Chapter 207: Engagement Party

Chapter 207: Engagement Party

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

----------Underworld, in the engagement ceremony hosted by Phoenix Family.

On the sideline, my cheek is twitching right now.


"Fu fufu... To think the fate will made us meet again, Crimson King, Haru."

Sanae is doing a Chuuni pose in front of me together with her master Rikka.

She is wearing a very colorful dress with many accessories while her friend Rikka is wearing dark and purple dress with a cat lying down on top of her head.

She's a cute girl that has cyan coloured eyes and wears a yellow-colored contact lens on her right eye. She has dark-blue hair color and ties a yellow ribbon in her hair. She wears a pair of roller shoes instead of a normal pair of school shoes. Her ahoge occasionally reacts to her mood



Paimon was floating beside them, whistling while looking away from me.

Touching my forehead in headache,

"Paimon, kindly explained this to me."

"This is not Paimon fault. This is your fault from meddling with their affairs that it end up like this."

"Why it is my fault? I only talk with them a little bit then I left. I done nothing more than that!"

"Sanae's name is in the friend system so she can come here on your side."


I sighed,

"I don't really mind Sanae-san being here but..."

I pointed at Rikka,

"Why is she here with her? How is that even possible? Did she got stuck just like Hinagiku and Karen?"

Sanae went in front of Rikka, covering her.

"Hey, the Wicked Eye of Truth is my master. She should able to come here with me~deaths."


"What about the Dark Flame Master? Isn't he Rikka's boyfriend. Is it okay for her to be here? He might already getting worried about her if she doesn't returned back."

Rikka became sad, looking away.


I was confused by her reaction.

"Don't talk about that wimp here! The two of them already broke up the contract and he left her like nothing. I'm the one who came for her and brought her with me with the help of the most amazing fairy sprite Paimon." Sanae said with annoyed tone.

"Mm! Mm!" Paimon happily nodded, looking proud.


"So you two broke up."

"Mm..." Rikka sadly nodded at me.

I guess it was my fault because of my meddling.

What is the Dark Flame Master doing?

"Anyway, how was she able to pass the world gate?"

"Haru, look at your system."


I opened my friend system,



Friend System

Friend List (11/12)

Hyakuya Akane (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Erza Scarlet (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Katsura Hinagiku (Sick) [Chat] [Move]

Honjou Kaede (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Megumin (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Komi Shouko (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Hitori Bocchi (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Tokisaki Kurumi (Busy) [Chat] [Move]

Akame (Hungry) [Chat] [Move]

Kujou Karen (Ayaya) [Chat] [Move]

Shiramine Risa (Active) [Chat] [Move]

[Add a friend]

[Create a Chat Group]

[Random Invite]

Summon Beings (11/20)



Mirajane Strauss(Busy)



Dustiness Ford Lalatina(M)


Esdeath Partas (Busy)


Dekomori Sanae (Chuuni)

Takanashi Rikka (Sad)



"It increase!"

"Yeah." Paimon said with proud tone.


Rikka moved shyly close to me, tugging my shirt.



"My name is Takahashi Rikka. I heard from Dekomori that you can use magic. Can you..."

I can see some traces of tears from her eyes.


Totally my fault.

I just wanted them to get along quicker.

But, it ended up in this.

I have no other choice but to cheer her up.

"Magic? You mean this?"

I created a flame on my palm, showing it to her.


Rikka and Sanae was amazed together, trying to warm their hands around the flame.

"Be careful. It's hot." I warned, smiling at her.

"Amazing! It's warm." Rikka felt the heat.

"Aren't you getting burn by it?" she asked curiously.

"Nope, I'm several thousand times hotter than this flame."



She was really impressed.


Everyone said behind me.


"What?!" I immediately glanced behind.

All of them are sitting on round dining table as they stared at me with suspicious eyes.

Some of them are wearing beautiful and colorful dresses while some others didn't bother to dress up.

"Hey! I'm not hitting on her or anything. I'm just cheering her up!"

"Cheering her up, huh... We just heard that she broke up with her boyfriend and the reason was you, right? Erza?" Akane turned towards Erza.

"Yeah, I clearly heard it. It was Harukin's meddling that her boyfriend broke up with her. What a poor girl..." Erza agreed with her.


I really wanted to complain but...

What they said is true.

What am I doing?

I became dejected...

I, Harukin now wants to ascend to heaven and shut myself over there.


"You know, you girls shouldn't tease Sun-kun too much or else he'll shut himself in Garden of Eden and won't never come out of there anymore." Gaia said with a wry smile.

Everyone glanced at me.

"Harukin, are you going to do that?" Akane asked me.

"Nope, I will miss quickly you girls especially..."

I teleported, appearing between Kurē and Diona.

I hugged both of them in my arms.

"Hm?" Kurē innocently just smiled at me.

"You idiotic dad! This is embarrassing!" Diona complained, becoming angry.

"Father is unfair!"


Yaoyao jumped on back together with Nana.


I felt happy cuddling with my adorable daughters.

I'm being cured from depression.


Now, I remember... Sayu is the only remaining one. I hope she doesn't get lonely being alone there.

I glanced at Gaia.

"What is it, Sun-kun?"

"Earth... I have a favor to ask. Can you tamper my next quest?" I asked her.

Gaia's cheek twitched,

"Sun-kun, I think that's a bit..."

"Eh? You can't?" I felt disappointed.


"It not like she can't, you scumbag. I just won't let her anymore even though she's a Mother Earth Goddess." A female voice spoke to me.


When I glanced at the source of the voice, I saw a cute girl with yellow green hair tied in twin buns. She has red eyes and pale skin that made her look like a doll.

She's wearing a black and white dress which is transparent around the skirt part and made her white underwear see through.


"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I won't tell you, Hmph!"

She's really cold to me.

I wonder why...

"Ah! Ai-chan!" Maple was happy when she saw her and stood up.

"Eh?" I was surprised.

"Ai-chan, you mean... Maple's Gamer System?"

"Master! Look! I made some delicious bento just for you."


They hugged each other.

"Ai-chan, thank you."


What's with this difference in relationship on those two with me and Paimon.

When Ai-chan noticed my gaze, she glared at me gritting her teeth.

"Even though my master likes you a lot."

Maple reddened in surprise from what she said.

"No matter what happens, I will never give her to you!"

Paimon floated beside me.

"Fufufu... Give up, Ai-chan. Maple has already fall in love with him. And since Maple and you are one entity just like Paimon and Harukin, you will fell for him soon and it's inevitable."

"No..." Ai-chan denied but when she glanced at me.

Her face reddened.

"You already feelings for him, right? Since you can read Maple's mind." Paimon floated close to her.

"No, I'm not! I won't never recognized him as Maple's lover or me!"

Ai-chan's reddened even more reaching her ears.

"No! I'm a System! I'm Maple's Gamer System. I won't fall to scumbag like him! I only like Master and no one else, but Sun-kun is really warm--No! This is master's memories, not mine. Ugh! I haven't fallen for him. Master just fallen for him and it's affecting me. Why is my heart throbbing hard when I looked at him. No! I don't like him at all." she mumbled, being confused.

"See! It's inevitable." Paimon spoke.

"Don't think you already won this, Harem System!" Ai-chan pointed at Paimon.

What? Harem System?

"Bring it on, Gamer System!"

Paimon and Ai-chan stared intensely with each other.

I grabbed Paimon's shoulder.

When she glanced at me, her face went paled, sweating profusely.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)