Chapter 332: Tempest

Chapter 332: Tempest

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


- Tensura World -

Touching the ground, I activated one of my stand abilities and reverted back the forest to its previous state which shocks Rumiru and his subordinates.

"Crazy Diamond Requiem!"

Rimuru already suspecting when he saw our abilities.

I already gave Milim's unconscious body to Shion and she carried her in her back. Milim has a peaceful sleeping face after Rimuru gave her a healing potion which heals up her injuries quickly.

Lolisa and I followed them to their home and we arrived to their home city just before the sunset.

It's already near dark and we decided to stay for night which means accepting their hospitality. Rimuru lend us their guest room and his home was a beautiful japanese house.

They served us some tea while Lolisa and I checked our quest progress,


Special Quest


(1/1) Defeat Milim Nava(Completed)

(1/1) Find Great Forest of Jura(Completed)

(1/1) Defeat Gabiru(Completed)

(1/1) Defeat Gobta(Completed)

(0/1) Defeat Shion in cooking battle(On progress)

Participants: Admin Only

Rewards: Random Special Reward

Duration: No Time Limit

World: Tensura


When I invited Gobta and Gabiru for a sparring match, both of them got frightened quickly and ran away. This counted as my victory and the two quest counted as completed. Only the cooking match is remaining. No one can see the transparent screen aside from me and Lolisa.

Benimaru, Shion and Shuna was guarding Rimuru while watching out over us. Souei was hiding behind the tree outside in the garden.

"Oh, about the dish that we'll prepare tomorrow--Huh?"

When I started talking about the cooking competition for tomorrow, suddenly everyone became nervous and they are sweating profusely.

"Uh, Haru-san? How about we change--" Rimuru was trembling but I already responded before he can request from me.

"Sorry, I can't. Shion has already accepted the challenge." I refused since this is a part of our quest.

"Uuuuuh... As expected... This has become a real problem."

Rimuru had a big headache as Shion tried to cheer him up.

"Rimuru-sama! I promise to bring you victory tomorrow! I will do my best to serve the best dishes of our town."

"Best dishes? Have you tried tasting your own cooking?"

"I aware that I'm still inexperience but I will try my best! Please believe in me, Rimuru-sama!" Shion pleaded.

"Uuuuuuu... What am I going to do?" Rimuru felt in a hopeless situation.

"Pfffffft!" I chuckled, watching him which he gave me a suspicious look.

"Oi! You're the one who started this! I've been suspecting it until now, you guys are japanese, right?"

I was surprised when he found out quickly our real identity.

"How did you find out?"

Rimuru pointed at my dark blue shirt which has a small tag of the brand with japanese writings.


"You guys are pranking me the whole time! Do you know how much anxious I am meeting with you guys!"

I raised both of my hands to calm him down.

"My bad, my bad. I wasn't trying to be mean."

"Telling me that you're a Sun God!"

"Nope. I'm not lying. I am a Sun God."

"Eh? Seriously? How did you do that?"

"It just happened. I didn't choose how I was reincarnated."

Rimuru glanced at Lolisa beside me.

"Oh, I'll introduce you. This is my little sister from my past life and her real name is Arata Lolisa. By the way, my real name is Arata Shouta."

"Shouta, Lolisa? What kind of naming sense is that?"

"Don't mind it. Just call me Haru."

"Anyway, I'm Mikami Satoru, working as a salaryman in my past life. I prefer you call me Rimuru now."

I shook Rimuru's hand which was smaller than mine.



Someone busted the sliding door and destroyed it.

"Where's that guy?! I want another round!"

It was Milim who just woke up was desperate to have another match with me. When she found me, she quickly charged and tried to attack me but I blocked her fist with one finger which created shockwave in the room.

"Sorry, I can't right now."


I calmly drank my tea then responded.

"It takes a long time before I can recover my full strength. If I fight you right now, I will be completely obliterated at your full power."

"What?!! Fight me right now! I want to pay you back from my defeat! I just can't accept it!"

She's throwing a tantrum like a child on the floor.

"How about I just admit defeat to you right now?" I suggested to her.

Milim stood up then she grabbed my shirt and shook me.

"No! That won't count!" she cried.

I just patted her head and tried to calm her down.

"Sorry..." I smiled.


She cried even more and threw several punches to me.

"Divine Reflection... Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist!"

Using my Divine Eyes, I copied Silver Fang's Martial arts and used it to redirect Milim's tantrum attacks. Everyone in the room was being overwhelmed and got pushed away.


"Ahh! Rimuru-sama!"

Rimuru was pushed away because he's the closest to us when Shion quickly caught him and used her huge chest as a cushion.

"Thank you, Shion."

Lolisa sighed then she stood up and left the room.

Rimuru got mad and yelled us,

"Stop it, you two!!!"

After causing a big ruckus, we were reprimanded by Rimuru until midnight and we fell asleep in the living room.


In the morning, I still continued with my daily workout routine and ran around the town.


I saw several orcs and goblins walking on the streets, going to their work early. Rimuru's people are earnest unlike the guys in my home village.

After 10 kilometer run, I stopped by a vacant lot and did the sit-ups, push up and squats. While doing push-ups, I found Rimuru sitting on a rock, wearing a feminine clothes. He was watching me the whole time then he spoke out of boredom.

"I don't know what's the point of doing this workout and I haven't seen you drop a sweat."

"Well, it's part of my training and I can't skip even once a day of it."

"Milim told me everything on how you defeated her. Her attacks never hit you onceand you knocked her out with only a flick on her forehead."

Rimuru jumps down from the rock then he walks around me.

I pointed my thumb on my back and asked him.

"Get on. I need some weights on my back."


He hops on and sit on my back.

"That girl is a monster. If the fight prolongs, I will be absolutely defeated. Good thing, I defeated her quickly."

"You got reincarnated just like me, right? How was your past life?"

"I was a highschool drop out in my past life. As for my little sister, she was confined at the Hospital due to her condition. I don't know what happened to her after I died."

"So, you died before her. Now, I think of it, she looks quite familiar."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Hmmm... How should I say this... She looks like the girl from Anime I watch in my past life."

"You mean, Tokisaki Kurumi--"

"That's right! She looks like Tokisaki Kurumi! One of the best heroine in the series named Date A Live! That anime was really good with a lot of beautiful girls."

Rimuru pointed to me when he finally remembered in which things became awkward for me. Now, I just assumed that he knows most of anime worlds.

"But you look more beautiful than them." I decided to tease him.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I may sound teasing you but it's true."


He felt dejected and didn't spoke to me for a while.

(To be continued.)