Chapter 29

I am off to uni tomorrow. My room is packed in boxes and I am ready to leave tomorrow. It's weird, I just got this new life and everything is changing again. I mean the only thing changing is my living situation, it's not like I just found out my dads are actually aliens and kidnapped my real dads before the X-Factor. Oh, I really hope that's not foreshadowing. I will still get to see my dads but not as much, seeing as I will be busy with school and they will be touring. During One Direction's last tour all the boys were kinda working on their next solo album, everyone has released them and they are amazing. Everyone did their tours except dads. They had separate tours scheduled for a few months after my mom died but then everything with the grandparents happened so they decided to postpone it so they could be with me. Seeing as it has been two years there management took this opportunity of me leaving to send them both on tour. I do feel bad for the fans, they were so excited to see their idol then it was postponed till an unknown date, I can't imagine what that feels like. Anyway, since the fans have waited so long management got the venues booked as soon as they could, so Pere leaves in 2 days and Dad leaves in four, I kinda wish they could have waited for a little bit, so they could be here if I needed them, but I understand.

Even though they are both excited to tour, I think they are living through me a bit. They never got to experience the college, they obviously don't regret it, they got their best friends and dream career. I know that but I still think they would have loved to experience it.

Since after tomorrow we really won't see each other for a month or so, we decided to have a little dad, daughter night and watch some movies. We got some different candies, popcorn, and sodas. We started around 6 pm and watched three movies, until a little after 12 am. The first movie was Grease, then The Notebook, lastly we watched Legally Blonde.

After the epic courtroom scene and the movie ended, we were all pretty tired - seeing as it was past midnight and we were packing half the day - but we still had to clean up the very messy living room. We may or may not have had a few popcorn fights. "Are you excited about tomorrow?" Peré asked as we cleaned.

"Yes and no. I am just really nervous," I say bending down to pick up the popcorn bucket, It's too big to be a bowl, and brought it into the kitchen.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, you are going to do great," dad reassured.

"You don't know that," I say seeing down the bowl and walking back into the living room to continue cleaning everything up.

Of course, dad follows me, and says, "I do know that. You are smart and talented, you will struggle but you will find a way to make everything work".

"Thanks, Dad," I say setting down the blanket I was folding and placing it I the couch before going over and giving him tightly. I remember seeing so many different things about how the fandom thought Louis would be the fun dad and Harry would be the sentimental dad and not that Harry isn't sentimental but when I need someone's shoulder to cry on or need someone's help to get through something Louis is a hundred percent the person I would go to. I mean I know I can go to Harry and for a lot of things I need him, Louis just understands me a little better since e both lost our minds moms.

After the living room was picked up we went to bed. That night I had trouble falling asleep, I've been really stressed with college lately so not sleeping is common. With the constant stress, it's been bringing up a lot of feelings from my mom's death and the months following, and that's been hard but I think once I settle into my apartment I will be better. I was planning on living in the dorms for at least my first year but Dad insisted on just buying me an apartment so I don't really have to move stuff when the term ends. It will be nice to have privacy, it's just my first time living by myself and that is definitely adding more stress.

Flat shopping with my dads was definitely an experience, they wanted to get me this one really nice place but it was too big and too expensive so I told them no. We visited four different spots a day for 3 or 4 weeks before we finally agreed on one.

The one we decided on was a loft, the kitchen and living room were on the main level. My room was in the loft, you would just walk up the stairs and that was my bedroom, with two doors on the other side for my bathroom and closet. It's about two and a half blocks away from campus so I will have to just walk, but I don't mind.

We went furniture shopping a few days ago, they insisted on buying me all new furniture. They got me a cute black leather couch with four cushions, a four-person dark wood dining table, a glass coffee table with dark wood legs, a metal bed frame, and a cute little love seat for my room. Along with furniture they also got me an espresso machine and other kitchen items. I swear they are the most difficult people on planet earth, they wouldn't let me pay for a thing, not that I have a ton of money but still.

It kinda sucks that I will be starting another school without friends, Rose wanted to apply to a school over here but her mom didn't like the idea of her being so far away. She got into a ton of schools but decided on Stanford.