Chapter 26

We both got acrylics: mine was long and black, and hers were shorter and white. Complete opposites, I know, but that's kinda how our friendship always was. We are opposites, I think that's why our friendship works so well.

The stylist peré got to us was already waiting for us when we got back, well I guess she is sorta my stylist as well, she will help me with shoots everyone and a while. Harry called Lou and she eagerly agreed. Rose was really excited to meet Lou and here all the stories from the old 1D days and how the boys were such trouble makers. Both Rose and I decided to go for more simple looks for our hair and makeup, much to Lou's protest. I left my hair in loose curls and did a simple half up half down look, and Rose just curled her naturally straight hair. My makeup had dark purple as a border, then a sparkly dark purple in the middle and sparkly gold on the inside of my eye. For my lip color, I decided to go with a matt purple, that matched my eyes and dress. Rose's was similar to mine but pink and nor gold it just got really light, she chose to not wear any lip gloss and just went natural.

After that we put on our dresses, Rose's fit her personality perfectly, it was light pink with flowers ombreing up the bottom, the flowers made it to about her mid-thigh. With her dress, she wore light pink and silver stilettos that wrapped around her ankles for a few inches. My dress was a simple solid maroon dress, it was flowy on the bottom and tight on the top with a deep V neck with spaghetti straps. My shoes were the same colour as my dress and looked very similar to Rose's.

We made our way downstairs where Lou and my dads were talking. I peak my head around the corner to see if they noticed we were coming down, but they seemed to engrossed in their conversation to notice the click of heels. When I noticed they weren't paying attention I dramatically cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear and said in the deepest voice I could muster, "attention, attention". When I heard the voices stop I continued "may I now Introduce Rose Rash and Hazel Green" then we walked down the stairs as dramatically as we could, holding back our laughs.

"Oh wow, you girls look beautiful," Harry cheered.

"All the attention is going to be on you two tonight," Louis said seriously.

"Hahaha," I say.

"No, he's right. Every other girl there is going to want to be you, and every guy will want you," Lou commented.

"Yeah, ok," I said sarcastically. I look at the clock on the microwave, "oh we have to go".

"Wait pictures," Peré stopped us.

"You are going to make us late for our reservation," I wine.

"it'll be fine," he says pulling out his phone.

"I'm surprised you didn't get a professional photographer," I laugh after he is done.

"We would have but we didn't know if you were going or not," dad answers.

"Plus you had a gig a few months ago for prom, so we have those pictures," Harry includes.

"That's very true, but we have to be going now," I said pushing Rose towards the door, the adults following.

When we exited the house there was a limo sitting on the curb just outside. We both looked at the long black car, then up to my dad's, then back down at the car, until Harry asked, "do you like it?"

"You got this for us?" I ask shakily.

"Of course, we want you two to have the best night you can," peré said laughing a little.

"Thank you guys so much," I say running over and hugging them.

When we pulled away from the hug Louis said, "Since we want you to have a fun life, the back has a mini bar and lots of sweets, that you can help yourself to".

"Thank you," we said walking down to the long vehicle.

"but please don't get too drunk before you get to the restaurant," Louis added as an afterthought.

"I won't, but I can't say anything about your daughter," Rose said before climbing into the limo and pulling me with her.

"Hey, I can control myself," I fight.

"I know you CAN but do you want to?"

I thought about it for a second before reaching over to the mini bar and grabbing two shots, "nope", I handed her the shot before putting mine up to my lips and throwing my head back.

"you are a trouble influence," she commented coughing a bit, me on the other hand was fine.

"I already know that, would you have started smoking if I hadn't?"


Rose didn't drink again till after we left the restaurant, I was tipsy when we arrived. On the way to the dance, we both took like 5 more shots and drank a martini each. She has heard all the horror stories from this school and I don't think either of us wanted to do this sober.

By the time we arrived at the dance I was surprised I could walk. We make our way into the dance, stumbling a bit. Dad was right we are the centre of attention but not for the reason he said, everyone is giving us judgy looks.

After about ten minutes in there, we had enough so we walked back out to the parking lot and climbed back into the limo. "Where to lady's?" the driver asked.

"You wanna go to Niall's house?" I asked.

"Yes," Rose cheered.

"Can you take us to Niall Horan's house, please?" dads got one of their drivers to drive so he knew where Niall lived.

"Sure," is all he said before starting the car and driving to the Irish man's house.

We continued to drink until the limo stopped, and we stumbled out. We clumsily walked up the path to the front door and rang the bell. After a few seconds, the brunette opened the door.

"Nialler," I cheered.

"Hey Haze, what are you to doing here?" he said laughing at our drunken state.

"We got bored at prom and didn't know what else to do, so we came here," I slurred.

"Ok, how did you get here?"

"Our limo," Rose giggled. "You look very handsome, did you know that?"

"A drunk 17-year-old is trying to flirt with me," he mumbled.

"Yeah, she has liked you since, like, forever," I laugh.

"Hazel," Rose whined.

"Oh sorry," I laugh.

"I should get you home," Niall said walking out of his house and sheep dogging us towards the limo. While he was making sure we were safe in the back he saw the mini bar, "Louis you idiot," he muttered. Once we were safe in the back of the limo he told our driver to take us home.

Being us we continued to drink until we arrived back at my house, which wasn't a very long drive.

When we stumbled into the house Harry and Louis were watching a movie on the couch. "Dads," I cheered.

"You have been gone for three hours, how are already this drunk?" Louis asked when we stumbled into the living room and fell on the couch.

"You told us to have fun," I shrug.

"But it's barely been three hours," peré laughed.

"Your point," I slur.