Chapter 194: The Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 194: The Calm Before The Storm

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Alternate Konosuba World -

-----Next day on Adventurer's Guild.

After getting back from goblin quest together with Aqua, Megumin and Darkness of this Alternate world, we went straight to the guild to claim the rewards.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Aqua was crying in tears while her clothes is full of blood stains.

"Uhu uhu uhu... ugh. Uwaah... I've been soiled! How can he do this to a goddess like me! Waaaahh!"

Megumin has a really tired expression.

"Uuu... This smell is really bad. I can't believe Haru wiped us with a disgusting goblins blood. Ugh!" she smell herself and became disgusted.

Darkness was breathing heavily, moaning.

"Ah... To think Haru will stripped me of my armor and used me to bait out the goblins inside cave. Uh... Ha... Mmmmh! I thought I was going be raped and messed up by the goblins. This Haru guy is really more worse than I imagined. Mmmmh... I want to go another goblin quest with him." she said, being turned on.

Taking the rewards from Luna-nee on the counter,

"You and your party really stinks. Please go and take a bath." she scolded us.

"Haha... Thank you."

Turning towards the three girls,

"Here... Take this!"

I threw the large bag of money towards Aqua.

"Huh?" Aqua was surprised when she caught it.

"What about you, Haru?"

"Don't need it."

I walked, passing them.

Stopping for a little bit, glancing at them.

"I won't be here for a while so try to convince your party leader Kazuma for a while to go on a quest."

I smiled at them then walked out of the guild.

While walking along the streets,

"Haru, wait!"

Someone calling me from behind.

Looking back, I saw Megumin running towards me.

"Huh?" I stopped.

*Pant* *Pant*

She arrived, panting in front of me.

"What's wrong? Did you forgot something?" I asked.

"Hey, Haru... I have a request."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Can I see what's behind that eye patch? You never taken it off on any circumstances including when you wash your face."


"Sorry, I can't do that."


"What's behind this eye patch is my real identity. I just can't show that to anyone." I responded.

Megumin and I stared at each other for a moment.

She suddenly move her hand and tried to take off my eye patch but I immediately grabbed her wrist to stopped.

"If don't have anything to ask me then... I'm going now."

Letting go of her arm, I jumped very high landing at the roof of the house.

She was very surprised of my movements.

"Bye-bye!" I waved my hand at her then disappeared as I teleported away.


- Fairy Tail World -

Arriving at the beach where Erza and others are camping for vacation and training for the match with the devils.

I saw my four daughters playing on beach, making sand castle with their mothers.

When they noticed me,

"Daddy!/Papa!/Dad!/ Father!" they happily called me.

I just waved at them while smiling.

Wiz, Komi and Yunyun also smiled and waved back at me while Nee-san was looking at me suspiciously.

They really looked good in their swimsuits.


Suddenly, Nee-san stood up,

"Stay with them, Kurē." she said then went towards me.


Closing her nose,

"You smell, Harukin!"

"Okay, I take a bath first." I said, walking away.


Glancing back at her.

"I'll wash your back. It's been a long time since we took a bath together." she said, being embarrassed.


"Okay, Nee-san..."


- Konosuba World -

Nee-san and I decided to go home to our home world and take a bath on our house in the crimson demon village.

No one will disturb us bathing together over there.

Arriving at our house,

"Oh, it's been a while since I got home. I'm thankful that they didn't took our things inside the house." I said, looking around the living room.

"Well... we don't have that many things in our room and most them are inside your storage magic." Nee-san said, going to the bathroom.

Nee-san came here with me in her swimsuit.

And... of course, I'm not turned on.

While taking off my dirty and stinky clothes, many things came into my mind.

I already saw her naked many times since we were just small and I won't be excited seeing her naked in the bathroom.


Looking down,


I saw something is arising...

And it's not Shadow Monarch's soldier.

Holding down my crotch, covering it with my hands.


Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!

She's my twin sister!


We're not blood related.

The two of us has already in a romantic relationship and we already have a cute and adorable daughter.

