
Never Again

"Good morning, sleepy head!" Kiehsa merrily greets me as I make my way downstairs to have breakfast.

"Seems like you're in a good mood today." I point out whilst getting food from the fridge. "Are you really that excited for the first day of class?"

"And why not?" She scoffed, "Kei, Kiefer is coming back! Aren't you excited to see your crush again?"

A frown immediately made its way on my face as I heard her. Wow! he still has the nerves to come back after everything? Hold on, why do I sound so bitter? We weren't really 'together' or anything? "No." I answered, "I won't forget how he humiliated me in front of the whole school, Kiesh and I'm sure that he hasn't changed, not one bit! He's still a cold and heartless jerk."

What happened at the bookstore yesterday, how he even laughed when I tripped and got scratched. He was still that same rude guy who would do everything to make you feel small.

But, the biggest BUT, I would never ever let him do that again. If he dares to do it again one more time, I won't think twice and fight back. I won't let him destroy my pride, not anymore.

Kiesh and Shai were gossiping nonstop as we made our way to our classrooms and as usual, a lot of people greet, while me? I just follow them in silence at the back..

"Is it true that we're in the same class as Kiefer?" I overheard Shai ask Kiesh as they simultaneously look back at me.


"Nothing, we're just wondering if you're excited to see him again. Shai teases. Then I remembered that they don't know what happened between me and Kief years ago."So Keira, are you excited?"

"Why would I be excited? I don't even want to see his face again." I responded. "Plus, past is past."

Right was we enter the room, Kiefer enters just behind us. I gave him a glare in an instant, the smug look on his face shows how amused he is at seeing me again. "Hi miss bookstore." He mocked.

My blood boiled just by being in the same room as him. I was about to hit him with my bag when someone butted in — Hanna, our class president whose only job is to flirt, "Hi Kiefer, I'm Hanna! Miss Kim said I'll be the one to tour you around campus and help you with our lessons if you ever need someone." She said with her annoying high pitched voice, obviously trying to act cute in front of the devil himself. Emphasis on the word trying.

"Uh, no need." He politely said. "I still know my way around the campus and besides, Keira's here to help me. Right, Kei?"

Eyes wide open as I pointed at myself, "Me?" I scoffed. "Why would I even help you? You still owe me something." I retorted before turning my back on them.

The audacity to speak to me like he didn't do anything wrong! "Hey Keira, why are you like this? Are we not friends?"

"Friends? Wow, big word." I sarcastically said.. "Coming from you, huh? Very funny."

"Okay, okay. If this is about what happened years ago, I'm sorry. I really am." I tried to ignore him and move away, yet he kept on pestering me and sat at the chair next to mine. Very annoying. "Kei, are we really not friends anymore?"

He stopped when I gave him another look of disgust, "Don't you recall what you told me back then? That you don't need me in your life? That you don't need a 'nerd' as your friend 'cause I only embarrass you in front of other people whenever you're with me? You honestly don't remember that? Huh?"

It was too late when I noticed the tears streaming down my face. Our classmates were all listening intently as if watching some sort of drama in real life.

"You know what Kief? I want a quiet and peaceful school year, so please...please, don't bother me anymore. Don't ever enter my life again, I'm begging you." I cried out as I completely turn away from him. Sitting at the very back of the room whilst I try to stop myself from crying even more.

Lunch time came and like always, I eat together with Kiesha and Shai. We all headed in the cafeteria earlier than most people do, making it easier to find a vacant table.

"You can wait here Kei, Shai and I will order our foods. You can look after our things instead, 'kay?" I nodded in response and watched them walk away from me to line up.

They were cheerfully laughing and I couldn't help myself from smiling as I observed them. Shai has been our best friend since God knows when, the only thing left for her to do is be adopted by our parents just so we get to be with her 24/7.

She's one of the few people that we trust and she knows that. She also knows what state our family is in, the reason why we don't let people be involved with us easily. I firmly believe that she won't break the trust that me and Kiesha gave her.

"Deep thoughts, huh?." I got distracted as I heard a voice. It was Kief and now he's with his friends. The friends he chose over someone like me.

"Woah! Is that Keira? Keirara!" Bobby cheekily teased at me, the so called best friend of Kiefer. "I missed you Kei, didn't you miss us?" He pouts as and tries to act all innocent.

"Kimbab, stop bullying Kei." Mr. Nice Guy Jayden, Kiefer's cousin, dismisses him. He was the only one I was really close to. He was nice to me even before I became friends with Kiefer, I dare even say he's like a big brother to me in school way back then. But that was before. "Sorry about them, you know how they are."

"Why are you all still pestering me?" I courageously asked. "You don't need me in your life and I don't need you in mine. So once again please, stop."

"Keira, why don't you let me explain?" Kiefer asks me. "What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing Kiefer, nothing because we seriously don't have anything to talk about, do we?" I was about to stand up when Shai and Kie came back. The only time Kiefer and his minions stopped paying attention to me.

"Oh, why didn't you let them sit?" Shai wondered once the three guys walked past them.

"Would you rather eat with them instead of me?' Her hand instantly made its way to my arm, leaving a red mark. "Ow! Do you want me to hit you back with this tray?"

"So hot headed, what happened today that made you so upset?" Kiesha asked as she handed me the burger and fries she ordered. "What did Kiefer do to you that you seem so mad whenever you see him?"

I groaned before answering, "You know what? Let's just eat in peace." I changed the topic. "We shouldn't talk about something that's supposed to be long forgotten."

"Ooh, bitter."

"Ooh, something?."

I ignored them and just focused on my meal. I'm definitely going to need a handful of energy if I'm going to see more of that jerk again.

Little did I know, someone was actually just watching from afar. Wishing that he could spend a little time with me. Again.