Chapter 331: Haru Vs Milim

Chapter 331: Haru Vs Milim

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


- Tensura World -

As the battle starts, Milim unleashes a barrage punches when Haru became blurry as he moves around, avoiding all of her attacks perfectly.


Milim tried to kick him but her fist just passed through his afterimage. Turning around, she found Haru standing with his back facing her which frustrated her.

"Come and fight me seriously!"

In an instant when she faced him, Haru suddenly appeared in front of her with his hand trying to reach her forehead. While Milim was shock by his speed, Haru flicked her forehead.


She was launched into the distance and crashed through multiple mountains.


A surge of powerful energy exploded in one of the mountain and Milim rose up to sky with frightening aura.

Haru just watched her creates a sphere between her hands then she fires out several beams of light towards him.

"Drago Buster!"

Walking forward, Haru ignores the light beams as those just passed by around him.

"What?! Why are they not hitting him?!"

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Her attacks caused a large destruction in the forest and turned mountains into a pile of rubbles.

Haru disappeared again when suddenly, someone grabbed Milim in the leg and she was thrown down to the ground.


Before she crashed down, she saw Haru creating a small miniature sun in his palm which is pointed down to her.



Trying to get up from the pile of debris, Milim watches the miniature of sun followed to her.

"Cruel Sun!"

She was pushed down to earth as her body started to burn.

As Haru closes down his hand, he made the miniature sun explode and flare up.

"Pride Flare."


The forest around the area was scorching in flames caused by the large explosion.

Haru can still sense her powerful energy and he was waiting for her to come out.


Milim rose up from the large crater, revealing a different form which looks more like the Dragonoid that she is, having a crimson horn adorning her forehead and large wings. She now wears a proper battle attire consisting of jet-black armor.


"So, finally showed your true form."

Haru smiled, seeing her excited more than ever.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! How impressive! That was really fun! It's been ages since I felt stung like that."

Milim flew up in the same altitude as Haru then she pointed her sword to him.

"I've been craving to fight someone like you. Someone that can match up to me in my combat form."

While Milim is talking to him, Haru felt that his body was already reaching the limit of using Ultra Instinct and if this continues, he will surely lose the battle against her. This is an ultimate technique that separates the consciousness from the body, allowing it to move and fight independent of a martial artist's thoughts and emotions. Haru still only in his halfway

on his training and he hasn't perfected it yet. He need a long rest before using the technique again. His body is still not trained enough to handle it for a long time. Ten minutes was his limit and beyond that, his body will feel the bad effects of the technique.

"Stop talking and give me your best shot already, little girl!"

Haru tried to provoke her and it worked, making her really furious. He doesn't want to drag this fight for long.

"Who are you calling little girl?! Despite my appearance, I might even older than you!"

Milim gathers her aura around her body as she creates a sphere between her hand.

"Eat this...! Dragon Nova!!"

She fires out an enormous beam of light which destroys everything in its path.

Star shape lit up on both Haru's eyes as he flipped in the air, avoiding the beam of light.

This shocks Milim then Haru suddenly appeared above her. His hand was already aiming to flick her forehead.

"Killer Move: Serious Series... Serious Flick!"


The attack created a powerful shockwave that vanquishes the flames in the surroundings and Milim's horn was shattered to pieces as she gets knock down and falls to the ground.

The impact created a large crater, leaving Milim unconscious in the middle. Her forehead was severely bleeding and her outfit returned back to normal.

Haru took a deep breath and his silvery aura disappeared. His appearance turned back to normal as he landed down beside Milim.


White Queen rushed toward him and checked his condition.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. She's more in worst condition."

Haru was pointing on Milim with few injuries in the body and her dress was tattered.

"What are we going to do with her? Do you want me to finish her?"


Haru hit the head of his little sister with a karate chop.


"Did that completed the quest?"


White Queen showed her quest from holographic screen.


Special Quest


(1/1) Defeat Milim Nava(Completed)

(0/1) Find Great Forest of Jura(On progress)

(0/1) Defeat Gabiru(On progress)

(0/1) Defeat Gobta(On progress)

(0/1) Defeat Shion in cooking battle(On progress)

Participants: Admin Only

Rewards: Random Special Reward

Duration: No Time Limit

World: Tensura


It shows that they completed the first quest and the next four quest will be easy.

"Next is the Great Forest of Jura."

Haru took Milim's body and carried her in his shoulder when someone suddenly attack them with a black flame.

"Hell Flare!"

White Queen quickly reacted and blocked the attack with repulsive force.

"Almighty Push!"

*Peeeeeww!* *Crasssshh!*

The flame dispersed and disappeared into the air.

"Show yourselves! How dare you attack my Onii-sama!"

White Queen became furious as the culprit show themselves and surrounded us. They are group of people from different races and their leader was riding on a giant wolf which is young looking girl with long blue hair.

"Milim? How?"

He can't believe when he saw Milim got defeated and unconscious in Haru's shoulder. Seeing this, his subordinates got intimidated by the presence of the one who defeated her.

"Who are you guys?! Where are you taking Milim?!"

White Queen rushed towards with her sword when an old ogre swordsman blocks her path and stops her sword.


"Leave her to me, Rimuru-sama."

The two of them exchange swords as White Queen overwhelmed him with her high-speed slashes.

"Get out of my way! I won't forgive anyone who attacks my Onii-sama!"

When White Queen was about to use one of his abilities, Haru quickly grabbed her in the collar and pulled her back.


"Calm down, Lolisa. There's no need to fight them."

"But Onii-sama---"

"Let's just negotiate with them."

Rumiru and his subordinates are confused with his decisions.

Haru walked forward which alerted Rimuru's subordinates but Rimuru raised his hand to put down their weapons.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this."

Rimuru jumps down from the giant wolf then he went towards Haru.

"Master, please be careful."


With Haru and Rimuru facing each other while the others are nervous on what's gonna happen next.

"I'll introduce myself first. My name is Rimuru Tempest and I'm a slime."

"Haru, a Sun God."

"A Sun God? What is a God doing here?"

Rimuru was completely shock.

"We won't stay that long. There are just some business we have to finish here until this girl picked a fight with us."

"Don't tell me..."

"Yeah, but about the deal, I will give back this girl to you. In exchange, you'll bring us to the Great Forest of Jura and accept some of challenges."

"Umm... What kind of challenges? I don't like fighting at all."


Haru glances on each Rimuru's subordinates then he pointed at the Kijin woman with purple eyes and light purple hair tied into a ponytail. She has noticeably curvaceous figure with massive breasts.


"Yes, tell me your name."

"My name is Shion. I am Lord Rimuru's number one secretary." she answered with proud tone.

"Then Shion, I challenge you into a cooking battle!"


Everyone was completely shock with Haru's declaration to her.

"As for the judges, everyone from your city will taste each of our dishes and the one who has the majority vote will be the victor. How's that?"

"Then bring it on! I'll accept your challenge!" Shion excitedly responded.

Rimuru and others became pale then they started to panic.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Why is she of all of my people?" Rimuru complained.

"She seems to be a good cook based on her appearance."

"You're going to make her commit genocide!"

"Huh? I'm not going to add poison to the food. Don't worry, I gonna test it first before serving it everyone."

"That's not the point here!"

(To be continued.)