Chapter 25


"I don't want to go," I fight Peré. It's been seven months since the trial.

"It's prom, you have to go," he fights back.

"Why would I go to prom alone for a school that hates me?" This fight has been going on for weeks, but he took it to a whole new level this time. He told me we were going somewhere, would not tell me where though. It was a dress store. When we got here he forced me inside then we started the fight all over again.

"Please just pick out a dress, just in case," he pleads.

"No, because then you would really be wasting your money," I say turning to leave the store.

"No you could wear it for like a wedding or something," he says running to block me from the door.

When I didn't answer he said, "How about we just pick out some dresses and you can try them on for fun. You can play dress-up".

I don't really believe him but I might as well humor him, "fine, but you will not buy me anything".

"mhm," yeah I don't believe him one bit. I look around the colorful store full of expensive dresses. I start to walk around a bit, I see a few dresses I like so I grab my size.

After about ten minutes or so Peré and I make our way to the back where the dressing rooms were. The room was wide and long, little rooms with curtains hanging closed, lined the walls. At the end of the room was a floor to ceiling wall, and in the middle of the huge room was a long ottoman looking thing.

Outside the room was a clothing rack where I could hang all the dresses. I hung them up, then took one back down and entered the changing room.

The dresses I pick and the dresses Peré picked were very different. I could easily tell which ones I picked and which ones he did, mine were more simple, one color, no designs. Whereas his were colorful, full of designs and flowers. I decided to try on one of mine then one of his, then one of mine one of his, you get the point.

The first one I tried on was one of mine, after getting it on I walked out of the little room in a simple blue floor-length dress. The top was tight, and the bottom was loose but still clung to my body a bit.

Harry seemed to like it but he ushered me away quickly to try on one of his dresses. The next dress was of course his, it was a bit more ball gown but not too extravagant, thank god. The color was quite cool, it kinda looked holo, it was both blue and green, changing when you moved.

"Wow," Harry said when I walked out.

"It is really pretty," I agreed. "But it's so extravagant, not really me".

"I agree, go try on some more simple ones," he said.

"So try on all the one I picked out? I don't think simple is what you were looking for and if it was you need to check your definition," I say teasing-ly.

"Shut up and go," he laughed. After an hour or so of trying on dresses, we finally left the store. There was one dress I really liked but I didn't see a point in buying it because I would probably never wear it. I made sure I acted as I did with every other dress so he would not try and buy it for me. While he went to the bathroom I jumped in the car.

Once we arrived home I headed up to my room, when I opened my door I could see that my LED lights were one pink-red, which is weird because I always make sure they are off before I leave. I walk into my room and see flowers everywhere, "what the hell is going on here," I ask myself.

My closet door opened and my best and only friend walked out. "Hazel Green, will you please go to prom with me," she asks. I could tell she was trying her absolute hardest to not laugh.

"What the hell are you doing in London? Not that I am not happy you are here," I exclaim.

" I want to go to prom with my best friend, now would that be a yes or a no? And it better be a yes because I spent a lot of money on all this, " she says.

"We both know this was all Harry," I laugh.

"I am offended," she cries. "But you are not wrong".

"Of course I will go to prom with you, but I don't have a dress".

"Yes you do, " Harry says walking into my room holding a dress bag.

"What do you mean? Where did you get that?"

"Well I saw how you looked at this dress, I could tell you loved it so I texted Louis and he came down, to pay for it and bring it home while you were still trying on dresses," he explained.

"Ok well I will leave you girls alone, dinner should be ready in an hour or so," he said and left my room. Prom is tomorrow night so tonight we have time to Hang out and catch up. I have missed my best friend.

"Why didn't you want to go to prom? You used to want to go," she asks curiously.

"Yeah I did but that was before my mom died, I go abused for months, I go to a school where everybody hates me, and my only friend lives on another continent," I laugh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was that bad. If I would have known how bad it got I could have gotten Harry and Louis there sooner," she whimpers.

"It wasn't that bad before I called you and before you think it, it was not your fault that it got worse. I made it worse all by myself," I plead.

"If you hadn't left to call me then you wouldn't have been in trouble, then you wouldn't have run and it wouldn't have got worse," she argues.

"I could have called you from my room," I fight back. "Plus if I didn't turn off my emotions then I wouldn't have locked you out and I would have stayed with my dads".

We talked a little about my old school and how things were before dinner. After dinner, we came back upstairs and watch a few movies before falling asleep.

"Kay, I got you girls a nail appointment at noon then, you will come back home where my stylist will be waiting for you. After your hair and makeup are done you can put on your dresses and head to dinner before heading to prom," Peré explains after shaking us both awake.

"If we don't have to be up till noon then why did you wake us up at eight in the fucking morning," I ask after yawning.

"Because I figured you would want to watch a movie while you ate breakfast in bed," Harry explained as Louis brought in a huge tray covered in food.

"Oh my god thank you," Rose said looking over all the amazing smelling food. There was a huge pile of chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, some fruit, and what looks like two large cups full of chocolate milkshakes.

"Yeah seriously thank you, you guys did not have to do all this," I thank.

"No we didn't but we wanted to," Harry said with a big smile.

"You mean you wanted to and dad wanted to watch," I tease.

"Hey watch your sass, I have not eaten breakfast yet and I could easily take all this food away," Louis says trying his hardest to sound mad but completely failing.

"You mean the sass that you gave her," Harry said pulling Louis out of the room with him. He stuck his head back in and said, "enjoy your breakfast".

We decided to watch Pretty Women because it's a good movie, and why not? After that, we watched an older show called The Secret Life Of The American Teenager until it was time to head to our nail appointment.