Chapter 279: God Valley Incident

Chapter 279: God Valley Incident

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- One Piece World, 38 years ago -

-----While walking through the battlefield, I kind of guess now that I'm in One Piece World. Seeing several Rock's Pirate ships dock at the shore and attacking the island, this place should be the God Valley where Roger and Garp fought together against the Rocks Pirates to protect the World Nobles and their slaves.

This whole island will disappear after the battle.

The God Valley Incident.


I sighed,

"The God Valley Incident, huh... I already died before I even see Luffy reaching Raftel and found One Piece. What a horrible fate... Hm?"

*Clang!* *Swoosh!*

In front was a high ranking marine soldier with a cape that doesn't fall from his back and a notorious looking pirate with a big sword struggling with each other with their sword. Their fight was so intense that no one wants to interrupt them.

*Clang!* *Clang!* *Clang!*

Their was speed was good.

I looked around for another way but the only remaining was the path block by them.

"I guess I don't have other choice."

Walking towards them,

"Uhmm... Excuse me? Can I walk through?"


The two of them was surprised and they jumped away from each other.

"Oh, thank guys!"

I just walked through between them.

"Who are you?!"

The pirate yelled and asked,

"I was just passing by accidentally. Don't worry about me, I'm just nothing but a mob. I came here to watch the fight."

I waved and walked forward.

"Like I let you interfere with our plans!"


I just simply bend forward dodging his sword.

It was the notorious pirate who tried to attack me.


Frowning at him,

"This will be my last warning."

"Die, brat!"

He swung his sword again.


I caught his sword between my fingers.

"Respect your elderly!"


I retorted, kicking him in the face.

He was thrown away in the distance unconscious with his face broken full of blood.


I really felt old seeing my daughter Coco grow up and becoming a beautiful maiden.


Someday, she'll become an adult and get...

"No way! I won't easily accept it! If someone wants to take my cute daughter, they have to go through me first and defeat me! I won't hold back! Grrrrr..."

Noticing the Marine soldier behind me with shocked expression,

"Sorry! Have a good day."

I immediately walked away.



*Boom!* *Crash!*

A powerful shockwave came towards me.


It just passed through me and I was unaffected.

"They're not far away."

I continued to move forward.

Arriving at the middle of the battlefield,

"Oh, they're here... I wonder what kind of fight I will witness. Intriguing..."

Watching from the distance, I saw Roger and Garp in their younger days facing against the legendary and powerful pirate crew, the Rocks Pirates.


The Rocks Pirate Captain, Rocks D. Xebec was there together with his crew, the future emperors of the sea.


Edward Newgate or Whitebeard...

Charlotte Linlin or Big Mom...

There are also other crew members who will become famous pirate like Gold Lion, Shiki, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, Captain John.

They are all here.

I wonder what brought here all of sudden.

I prefer spending some quality time with my wives and daughters than watching these bunch of old guys and hags fighting each other...

"Wait! Now I remember that one of my quest is in this world and in order to summon out my daughter Sayu, I have to get to the last island and find One Piece!"

Looking around the battlefield, I took out a ordinary sword from my dimensional storage.

I ran jumping off the cliff to join them.

"Sayu, wait for me! Your Papi is coming for you!"

Several group of pirate blocks my path,

"Who are you?!"

Imbuing my sword with conqueror's Haki as I swung it towards them.



They were all thrown away just by my shockwave.

When they all notice me,

"What do we have here... Looks like we have a new face joining us." Xebec spoke while grinning at me.


"A kid? This ain't a place for brats to play around!" Kaido looks annoyed as he drunks alcohol from a jar.

"Ma-ma! Ma-ma! To let a kid go through here... Our captain will lose his face. This is unforgivable!" Linlin followed.

Whitebeard frowned at me,

"This brat is not ordinary. He used Conqueror's Haki just now."

Standing together with Roger and Garp.

Roger was amazed,

"Wow! Not bad, kid. Are you a pirate or Marine?" he asked me curiously.


Garp glanced at me.

"Just a passerby. I thought what's the commotion here and I came here out of curiosity." I responded.

"Pffffft! Hahahahahaha!"

Roger laughed hard,

"Roger, do you know what the situation we're in?!" Garp furiously yelled.

"But this kid is interesting." Roger is pointing at me.

"Hey, kid! This place is where you shouldn't involved with! If you're a civilian or some kind of noble son, get out of here and evacuate! This place is dangerous!" Garp warned me.

"I know but..."

"What is it?"

"I'm not a kid. I'm an adult."

"Huh? How old actually are you?"

"I'm 409 years old." I answered giving him a peace sign.

Garp's jaw dropped from shock,


"Wahahahaha!" Roger laughed hard at his priceless reaction.

