Chapter 208: Oppai Dragon Stops The Engagement

Chapter 208: Oppai Dragon Stops The Engagement

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


(Harukin's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

----------Before the engagement ceremony starts,

"Waaaahh! Please forgive Paimon! Paimon has already repented. Paimon don't want to become a sandwich!" Paimon cried in the middle of the dining table.

Paimon was turned into a sandwich and I did this to her because she hid the fact she was actually a Harem System to me which causes me a lot of sufferings.


"Sorry, Harukin. I forgot to tell you several weeks ago about this because we're busy parrying away the attacking armies. Can you please forgive her?" Erza said, convincing me.

"No! It's not your fault Erza. This is Paimon's fault for lying to me from the start. She already had a lot of time to tell me but she still decided not to do so. This is her punishment for lying to me from all of those years."

Paimon glanced at Gaia,

"Gaia-sama, please help Paimon... You're part of this, right?"

"Yeah, but only at first. Sun-kun has already accepted harem so I told you to reveal to him your real system."

"Please don't abandon Paimon, Gaia-sama!"


Gaia sighed,

"What can you do right now is to reveal everything to him. There might be a chance he spare you from being cook alive."


"This is because you never learned Paimon. I don't know how many times he already punished you." Ai said, sitting on my lap while hugging me on my neck.

"Ai-chan! Since when you get there?!" Maple stood up, becoming flustered.

Ai was surprised,

"What?! How? Why am I here?"

"I don't know either. You've been there for the whole time." I answered.

"Huh? Don't misunderstand! It's not like I'm the one who's in love with you! This romantic feelings came from my master Maple!"

"Waaaahh! Ai-chan! Stop saying those things! You're revealing all my feelings to him! Kyaah! I said it!" Maple reddened in embarrassment.

Ai glared at me,

"This is your fault, you scumbag! How dare you lay your hand to my Master! I won't never forgive you!" she affectionately leaned her head on my shoulder, embracing me.

What she saying is totally different from how she behave on me.

She became flustered.

"Waaahhh! Stop imagining yourself cuddling with him on his lap, Master! It's affecting me!"

"Stop reading my mind, Ai-chan! Waaaahh..." Maple responded to her.

"If Maple becomes his lover, automatically, you'll become his lover too so just give up." Paimon said with arrogant tone.

Ai frowned at Paimon, gritting her teeth.

"Paimon..." I stared intensely at Paimon.

"Hie!" Paimon got frightened.

"Stay there and be eaten." I ordered her.

"Nooooo! Paimon is not a food!" Paimon cried.

I noticed, Reginleif was not around me.

When I looked behind, I saw her talking with Sona-nee together with the Rias Peerage members which Koneko, Kiba and Akeno-nee.

Akeno-nee noticed my gaze and she waved at me.

I just waved back at her with wry smile.

Kiba and Koneko noticed me too and they nodded at me.

Kiba just smiled while Koneko has stoic expression.

"Hey! You're looking at another girl again, you scumbag!" Ai scolded me.

"I'm just waving at my acquaintances here." I replied.

But Ai was hugging me tightly, looking jealous and won't let go of me.

"You're ogling at another girl even though you already have me--Wait! What am I saying? Master's feelings is affecting me. I'm not the one who's in love with this scumbag! I'm not the one who's jealous!" she said, being confuse.

Maple already wants to cry because of what her system is saying about her feelings.

"Waaahhh! Ai-chan! Please..."

Risa stood up and became angry at me,

"Haru! What are you doing to my best friend?!"

"That's I want to know! I have no idea either!" I responded.

"This is why I don't want to show myself to this guy because of Master! Uuuuuu..."

I want to push away Ai from me but she's holding tight on my neck and rubbing her cheek on mine.

It looks like she's head over heels on me just like Gaia.

Paimon gave her a smug expression,

"It's over, Ai-chan. Welcome to Harukin's Harem. Offer those beautiful thighs of yours to him as his new lover."

"Noooo! Master! Please save me! I'm going to be eaten by this scumbag!" Ai begged for help.

But Maple is covering her face with her hands, crying in embarrassment.

"Ai-chan, you idiot! Now, Sun-kun fully knows my feelings for him." This is really embarrassing. Uuuuuu...."

Risa stared intensely at me,

"Haru, you scumbag trash! Womanizer! I will never let you have my best friend in that Harem of yours!" she angrily shouted at me.

I immediately took out a fork from my dimensional storage and stabbed it close to Paimon's face, hitting the table.

"Hieeee! I'm sorry, Harukin!" Paimon panicked.

Everyone looks disappointed, staring at me like I'm some kind of trash.

