this happened and we haven't talked about it since, so I guess for now we are sticking with it.

We have been in London for about three months, and now we are headed back to California for the trial to send Chester and Mary to prison. The lawyers said it is a very open and shut case since they have the picture from my injuries, my letter and my testimonial. Even though the trial will probably only last one day we are staying a few extra days so I can see Rose again.

Our plane landed around eight pm then we have the trial early the next morning. The plane ride seemed extra long because I stayed awake for the whole thing even though I was exhausted, I wanted to be able to sleep when we got to the house so I would be rested for the trial.

"Hazel wake up, you need to get ready for the trial," Peré said shaking me.

"I'm up," I say sitting up fast and running my eyes.

Harry laughs and leaves me room so I can get ready. I slowly climb out of bed and make my way over to my closet where I hung up my outfit for today the night before. I knew I needed to be formal and conservative so I decided on a black pantsuit, a tight tan long-sleeved t-shirt with some black block heels.

We walked into the courtroom and say in the front behind our lawyers. A few minutes later both of them came into the courtroom in handcuffs. When I saw Chester I immediately flinched back, Louis noticed, put his arm around me, and pulled me closer. "After today everything is going to be ok, you will never have to see them again," he whispers.

"B-but what if they let them go?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"I highly doubt that they will but on the off chance Chester and Mary don't know where we live and we can get a restraining order," he reassures.

"Ok," I say cuddling into him more. And the trial started.

After what seemed like hours they eventually called me up to the stand. First was Chester and Mary's lawyer. "Can you tell us Why you decided to go live with your grandparents?"

"Please don't call them my grandparents," I pause. "I went to live with them because my mom had just died and I was scared that somehow my dads would replace her even though neither of them would want that".

"Why would you think they would replace your mom?"

I was about to answer when my lawyer stood up and said, "objection, this is about Chester and Mary Green, not about her parents".

"Objection sustained," the judge called.

The lawyer looked a little annoyed but continued anyway, "How did they treat you?"

"When? Because in the beginning it was good but after about two months I usually only had on meal a day if I was 'good' and I was rarely aloud to leave my room," I snapped a little.

The lawyer could tell there was no winning this so she said, "no more questions your honour," and sat back down at the table.

My lawyer stood up, "Ms. Green you said that in the beginning they were better, do you know what changed?"

"Not with them, no. But after my mom died I refused to feel any emotion and I had just let everything back in a few weeks before it all started."

"Ok... When did they start physically abuse you?"

"It was a few weeks after school ended."

"Can you explain the events leading up to the first beating?"

"I wanted to get back in touch with my best friend and my dads but I was really nervous so I decided to go for a walk. I knew if I asked to leave the house Mary would say no but I really wanted to walk the beach and I was already... erm... anorexic so not eating for a little while was not a big deal. I had just gotten off the phone with Rose, my best friend, when I got a text from Mary to get home. She seemed mad so I went straight home before calling dads. When I got there she said I was grounded for a month with one meal a day and no phone. In all honesty, I just wanted to go home to my dads, so I ran about a block before stopping to text my dads, all I said was sorry before I threw my phone under a car so she couldn't see the text. My punishment was three months a meal a week and as she originally called it 'something special'. Later that night I found out that meant a beating a week from Chester and sometimes if he had a bad day I would get one," when I finished a few tears slid down my cheek. The whole courtroom was silent and unmoving except for Mary and Chester, they just scoffed like I was saying something that was a lie.

"Three months after the abuse started, you tried to take your own life, is that correct?"

"Yes," I say in a monotone voice, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"May I ask, why?"

"Yes, I couldn't handle the abuse anymore".

"Thank you. No more questions your honor," my lawyer said sitting at her table.

"You may leave the stand, Ms. Green," the judge said.

That day Chester and Mary Green were found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison.

A/N: I know I never do these but I just want to say that, ten years is the max sentence for child abuse and that really pisses me off. I know there is nothing anyone can really do about that but I just thought that that is really fucked up !!