
What We Used To Be

It was summer after high school when we first met. It was a music camp, that's when I first saw Kiefer. He was a frustrated composer while I was a frustrated singer. We were only fifteen that time and because I was one of the people who often attended the summer camp, I became one of the assistants for the new members. That time, Kiefer was one of the new ones.

"Keira can you please assist Mr. Kim? You can handle him for a while, I just have a meeting to attend to." I nodded and got the clipboard from Ms. Soyou which contains all the details about Kiefer.

I was amazed with his background when I read it, it says he used to train in Korea before he shifted into composing. He was actually one of the promising trainees of one of the biggest music companies there.

I can already spot him from afar, seated on the sofa near the door. Wearing a white v neck shirt that complimented his body shape and his tattered denim pants. I quickly made my way to him, he was the only one left there and it seemed like the others were already out and about with their mentors.

"Hi! My name is Keira Lee, Ms. Soyou requested me to guide you for now as she still has a meeting to tend to. Therefore, I'll be the one mentoring you today!" I said, energetically. His eyes scanned me from the feet up and gave me a shy smile as our eyes met.

"I'm Kiefer."

I toured him around the place, we also shared the same practice room too since Ms. Soyou was also my mentor. In a short amount of time we became close, that was when I also found out the reason why he quit his training and why he also joined the summer camp.

"I just want to relieve the feeling. I want to feel the passion while making music. Plus, I have nothing to do this summer, but lock myself up at home and dwell on why Jayden was chosen instead of me." He took a chug at the can of beer in his hands and laughed softly, "Anyway, what about you? What brings you here?"

"Me?" A smile forming on my lips. "I've always wanted to be a singer, which is obviously far from reality and my parents are definitely against it. Even my stay here was a total pain in the ass."


"What why?"

"Why don't you try? try and fight for your dreams?" He asked me, the frown on his forehead being evident which caused me to chuckle.

"Because I can't and I don't have the chance to. You have no idea what kind of life we have, Kief. It's just so hard to be part of a Conglomerate family, all the attention is on you, all your moves are being monitored and they never wanted a celebrity in the family, they want everyone to be focused on our business and nothing else. We have no other choice but to live by their rules, they basically control our lives. So, do you still think my dreams matter?" There was a good five minutes silence between us before I was taken aback by his arm being around my shoulders.

"Yes it does, Kei. Your dreams still matter so let me help you achieve it."

And that's how our friendship started, we spent the whole summer break together. I was stunned by him when it came to composing, he can even compose a song in just one sitting--that's how talented he is.

"We need to perform for the last day, do you have something in mind?" I asked whilst jotting down some possible ideas. According to Ms. Soyou, we can either perform as a solo or as a duet, so we agreed to do a duet instead.

"Well, I actually prepared something." He clicked some things on his laptop and a very addicting and enticing melody started to play. "I wrote this last night, because we are both obviously trying to find someone to fight back our loneliness in life and eventually we found each other." He smiled. "This song suits us perfectly 'cause we both have no one to rely on other than ourselves."

And yeah, the last day came and we were set to perform last. I was so nervous because for the first time in the history of the summer camp, our parents were invited in secret. How did I find out?

I found Kiesha in the crowd and she's with our brother and our mom.

"Kief, I don't think I can go out there. I just found my family, they are right there!" I was obviously panicking, I didn't know what to do to be honest. Other than Kiesh and Keith, no one else in the family knew about this summer camp shits. I don't know how mommy knew about this or maybe Keisha's talkativeness has finally crossed its line.

Forever trouble maker, Kiesha Lee.

"Don't be nervous, I'm right here with you. Just imagine that it's just us two on the stage, us and Ms. Soyou. Don't think about your family or what they even have to say." He squeezed my hand tightly just to assure me that everything will be fine.

And he was right, our performance ended well. I saw how mom stood up and clapped along with the other audiences and I felt like for once, my talent was recognized by my family and it's because of Kiefer.

I thought that was the last time that I'll ever get to see him, not until the first day of classes came and we scared each other when I rounded a corner in the hallway and he was right there.

"Keira?" he was so confused that time, I was very different in school and in camp. I always try to hide myself with these nerdy things, my big eyeglasses and semi old lady clothing. "You look different."

"You never told me you go here." I asked with a smile. I scooted closer before whispering at him, "Don't say anything related about the summer camp, alright? No one knows here at school that I'm attending camps during summers."

"You don't want people to know? Your talent deserves to be seen."

"You already know the reason, right?"

"Is it still like that? I thought everything went okay after that?"

"I thought so too."I sighed and looked around. "When we got home, dad was already waiting for us. He got furious, even when mommy tried to calm him down he was still fuming mad. Eventually, it didn't matter that they went there with mommy in secret that day, news still reached dad. He even said that mom was being too considerate."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He replied with a down tone.

"Don't be sorry, come on. It's fine." I tried answering cheerfully. "I'm used to how my dad treats me."

At that time, I didn't know what to do with all the happiness I was starting to feel. Everyday we'd be each other's company, almost becoming a couple. He would take me to dates, those typical flirting moments.

I started to open up myself to him, 'cause I thought he wasn't like other people who would only use me for their own benefit.

But I was wrong, I was fucking wrong.

Because as time went by, I felt him slowly drifting away from me.

Until one day, I woke up and he acted like he didn't know who I was.

"Kiefer, let's talk please. Is there a problem?" I asked him, I kept trying to ask him earlier, but he was really acting as if I didn't exist. I felt like such a fool because of what I was doing. I didn't care though, I really needed to talk to him.

I needed to know what happened and why he was acting like this.

He finally faced me with an annoyed expression, he's with Jayden and Bobby, his two cousins. "What is your problem? Why are you always following me around?" The volume of his voice was so thunderous that the other students began to look.

And the center of attention is now on us.

It was like I didn't know the Kiefer I was face to face with right now, "I just want us to talk."

"We don't have anything to talk about, Keira. There's no 'us' to talk about, hmm?" I was shocked, I didn't know what to make up of the words coming out of his mouth. I didn't understand why everything ended. "Look, whatever you want to say, just keep it to yourself. And besides, we were never really friends in the first place, so can you please stop being a bother?"

I was left there, alone. With everyone starting to mock me, calling me names. For the first time in a while, I again felt like I was alone.

Thanks to him.