Chapter two

After half an hour of driving in traffic, we finally pull up outside the hotel.

Yanking my earbuds out I open the door and step out of the car making sure to shut the door hard.

"You know this isn't even my car," he speaks up as he rounds the car to walk beside me. Rolling my eyes I tell him " And do you know that I couldn't care."

I feel his glare on the side of my head as we make our way into the hotel reception. I choose to ignore Lucas and instead, I take it in how beautiful inside here is.

Black and white tile floors, Deep grey walls, lights that hang down in front of the windows. It's just as fancy and beautiful as I thought it would be.

Following Lucas inside I scan my head taking in all the couples and family's, that's having lunch. Even though I tell myself I don't care a pain hits me seeing all these family's happy. It's not why I'm here, mum doesn't visit me much. It's usually me flying out there to stay for the summer.

I follow Lucas until we reach the table at the far back, "I got her," he says like I'm some kind of package he had to go and pick up.

Narrowing my eyes and mumbling under my breath I take a seat. Squaring my shoulders and taking a breath I lift my eyes and come face-to-face with my mum and Thomas.

Sitting gracefully in a blue dress, her dark brown hair is in a bob that just passes her chin. Same eyes and lips as me there's no mistaking she's my mother.

Looking at her now you would never think she had a drug problem at one period of time. I turn to Thomas who is in a dark blue suit, blue shirt and blue tie. Dark brown hair and a square jaw that's clean shaved, Thomas is exactly someone who screams wealth. His nose is big and it matches in well with a massive head. He also has the same striking blue eyes as his son. Honestly, I didn't think they know another colour other than blue.

"Your late," says Thomas raising one eyebrow in my direction.

"Couldn't find my phone and I slept in," is all I say.

"What she means is she got drunk and had a party, should have seen the house this morning it was disgusting." The revulsion in Lucas's voice is obvious and I bite my tongue from snapping back at him.

My ma and Thomas exchange glances and whatever they're thinking, it isn't gonna be good.

"Where was John," Thomas Asks Lucas.

"Not there,"

Taking a deep breath I lift my eyes and look across at Thomas

"What do you both want to see me for?"I ask him.

"Let's get you breakfast then we will talk".

"Maybe it will sober her up enough to handle a conversation," Mutters Lucas.

Gritting my teeth I don't bother replying. It would be pointless anyway, everything I say they don't listen to. No one does.

Nobody cares what I have to say just as long As I do what they want. I might be fifteen but, I have seen things grown men and women wouldn't be able to stand. When I'm around mum, Lucas and Thomas they make me feel like a stupid kid and I hate it.

"How is school," asks my mother changing the subject.

Shrugging my shoulders I say, "I left."

The table goes quiet for a brief moment until...

"What do you mean you left," She replies looking at me with her mouth half-open.

"I mean I left, I hated it. I didn't want to go to school anymore so I'm starting college later this year, I don't need school to start college so it seemed pointless," I reply.

It's only half the truth. I am going to college but I don't hate school, I just didn't have time for it.

The waiter comes over bringing food that stops the conversation thankfully.

The smell of toast, eggs bacon and beans makes my mouth water. I suppose having a Hangover will do that to you.

Sipping my tea and eating my food the tension at the table is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Thomas, mum and Lucas keep stealing glances at each other having a silent conversation. Since I was late everyone else had breakfast so I'm the only one eating at the table. Feeling all their eyes on me I take one last bite and drop the fork hard. Ok enough is enough.

Pushing my plate away I look and say.

"Right what is it? Why are you all here? I can't take the tension anymore and as nice as this has been I need to get going. I have the key of the house and dads at work plus I'm meeting Scott later so can we get this over with and tell me what you want.

To start with no one says anything. Ma looks at Thomas and he nods his head

"Keira hunni," she starts off in her sweet voice, "Me and Thomas have been talking and we have decided with you turning sixteen now. We. would really like it if you would um," she swallows heavily before Finishing, "Come and live with us?" she asks me looking hopeful.

This isn't the first time they have asked this but, it's the first time they have come all this way. I have a feeling there's more to it. Before I can say anything she says  "I know you live with your dad baby, but I don't want you to anymore. I want you to come with us, your family back home." she says while taking my hands in hers, "I miss you, I never wanted to leave you, baby you know that,". I can't believe she's saying this again, and in public out of all places.

How many times will I need to say it?

Looking at my mother I take a deep breath and say. "No, I don't want to live with you, I have dad and I have Scott this is my home mum."

She looks at me and gives me a sad smile "I know you love Scott, but Keira you're only fifteen, you don't know what love is yet baby." she says while moving a strand of hair that's Failing out. Before I can say anything Lucas interrupts.

"We know about your dad Keira," he says. "We know he's not at work, We know what he's been doing so don't even try and deny it. He's not fit to look after you and if you don't want to come with us willingly, then dad will fight for custody and they will get it because your daddy's a fucked up junkie same as boyfriend is turning into."

"Lucas that's enough," Snaps Thomas.

The Table is silent.

I'm speechless, they weren't supposed to know this. How the fuck did they find out? My Dads got a problem but he's trying to get clean. He's trying to get better but when you have as many demons as he has, it's not easy. This is all their fault anyway, if they would never have messed Him up he wouldn't be like this. I don't want to cause a scene but beggars can't be choosers and my mouth seems to have a mind of itself.

"Screw you, You don't know anything about my father, and you know nothing about Scott, so take you stuck up opinion and stick it up your Ars Lucas" I shout. Turning to Thomas and my mother I can't stop the words escaping my mouth.

"I don't want to live with you. Temporary or Permanently understand? I'm happy here. I have Scott and I know dads sick but he's getting better. You can't force me to move there mom." I half shout and everybody stops to look at us.

"Keira that's enough. We didn't come here for a fight," Says Thomas sighing. "But, Lucas is right. You will be coming with us don't make it harder than it has to be. We love you Keira and your not safe staying there anymore."

Jumping up from the table I grab my phone and turn round making my way out of the hotel. Ignoring them shouting my name after me I speed up and continue forward. If they think I'm leaving my father and Scott they have another thing coming. When I stay with them I feel like an outsider. Their life is not my life.

I don't like their house. I don't like their friends and I hate Lucas. Stepping outside I make my way to the Bus-stop before the tears start coming down. Why do they do this to me? Mum left me and dad years ago for A better life with Thomas. She raised Lucas as her son and forgot all about me unless it was convenient. She has no right to come here and demanded I leave.

Well, she might have left dad and me but no way am I doing that to Scott and my father.

As the bus Approaches, I wipe the tears with the back of my hand and stand up.

If they think they can take me, I would like to see them try.