Chapter 303: Dying Is Gay 3

Chapter 303: Dying Is Gay 3

Fanfic by: Geraint124x


(Harukin's POV)

- Highschool DxD World -

After hearing the details from Botan about the future yesterday, I went straight to the underworld in DxD World to see what's happening.

I brought Kurē and my other daughters with me as Botan instructed me, and I left them in the care of Grayfia.

Remembering everything that Botan told me, I was angry. My future son-in-law, Kurē's future lover was not strong enough to protect her smile. No wonder I haven't acknowledge him.

Kurē really loves him and accepts what he is, and I can't do anything about it as a father but to support and watch over her.

Unfortunately, that lucky bastard was Millicas Gremory, the next-in-line to the Gremory Clan after his aunt. He is the son of Sirzechs Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifuge, the nephew of Rias Gremory. Although his father was Lucifer of the Four Great Satans, his title does not apply to him, as it was only required for Sirzechs and is not an inherent position, thus Millicas' family name is Gremory.

I came here to see what of kid he is. All I know about him that he's a well-mannered young boy. But I came here to meet the four great Satans first because of the political problem that is happening in their faction.

(I'm only helping them because Botan requested me and it came from Kurē in the future.)

Ahead of me was Nero, walking with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant manner.

It looks like she's having fun, being happy go lucky.

"Nero, you don't have to follow us here, you know? You should stay with the children and rest with them."

"Praetor, you said you're going to meet with those called Four Great Satans. They should be something like equivalent to a King, right? As an Empress, I want to meet them."

"Yeah, they are kings of the underworld."

My son, August was walking beside me. When he came to visit me this morning, I decided to bring him with me.

"Dad! Is it really okay for me to come here?" he whispered close to my ears.

"It's fine! You're my son and you shouldn't shut yourself in one world. I want you to see different world other than your home world."


"Anyway, where's your big sister Coco?"


He just had headache.

"What's wrong?"

"Aneki... She's gathering audiences and force them to listen on her tone deaf voice. She really loves singing but her voice... it's really worse. I was already several times forced to listen to her voice. It's was hell!"


"You had it hard, do you?"

"We're here."

The maid that was guiding us stop in front of a large door then the door open itself.

"Let's go."


Together with August and Nero, we entered inside the room.


Nero was amazed, looking around the room.

The room looks luxurious.

(Looks neat.)

On a large round table, the four great Satans are sitting with a serious expression.

With Sirzech Lucifer sitting in the middle, her little sister Rias was standing behind him together with Akeno.

Ajuka Beelzebub and Serafall Leviathan looks cautious of me.

Sona was standing behind his big sister.


Falbium Asmodeus was looking around with pale face. He looks very terrified.

"Where's that monster?! The monster who looks a cute young lady? Where is she?!"

He's trembling in fear.

"Falbium, are you okay?"

Serafall grabbed his shoulders,


Falbium screams very loud like a little girl and hid his huge body under the table.

Everyone around looks worried about him.

(Looks like Maple gave him a very traumatic experience.)

Raising my hand,

"I apologize for my sudden visit but don't worry, Maple wasn't with me."

Falbium peeked from under the table,

"Is that true?"



I responded as I sighed.

Falbium came out and cautiously sit back.

Maple turned him into someone pathetic.

(Well... It can't be helped. It's Maple after all we're talking about.)

"Umm... Adam? May I know who's that young lady and gentleman behind you?" Sirzech asked me with mannered tone.

I glanced at Nero and August behind me.

I started with my son and presented him in front of them,

"Let me introduce you, this is my son August. He's an expert in magic."

All of them froze and their eyes widened in surprise.



August went close to me and whispered to my ears,

"Dad, do you know what's going on?"

"Well, to tell you the truth... I spent four centuries when I was sent to the past in your home world but when I returned back to my right timeline, it's been only a month has passed by."

"How old are you when you arrives there?"

"I'm actually 11 when Kurumi sent me."

"Ugh... Then how old do you think you are now?"

I smiled,

"A permanent 17 years old."


August held his head in pain.

"What's wrong with that? Didn't you also inherited it from me, you look younger just like me. Why don't you ask your permanent 13 years old mother?"

"Forget it! Nevermind."

"Actually, Nero is five times older than me."

We glanced at Nero together,

"Hm? What is it, Praetor?"

(She looks young and beautiful.)

She sat on the table first before me with full of haughtiness.




Forgetting that I'm currently in the underworld, I just smiled at them.

"Ah... This is my servant and her name is Nero Claudius. She's a former Empress."

"Umu Umu!"

Nero proudly nodded with me.

"You mean, the former Emperor of Rome? I remember that she was supposed to be a man." Rias spoke doubting my words.

