Chapter 302: Dying Is Gay 2

Chapter 302: Dying Is Gay 2

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(3rd Person's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

In a big castle mansion in the underworld,

"100 swings more, young lord!"


The sword teacher was instructing a young boy with short crimson hair band blue-green eyes. He was brimming with energy in his every swing as sweats from his training in the morning.


Several minutes later while wiping his sweats with clean towel after his training.

"Let's take a break for now, young lord."

"Thank you, Sensei."

His sword instructor bowed to him and walked away.

While resting under the tree,

*Rustle* *Rustle*


He noticed something from the bushes.

"Who's there?!"


He stood up and went to check on it.

As he approaches the bushes in their garden.

"Kurē, Kurē! Is this really, okay?"

"It's fine, Diona. Daddy will take it if he found out that I brought some with me."


"Eh? Nana said it will explode."

"Ssssh! Someone might hear us. We have to bury this quickly."

"Yaoyao! Why are you eating those beautiful flowers?!"

"They are edibles. I want Papi to cook these flowers with me."

When the young boy open and look inside the bushes,


"Ah! We got caught."

He saw four young girls burying something on the ground under the bushes.

One of them is a blonde little elf girl, next to her is a little girl with short purple hair, the third was a girl with brown hair tied in twin buns and the last was a little cat girl with short pink hair.

"Who are you girls? What are you doing in our territory?"

Suddenly, several maids are running around looking for something.

"Nana-sama! Kurē-sama!"

"Huh? What's happeni--"

He was pulled inside the bushes by the young girls.

"Don't be loud! Ssssssh!"

They covered his mouth.

"Diona-sama! Yaoyao-sama!"

One of the maid passed them.

When they let go of his mouth.

"Phew~ That was close! Sorry about that. Hehehe..." the blonde little girl apologizes with a smile.

The young girl with brown hair tied twin buns tried to look outside the bush.


She gave them a thumbs up.

"Okay, let's ran away."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What are you girls doing here in my garden?"


The four young glanced at each other.

"Daddy brought us all of sudden. He said he's gonna have a meeting with the demon lords."


The young girl with short purple hair nodded.

The young boy remembered that his father one of the four great Satans is having a problem dealing things from their factions due to what happened in the tournament.

Most of the devils are doubting their abilities as Four Great Satans due to their weakening influence. They want them to step down from their position after their humiliating victory.

He was hoping that his father will overcome this.

When he woke up from being daze, he noticed that the four young girls beside him disappeared.


He looked around but he never found them.

"Where did they go?"

He immediately jumped out of the bushes and ran around looking for them.

The maid around was surprise when they saw him running around the garden.

Behind their house, he was panting from running.

"Where did the go?"

He noticed a round toy rolling close to him.



He went and picked it up.

"What is this?"

"Hey! Hey!"

"Give us back the toy!"

He saw the four young girls waving at him near the fountain.

Looking at the round toy in his hand, he kindly threw it back to them.


Out of tiredness from training and running around, he failed to control his pitch and the round toy falls from the different direction.

When the round toy falls on the bushes.


His jaw dropped from the round toy explodes.

Their house went in panic and guards ran around thinking that there's a sudden attack.

All the guards around found was their young lord standing near the explosion.

"Young lord?"

"Ah! Wait! It's not me!"

He immediately denied.

When he glanced at the four young girls, he froze when they're not there anymore.

He was sweating profusely.


After the commotion, he was severely scolded by his mother.


After being scolded, he walked to the living with teary-eyed.

"Uuuu... This is their fault."

As he went down from the staircase,


He saw the four young girls sitting on their couch.


He went and approached them standing in front of them.

He looked really angry.

And when they notice him,



Grayfia suddenly appeared behind him and hit his head.


"Is that how you greet our guest?"


She slightly bowed in front of the young girls.

"I apologize for the misconduct of my son."

"It's fine! Hehehe...." the blonde little elf girl responded.

The young boy's cheek was twitching seeing himself treated as the mischievous one.

(It was not my fault. It was them!)

He tried to maintain his smile.

"Anyway, my name is Grayfia and this young lord here is my son Millicas Gremory. For several days, you girls will be in our care so I hope you will be friends with my son."

Grayfia introduce herself together with her son.

"Millicas Gremory, nice to meet you."

Millicas tried to be well-mannered in front of them.

The little elf girl stood up and energetically raised her hand.

"Hello! My name is Kurē and I'm daddy's daughter!"


The little girl with short purple hair stood with stoic expression,

"My name is Nana... Papa told me that I am an undead just like Mama... Uhmm... I don't know what comes next..."

"You tried your best to introduce yourself, Nana. Daddy will be proud."

Kurē pats her head gently.

"Hmm..." Nana nodded and sat back on the couch.

The smol cat girl with pink hair stood up next to her.

"Diona! One of Haru's daughter. Hmph!" she treated them coldly.


"Oh no! This must be what father is talking about. A tsundere. Diona is a tsundere!" the little girl with twin buns spoke with surprised tone.

"Yaoyao!" Diona became flustered.

"I apologize for sibling's harsh treatment."

"No, it's okay." Millicas shyly responded.

"My name is Yaoyao. Please take care of us." Yaoyao slightly bowed at him and his mother.


She seems to be most mature out of four of them.

Millicas glanced at his mother and Grayfia just smiled at him.

"They are all Adam's children. He requested us to take care of for the time being while he's having a meeting with your father."


Kurē jumped out of the couch and grabbed Millicas's arm which surprised him.


"Mi-kun, how about we play together outside? I brought a lot of toy with me."


Seeing the round toy in Kurē's hand, Millicas's face became pale.

"You are the one who owns that toy which exploded in our garden."

"Hmm... Tee-hee! Sorry, Mi-kun!"


"This girl..."

A vein popped out from Millicas's temple.

"Millicas, show them around the house." Grayfia told him.

"But, Mom! I have to train with my sword instructor!"

"Just cancel that. You have the responsibility to show them around."

Millicas has no choice but do it as his mom says.

"Ugh... okay..."

He feels really tired dealing with them.

"Let's go, Mi-kun!"

"Wait! We're coming too!"

Kurē pulled him out and others followed them.

Millicas felt miserable.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: Umu... I'll fix my mistakes later.)