Chapter 301: Dying Is Gay

Chapter 301: Dying Is Gay

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Konosuba World -

Seeing my future daughters tired from walking around the village, I decided make something for them on dinner. I went to the kitchen but my future daughters followed after me so the others also followed.


I was trembling in annoyance.

While stirring the pot, I felt everyone's stare behind my back.

(They won't let me cook in peace!)

It's distracting me.

Turning around, facing all of them.

"Will you girls leave me alone here? Just wait in living room for the time being!"

"Dad! I want hamburgers for dinner!" Gura was drooling.

"I want grilled meat!" Botan followed.

"I also want Hamburger set! With potato fries and chicken nuggets!" Fubuki spoke to me like she's on a fast food restaurants.


I guess I don't have any choice.

Sighing, I glanced at Ina who looks worried. I decided to ask her next because I remember during our travel in One Piece World that she doesn't eat that much just like me and she told me that her digestive system is not that strong. She said that the future me makes soup for her often because it's easier for her to digest.

"Dad, same as always. I want soup."


Smiling at her, I glanced to others.

Marine raised hand.

"Hamburger! Make it spicy, Dad!"

"Double Cheeseburger! I want it sweeter!" Miko followed.

Same as Hinagiku's taste bud, like mother like daughter.


"Okay! Huh?"

Realizing Akame's familiar voice, I turned towards her.

"Akame? Since when--"


Leone suddenly appeared behind my back and hugged me.

"Leone, you too."

She licked me behind the ears which surprised me.


"What's wrong? I'm just marking what's mine." she proclaimed all of sudden which made others look jealous.

They are trembling as they glared at me.

Looking at Botan's reaction, she's having a headache after seeing her mom in this timeline.

"Mom..." she mumbled holding her forehead.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Leone smell something around.

"You and Akame should stay here for the night after hunting in the deep forest. What do you want for dinner?"

"I want barbecue. Also, please give me some of your special beer. Hmmm... What is this smell? It smell very familiar..."

Sniffing around, she arrived in front of Botan.


She tried to smell her.


Botan moved away from her.

"Sorry, but you have this strange smell."

Leone looked around observing her.



"You stinks! Go away!"

Botan is preventing her from getting closer.

"You have this very familiar smell and I quite like it."

After Leone said that, Botan became embarrassed.

"Stay away!"

She pushed away.

Leone grope her body with a perverted grin on her face.

"Hehehe... Who is this cute girl, Sun? Your new girlfriend?"

I don't want to be misunderstood so I decided to tell her the truth.

"Your daughter."



She froze.

Stiffly turning towards me.

"What do you mean 'daughter'? I don't remember having a child."

Akame moved away from her.

"Leone... I never thought you're like that."

"Wait! Akame! I don't have a child! What Sun said is not true!"

Leone glared at me.

"Sun! Stop joking around!"

As I continued cooking,

"It's true... She's your daughter from the future and her name is Botan."


"From the future?"

Leone glance closely at her future daughter.

"Is that true?"

Botan looks really embarrassed but she nodded.

"Hmm... What Dad said is true. I'm your daughter from the future."

Leone gently let go of her.

"...Unbelievable! No wonder, you have a very familiar smell. It's the same as mine."

"Hey, Dad! Is this really okay?"

"It's fine."

(Better than being misunderstood.)

"Ah! Then this girl is..."

Shea excitedly turned towards Pekora.

"What is it-peko?"

"You're my future daughter -peko!"

Pekora cringed and became embarrassed saying while shrieking,

"Stop that!! Seriously!! My mother just... Eeeyaah! Oh no, this'll be one of my dark history!! Wait Mom already know who I am? I'm begging you! Why are you saying 'Peko'?!? What are you saying!!! Stop that seriously!! I'm shocked!! A lot of people here are listening! Is this fine? This'll be dark history seriously!"

Shea just smiled at her and became curious,

"Eh? Are you kidding me?"

"I haven't born yet here in this timeline so please I'm begging you, refrain from saying weird things... Ah, but I'm Pekora, right? You know now that you're Pekora's Mama, right?"

"That's right?"

"So it's natural right?"

"That's right-peko!"

Pekora became even more embarrassed.

"Stop that!"

*Intense shrieking noises*

She lied down on the floor, playing dead out of cringe.

"Then who's daughter are these other girls?" Leone curiously asked while hugging Botan.


Botan wants to complain but she just keep it herself.

Gura raised her hand,

"Hello! My name is Gura and my mom is Aqua!"

Ina looks shy as she introduced herself,

"Ina... My mom is Reginleif."

"Ahoy! My name's Marine and my mother is Lalatina!"

"Hehe... I'm Fubuki and my mother is--Hmmp!"