It's fine.

I can do it with her...

I felt something getting bigger on my hand and it's very angry.


We're still going to be 13 years old.

What am I thinking?!

But Nee-san puberty has already started several months ago and I suffered taking care of her at that time.

We still have to wait more for few years before we can cross that line.

I guess I just have to enjoy our current lovey dovey relationship right now.

But, how will I explain this with our parents once the time comes?

Things will really become complicated in the future.

Still... I hope they at least accept it.

"Harukin! The bath is ready! Let's take a bath!" Nee-san yelled from the bathroom.

"Yes, Nee-san! I'm coming now." I responded.

Entering the bathroom, Nee-san turned towards me, looking down while sitting down on a wooden stool.

"Huh? Why are you covering your crotch? I already seen it many times. Why are you getting embarrass now?" Nee-san said, frowning at me.


Slowly letting go of my crotch, showing it to her.

"What?! It became big!" she was completely shock.

Her cheek twitched staring at my private part.

Out of curiosity, she tried to touch it with her fingers.

"Hey, Nee-san. Stop it!"

It twitched, becoming more stiffer and rocking hard.

Her face became slightly red.

"Waaahh?! It became more bigger and hard!"

"Nee-san, stop it! We're still too young."

I was about to turn around and hide my crotch, she grabbed it.

"Wait! Don't move. I haven't seen it--Wah!"


Suddenly, I slipped on the floor, stumbling down on Nee-san.

"Waaaahh! Ugh!"


"Nee-san! Are you okay?" I worriedly asked quickly.

My eyes widened in surprise.

I saw Nee-san below me with my crotch pressed on her face.

"Ne-Ne-Nee-san!" I became flustered.

The tip of my thing...

It is touching her lips!

I immediately stood up, checking on her condition.


She just sat up with her face getting red.


I noticed her swimsuit on top slipped up and I can see her budding small breast.

They're really bigger than the Megumin from alternate world.

When Nee-san realized it, she immediately covered it with her arm and fixed her top bikini.

She pinched my cheek,

"Stop staring, you perv."

"Ouch Ouch Ouch! Nee-san, it hurts..."

When she let go of me, she stood up.

"Harukin, you still stinks. Let's take a bath already."


While she's washing my back,

"Harukin, is something wrong?" she asked.


"Nothing really... I'm fine."

"I know you, Harukin!"

Her voice really sounds serious.

She's been with me longer than anyone else.

We always sleep together, eat together, play together since when we're still small children.

She immediately can tell if I'm lying or hiding something from her.

She's my unrelated twin sister before we became lover.

"I'll tell you then... Nee-san. More like, I wanted to tell you everything before I reincarnated here and born with you as your twin siblings. My life as Arata Shouta."

"Huh? I'm just asking why you look sad to me, Harukin. How did it arrive on about your past life? I'm not interested about it in the first place and all I care is the 'you' right now."

"Umm... Nee-san? I thought you want to learn more about my past life?"

"Not anymore after I discovered something."

"Eh? What is it?"

"There were sometimes I heard you mumbling something when we slept together about a girl. It's Lolisa this, and Lolisa that and while calling yourself her Shouta-nii." she said with annoyed tone.


"When I asked Kurumi about this girl named Lolisa, she's the only who was able to answer my question. Paimon was tight lipped about her, saying that I should asked you personally."



I sighed,

"Nee-san, you should just asked me. I'm not even hiding it in the first place. It's a long story."

"Oh... really?"

"Yeah. The girl named Lolisa that I keep mumbling during my sleep is my little sister in my past life."

"Then I'm not interested to hear the story. Just forget about her. This is your new life already."


"Nee-san... Perhaps... Are you jealous?"

A vein popped up on her temple.

"I'm not!" she retorted very loud.

"Hehe... An angry Nee-san is cute sometimes."

I give her a peck on the cheek.

She became red.

"Shut up! Hmph!"

What a Tsundere.

I just smiled at her.

2 Days More before the tournament.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)