Chapter 72: Back to Magnolia Town

Chapter 72: Back to Magnolia Town

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Mirajane's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, Year X778 -

After we returned to our camp together with my siblings, Haru started to set up a bonfire with the wood we gathered.

"Umm... Haru-nii, what happened to your left arm? And also why are you holding hands together with Mira-nee? Did you get possessed by Mira-nee's demonic arm?" Lisanna asked him.

I glanced down to our demonic hands that holding each other.


I became flustered.

I forgot that I've been holding his hand and even showed it to my siblings.

How embarrassing...

I let go of his demonic hand.

"I'm sorry, Haru..." I said while blushing.

"I don't really mind." he replied, smiling then he continued setting up the bonfire.

"Lisanna, I didn't get possessed or anything. This is my own magic called 'Stand Requip'. It's a magic that transform myself into a giant black demonic knight. It is a Caster-type combination magic of Spatial Magic 'Requip' and Transformation Magic 'Take Over'." he explained.

"Wooah... Can I learn those magic? I wanted to learn how to use magic." Lisanna said with excited tone.

"Of course, you can. Since the three of you are siblings, you and Elfman should be able use 'Take Over' just like your big sister Mira."

"Then can you teach me that magic."

"... Sorry, but I can't..."

"Ehh? Why?" Lisanna became disappointed.

"Because... I suck at teaching."

"..." Lisanna became a little sad.

"But, I can ask Gramps to teach you guys."

Lisanna became happy,

"Is that true?"

"Of course, leave it to me. I'll bribe him if he don't. Hehehe..." he said, grinning.

This boy...

Looking at him, he must be the same age as Elfman or a little older.

"...Haru, I just have something to ask."

"Oh, What is it, Mira?" He glanced at me.

"How old really are you?" I asked him.

"I'm 11 years old." he answered.


I was completely shock,

"What? 11! What month and day were you born?" I asked.

"It was 4th of December. What's wrong?" he answered, confused of my reaction.

Huh?! Not only me and Elfman are older than him, he's even younger than Lisanna who's several months older than him.

He may act like a child but the way he talked to us feels like we're talking to someone older than us.

And also, his height. Elfman and I were only taller than him by half inch so anyone will mistake his real age just by appearance. I wonder how tall is he when he arrived at my age.

I glanced at Lisanna who became quiet just now.

She was also completely shock and sweats started to appear on her forehead.

"Haru-nii-- No! I'll call you Haru, I'll be looking forward in learning magic from your guild." she said awkwardly, can't believe that she's older with the big difference on their height.

After Haru lit up the bonfire, he opened something on the empty air and took out some containers from it then it closed.

"Haru, what kind of magic is that just now?" I asked him curiously.

When he opened the container, it contains prepared meat stabbed on a stick. It was barbeque meat.

"Oh, that. It's my personal magic called Dimensional Storage. It's spatial magic that only I can use. I can store anything inside a void with infinite space except living things. The larger and heavier the thing I placed inside, the larger the magic power it needs to open the void. It's very exhausting so I don't put anything to big inside." he answered then explained.

He started to grill the meat.

Smelling the aroma the grilling meat,

This... Just the smell enough makes me know that this meat was very delicious.

Elfman and Lisanna are already salivating while staring at meat which is being grilled by Haru on the ember beside the bonfire.

"Haru, it looks really delicious. Can I have some?" Lisanna asked.

"Me too." Elfman followed.

"You two." I spoke.

"Don't worry, I have more than enough for everyone so wait until it cook then eat all you can later." Haru said while grilling.

"Yay!" Lisanna and Elfman rejoiced.

"Haru, I'm sorry about that." I said shyly.

"No, it's okay. I prepared this for everyone." Haru replied.


After Haru finished grilling all the meat, he took out a round table from his dimensional storage, placing the grilled meat, rice and other dishes on the top of it.

"Now everyone, please help yourself." Haru spoke.

"Thanks for the food!" All of us said then started to eat.

Since I can't use my cursed right hand to hold a spoon, I tried to use my left hand to eat.

Holding a spoon with my left hand, I took a spoon of rice from my plate. As I move the spoon of food towards my mouth, my left hand was trembling and my food fell to my plate.

I was having a hard time to eat because of the condition of my possessed right hand.

Haru noticed it.

"Want my help, Mira?" he asked.

"No, It's okay. I can eat by myself." I refused.

I took another spoon of rice from plate but when I tried to put it on my mouth, my left hand trembled again and the rice fell again to my plate.

I became sad.

This is really hard. I can't eat.

I noticed that Haru was staring at me.


He sighed then said,

"Mira, you don't have to be shy to ask me for help. We're friends, we need to help each other in times of need."

He took the spoon from my left hand, taking a spoon of rice from plate then putting it towards my mouth.

"Here, say Ahhhh~"

As he move the spoon of food towards me and I slightly retreated my head.

This is embarrassing.

I noticed that Lisanna and Elfman are looking at me which made me more embarrassed.

"Mira, you have to eat it while it's still warm. Come on." Haru said, trying to convince me.


I willed myself then eat it.


How embarrassing.

"Good." he smiled at me.

This boy... he's treating me like a little girl even though he's younger than me.

Lisanna and Elfman are very delighted by the food he cooked.

"This is very delicious, Haru." Lisanna said while biting a meat.

"That's right, it's really good." Elfman spoke as he eats a lot.

"You two, eat slowly. There's still a lot of here." Haru spoke to them.

"Yes!" Elfman and Lisanna happily said.

Haru was the one who fed me my food until we finished our dinner.

"Haru... Thank you." I said to him while he's cleaning the mess on the table.

He glanced at me then he gently smiled and responded,

"No problem, You three should rest now. We have a long travel tomorrow."

"Yes." I replied, nodding at him.

After he finished cleaning.

"Ah, I forgot! I got used sleeping on top of the tree that I forgot to set up a tent." he suddenly spoke then he opened his dimensional, taking out something big.

"Ta-dah! A tent." he said, placing the big green tent on the ground.

"Then," he took out another thing from his dimensional storage, holding something with his two hands.

"Ta-dah! Sleeping bags."

"Here, Elfman, Lisanna. Go and rest inside the tent." he gave it to my siblings and said.

He glanced at me then said,

"You too, Mira. You should also rest now. I'll be keep watching from here outside."

"No, maybe later. I'm not sleepy yet. I'll just stay here for now." I replied.


He walked toward me, sitting beside me in front of the bonfire.

He took a piece of wood then he placed it on the bonfire, increasing it's fire.

He just silently sat there, watching the fire.


This is awkward.

He noticed that I was looking at him.

"Mira, is something wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said, immediately looking away from him.


I don't know what to talk with him but looking at him, he doesn't really mind this silence.

Thinking what to say,


"Hm? What is it, Mira?" he glanced at me.

"Thank you very much."

That's all I was able to say.

"Haha... I already said it's okay." he replied then he continued fixing the burning wood on the bonfire.


Think. Think. Think. What kind of topic he likes about. When I met him, all he passionate talk about is...

"Explosion?" I spoke.

Suddenly, he glanced at me again with his eyes twinkling, moving his head near mine that made me embarrassed.

"Mira, did you just said Explosion? How about I explain it to you how wonderful it is?" he said with excited tone


My cheek twitched seeing his reaction.

It was easy. I guess I forgot that he's a weird boy.

For the whole night, I listened to his unending explanation about explosions until I dozed off beside him.

(To be continued.)


[A/N: Ayusin ko mga mali ko mamaya (I'll fix my mistakes later.)]