I immediately covered her mouth with a spoon to stop her from saying anything.

"Nothing! I haven't met her mother yet."

Everyone looks at me with suspicious eyes.

"Miko is the child inside Hinagiku's tummy, Pekora is Shia's child and Botan is Leone's daughter. That's all, everyone shouldn't spoil yourselves with the future."

(It's troublesome if they known that she's Lolisa's daughter with me. What is the future me thinking, making my little sister from the pass life my own lover.)

I continue to stir the soup in the pot.

"Shouta-kun, is hiding something. I'm sure of it. He didn't change that much.

"That's right. It's Onii-sama we're talking about."

Shizu-nee and Lolisa mumbled on each other, being suspicious of me.

"I can hear you two!"

The two of them shut their mouth.

*Sizzle* *Sizzle*

I started to deep fry some chicken wings and legs.

"Uhmm... Hey, Dad!"

Botan was calling for me while everyone was watching me cook.

While shaping the hamburger in my hands,

"What is it?"

(They keep calling me while I'm busy here cooking.)

I noticed that Akame was drooling staring at the meat in my hand.

After making the first burger patty, I placed it in the fryer and made another servings.

*Sizzle* *Sizzle*

"Actually, there's something I want to talk with you... Hmm... About the future."

"Sure... Will you tell me now?"

"I-i can't... This is something about the future!"

"So it's something everyone can't hear about... Za Warudo."



Everyone was frozen in time except Botan beside me,

"No Waifu, We're Friends!"


We glanced at Fubuki, hearing her voice.

"Hehe... I already told you Dad. Your Time Stop ability won't work against me!"

*Thud!* *Menacing!*



(I forgor... This girl is a stand user like me. I guess she inherited me because she's my child.)

I prepared the burger after frying and place it on the bread with cheese and vegetables.

Serving it on a plate, I gave it to Fubuki to make her go away.

"Go and eat in the living room."


She looks very delighted and walk away.


Facing Botan while wiping my hands,

"Tell me."

"Okay... Actually, Kurē-nee asked me a favor."

I was surprised when I heard Kurē's from her.

"Kurē? How was she? Is she doing okay in the future?"

"Yeah, she's good but..."

Botan looked away from me.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

(I just have a bad feeling with this.)

"You're relationship with her is a little bit strained."


(This is shocking me.)

"After Kurē-nee had a quarrel with you Dad, she ran away from home and eloped with the man she loves."


(This is too much for me to take in.)

"Kurē? Elope? What did just happened?"

I trembled and mind became chaotic unable to think properly.

I grabbed Botan's shoulders and shook her, asking for explanation.

"Hey! Tell me what happened!"

(To think my cute daughter rebelled and run away from me. If she hates me, I might not able to take it. I guess, I'll just die.)


Botan moved her hand in front of my face.


"Before I tell everything Dad, I'll remind you it's not really your fault that things turned out into this. In the future, you already accepted their relationship."

"That's a relief then--"



"You haven't acknowledge the man so they haven't got married yet. The man was very eager to get stronger and gain your acknowledgement but in the midsts of it, misfortune happened. The man faced something unknown and got trampled upon. He was bedridden and unable to use his abilities. Kurē is currently taking care of him but she was crying out of sadness for her lover."


"Of course, they elope. Dad just let the do what they want after what happened. Even Dad want Kurē-nee to become happy."

"Then what do you mean, we quarrel?"


Botan cleared her throat then, with serious expression.

"If you want to have my cute daughter, you have to through me first! Come and defeat me!"

She was trying to imitate me.


"Kurē-nee was trying to convince Dad to retract those words but you were stubborn. Her boyfriend is stubborn just like you and made a promise that he will get stronger and defeat you then marry Kurē-nee. He's a type of guy who keeps his words."

(All I can hear are death flags from him.)

"That's what happened, Dad."

Learning about what happened in the future, I was having a headache.

(I know it is hard for a father like me to let go of my cute little...)

"Wait! How old is Kurē in your timeline?"

"She's in her mid 20's, I mean she's 27."

My face went pale, pinching the bridge of my nose.

A minute has already passed and everything around started to move again.

In my head, Kurē appears with a smile on her face.


(Of course, I want her to become happy. There's no father in the world who doesn't want their child to find happiness.)


I sighed.

"What's wrong, Sun? You look unwell." Leone asked me.

Everyone was staring at me from my sudden change in my expression.

I continued continued cooking while thinking of what happened in the future.

(I know, they can't be a child forever and would grow up. But...)

"Botan, tell me the details later."


Everyone looks confuse.


"What did just happened?"

"I don't know."

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I tried. For the MHA fanfic, wait for it. I'll fix my mistakes later.)