"You liar!" Garp yelled pointing at me.

"I'm not."

"Humans don't live that long!"

"Yeah, you're right."

"Seriously, don't just lie to me like that--Wait! Are you telling me that you're not a human?"

"That's right!"

I gave him an okay sign.


He was completely shock again.


Roger continued laughing hard until he's out of breath.

Now, he's breathing heavily,



"My name is Roger and this guy beside me is my friend, Garp."

He introduced himself including Garp to me.

"We're not!" Garp retorted.

"Well... at least today until we stopped them."

We glanced together at the Rocks Pirates in front of us.

Roger pulled out his sword and leaned it on his shoulder while Garp was cracking his fist.

"I'll give you two a hand."

I concentrated my breathing as Hamon flickered around my body.

"Anyway, my name is Haru. I'm just a passing bystander."

"Hahaha! Then Haru... how about joining my pirate crew?" Roger invited me.

"Sure... but not for now. I still have something important to do before I go with you in your journey."

"It's fine... I'm looking forward travelling with you."

Roger covered his sword with conqueror's Haki and ran forward towards Xebec.


Garp followed after him.

"He he he..."

Xebec laughed as his sword was covered also with conqueror's Haki.


Their sword collides without touching creating a powerful shockwave that expanded to our surroundings.

Both of them grinning at each other.

Looking above, I saw the sky split into two.

"What a intense fight between legends."

Garp jumped behind Roger as he throws his fist imbued with armament Haki towards Xebec.


Newgate suddenly appeared in front him slamming his fist covered in bubble.

Their fist collides from each other.


"Gurarararara! Do you think it would be easy? Garp!"


Garp was annoyed.


Their fight also caused a powerful shockwave struggling with each other.

"Let me join the fun, Roger!"

Shiki jumped high trying to attack Roger with his two legendary swords.

Suddenly, two people swiftly ran passing me from behind, it was Rayleigh and Gaban.

"Not so fast!"

Rayleigh blocks Shiki's sword and kick him away.


Shiki was thrown away.

"Leave Shiki to me."

Rayleigh dashed towards Shiki.

*Clang!* *Clang!* *Clang!*

"Dark King, Silvers Rayleigh!" Shiki mumbled as he exchanges sword with him.

The boulders around floats in the air and he throws all of it towards Rayleigh.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Rayleigh easily dodged all of it using observation Haki.

The other members of Roger Pirates attacked Captain John, Wang Zhi and Silver Axe.

I noticed Kaido charging towards Roger with mace covered in Haki,

"Thunder... Bagua!"

I dashed forward appearing in front of him in an instant,

"Super Slash!"


Our weapon collides.

Kaido smiled,

"Interesting! Let's go all out!"

"You'll regret it."

I pushed him away as I jumped slamming my fist covered with armament Haki on his face.


He was able to take punch but his mouth was bleeding.


He just laughed swinging his mace again.

"Thunder Bagua!"

I immediately block it with my sword.


Crack appeared on the blade and it snapped.

My sword was broken into two.

Kaido was grinning at me,

"Gehahahaha! What are you gonna do now without that crappy sword of your " he said with mocking tone.

I smiled,

"Well... breaking one of my dummy sword is worth celebrating. I bought that sword for only 300 Eris shop in Axel Town."


Taking out the Golden Axe from my dimensional storage as my body become bulkier,

Kaido's eyes widened in surprise.

Swinging my weapon,

"Super Slash!"

Kaido immediately reacted and swung his mace,

"Thunder Bagua!"



He was shock and completely overwhelmed,


He was thrown away.

"Ma-ma! Ma-ma! Kaido still has a lot of learning to do."


I noticed that Linlin was walking towards me.

Looking up closely, she's several times bigger me even in this form.


She leaned down touching my chin with her big index finger,

"After doing that Kaido, I have taken interest on you. How about becoming my man?"

Feeling disgusted, I slapped her finger away.

"I can't deny that I am womanizer because of my circumstances, and I also can't deny that you're beautiful right now."

"Oh~ You're flattering me~"

"But professionals have standards."


"Sorry, but you're not my type. I know that deep inside, you're completely rotten. You're only after my genes and dump me after you had my child."

Linlin glared at me, gritting her teeth and hopped away from me.

"I'll make you regret rejecting me, kid! Napoleon!"

Her hat became alive and jumped off from her head turning into a longsword.

"Come on, Mama! I've been inching to fight. Let's kill that brat!" Her sword spoke.

With Linlin swinging the sword widely,

"Ikoku... Sovereignty!"

A powerful shockwave was coming towards me.

Imbuing my Golden Axe with Sunshine Magic,

"The only thing I regret is leaving my cute little pregnant wife alone."

As I swung my axe downward,

"Super Slash!"


(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)