Chapter 71: Mirajane Strauss 2

Chapter 71: Mirajane Strauss 2

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Mirajane's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, Year X778 -

Travelling by foot to our next destination, just few minutes later, I noticed that Elfman suddenly stopped, panting in tiredness.

*Pant* *Pant*

"I'm sorry, Nee-san but he's too heavy. I can't walk anymore while carrying him."


I took off the bag on my back then,

"Hold my things, I'll be the one who'll carry him." I said, going to Elfman to take Harukin from his back and carry him myself.

After that, we continued to walk towards our destination.

"I'm sorry about this, Mira. Just few more minutes, I can recover my magic power enough to move my body." Harukin spoke.

He called me by my nickname but, I don't really mind it.

"Then, I'll call you, Haru. Is that okay with you?"

"Haha... Yes, that's even better than my weird whole name. Please call me with that name." he responded happily.

Now I think about it, his name is weird just like his appearance. What a strange combination.

"Then Haru, I think you shouldn't exhausting your magic power until you pass out when you're using your magic. It's dangerous, you see. There might be dangerous beast lurking around." I said, warning him.

"Oh, about that I'm in training to expand my magic power capacity by letting it ran out while practicing my detonation magic. Also there's no beast brave enough to go to the place where the explosion happened." he explained.

"Then, you should brought a friend with you to carry you back."


He became silent.

I noticed that he's looking away from me.

"If I did that, I'll get caught and scolded by Gramps and Erza. Natsu and Gray can be easily interrogated by Erza. Others are against it so I don't have anyone to go with me with my daily explosions."

This boy... He's an idiot who just loves explosions.

Lisanna and Elfman are looking at him with disappointed expression.

Few minutes later,

"Mira, wait!" Haru suddenly said, making us stop walking.

"Huh? What is it, Haru?"

"You can put me down now."

"Is that okay? It seems like you still can't fully move your your body."

"It's okay."

I placed him down, sitting on the ground.

He stood up slowly then,

"I recover a little bit of my magic power. I can finally move on my own." he spoke, stretching his body a little.

He glanced at us,

"Thank you guys for carrying me." he said with gratitude.

"It's okay. We're glad that we're able to help you." I replied.


"I'm just gonna ask, where the three of you are going?" he asked.


Suddenly, we felt sad then I answered,

"Actually, we don't have a place to call home so that's why we're traveling to look for a place that we can live."

"Oh, if that's the case then how about living with me in Magnolia town? I introduce the three of you to Gramps our guild master." he suggested.

I felt a hope inside me but, with my arm like this...

"Is that okay? We might trouble you a lot."

"Of course, it's okay. I might be the one who'll cause more a lot of troubles to you guys just like now."

"Pffffft!" I tried to stopped myself from laughing to what he said.

He just smiled at me which made me felt embarrass a little.

For the sake of Elfman and Lisanna,

"Then, please take care of us from now on." I said.

"Okay then, follow me."

We followed after him, travelling towards Magnolia Town.

Nightfall comes and we set a camp under one of the trees, resting for the night.

Haru preparing the stones, setting up for the bonfire.

"You guys, stay here. I'm just gonna look for wooden sticks to be set up for the bonfire." he said, leaving us.

"Wait!" I said, standing up.

"I'm coming with you." I followed.

Haru suddenly froze when he heard me.

Noticing it, I squinted my eyes looking at him.

This reaction... I bet he's gonna do something stupid again just like he did when I met him.

He stiffly glanced at me and said,

"Mira, I think you should stay with your siblings. I can do this alone."

"Ohh... Is that the only your reason or there's something else?"


We stared at each other for few seconds then,

"Fine! I'm gonna do my daily explosion tonight after I gathered some woods." he gave up and reveal it to me.

This boy...

"Haru-nii, let us come with you. I want to see it too." Lisanna said with excited tone.

"Oh, sure! I gonna show you how amazing explosion magic is." Haru who's excited too spoke.

"Nee-chan, it this gonna be okay?" Elfman worriedly asked me.

"I don't know. Let's see." I responded.

We followed after Haru to look for wooden branches lying around in this big forest.

Elfman was holding a torch to light up our way.

"Don't go too far away from here. I'll be back." Haru splitted from us and went somewhere, looking for something.

After we finished gathering, Haru immediately returned to us.

"Mira, I found a good spot. There's a big lake near here." he spoke.

He took my left hand, excitedly pulling me with him.

He's holding my hand.

What is he doing?

I became embarrass, feeling self-conscious.

"Wait for us!" Lisanna shouted, following us together with Elfman.

While being pulled by him,

"Haru, don't walk too fast! It's too dark and we can't see our path." I told him.

"Don't worry, Mira. I can see clearly in the dark."


When we arrived at the lakeshore, we saw the moon reflected on the lake and it was beautiful.

"Mira-nee, this place is beautiful." Lisanna said, amazed by the scenery.

Elfman nodded, looking around at the lake.