"Well... We're from different world. Of course, there will a lot of differences but I prefer this Nero here. She's far better than the male one. She's cute and adorable."

I patted the Empress of Rose in the head.

"Hehehe... Praise me more, Praetor."

August and I sat beside her.

"Oh, I forget."


Snapping my fingers, a void appeared in the middle of the round table and several different kinds sweet and snacks appeared together with different kinds of wines. All of them looks expensive and others are made in my home village.

"Please help yourselves. These are special treats from different worlds that you won't find here."

Sirzech frowned at me,

"I'll be direct with you, what is your business coming here, Adam?"

He's being cautious of me.

"Hm? What's wrong? I just came here to know how are you doing? Seems like you're facing a lot of problems after the tournament."

Sirzech was seems surprised from what I said.

"Then what's with that menacing aura that you're projecting? But it feels like it's directed somewhere else. You're magical power is leaking and it's more powerful than the last time I saw you. It's completely different level now."

I turned towards my son on my side to ask for confirmation,


"He's right, Dad. Are you angry or something?"

"No, not really. It's just that..."

(I'm just frustrated of what happened to Kurē in the future. I'm trying to think of what I'm gonna do to prevent her from being unhappy.)


I sighed to calm myself.

"I can see that you're doing fine politically but if there is something I can help you guys... just ask me since we're the cause of it."

Sirzech just smiled at me,

"This is Raiser's fault. The the Devils should deal with this ourselves. Just thank you for your concern."

"Okay then..."

(Seems like he's doing fine.)

"Then Sirzechs, I have a favor to ask you?"

"Hm? What is it? Is it your real purpose for coming meet me?"

I nodded.

"Yeah... I actually wanted to meet your son Millicas."

"Why do you want to meet him?"

Sirzech became serious as he emits a immense demonic power.

Sensing this, I grinned as I also emits a powerful aura that overwhelms my surroundings.

The ground suddenly started to tremble making that chandelier shake hard and paintings hanging on wall fall down.

"This is Dad's..." August beside me was surprised.

Sirzech and I stares intensely at each other as cracks started to appear on the floor.


I saw Grayfia appeared behind Sirzechs with furious and scary expression.

"What's going on here, Dear?"

Sirzech shivered and his face became pale.

As he glanced behind him,

"Grayfia, since when did you return back?"

"Just now. Why are the two of you arguing?"

"Wait! Wait! Grayfia! I just sense some wicked from him when he spoke of our son Millicas!"

Grayfia frowned at me,

"Adam-sama, is that true?"

"Wait! I don't have any bad intent with your son! It just that... Ugh! How will I explain this..."

I held my head in headache.


A young boy with short crimson hair came running towards Sirzechs and hid behind him.

"Millicas, what's wrong?"

(So that's Millicas!)

Staring intensely at him as he noticed my glare,


He immediately got frightened.

"Ah! Mi-kun!"

I saw my daughter Kurē running towards Millicas with a round toy in her hand. She was covered in soot around her face and clothes.

"Mi-kun! I swear this is the real toy! Not a bomb."

"But it explodes!"

"No, it won't. Look!"

Kurē jungled the ball on her hand,

"See, it won't ex--"

The round toy in her hand lit up.


She immediately threw it away.


The round toy went to my direction and everyone moved away from my side


The round toy hit my face and explodes.


When the smoke covering my face disappeared, I threw up a smoke from my mouth.


"Sorry, Daddy..."

"I thought I already took all of your bombs. Where did you hid the other?"

"I hid some on Nana's luggage."


I stared at her making her feel guilty then I sighed,


"Kurē, your explosion is still lackluster but not bad, 65 points."


Everyone was confused of me.

Kurē smiled and immediately ran towards me,


She jumped and hugged me.

I also smiled, hugging her back.

(She's slowly growing up.)

Noticing Millicas looking to our direction.

"Oh! Before I forgot, Daddy!"

When I let go of her, she went to Millicas's side and introduce him to me.

"This is my friend, Mi-kun."


Millicas was surprised when Kurē clung on his arm.

My eyes widened in shock of what I'm seeing.

"You little bastard!"


He became frightened of me again which made him panic but Kurē was holding him.

"I think I know what's going on now!" Ajuka suddenly spoke.

"Fufufu... Yeah, me too. I know now why Adam is being like that. He has a serious Daddy issues." Serafall giggled.

Sirzechs glanced at his wife Grayfia and asked,

"Did you arrange this?"

"Hm? Of course not."

"Then it just coincidence."

(I can't take this anymore.)

I immediately went to them and took away Kurē's from Millicas's side.

"Hey! Kiddo!"