Esdeath's eyes are close, focusing on her match than joining our tomfoolery.

Kurumi was grinning, watching me.

Krul on the other hand, she was chuckling on my situation.

I noticed all the devil here around the hall was looking at us detestably while whispering at each other.

Others noticed this including my daughters that's why they stayed near my side.

What's more is the soldiers guarding the place. There's even more of them.

"Haru, remember this! My body is only acting like this because of my Master's feeling for you. I'm not the one who's in love with you--Huh?"

I placed my index finger between Ai's lips to shut her up.

"Sorry, Ai... Let's continue this later."

She became embarrassed.


I stood up, lifting her up in my arms.

"Eh? Haru? Kyaah... I look like his bride. No! I'm not happy about that."

I stared intensely at the devils around, releasing some divine energy.

Electricity-like sparks flickered around my body.

*Rumble* *Menacing*



"He's a monster!"

"Hey! Are you okay? That kid is the God who will go against Sirzechs-sama tomorrow. Everyone! Be careful!" one of them warned.

"What is a God doing here in underworld?!" they panicked.

"I heard Sirzechs-sama himself is the one invited them."

"What is he thinking bringing a God in the underworld!"

"His power is terrifying!"

All of them felt the pressure, being intimidated.

Some of them stumbled on the floor, trembling in fear.

"Hmph!" I looked away and sat back on my chair.

Suddenly, I didn't felt my chair behind.


I was about to fall down when I calmly casted a levitation magic on myself quickly.


I floated midair and glanced at the one who did it.

I saw my four daughters pulling my chair away together.

When they noticed that I already found them out.

They just smiled at me.


"Look like my little princesses is doing something mischievous again, they have to be punished by tickling.

"Kyaah! Daddy found out! Let's run!" Kurē yelled, running away together with Nana and Diona.

The three of them ran on different directions, separating from each other.

Yaoyao was left alone, not moving from her position and continued smiling on me.



Putting down Ai beside me,

"Yaoyao? Why aren't you running with them?"

"Mother said that Father is the fastest person in the village so running away is futile." Yaoyao explained.

"You know... I won't get serious to catch you girls because it will be no fun."

Yaoyao raised her arms towards me.


"Huh? What is it?"

"I want Father to carry me."


I lifted her up then carried her in my arms.

Staring at each other,

"How is it?"


She hugged me.


"Ah! Yaoyao is being unfair! I want Daddy to carry me too!" Kurē ran back towards me.

"It's not like I wanted it too." Diona followed, being Tsundere.

"Ooh!" Nana ran towards me too.

Arriving close to me,

"Hey! Stop pushing me, Nana!" Diona complained.


"Hehehe..." Kurē chuckled.


Suddenly, someone appeared on the stage.

It was Raiser in his wedding suit.

When he noticed my gaze, he immediately glared at me, becoming frustrated.

I just conceitedly smiled at him.

All the devils around glanced at him with his entrance.


Clicking his tongue,

"Famed nobles of the devil world!" he continued with his speech.

"The phoenix family is honored by your attendance tonight."

"We invited you all to share the historic moment in which, I Raiser Phoenix, and heiress apparent of the Gremory Family, Rias Gremory, formally announce our intent to marry each other."

"Without further Ado, let me introduce..."

A crimson magic circle appeared on his side.

"My empress, Rias Gremory!"

Rias appeared in her wedding gown.


My daughters was amazed by her appearance.

"Wow! She looks beautiful! I want to wear that gown someday." Diona spoke with her eyes twinkling.

"Sure." I responded.

"Nana too, Papa."

"Okay." I replied.

"Father, do I look beautiful if I wear that gown too?" Yaoyao asked me, pointing at Rias.

"Of course, you will look beautiful in that gown. Even better than her." I answered.

Kurē tugged my clothes,

"Then Daddy, if we get married someday--"

"No!" I immediately said.

Kurē pouted at me.

"Daddy is such a pain."





Someone barged from the entrance door and soldier came from flying and drop unconscious on the floor.



All the devils around was surprised.

"Issei!" Rias called him.


It was Issei equipped of his Sacred Gear.

When I glanced at him,

"Oh, He's finally here... the Oppai Dragon..." I mumbled.

Raiser frowned at him,

"How dare you break in--"

"I'm Hyoudou Issei, a member of the Kuoh Academy Occult Research Club! President Rias Gremory's virginity is mine!"

Rias reddened in surprise.

"Father, what does he mean by virginity?" Yaoyao innocently asked me in my arms.

"It means, he wants to be castrated." I responded.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Don't worry, I'm not interested in putting Issei fight. I'll write it in few sentence then tomorrow comes and the tournament begins.)