Chapter 28

"Hey sweetie, are you ready for Ed's barbeque?" Louis says knocking on my my door.

"Yeah, I'm just putting on my shoes, then I'll be down," I said slipping on my left shoe. Today is a really nice day so I decide to wear some short shorts and a cropped band tee to Ed Sheeran's barbeque.

It's been about a month since my graduation and we have already done a lot. We spent a week in Doncaster, a week in Holmes Chapel and a week in L.A.. It was really good to see my family again, it feels like it was years but we saw them around Christmas, so it wasn't that long ago.

After my shoes were tied I walked downstairs to be greeted by my dads sitting at the counter waiting for me. "Ready?" Peré asked.

"Yeah," I said and we headed out to the garage and hopped in Harry's convertible, it was a nice day so we decided to take it.

"We were hopping Ed's daughter would be there so you guys could meet but unfortunately she is in Ireland with some friends at the moment," Peré informed.

"I didn't know Ed has a daughter," I say a little shocked. I have always been a big fan of him, I would know if he had a daughter.

"Yeah, him and Cherry wanted to keep her a secret. They didn't want her to have to deal with fame all her life and decided to let her make the decision when she turned 18, she decided to stay secret for now. She is 20 now but I think you guys would be good friend," Dad explains.

"When she was born they have her Cherry's maiden name," Peré added.

The rest of the ride we jammed to some music, when we arrived at Ed's there was nobody else here yet, I am not surprised. We walked around to the back where Ed and Cherry were sitting, the rest of the backyard covers in decoration, and the grill ready to be used.

"Hey guys," dad said making his way over to them with Peré and I following shortly behind.

"Hey," Ed said standing and giving dad.

I was kinda hidden behind Harry so he didn't see me till he hugged him, he lightly pushed Peré away from him and asked, "Oh my god, this is her".

"Oh, I guess you guys haven't met yet have you," dad says pulling away from Cherry.

"I mean I have seen pictures but I haven't met her, she really does look just like you, " he says walking around Harry and up to me before pulling me into a hug.

When he pulled away he noticed my eyes and said, "wow, you have one blue and one green eye, that is awesome" .

"Thanks," I laughed.

Harry, Louis, and Cherry sat at one of the tables and started a conversation, while Ed and I say on some chairs a few feet away. "You know, I was there the day you were born, I mean not in the room but in the waiting room. I don't know what they have told you about before you were born or anything, so I will just tell You what I know. You were a premie by like a week. Your dads had been on a very secluded island for most the pregnancy, but they wanted to be here when you were born, for family and friends. A week before you were due I was working in the studio and I remember getting a call from Niall telling me that Harry just went into labor. I immediately dropped everything and went to the hospital, it wasn't like I was needed or anything but I felt like I had to be there even if I would most likely never see you again. I am glad I was there, I was like the sixth person to hold you, seeing as the rest of your family wasn't there," Ed said with a huge smile on his face.

I say there silent for a few seconds before saying, "I don't really know what to say but thank you ," I said more as a question. "I really do appreciate you telling me this, I'm just not to great at the whole serious thing ".

"It's ok, so tell me about your self".

" Umm, ok. Well I'm going to Manchester university in the fall, " I start.

"Really, my daughter goes there".

"I will make sure to look out for her, " I say laughing a little.

"Sorry continue" .

"No it's fine, well I am a model... I mean that's about it, I don't really know anything else".

He thinks for a second before saying, "well what did you do before you met the boys".

"Mostly fangirled," I laugh.

"Who did you fangirl over?" He laughed.

"You and One Direction".

"Really? I am flattered about me, and that's hilarious you fangirled over your dads and their best friends before you knew you had there blood running through you veins. Did you have crushed on any of them?"

" No I always thought it would be weird even before I knew I was gay," I laugh and his face falls a little.

"Oh, I am so sorry I should not have assumed, my daughter is transgender and gay herself".

"The boys didn't mention she was trans," I inquire.

"Yeah, we had a guess when she was younger but she was 10 when she told us and 13 when she had the reconstruction surgery," he tells me.

"That is really cool of you guys, I mean it must have been a lot to handle," I have always wondered what it is like on the parents end of things.

"It was at first but in the end we just wanted her to be happy and be her best self".

At this point some of the guests had started to arrive so Ed excused himself and I made my way over to my dads. There ended up being at least 100 people there but that isn't really surprising. We stay for the whole thing and didn't ended up being around 1 in the morning. They boys introduced me to quite a few of the people I looked up to as a kid so that was pretty weird but definitely really cool.

College is staring in a month which means we have to start packing soon. I am excited for it but also really really nervous, Ed said something about telling his daughter to keep a look out for me so that'll be nice if we do find each other it will be nice to have a friend.