Millicas immediately move away and retreated back.

"If you want my daughter, you have to go through me first! Come and defeat..."

I suddenly remembered what Botan told me about the future.

I felt like I'm destroying my daughter's happiness.

"No! Forget it! I'll just find another way to see if you're worthy of my daughter."


"Wow! Daddy is acting strange."

"Shut up."

I tickled my daughter on the waist.

"Kyah! Stop it, Daddy! Kyah hahaha~"

"Found him."

"Ah. Millicas is here!"

"We won't let you escape!"

I saw Nana, Diona and Yaoyao running towards the little bastard.

"You should be grateful that I made some drinks for you. Be glad having my new special drink. Drink it already!" Diona was offering him a cup of drink.

"Millicas, I made a new dish. This time it's boiled giant toad dipped in peanut butter." Yaoyao shoved the food on the little bastard's mouth on which it made his pale.


"It's my Dad's new dish."

Nana was tugging his shirt.


"Let's play!"

She sounds excited.

"Please don't sleep while hiding, Nana! I thought you'd already gone lost at home and everyone was worried!"

"Hey! I want to play with him too!"

Kurē went away from me.


She grabbed Millicas and pulled him towards her.

"This scene..."

I trembled from what I'm seeing.

"My cute little daughters... They are fighting over one boy!"

I felt at lost.

Anger came to me but I noticed that Millicas is having difficulties with them.

"Girls! Please give me a break!"

After he shouted, my little daughters didn't stop and he looks very troubled.

He doesn't know what to do.

Looking at his situation, I just saw myself on him being pestered by a lot of girls especially adult women that's why I have to sneak away when I go out.

I don't know if I should angry or pity him right now.

According to Botan that misfortune happened to him when he a very powerful entity and get defeated, leaving him bedridden.

In order to prevent that, he just have to be stronger enough to defeat that thing. After that, it's happily ever after for my daughter but he still to get my acknowledgement.

I grabbed the little bastard's collar from behind him then carry him away from my daughters with one arm.


My daughters was surprised when I took him as I glanced at his father Sirzechs.

"Sirzechs, I might not be able tell you today but someday you'll understand me as a father. I want you to lend me your son and let me train him on my watch. I will make sure that he will be stronger enough to protect himself and his love ones." I spoke with serious tone, staring at Sirzechs.


He and I made an serious eye contact for few seconds then he sighed,

"Fine... I don't know what's going on but please take care of son."


"Onii-sama! You're leaving your son to the Sun God! Millicas is a Devil!"

Rias was against it.

"It's fine. It looks like Adam has his own reasons."


Millicas was completely shock from his Dad's decision.

"Hey, Kiddo! From now, we're Master and Disciple. I'm gonna be the one who will train you so prepare yourself."


"Also, you can't say 'No' to this."

"What about my opinion?"

Putting down Millicas and tapped his shoulder.

"I'm not doing this because I want to."

(Yeah, this is for the sake of my daughter's happiness.)

"Then how will you train me to become stronger?"

"First, you're going to be living with us in our home world!"

"Eh?!! Not in my home?"

"Of course, if we train on your home, it will completely vanish. I should at least strong enough to destroy a whole continent with just one snap of your fingers. The training will be a little harsher."


"Onii-sama, is this really gonna be really okay? It's the Sun God we're talking about!"

Rias is really worried about her nephew.

"It's fine. Don't worry, I trust the Sun God. I don't really feel any I'll intention from him and also, it sounds interesting. A Sun God teaching a Devil to become stronger."

My daughters ran and clung on Millicas's arm on which made me tremble.

(This little bastard!)

All my daughters looks happy when look at me which sooth the anger inside me.

"Daddy, is that true? Mi-kun is gonna live with us?" Kurē has a cute smile on her face.

"I'm gonna make him drink my new special ale!" Diona was swaying around.

"Millicas-kun will taste my new recipe!" Yaoyao followed.

"I wanna play with him." Nana looks excited but her expression is stoic.


(I'm doing this for the happiness of my daughter. I'm doing this for the happiness of my daughter. I'm doing this for the happiness of my daughter. I'm doing this for the happiness of my daughter!"

Millicas's looks grim and I grabbed both of his shoulders.

He shivered seeing my expression.


"Yes!! Hie!"

He's really frightened of me.

"Always remember this... Dying is gay!!"



Millicas looks confused.

"Onii-sama, is this really gonna be okay?! Did you hear what he just say?!" Rias panicked.

"It's fine! It's fine! Hahahaha!" Sirzechs just laughed hard.

After that, I brought Millicas with us with the help of Gaia even though she against it but she can't anything because it's me who requested it.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)