Chapter 278: A Guild Master, a Husband and a Father

Chapter 278: A Guild Master, a Husband and a Father

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Fairy Tail World, x696 -

-----Several months later, year x696 of August,

In the Fairy Tail Guild, I was sitting on my office signing the compiled paperwork as the Second Guild Master.


I can't focus myself in my job because Mavis was happily sitting on my lap while caressing her big tummy.

Her pregnancy was already noticable to everyone and it was already been seven months.

"Mavis... aren't you supposed to be resting on your room?"

"Hehehe... this is most comfortable place for me."

She leaned her back on my chest and smiled.


"If this continues, I won't be able finish any work here."

"That's right, forget about work today and put all your attention to me. Like Irene-san, I'm also your wife. Soon, you're going to be father of the child in my tummy."



I sighed, then I embraced her.



Few minutes later while cuddling with each other,

"Haru, are you going somewhere?"


"Why did you think that?"

I noticed that Mavis looked at with sad expression.

My eyes widened in surprise.

"I know... you're hiding something from me and I'm just waiting for you to tell me."

I felt guilty of what she said.


Gathering my courage to tell her,



"I'm actually from the future... and soon enough, I'm gonna returned back to my real timeline regardless if I want it or not. I might disappear anytime soon."

I took off my gloves and showed her my arm which is already transparent.

Mavis trembled as she learned about my situation.

"Haru, you..."


She became teary-eyed and immediately moved away from me.

"You liar!!"

She cried.


"You promised me that you'll stay by my side!"

"Wait! I haven't told you everything! Please listen to me!"

"Haru, you big dummy! I hate you!"

Mavis ran outside the office,


She loudly closed the door.

As I about chase after her,


Suddenly, I lost control of my body and stumbled on the floor.


I was surprised when my body suddenly glowed and dispersing into small light particles.

I'm finally reaching the limit and returning back to my real timeline.

But Mavis... I need to tell something and I don't want to separated from her with our relationship being like this.

Why it has to be today?!

I tried to stand up,


I fell down again.

I don't feel so good.

But I don't want things to be ended up like this.

I still didn't say my goodbye to everyone yet.


I immediately went back home to meet everyone.


Arriving in front of our house,


I fell on the ground after teleporting.

I gathered my remaining strength and weakly walked towards the house.

Entering inside,

"Irene! Coco!"

I tried to call for them.


No one was responding.

I tried to look for them but I didn't find anyone.

I noticed that my daughter's room was slightly opened,


I went towards her room while holding on the wall to support myself.

Peeking inside,

"Coco, are you there?"

"Hm? Papa? Is something wrong?"

My daughter was sitting on the side of the bed wearing a sleeveless white shirt and black shorts, and she has a black and white stripes ribbon tied on her horn.


I felt relief seeing her at least before I disappeared.

She really grows fast and she's already going to be eleven years old this year.

Time sure flies really fast, before I knew it she's going to be a teenager soon and become rebellious to me.

I walked and sat beside her.

"Umm... Papa? Why do you look so sad?"

I smiled,

"Nothing... Papa has a surprise for you."

"Eh? What is it? What is it?"

She seems to me excited about it and shook me with her eyes twinkling.

I opened dimensional storage and brought out something.

It was a simple wooden guitar.

"A guitar? But I don't know how to play it."

"No! Papa is going to play you a song. Do you want to hear it?"

"Yes! I want Papa to sing me a song just like your lullaby when I sleep."

"Okay, here it is. This song is for you, my little princess."

I stood up as I face her playing with the guitar.

Even I felt very weakened, I endured it for her sake.

I started singing in front of her,

(Play: Remember me 'Lullaby' - Coco)

*Remember me~*

*Though I have to say goodbye.*

*Remember me~*

*Don't let it make you cry.*

*For ever if I'm far away.*

*I hold you in my heart.*

*I sing a secret song to you,*

*Each night we are apart.*

*Remember me~*

*Though I have to travel far.*

*Remember me~*

*Each time you hear a sad guitar.*

*Know that I'm with you.*

*The only way that I can be.*

*Until you're in my arms again~*

*Remember me~*

After that, I spent my time talking with her until sunset arrives.