"Now then, let me show you guys the magic that me and Nee-san desired for." Haru suddenly spoke.

"Haru, don't tell me..." I said.

He opened something on an empty air in front of him, taking out a staff from it then it's closed.

Holding the staff with his right hand, he pointed the tip towards the lake then he start chanting.

A crimson flame colour magic circle appeared below him.

"Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark,

I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson.

The time of awakening cometh."

Immense magic power are starting to gather on his staff.

"Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary,

appear now as an intangible distortions!"

Another magic circle appeared on the tip of his staff.

"I desire for my torrent of power a destructive force:

a destructive force without equal!

Return all creation to cinders,

and come frome the abyss!"

"Come forth, Exploooosion!!!"

His staff shoots blazing flame, going towards the center of the lake.


The lake exploded, making the good scenery turn to disaster.

The spouted water that came from the lake rained onto us.

We got wet because of that.

"Guys, what do you think of my explosion just now?"

We just stared at him with blank expression.


"Umm... Mira? Please say something."

I walked towards him.

A vein popped from my temple then became furious.

I slapped his head with my right arm, making him stumbled on the ground.

"You idiot! You just show us something very beautiful then destroying it front of us. Just how stupid you can be!" I scolded him.

"I'm sorry... Ugh!" Haru responded.

"Mira-nee, your arm!" Lisanna pointed at my possessed right arm.

I was surprised and hid it immediately inside my cloak.

Forgetting that I'm cursed right now that I used it to a friend, how despicable I am.

I'm the who's the stupid here.

"Huh? What's wrong, Mira?" he asked me, standing up.

I became teary-eyed, saying while running away.

"I'm sorry for hitting you, Haru."

I don't want to hurt others because of my curse.

"Wait! Mira, where are you going?" he shouted.



Lisanna and Elfman yelled as I ran away from them.

While running alone through the forest.

A knife flew ahead of me, landing on the tree.


Suddenly, Haru appeared out of nowhere, grabbing my left wrist.

"Caught you."

I tried to push him away using my possessed right arm but he caught it by his other hand.

Remembering the suffering that we siblings experienced because of this cursed arm, tears started to fall from my eyes.

I struggled with him, crying.

"Don't touch me, Haru! I cursed!"

"What are you saying, Mira? This right arm of yours is cool. It looks like a infinity gauntlet."

"I don't know what are you talking about. Because of my possessed right arm, Me and my siblings are being scorned by the townspeople, causing sufferings to us and being kicked out of our village!"

"That's because they lack the knowledge about your magic. You're not possessed, Mira. That's a magic you possessed itself. The power of the demon resides within you."

"Then I don't want that power! If it is only giving us sufferings."

He suddenly hugged me.

"Huh? Let me go..."

I tried to push him away from me when I felt warm on his embrace just like the feeling of bathing in a warm sunlight in the morning, I stopped resisting.

It felt good and warm, taking away the cold of the night.

When I calmed down, he let go of me.

"That's why come with me in Fairy Tail Guild. I'll help you control your power and turned it into something that protect your love ones."

"But, I'm not human anymore..."

He just smiled at me and said,

"Don't worry about that. Me too, I already rejected mine a long time ago."


"Pffffft! Hahaha~ What do you mean by that." I giggled at him and replied,

He also giggled at me then said,

"But, if you still felt burdened by your right arm."

He suddenly grabbed my possessed hand and lifted it between us, holding my hand with our fingers intertwined with each other.

"Haru, you shouldn't! You might get possessed too."

"Don't worry, Mira. Dark Berserker, Partial Requip: Left arm!"

Suddenly, a dark aura engulfed his left arm, turning into a black demonic arm with spikes on the backhand while holding my hand.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"I shall take a half of your burden. With this, we're the same now. I shall never release my magic until you learned how to release yours." he said to me then he smiled.


Tears fell from my eyes while looking at our demonic hands, holding each other.

But it's different, not because of sadness or hatred on myself, but because of happiness that I'm feeling right now.

We just met today but he's already this kind to me.

"Haru, why are going so far for me? You still don't know anything about us."

"What are you talking about. You just helped me a stranger just now when you found me. We're already friends so what's the matter?"

This boy... he's really an idiot but...

I don't really mind it.

I felt something throbbing fast inside me.

It's something I never felt in my whole life.

Happiness? No, it's not.

But, it something different but the same.

I don't really know because it's something I felt for the first time.

I don't really care anymore.

I will just follow what my heart is saying.

I jumped into him, hugging him in his chest.

We both fell into ground with green grass.

"Mira, that's dangerous--Huh?"

Suddenly, fireflies went out and flew from the grasses and trees around us.


Both of us are amazed from what we seeing right now while lying together on the ground.



"Mira, let's go back. Lisanna and Elfman are already waiting for us."

I glanced at him then nodded happily.


After that, we went back together to my little siblings while holding our demonic hands together.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: I was writing while walking to work. I finished it at last. I'll fix my mistakes later.)