Chapter 27

"Lately I have been thinking a lot about my future," I say to my dads as we eat dinner. I am graduating high school in a month. I got into Manchester University, which I am really happy about, it's sorta my dream school. I have always wanted to live in the UK even before I knew my dads and before my way to do that was through college.

"Still want to go into the FBI?" Dad asks seriously.

"Yes, I think that will always be my dream job but there are a lot of things I want in life, I want a family, a wife, kids, and being in the FBI would take all my time. Even if I did find a wife and we started a family the chance that it actually works out is slim. Modeling, on the other hand, there is a lot up to me, I can choose what gigs I go to and when I model. Plus I already have started my career in it. I know I can't be a model forever so I was thinking maybe I could go to college for business, and continue to model. Then after uni, I could open my own little boutique but I wouldn't have to stop modeling," when I finish Peré looks relieved button and they both look very proud.

"That is a wonderful and much safer plan," Peré cheers.

"I agree but are you sure?"

"I am, working for the FBI was always a dream but so was running a boutique," I smile. "And I can just live through criminal minds".

They laugh and dad asks, "How many times have you watched that?"

"That is none of you business," I say putting a bite of chicken in my mouth.

A month later

"Sweetheart, wake up," dad says shaking me gently.

"Mmmm no, " I wine.

"Common, today you are graduating high school," he tries to persuade.

"No, I already graduated, today is just the ceremony and I don't want to go".

"Why not?" He asks which causes me to open my eyes and look at my dad.

"I never thought I would be graduating high school without my mom. She is supposed to be here and she was supposed to be at my wedding and when my kids were born or I adopted them. She was not supposed to leave me," I cry.

"Oh sweetheart," Louis says pulling me into his arms. "She will always be here with you, you just won't be able to see her, but you'll know that she is there watching over you".

After I stopped crying dad lightly pulled me out of bed, "get ready then we can go out for breakfast, yeah?"


I already knew what I was wearing so I pulled it out of my closet. I decided on a simple tight silk black dress that reaches just above my knees. I threw on some black block heels, grabbed my phone and my purse. On the way down the stairs, I put my phone in my purse, then headed into the kitchen. "Ready?" pere asked.

"Yep," I said then we left to the breakfast place.

"What would like?" the waitress asked when she walked up to our table.

She looked at me first so I answered, "I'll have the chocolate pancakes please".

"And a mimosa, please," dad added. I gave him a questioning look so he said, "just please don't get drunk off your ass again".

"That was one time and in my defence, you told me to have fun," I whisper fight back as Peré ordered an omelette.

"I'll have the same as her please," dad said before the waitress walked to the back into the kitchen.

"After today you will never have to go near another high school again," Peré commented. "Are you excited?"

"I am I think I think I would be a lot sadder if I was at my old school, where I had friends," I laugh.

"We are sorry we had to take you away from your old life," Peré apologized.

"Don't be, it was for the best. I needed to start over, there were to many bad thing that happened in california. I needed to be somewhere new," I tell them honestly.

"But you shouldn't have had to start over," Peré fights.

"Maybe not but it was my choice to move in with them and I will forever regret that decision but I can't change it. It is my fault, so will you please stop apologizing?"

They stay silent for a few seconds before moving on to a new subject. I don't think they agree or will really drop this but at least they are for now.

After we were finished eating, we made our way to the school for the ceremony. I really didn't want to go to this but I knew they really wanted to see me graduate, so I will have to suffer.

When we pulled up to the school and got out of the big black Range Rover, it seemed all eyes were already on us. My Dads didn't seem to really notice but they have to deal with this all the time so it makes sense. We walked to the Footy field and separated, they went to the parent section, and I went to grab my robes and get in line. After I had my blue robes and the little cap on, I went and found my name. They had papers that had everyone's name on them in alphabetical order.

I waited in line for a little bit, just playing a game on my phone, when this girl came up to me. Her name is Madi, I really don't like her, she is a bit of a bitch. She doesn't necessarily bully me but she is rude and bullies other people. "How do you know Louis and Harry Tomlinson?"

"They are my dads," I respond in an annoyed tone. If anyone else would have asked, I would be fine talking about it but this is her so...

"They adopted you? Who would want to adopt you? and why haven't they announced they have a daughter?" she snides.

"No they never adopted me, and we decided to hold off on announcing it," God this girl gets on my nerves.

"That's not possible, you can't be their biological daughter," she even has a bitchy voice.

"Look, I am going, to be honest with you. I don't like you, nobody really likes you. They just want to be popular and you are their way of getting there. I don't care what you think about me. Please leave me alone," I say in a bored tone. Without another word she scoffed and walked away. I could still feel everyone's eyes on me but I ignored them. I could tell they wanted to ask me but nobody worked up the courage to walk up to me.

We stood in line for another 30 minutes before the ceremony began. The headmaster started by saying some meaningless words, then they started calling names. It didn't take them long to get to my name, I walked up there shook some hands took my diploma, and sat at my seat.

After every name was called more people said more meaningless things and they dismissed us. I stood up and made my way over to where you were supposed to turn in our robes. I set them on the table and turned to find Dad's.

Once I found them I walked over to the married popstars. "No more high school," Peré said dancing around.

"You know in an old interview you did for Dunkirk, you said out of dancing, singing, and acting, you were best at dancing. Why did you lie to the poor women?" I ask jokingly, even though I meant it a hundred percent.

Peré just pouts, while dad says, "I guess we know where you got your dancing skills from".

"Yeah, both of you. You guys cursed me with terrible dancing skills," I quip.

"You better watch your mouth," dad says turning and walking towards the car, Peré and I followed.