Chapter 195: Siscon

Chapter 195: Siscon

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)



(Harukin's POV)

- Konosuba World -

-----Next day.

Waking up in the morning,


I saw Nee-san sleeping soundly in my arm embracing me like a pillow.

While staring at her sleeping face,

Nee-san sure is cute when she's sleeping like this.

Now I remember... even though we're in romantic relationship, we haven't kissed each other yet.

Gazing at her lips.


I was being tempted to kiss her.

I guess I'm being reserved with her because she and I too young.

Just a little peck should be fine.

I moved, going for her lips.

Okay... be careful... just little more closer...

Nee-san's eyes slowly opened.


When our lips touched each other, she slightly retreated back.

Her face reddened reaching her ears.

"Good morning, Nee-san. Did you sleep well?" I said, smiling at her.

She frowned, pinching my cheek again.

"What are you doing early in the morning, Harukin?!" she scolded me.

"Aw aw aw! I'm giving Nee-san a good morning kiss."

She immediately sat up and I noticed that she's not wearing her pajama pants.

I can see her beautiful legs.

Her top is halfway unbotton and I can clearly see her cleavage.

To think Nee-san is sleeping with me like this, I'm glad that I didn't do anything to her last night.


"Perv! Harukin, you perv! Doing this to your own twin sister! You're a pervert! Siscon!"

"Yes, I am!" I proudly responded in Jojo way.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, that's because I love Nee-san. And I will never give you to any guy." I seriously answered.

Nee-san was surprised, being reddened in embarrassment again.


Gently grabbing her shoulders, I pulled her towards me and hugged her.

"Idiot..." she hugged me back.

Letting go of each other,


While gazing at each others eyes.

"I love you..." I touched her face with my palm.

"Me too... I... I... I..." she hesitated.

I smiled then kissed her lips before she can finish.

Her eyes widened in surprise.


Her mouth finally opened, accepting my passionate kiss and wrapped her arms behind my neck.

I gently pushed her down to our futon as my tongue swirl around her mouth.

I started to unbotton her pink shirt then my hands moved to her chest, pinching her small breast.

"Mmmmh..." Nee-san made a sweet moan.

I massage her breasts, playing with the tip of her pink nipples and hoping for her breast to become more bigger in the future.

When her small breast became more stiffer, I slowly move my hands smoothly to her waist then going to her butt.

I took my time enjoying groping her butt as I inserted my hands inside her panties.

Even Nee-san is still young, she likes wearing black underwear.

When I asked her about that, she answered me that it was cool with a Chuuni pose.

For me, it's actually lewd.

Looking at Nee-san expression, she's slowly being turned on.

Letting go of her mouth, I moved and kissed her around her neck while sniffing her sweet scent.

My hands went next to her irresistible tights which is my favorite part. I enjoyed myself massaging them.


She immediately closed her mouth with her hands, trying to suppress her moaning pleasure.

"Mmm...Ah! Mmmmh~ Harukin..."

My lips slowly went down while kissing her around her shoulder then going to her chest.

I licked around her breast then sucked her stiff nipples.


Nee-san was having a hard time trying to suppress her lewd moan.

After few minutes of kissing and touching Nee-san's body, she finally became sexually aroused.

*Pant* *Pant*

She was breathing heavily.

Looking down on her below, I touched her down while trying to feel her slit from her panties.

Nee-san panicked, trying to stop my hand.

"Wait, Harukin! I'm not--Mmmmh~" she moaned, making a long lewd sound.

Slowly, I can feel her getting wet below.

"Harukin... Please... stop..."

"Relax Nee-san... just a little more."


When I felt her underwear becoming too wet, I slid it aside then I moved my middle finger between her slit.

"Mmmmh! Waaah! Harukin! Don't touch me there!" Nee-san made a loud moan then she became very embarrassed.

I feel her around her slit until I found a small hole then gently and slowly sink my finger.

"Hmmp!!" Nee-san's face went paled.

Suddenly, she grabbed my hand to stopped me then she pushed me away.


She immediately stood up, covering her chest.

"Wait!" I tried to stop her.

She looked around the room in hurry and found her pajama pants.

She immediately took it with her then ran outside, leaving me alone in our room.

"Hey! Wait for me, Nee-san!" I ran after her.

I saw her ran inside the restroom and quickly closed the door.

*Thud!* *Click!*

She locked the door.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

I knocked on the door several times,

"Nee-san, what's wrong? Are you just going to leave me just like that?"


She was not responding.

I looked down, feeling sad.

Remembering what I did to her just now, I felt really guilty.

She must be really angry at me.

I just let my lustful desire controlled me and did something horrible on her even though we're still too young.

What a despicable person I am.

I went on my knees in front of the restroom door.

"Nee-san..." I called her.

"Huh? What is it, Harukin?"

Her voice echoed inside the restroom.

"I'm sorry... I'm deeply really sorry..." I apologized sincerely.


"My lust went ahead of me and I did something horrible to you. I'm really sorry, Nee-san!"

"Huh? Wait a minute. Why are you apologizing to me?"

"Because I did something perverted to you. You got angry at me because of that, right? That's why, you pushed me and ran away. Now... I want to apologize to you, Nee-san."


I waited for her response.

"Harukin, I think you misunderstanding something."


"It not like I hate it... It just that... I just really need to use the restroom and I can't endure it anymore." she said with embarrassing tone.


I became embarrassed too for misunderstanding it.

But I felt really happy from what she said.

In excitement, I gently opened the door.


The door was destroyed and I saw Nee-san half naked inside sitting on the bowl.

"Waaahh!" she screamed, covering her crotch with her shirt.


"Harukin, you idiot! Can you at least wait for me to finish?!" she scolded me.

I just smiled, squatting down then tried to peek under her shirt.

"You perv! I can't pee if you're staring at me like that!" she yelled.

"What wrong? I already seen it many times and I just touched it. Can we just continue it here, Nee-san?" I said, teasing her.

"No! Go away!"

"Hehe... I'll just watch you here while you pee."


"Then I will turned my back."

I turned around.

"You can pee now."

"You idiot, Harukin... I'll make you regret it later."

After Nee-san finished using the restroom.

Before she can even wear back her underwear, I immediately hugged her.

"Wait, Harukin!"

While embracing her for few seconds,

"You perv... Do you want to do it with me that much?"

"Yes, Nee-san. I love you... I want you to be the one to have my first time." I passionately said.


Nee-san leaned her head on my chest then hugged me back.

She glanced at me with a smile on her face.

"Me too, Harukin... I love you too. I want you to have my first time too."

Touching both sides of her face, I was about to kiss her lips again.

*The Devil King Army is attacking!*

*The Devil King Army is attacking!*

*They've already breached the village!*

We heard a loud announcement from our village.

I halted before our lips closely touch each other.


I decided just to give her peck on her lips.

Letting go of her,

"Harukin?" Nee-san was confused of my reaction.

I turned around and ran, going outside our house.


I was very furious that I don't know what am I doing.

What a bad luck.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)