I kissed her in the forehead before I left her in the house.

I went back to visit the guild but Mavis was not there.

I talked with Yuri together with Precht and Warrod, and only them, I told about my situation.

Yuri can't believe at first but after some explanation, he decided to accept it.

I also told them that I will step down as a guild master and pass the position to Precht as my last wish before I disappeared.

I said my farewell to them and I went outside the Magnolia Town.

It was already night time and I'm watching the moon from the top of the large boulder.

My whole body was already transparent and I can't touch anything anymore.

I'm just waiting at the time for me to disappear.

Fauna, Kronii and others said that they will follow after me to the future and they are currently watching me from a far distance.

Irene was with them and she already told me in the past that she doesn't mind waiting for me until my timeline comes. We've been together for four centuries so she said it's not really that hard for her but she reminded me to meet her immediately after I returned back to the future.

My only regret right now is Mavis.

I just can't find her anywhere or more like, I don't have remaining strength to look for her.

I can't use any of my special abilities now in this condition.

While watching the moon in the sky,


My body started to dispersed at a faster rate.

"My time has come."

Suddenly, I sense someone running towards my direction in the distance.


I turned around and it was Mavis carried by Yuri in his back.

Yuri gently put her down as Mavis walked towards me with tears in her eyes.

I immediately jumped down and went towards her.

She was still crying.



She jumped towards me as I was about catch her,


She just went pass through me.

"Haru? What's happening to you?"

Feeling sad seeing her like this,

"Sorry, Mavis... It's already too late for me. If I just explained it to you properly---

"No! It was my fault! If I just listened to everything you have say, this won't happen and we can have a proper farewell!"

Hearing that, I smiled.

"Till we meet again, Mavis. I'll make sure we'll see each other again in the future."

"Haru, are you really leaving me?"

"The truth is... I want to stay longer with you but my time here has ran out and I have to return back to the future where I came from."

"But what about me? What about our child?"

"I already talked about this with Irene and she'll help you. I just wanted for you wait until my return. I'll make it up for you."


She continues to cry as I slowly disappears.

As I tried to touch her cheek,

She lifted up her head and look at me into my eyes.

Remembering everything when I met her in Tenrou Island,

"Mavis... No! Mavis-sensei. I'm sure that we'll meet again in the future."

*Sniff* *Sniff*

She wiped her tears.


"Because you're actually the one who taught me magic and told me everything about this world, my master."

That's right, I already met Mavis when I'm still a nine year old child. I went to visit the Tenrou Island while gathering information about the dark guilds and there, I met her in her own grave and I requested her to teach me some of her magic. She became my master and I learned the two of Three Great Fairy Magic from her, the Fairy Glitter and Fairy Sphere.

She talks a lot about her husband and I never thought that was me all along. No wonder she treated me with lot of kindness but the way she looks at me is a little bit different which is full of affection. I thought she turned into shotacon because of me.

Now, I have to go back and meet her again.

As I fade away in front of her,

"Farewell, Mavis..."

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Mm... Goodbye, Haru."

I glanced at Yuri,

"Please take care of Mavis, Yuri."

"Yeah, I'll protect her in your place."

He nodded.

While watching Mavis waving at me,

I close my eyes and everything went blank.


- One Piece World, 38 years ago -

When my consciousness returned,


When I opened my eyes.


*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

I was in the middle of the battleground being bombarded by cannons.

"Everyone, attack!"

"We have to stop the Rocks Pirate!"

People wearing a familiar uniform charged forward in the middle of burning battlefield.

"Kill the marines!"

"Let's kill them all!"

"Rob them!"

Rugged looking guys jumped down from their ship and attacked the soldiers.

Clashing together, a lot of people dropped on the ground lifelessly.

Confused of what's happening,

"What am I doing here? This is not my home world."

My slow life...

Walking in the middle of the battlefield,

"Ah sh*t! Here we go again."

(To be continued.)

(A/N: One Piece arc starts. I'll fix my mistakes later.)